Advantages and disadvantages of keeping animals in zoos эссе по английскому

Эссе на тему «Преимущества и недостатки содержания животных в зоопарках»


Предварительный просмотр:

Essay  “Should animals live in zoos or not?”

Most people would agree that almost everyone loves watching animals in zoos. But they have, however, not only advantages but disadvantages.  

There are many positive aspects to keep animals in zoos.  To begin with, there we can learn new facts about animals’ lives. Due to quick urbanization and deforestation many species cannot live in their natural habitat anymore. That’s why zoos and reservations exist. Also, a lot of people think that is a perfect place for animals because they are always fed, well-treated and live in  good conditions.

On the other hand,  keeping animals in zoos would have its disadvantages. Firstly, animals have to live as close to their natural habitat as possible . Besides in some zoos aren’t quite spacious cages and animals can just move in a small area of fenced space.

All things considered, although there are a lot of disadvantages to keep animals in zoos, it has more positive points. Workers of  zoos are trying to recreate the most optimal wildlife habitat.    

Предварительный просмотр:

Essay  “Should animals live in zoos or not?”

Most people would agree that almost everyone loves watching animals in zoos. But they have, however, not only advantages but disadvantages.  

There are many positive aspects to keep animals in zoos.  To begin with, there we can learn new facts about animals’ lives. Due to quick urbanization and deforestation many species cannot live in their natural habitat anymore. That’s why zoos and reservations exist. Also, a lot of people think that is a perfect place for animals because they are always fed, well-treated and live in  good conditions.

On the other hand,  keeping animals in zoos would have its disadvantages. Firstly, animals have to live as close to their natural habitat as possible . Besides in some zoos aren’t quite spacious cages and animals can just move in a small area of fenced space.

All things considered, although there are a lot of disadvantages to keep animals in zoos, it has more positive points. Workers of  zoos are trying to recreate the most optimal wildlife habitat.    

There are a lot of zoos in the world. Every year millions of people, especially children, visit them as one of the main entertainments. They enjoy watching rare and wild animal species there.

In my opinion, a zoo is a thing of the past. People begin to realize that a zoo is like a prison for animals. This place is not their natural habitat. It is created for the pleasure of people, not for animals. And it is terribly stressful for miserable creatures to be kept in tiny and dirty cages. No doubt that animal behavior may become aggressive and unpredictable in such conditions.

However, today modern zoos have become more natural. They can help endangered wild animals to survive. Rare animals are bred there, so they increase in number and are saved from extinction. Another reason in favour of zoos is that these places help us to learn more about animals’ behavior. They serve as big laboratories for scientists. On the other hand, animals seldom behave naturally in zoos. It doesn’t matter what people do for them, animals would prefer to run and hunt in the wild. We can learn much more about them observing them in their natural habitat.

To sum up, I would like to say that the idea of keeping animals in zoos should not be supported. It might be enjoyable to visit a zoo but we must realize that animals are exploited for money and they suffer in captivity there. It is quite obvious that big animals should not live in cages. It would be much better to create large nature reserves where animals are kept under protection and treated fairly. Such places will help all animal species of our planet to survive.


В мире существует много зоопарков. Каждый год миллионы людей, особенно детей, посещают их, как одно из основных развлечений. Там им нравится наблюдать за редкими и дикими видами животных.

По моему мнению, зоопарк – это пережиток прошлого. Люди начинают понимать, что зоопарк похож на тюрьму для животных. Это место не является их естественной средой обитания. Оно создано для удовольствия людей, а не для животных. И для несчастных созданий это ужасный стресс – быть закрытыми в крошечных грязных клетках. Без сомнения, в таких условиях поведение животных может стать агрессивным и непредсказуемым.

Однако современные зоопарки сегодня стали более естественными. Они могут способствовать сохранению исчезающих видов диких животных. Редких животных там разводят, поэтому их число растет, и их спасают от вымирания. Другой причиной в пользу зоопарков является тот факт, что эти места помогают нам больше узнавать о поведении животных. Они служат ученым в качестве лабораторий. С другой стороны, животные редко ведут себя в зоопарке как в природе. Не важно, что делают люди для них, животные предпочли бы бегать и охотиться в дикой природе. Мы можем намного больше узнать о них, наблюдая за ними в их естественной среде обитания.

