Deform 3d методичка

Общее руководство по работе с инженерным программным комплексом DEFORM, Таупек И.М., Кабулова Е.Г., Положенцев К.А., Лисовский А.В., Макаров А.В., 2015

Учебное пособие описывает основные принципы работы с инженерным программным комплексом DEFORM, разработанным американской компанией Scientific Forming Technologies Corporation (SFTC) и предназначенным для анализа технологических процессов обработки металлов давлением и термической обработки. В пособии рассматриваются вопросы подготовки исходных данных для расчёта, включающие особенности подготовки моделей, задания свойств материалов и управления движением рабочим инструментом, а также возможности редактирования встроенной базы данных материалов. Приводятся рекомендации по выполнению моделирования различных процессов ОМД и термообработки. Пособие полезно для инженеров-технологов, научных работников, аспирантов и студентов, занимающихся вопросами и проблемами процессов обработки металлов давлением и термической обработки.

Общее руководство по работе с инженерным программным комплексом DEFORM, Таупек И.М., Кабулова Е.Г., Положенцев К.А., Лисовский А.В., Макаров А.В., 2015


DEFORM специализированный инженерный программный комплекс, предназначенный для анализа процессов обработки металлов давлением, термической и механической обработки, разработанный американской компанией Scientific Forming Technologies Corporation (SFTC), являющейся лидером в области моделирования процессов обработки металлов давлением. DEFORM позволяет моделировать практически все процессы, применяемые в обработке металлов давлением (ковка, штамповка, прокатка, прессование и др.), а также операции термической обработки (закалка, старение, отпуск и др.) и механообработки (фрезерование, сверление и др.). Это делает DEFORM мощным инструментом, позволяющим проверить, отработать и оптимизировать технологические процессы, используя на различных этапах исследований только компьютер, а не дорогостоящие эксперименты на производстве. Благодаря этому появляется возможность проверить множество вариантов рассматриваемого процесса, что существенно повышает точность и достоверность полученных результатов исследований, а также возникает возможность буквально заглянуть внутрь заготовки. Программный комплекс применяется по всему миру, как на промышленных предприятиях, так и в научно-исследовательских институтах и технических университетах, является самым распространенным программным комплексом для моделирования процессов обработки металлов давлением, заслуженно считается одной из наиболее точных системой для моделирования сложных трехмерных процессов пластического деформирования металлов.


1. Подготовка исходных моделей.
2. Препроцессор DEFORM-3D.
2.1 Загрузка моделей и присвоение свойств материала объектам.
2.2 Настройка конечно-элементной сетки.
2.3 Настройка окон плотности конечно-элементной сетки.
2.4 Настройка граничных условий.
2.5 Настройка параметров расчета.
2.6 Настройка движения объектов.
2.7 Создание базы данных и запуск расчета.
3. Постпроцессор DEFORM-3D.
3.1 Настройка отображения рассчитанных параметров процесса.
3.2 Построение графиков энергосиловых параметров.
3.3 Отображение контактных поверхностей.
3.4 Задание и отслеживание отдельных точек в конечно-элементной сетке.
3.5 Задание координатных сеток.
3.6 Задание разрезов и сечений.
3.7 Настройка многооконного режима.
3.8 Настройка размеров изображения для сохранения результатов.
3.9 Управление и сохранение анимации.
3.10 Настройка различных цветовых схем для шкалы отображения.
4. Использование плоскостей симметрии при моделировании.
5. Использование плоской задачи при моделировании.
5.1 Создание и подготовка применяемых моделей.
5.2 Работа с Препроцессором модуля DEFORM Integrated 2D/3D.
5.3 Работа с Постпроцессором DEFORM Integrated 2D/3D.
6. Создание и редактирование реологических моделей материалов.
7. Моделирование операций термообработки.
7.1 Подготовка моделей.
7.2 Препроцессор модуля «Термическая обработка».
7.3 Просмотр результатов в Постпроцессоре.
8. Особенности моделирования некоторых процессов ОМД.
8.1 Моделирование прокатки.
8.2 Моделирование волочения сплошного профиля.
Библиографический список.

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Таупек :: Кабулова :: Положенцев :: Лисовский :: Макаров :: 2015 :: DEFORM :: инженерия

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  • Стеклодувное дела, Веселовский С.Ф., 1952
  • Организация движения на железнодорожном транспорте, Боровикова М.С., 2003
  • В мире занимательных фактов, Земляной Б., Чевокина Ю., 1963

Предыдущие статьи:

  • Информационно-документационная деятельность, Ташлыкова А.Н., Рябиничева Т.Н., Ночка Е.И., 2016
  • Дороги мира, История и современность, Иванов И.А., 2017
  • История декоративно-прикладного искусства, От древнейших времён до наших дней, де Моран А., 1982
  • Инженерные расчеты при разработке нефтяных месторождений, Том 1, Скважина — промысловый сбор, Артемьев В.Н., Ибрагимов Г.З., Иванов А.И., 2004

Автор:В.С. Паршин, А.П. Карамышев, И.И. Некрасов, А.И. Пугин, А.А. Федулов
Название: Практическое руководство к программному комплексу Deform
Издательство: УРФУ
ISBN: 978-5-321-01772-2
Год: 2010
Формат: JPG
Размер: 391МВ

Учебное пособие посвящено системному описанию принципов работы с программным комплексом DEFORM-3D американской фирмы Scientific Forming Technologies Corporation (SFTC), направленным на проведение конечно-элементного анализа различных технологических процессов металлообработки. Пособие затрагивает вопросы создания инструмента и заготовки, их разбиения конечными элементами, назначения механических свойств, граничных условий, управления работой процессора. Приведены также примеры решения задач с применением рассматриваемого программного комплекса, что придает учебному пособию особую практическую ценность. Пособие полезно для инженеров-разработчиков, научных работников, аспирантов и студентов, в особенности занимающихся исследованиями технологических процессов и оборудования в области обработки металлов давлением.


KorovnikovAV · Опубликовано: 23 минуты назад

А потом позвонил
И со слезами просил:
— Мой милый, хороший,
Пришли мне калоши,
И мне, и жене, и Тотоше.

— Постой, не тебе ли
На прошлой неделе
Я выслал две пары
Отличных калош?
— Ах, те, что ты выслал
На прошлой неделе,
Мы давно уже съели
И ждем, не дождемся,
Когда же ты снова пришлешь
К нашему ужину
Новых и сладких калош!


Имею спросить, обувью питаешься? 

Чтобы что? На английском говорит 1,5 миллиарда человек, и 90% из них за орфографию и произношенипроизношение учительница города Асбест Свердловской области поставила бы в лучшем случае трояк. Однако все всех понимают. 

Классики говорили «не делайте из еды культа», так вот, перефразирую — » Не делайте из орфографии культа». Если ты душнила по орфографии с тобой никто особо говорить не захочет дальше «пакет нужен»? 




Создание новой задачи

Установка параметров расчета

Загрузка данных объекта

Управление экраном

Выбор точки

Другие кнопки окна Экран (DISPLAY)

Сохранение задачи

Выход из DEFORM-3D

1.1. Создание новой задачи

На unix-машине введите
DEFORM3 для запуска DEFORM™-3D. На
Windows-машине нажмите кнопку

и выберите DEFORM-3D из меню. Откроется
главное (MAIN) окно DEFORM-3D, как показано

Создайте новую задачу
выбрав Файл>Новая задача или нажав
кнопку Новая задача


Появиться окно
Параметры задачи. Используйте
установки по умолчанию для запуска
препроцессора DEFORM-3D (не используйте ни
один из мастеров) и нажмите кнопку


Нажмите кнопку

для определения расположения новой
задачи как ’В домашней директории’.

В поле Название
, введите Block и нажмите


Будет открыт препроцессор
DEFORM-3D. Препроцессор разделен на несколько
различных секций — называемых Экран,
Дерево Объектов и Данные Объектов.
Вверху экрана также находится ряд
кнопок. Эти кнопки будут описаны, так
как они встречаются в лабораторных
работах. Наиболее важные из этих кнопок
находятся справа вверху. Из-за их
важности дается краткое описание




Настройки задачи

В этом меню определяются все параметры
расчета и критерии остановки.


В этом меню определяются свойства

Позиционирование объектов

С помощью этого элемента управления
осуществляется позиционирование

Взаимодействие объектов

В этом меню определяются отношения
между объектами.

Генерация базы данных

Когда все операции препроцессора
выполнены, это меню используется для
создания базы данных для расчета.


С помощью этой кнопки осуществляется
выход из препроцессора и возврат в
Главное (MAIN) окно.