Подводя итоги, хотелось бы сказать, что идею содержания животных в зоопарке не следует поддерживать. Посещение зоопарка может быть приятным, но мы должны осознавать, что животных эксплуатируют ради денег, и они страдают там в плену. Это очевидно, что крупные животные не должны жить в клетках. Было бы намного лучше создать большие природные заповедники, где животных содержат под защитой и обращаются с ними справедливо. Такие места будут способствовать выживанию на нашей планете всех видов животных.

Зоопарки – за и против (Zoos – for and against)4.1 out of
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35 votes

Writing about various creature types going about their daily lives in the zoo is a fun topic for an essay. From their living space to great animal shows even issues on endangered animals being in captivity, you will be spoilt for choice in choosing a solid angle to approach it from.

This essay weighs the pros and cons of keeping animals in zoos, and whether or not the other is for or against it. If you also want to try writing about the advantages and disadvantages of zoos, we have excellent essay writing services that are perfect for you.

These days, a majority of wild animals stay in zoos. These are present everywhere across the globe, and it is a good way of familiarizing people with different types of fun creatures. Furthermore, it does not endanger the lives of people and saves money on traveling costs to other countries.

Girl In White Sleeveless Top And Skirt Near Aquarium

Facilities enable people to have fun, as they are a platform for family-friendly adventures within the vicinity. However, there are some downsides to keeping wild animals in the facility. This essay seeks to present some advantages and disadvantages of keeping animals in zoos.

The Upsides of Keeping Exotic Animals in Zoos

A good reason to have facilities is to protect animal rights by lowering the risk that these face inside the facility. Endangered species are still being hunted today by poachers for their meat, ivory, and fur, which is despicable.

Zoos serve as safe places for most animals. Those living in facilities are entitled to beautiful and safe surroundings since they are not subject to the stresses of wildlife. With talented and intelligent zookeepers, their safety, hygiene, and proper care are also guaranteed for the most part.

According to the design of most zoos, creatures tend to stay near natural resources like water or pastures. This is because these bodies of land and water thoughtfully separate different animals from each other, and from visitors as well.

Furthermore, zoos play a vital role in the educational system. Children in schools learn about various kinds of wild animals and endangered species. They visit zoos to see the creatures up close and personal, which is very fascinating to them. They have the opportunity to learn more about the type of food they consume, how many there still are of them in the world, and the natural habitats they may occupy and thrive in. This then increases their awareness of the need to protect endangered animals.

Lastly, keeping creatures in facilities is an essential strategy to maintain and sustain several endangered species, especially those that face the danger of extinction. Facilities safeguard rare and valuable species from hunters and other cruel individuals.

The Downsides of Keeping Wild Animals Inside Facilities

There are several disadvantages to consider in establishing facilities. First, the confinement of animals in zoos has an adverse impact on their psychology. While the landscaping is intentional, the environmental conditions do not in any way match the freedom creatures have to roam when in the wild.

The process of capturing animals to take them to facilities is also an unpleasant experience, as most of them prefer to stay and enjoy life in their natural habitat. Facilities may mean limited space and mobility, and this may hinder them from living in accordance with their natural routines.

At the same time, some wild creatures are not able to reproduce in facilities; therefore, it ironically predisposes such species to extinction risks. Creatures living in a zoo may also find the confinement stressful. Some may also receive brutal and cruel treatment.

Those born in facilities may never have the chance to exist in their natural environment and lead a normal life on their own. And even if they are released back into the wild, their chances of survival are slim.

Finally, in most cases, people visiting facilities have different motives other than learning. They can be careless with the well-being of the creatures as they disturb them with unnecessary screaming, teasing, and throwing of things. This destroys these creatures’ capacity to be comfortable in facilities and diminishes their confidence.