Дерево Объектов

Данные Объектов

1 Экран .2. Установка параметров расчета

Нажмите кнопку

для открытия окна Настройки задачи.
Измените Заголовок задачи на Block.
Убедитесь, что Единицы измерения
установлены как English и выбран пункт
Деформации (помечен флажком). Для
завершения нажмите кнопку

1.3. Загрузка данных объекта

Добавьте объект в
задачу, нажав кнопку Добавить объект

внизу Дерева объектов. Измените
Название объекта с Object 1 на Block
и нажмите

Установите Тип Объекта – Пластичный
(Plastic). В DEFORM поверхность объекта
называется геометрия. Для импорта
геометрии объекта нажмите кнопку

и затем кнопку


Самый общий тип файлов
для импорта геометрии в DEFORM-3D –
стереолитография -.STL файл. Геометрия
для блока находится в файле Block_Billet.STL
папке DEFORM3DV5.0Labs. Найдите этот файл,
выберите его и нажмите кнопку

для импорта геометрии в DEFORM. Геометрия
прямоугольного блока должна появиться
Окне экран.

Теперь, когда определена
геометрия Блока, может быть сгенерирована
конечно-элементная сетка объекта.

для открытия окна Управление разбиением

Нажмите кнопку

чтобы увидеть как выглядит поверхностная
сетка при использовании настроек по
умолчанию. Так как поверхностная сетка
выглядит хорошо, нажмите кнопку

для завершения процесса построения
сетки. Когда построение сетки завершится,
объект должен иметь 5000 элементов,
которые можно увидеть в Дереве Объектов
или в разделе Сводка окна Управление
разбиением сетки

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

  • #
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  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #

Лабораторные работы. — Москва: Инжиниринговая компания Артех, 2008. — 98 с.

DEFORM-3D – мощная система моделирования технологических процессов, предназначенная для анализа трехмерного (3D) поведения металла при различных процессах обработки давлением. DEFORM-3D предоставляет важную информацию о течении материала в штампе и распределении температур во время процесса деформирования.
DEFORM-3D позволяет моделировать такие процессы как: ковка, горячая, полугорячая и холодная штамповка, прессование, прокатка, вытяжка и многие другие процессы.


Позиционирование инструментов и препроцессор.
Расчет ковки и постпроцессор.
Квадратное кольцо.
Ковка – Перенос от печи к инструменту.
Ковка – Задержка на нижнем штампе.
Ковка – Удар 1.
Ковка – Замена штампа и Удар 2.
Анализ напряженного состояния инструмента.
Рулевая тяга.
Обжатие (протяжка).

  • 1DEFORMTM 3D Version 6.1 (sp1)Users Manual

    Oct 10th 2007

    2545 Farmers Drive, Suite 200Columbus, Ohio, 43235Tel (614)
    451-8330Fax (614) 451-8325Email [email protected]

  • 2Table of ContentsPREFACE TO THIS MANUAL

    Chapter 1. Overview of
    71.1 DEFORM family of products
    71.2 Capabilities
    81.3. Analyzing manufacturing processes with DEFORM
    …………………………………………….. 111.4. Before
    you begin
    111.5. Geometry representation
    121.6. The DEFORM system
    131.7. Pre-processing
    141.8. Creating input data
    141.9. File
    161.10. Running the simulation
    171.11. Post-processor

    Chapter 2. Pre-Processor
    192.1. Simulation Controls

    2.1.1. Main controls
    202.1.2. Step Controls
    232.1.3. Advanced Step Controls
    262.1.4. Stopping
    292.1.5. Remesh Criteria
    312.1.6. Iteration
    312.1.7. Processing
    372.1.8. Advanced Controls
    392.1.9. Control

    2.2 Material
    462.2.1. Phases and
    472.2.2. Elastic data
    482.2.3. Thermal
    512.2.4. Plastic
    522.2.5. Diffusion
    612.2.6. Hardness data [MIC]
    632.2.7. Grain growth/recrystallization
    642.2.8. Advanced material properties
    702.2.9. Material data requirements

    2.3. Inter Material
    732.3.1. Transformation relation (PHASTF)
    732.3.2. Kinetics model
    742.3.3. Latent heat
    792.3.4. Transformation induced volume change (PHASVL)
    792.3.5. Transformation plasticity
    812.3.6. Other Transformation Data

  • 32.4 Object
    822.4.1. Adding, deleting
    832.4.2. Object name (OBJNAM)
    842.4.3. Primary Die
    852.4.4. Object type (OBJTYP)
    852.4.5. Object
    872.4.6. Object meshing
    952.4.7. Object material
    1072.4.8. Object initial
    1072.4.9. Object
    1082.4.10. Object boundary
    1152.4.11. Contact boundary
    1182.4.12. Object movement controls
    1182.4.13. Object node
    1312.4.14. Object element variables

    2.4.16. Data Interpolation
    1452.5.1. Inter object
    1492.5.2. Positioning
    1622.5.3. Inter object boundary conditions

    2.6. Database Generation
    165Chapter 3. Running Simulations

    3.1. Simulation Options
    1683.2. Switching between Solvers (Conjugate-Gradient and
    Sparse)……………………………………. 168

    3.3. Multi Processing
    1693.3. Email the Result
    1703.4. Starting the simulation
    1703.5. Simulation graphics
    1713.6. Add to Queue (Batch Queue)
    1723.7 Process Monitor
    1733.8. Stopping a simulation
    1743.9. Troubleshooting problems

    3.9.1. Message file messages
    1743.9.2. Simulation aborted by user
    1743.9.3. Cannot remesh at a negative
    1753.9.4. Remeshing is highly
    1753.9.6. Solution does not converge
    1763.9.7. Stiffness matrix is non-positive
    1793.9.8. Zero
    1793.9.9. Extrapolation of data
    1793.9.10. Bad Element
    1803.9.11. Inconsistent Step

    Chapter 4: Post-Processor
    1824.1.Post-Processor Overview
    1834.2 Graphical

    4.2.1. Window

  • 44.3.Post-Processing Summary
    1934.3.1.Simulation Summary
    1934.3.2.State Variable
    202Volume Fraction
    202Grain Size
    203Dominant atom
    2034.3.3.Point tracking
    2034.3.4.Load stroke
    2054.3.5.Coordinate Systems
    2064.3.6. Step Selection & Manipulation
    2074.3.7. Steps list
    2084.3.8.View Changes Within Viewport
    2104.3.9. Coordinate System
    2114.3.11.Coordinate Axis View
    2114.3.12.Point Selection
    2114.3.13 Multiple Viewports
    2124.3.14. Nodes
    2154.3.17. Data
    2184.3.19. Mirroring
    2224.3.20 Animation controls and saving.

    Chapter 5: Elementary Concepts in Metalforming and Finite
    Element Analysis …… 225Chapter 6: User Routines

    User-Defined FEM
    237User-Defined Post-Processing Routines

    6.1. User defined FEM routines
    2416.2. User defined post-processing routines


    Appendix A: Running DEFORM in text
    283Appendix B: Inserting DEFORM Animations in Powerpoint
    Presentations ……………….. 287Appendix C: DETAILS OF
    289Appendix D: Data
    291Appendix E: 2D to 3D Conversion
    293Appendix F: Fracture with Element Deletion and Damage
    Softening………………………….. 295

  • 5Appendix G: Rotating Work piece Simulations
    300Appendix H: Sheet Forming in DEFORM-3D
    308Appendix I: Eulerian treatment of the 3D rolling process
    ………………………………………….. 317Appendix J:
    Preventing leakage of nodes in sectioned simulations
    ……………………………. 318Appendix K: The Double
    Concave Corner Constraint
    ……………………………………………… 321Appendix
    L: Rolling Simulation Overview (In
    324Appendix M: Checking the forming loads results of a simulation
    ……………………………….. 326Appendix N: Model setup
    for steady state machining
    ……………………………………………… 328Appendix
    O: Document on constructing linear friction
    simulations……………………………… 336Appendix P: On
    Using Spring-Loaded Dies
    MODEL…………………………………………. 347Appendix
    R: Setting Up Multiple Processor
    353Appendix S: Coupled Die Stress Analysis…356Appendix T: Setting
    up steady state extrusion357Appendix U: Setting up 3D machining

  • 6Preface to this manualThis manual describes the features and
    capabilities of the DEFORM-3D system.It also contains a description
    of the inputs and actions required to setup problemsand run
    simulations. If you have not used DEFORM before we would
    recommendthat you go through the lab manuals first for an
    introduction on how to use thesystem and how to run different types
    of simulations. The labs for DEFORM-3D,DEFORM-HT are provided as
    PDF (Portable document format) documents whichcan be viewed using
    Adobe Acrobat provided with DEFORM. All keywords whichare used in
    DEFORM-3D are documented in the keyword reference manualswhich are
    also provided as a PDF document. All documents can be accessedfrom
    the help menus in the main program, pre-processor, and

    Overview of DEFORMPresents an overview of the DEFORM family of

    Analyzing manufacturing processes with DEFORMDescribes how to
    use DEFORM products to analyze manufacturingprocesses.