After going through these pros and cons, it appears that taking custody of creatures in facilities has more advantages than disadvantages. It is beneficial for most wild animals since they receive maximum protection and they have the assurance that they are safe at all times. They don’t live with fears of attacks from strangers for personal gains. They also enjoy good living conditions there.

Mother and her Daughters Feeding the Birds

Most importantly, facilities also boost the country in terms of economy, tourism, and information because many people pay to visit the space to acquire knowledge. Whether children or adults, these places provide a unique opportunity to educate people on the wide variety of species from around the world.

Animals In Captivity Essay (Short Essay Sample)

Have you ever visited a zoo and, after enjoying a day of fun activities and animal shows, suddenly thought to yourself, “How do I feel about these different creatures being in captivity?”

While I have admittedly been to many facilities and enjoy the multiple types of interesting creatures they feature, I believe that protecting creatures should be the facility’s sole purpose. It upsets me whenever I witness visitors and caretakers treat these wonderful creatures insensitively for the sake of having a good time.

It is so important for me that a zoo has enough room for each animal species not just to survive, but thrive. Mimicking their natural habitats is so important when it comes to laying out the facility. The place also has to be a platform for increasing awareness and knowledge of the many species that are in danger of becoming extinct.

As human beings, we have the privilege to be caretakers of these creatures who roam our planet. In keeping animals in zoos, we have to keep in mind that the environment we set up for them should still allow them to exist in nature, under good living conditions.


What Are 3 Benefits To Zoos?

  • They boost local tourism. These facilities are a unique selling point for tourists, especially if your particular offering features rare breeds of exotic animals that are hard to spot anywhere else.
  • They are a hedge of protection for endangered species. For many of these creatures, leaving them in the wild to fend for themselves makes them vulnerable to hunters and poachers seeking to make a profit off their assets.
  • They educate people on important planetary issues. By seeing creatures up close, visitors are immersed in a wildlife experience that gives them a firsthand glimpse of what life for each species looks like. At the same time, they gain greater awareness of extinction issues and are given the opportunity to contribute to the animal preservation cause.

Why Is It Bad To Keep Animals In Zoos?

On the other end of the spectrum, people are against keeping creatures in zoos because of the possibility of abuse and cruelty. Not all zookeepers are good people and are simply after profit. Elephants in Thailand, for instance, are notoriously hut and abused so that they can keep going to entertain visitors. Some of these creatures experience mental issues as a result of the bad treatment they receive from their caretakers. Also, there are people who don’t favor the idea of keeping creatures in cages. The concept of it seems cruel and restricting to them as if creatures are being kept from freedom of movement.

Advantages of a zoo

  1. Visiting a zoo is a wonderful way of spending time. Both children and adults like going to the zoo. Nowadays zoos in big cities have become real places of interest with lots of tourists.
  2. Zoo is a place where lots of animals can be seen with one’s own eyes. Zoo is an opportunity to approach dangerous predators, feed exotic creatures and observe other tiny and huge specimens of diverse animal world.
  3. Lots of zoos are also working towards preservation of rare and endangered species. Preservation of biodiversity on our planet is very important and complex work. The more zoos will aim to protect the environment, the more chances we have to save our planet.
  4. Zoo is quite an educational place as well. Apart from just looking at animals, people can read about them and learn more about their habitats. In modern zoos animals are kept in conditions which are close to natural ones.

Disadvantages of a zoo

  1. There are still too many zoos where animals are kept in poor conditions. Sometimes big animals do not have enough space to move. Sometimes animals are kept in climatic conditions which they are not used to.
  2. You will only enjoy visiting a zoo in good weather. In cold or rainy weather people do not usually go to the zoo. Too much sun is not good either. In hot weather a lot of animals can hide, so you will not be able to see all of them.
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Плюсы зоопарка

  1. Поход в зоопарк – это хороший способ приятно провести время. В зоопарк любят ходить как дети, так и взрослые. Сегодня зоопарки в крупных городах стали настоящими достопримечательностями с множеством туристов.
  2. Зоопарк – это место, где можно воочию увидеть многих животных. Зоопарк – это возможность приблизиться к опасным хищникам, покормить экзотических существ и понаблюдать за другими мелкими и крупными представителями богатого животного мира.
  3. Многие зоопарки также работают над сохранением редких и исчезающих видов животных. Сохранение биоразнообразия на нашей планете – очень важная и сложная работа. Чем больше зоопарков будут стремиться защищать окружающую среду, тем больше у нас шансов спасти нашу планету.
  4. Зоопарк – это также место, где можно узнать много нового. Помимо простого наблюдения за животными, люди могут прочитать о них и узнать больше о среде их обитания. В современных зоопарках животных содержат в условиях близких к естественным.

Минусы зоопарка

  1. По-прежнему существует много зоопарков, где животных держат в плохих условиях. Иногда у крупных животных недостаточно пространства, чтобы передвигаться. Иногда животных содержат в климатических условиях, к которым они не привыкли.
  2. Настоящее удовольствие от посещения зоопарка можно получить, только если пойти туда в хорошую погоду. Обычно люди не ходят в зоопарк в холодную или дождливую погоду. Слишком много солнца тоже плохо. В жаркую погоду животные могут прятаться, и вы не сможете увидеть их всех.
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 1.The advantages and the disadvantages of keeping animals in zoos.

200-250 words.

the following plan:

Introduction. (State the problem)

Express your opinion and give reasons for it.

Give other people’s arguments and explain why they are wrong.

        4. Make a conclusion.

Let us consider what advantages and disadvantages of
keeping animals in the zoos are. I think that one of the central advantages is
education that people receive visiting zoo. People can see, listen to, smell or
even touch different wild animals from all around the world in one single
place. Researchers can learn a lot about animals by observing their behavior
and life style in the zoo.

keeping animals in captivity is a great way to help endangered species. Zoos
keep rare species alive. Animals in zoos are always fed, well-treated and live
in good conditions there.

     However, to
my mind there are some disadvantages of keeping animals in zoos.

     To begin
with, the habitat and the climate in zoos can differ from their native
environment. Animals may be kept in small cages, They can suffer from unnatural
habitats and stress.

Furthermore, nowadays many zoos don’t have enough living space in zoos.
It is really cruel when tropical animals spend time outside in winter. Some
tigers and rare species of birds are forced to live in small cages. Taking
everything into account there can be both advantages and disadvantages of
keeping animals in zoos.

I believe that zoos are very interesting places of entertainment, but I don’t
think that we should keep animals in captivity, because they need to be free.

(223 слова)

Thanks in advance for commenting on my work.

animals in captivity

Topic: Some experts believe it is better for animals to live in zoos where they are safe and are given all the food they need

Do you think that living in zoos has more advantages or more disadvantages for animals?

We have been keeping animals in zoos for a very long time. It is believed that because zoos can provide safety and food to animals, it is better for them to live there. However, there are several points we should take account of when doing this.

The advantages of the zoos are obvious. When staying in the zoos, the animals are safe from predators, harsh environment conditions, and are provided with enough and proper food and care. For animals that are rare or in danger of extinction, this is also a crucial part of action to an effort of conservation and protection. As they can lead peaceful life without worrying about anything, we can help them gradually raise their number again. Therefore, zoos play an essential part of taking after animal activities.

Nevertheless, for the animals kept in zoos, there are also some drawbacks. They can easily lose their natural habits and instincts when separated from their natural habitat for too long, so it’s difficult for it to return to wildlife. For example, a lion born and growing up in zoo environment couldn’t know how to hunt preys and live out of the zoo. Moreover, the conditions and facilities of some of the zoos, such as some ones in Vietnam, are not really well preserved and developed, on top of that, the hot and humid weather of Vietnam might make a huge difficulty for them, so the animals may not be taken after well enough and be in good state. Thus, for the sake of animal, it is best that we should be mindful of these factors and attempt to build their living space to be as near to their natural habitat as possible.

Based on the points given above, although zoos protect animals in captivity and contribute to the conservation, we also have to pay attentions to the states of the zoos to create suitable environment for animals’ overall development. In my view, the advantages are equal to the disadvantages.

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