    The DEFORM systemIntroduces the DEFORM-3D system and describes
    the components thatmake up the system.

    Pre-ProcessorDescribes the layout of the DEFORM

    Running SimulationsDescribes how to run simulations and also how
    to handle errors that occurduring simulations.

    Post-ProcessorDescribes post-processing results from simulations
    and how to interpretresults.

    User RoutinesDescribes user FORTRAN routines in detail. DEFORM
    allows the user towrite FORTRAN programs to describe the flow
    stress, die speeds, damageaccumulation, and other features, as well
    as defining and storing newvariables which can be tracked in the
    post-processor along with the standardDEFORM variables.

    Release NotesContains release notes.

  • 7Chapter 1. Overview of DEFORMDEFORM is a Finite Element Method
    (FEM) based process simulation systemdesigned to analyze various
    forming and heat treatment processes used bymetal forming and
    related industries. By simulating manufacturing processes ona
    computer, this advanced tool allows designers and engineers to:

    Reduce the need for costly shop floor trials and redesign of
    tooling andprocesses.

    Improve tool and die design to reduce production and material

    Shorten lead time in bringing a new product to market.Unlike
    general purpose FEM codes, DEFORM is tailored for
    deformationmodeling. A user friendly graphical user interface
    provides easy data preparationand analysis so engineers can focus
    on forming, not on learning a cumbersomecomputer system. A key
    component of this is a fully automatic, optimizedremeshing system
    tailored for large deformation problems.DEFORM-HT adds the
    capability of modeling heat treatment processes,including
    normalizing, annealing, quenching, tempering, aging, and
    carburizing.DEFORM-HT can predict hardness, residual stresses,
    quench deformation, andother mechanical and material
    characteristics important to those that heat treat.

    1.1 DEFORM family of products

    DEFORM-2D (2D)Available on UNIX/LINUX platforms (HP, DEC, LINUX)
    as well as personalcomputers running Windows-XP/Vista. Capable of
    modeling plane strain oraxisymmetric parts with a simple 2
    dimensional model. A full function packagecontaining the latest
    innovations in Finite Element Modeling, equally well suitedfor
    production or research environments.

    DEFORM-3D (3D)Available on UNIX/LINUX platforms (HP, DEC, LINUX)
    as well as personalcomputers running Windows-XP/Vista.DEFORM-3D is
    capable of modelingcomplex three dimensional material flow
    patterns. Ideal for parts which cannot besimplified to a two
    dimensional model.

    DEFORM-F2 (2D)Available on personal computers running Windows
    XP/Vista. Capable ofmodeling-two dimensional axisymmetric or plane
    strain problems. Suitable forsmall to mid-sized shops starting in
    Finite Element Modeling.

    DEFORM-F3 (3D)Available on personal computers running Windows
    XP/Vista. A powerful three-dimensional modeling package for
    modeling cold, warm and hot forgingprocesses.

  • 8DEFORM-HTAvailable as an add-on to DEFORM-2D and DEFORM-3D. In
    addition to thedeformation modeling capabilities, DEFORM-HT can
    model the effects of heattreating, including hardness, volume
    fraction of metallic structure, distortion,residual stress, and
    carbon content.

    1.2 Capabilities


    Coupled modeling of deformation and heat transfer for simulation
    of cold,warm, or hot forging processes (all products).

    Extensive material database for many common alloys including
    steels,aluminums, titaniums, and super-alloys (all products).

    User defined material data input for any material not included
    in thematerial database (all products).

    Information on material flow, die fill, forging load, die
    stress, grain flow,defect formation and ductile fracture (all

    Rigid, elastic, and thermo-viscoplastic material models, which
    are ideallysuited for large deformation modeling (all

    Elastic-plastic material model for residual stress and spring
    backproblems. (2D, 3D).

    Porous material model for modeling forming of powder
    metallurgyproducts (2D, 3D).

    Integrated forming equipment models for hydraulic presses,
    hammers,screw presses, and mechanical presses (all products).

    User defined subroutines for material modeling, press modeling,
    fracturecriteria and other functions (2D, 3D).

    FLOWNET (2D, PC,) and point tracking (all products) for
    importantmaterial flow information.

    Contour plots of temperature, strain, stress, damage, and other
    keyvariables simplify post processing (all products).

    Self contact boundary condition with robust remeshing allows a
    simulationto continue to completion even after a lap or fold has
    formed (2D, 3D).

    Multiple deforming body capability allows for analysis of
    multipledeforming work pieces or coupled die stress analysis. (2D,

    Fracture initiation and crack propagation models based on well
    knowndamage factors allow modeling of shearing, blanking, piercing,
    andmachining (2D, 3D).

  • 9Heat Treatment Simulate normalizing, annealing, quenching,
    tempering, and carburizing.

    Normalizing (not available yet)Heating a ferrous alloy to a
    suitable temperature above the transformationrange and cooling in
    air to a temperature substantially below thetransformation
    range.Annealing A generic term denoting a treatment, consisting of
    heating to and holdingat a suitable temperature followed by cooling
    at a suitable rate, usedprimarily to soften metallic materials. In
    ferrous alloys, annealing usually isdone above the upper critical
    temperature, but the time-temperaturecycles vary both widely in
    both maximum temperature attained and incooling rate
    employed.Tempering (not available yet)Reheating hardened steel or
    hardened cast iron to some temperaturebelow the eutectoid
    temperature for the purpose of decreasing hardnessand increasing
    toughness.Stress relievingHeating to a suitable temperature,
    holding long enough to reduce residualstresses, and then cooling
    slowly enough to minimize the development ofnew residual
    stresses.QuenchingA rapid cooling whose purpose is for the control
    of microstructure andphase products.

    Predict hardness, volume fraction metallic structure,
    distortion, and carboncontent.

    Specialized material models for creep, phase transformation,
    hardnessand diffusion.

    Jominy data can be input to predict hardness distribution of the

    Modeling of multiple material phases, each with its own elastic,
    plastic,thermal, and hardness properties. Resultant mixture
    material propertiesdepend upon the percentage of each phase present
    at any step in theheat treatment simulation.

    DEFORM models a complex interaction between deformation,
    temperature, and,in the case of heat treatment, transformation and
    diffusion. There is couplingbetween all phenomenon, as illustrated
    in the figure below. When appropriatemodules are licensed and
    activated, these coupling effects include heating due todeformation
    work, thermal softening, and temperature controlled
    transformation,latent heat of transformation, transformation
    plasticity, transformation strains,stress effects on
    transformation, and carbon content effects on all

  • 10

    Figure 1.2.1 : Relationship between various DEFORM modules.

  • 11

    1.3. Analyzing manufacturing processes with DEFORMDEFORM can be
    used to analyze most thermo-mechanical forming processes,and many
    heat treatment processes. The general approach is to define
    thegeometry and material of the initial work piece in DEFORM, then
    sequentiallysimulate each process that is to be applied to the work
    piece.The recommended sequence for designing a manufacturing
    process usingDEFORM

    Define your proposed process Final forged part geometry Material
    Tool progressions Starting work piece/billet geometry Processing
    temperatures, reheats, etc. Gather required data Material data
    Processing condition data Using the DEFORM pre-processor, input the
    problem definition for the

    first operation Submit the data for simulation Using the DEFORM
    post-processor, review the results Repeat the
    preprocess-simulate-review sequence for each operation in

    the process If the results are unacceptable, use your
    engineering experience and

    judgment to modify the process and repeat the simulation
    sequence.1.4. Before you beginBefore you begin work on your DEFORM
    simulation, spend some time planningthe simulation. Consider the
    type of information you hope to gain from theanalysis. Are
    temperatures important? What about die fill? Press loads?
    Materialdeformation patterns? Ductile fracture of the part? Die
    failure? Buckling? Can thepart be modeled as a two dimensional
    part, or is a three dimensional simulationnecessary? Having a
    definite goal will help you design a simulation which willprovide
    the information most vital to understanding your manufacturing

  • 12

    1.5. Geometry representation

    Figure 1.5.1 : Axisymmetric and plane strain examples.

    DEFORM simulations can be run either as two dimensional (2D) or
    threedimensional (3D) models. In general, 2D models are smaller,
    easier to set up,and run more quickly than 3D models. Frequently,
    the added detail of a 3Dmodel is not worth the additional time
    required over a 2D simulation if theprocess can reasonably be
    represented in 2D.There are two 2D geometry representations:
    axisymmetric and plane strain.Axisymmetric geometries assume that
    the geometry of every plane radiating outfrom the centerline is
    identical. Plane strain requires that there is no material flowin
    the out of plane direction, and that flow in every plane parallel
    to the sectionmodeled is identical. Figure 1.5.1 illustrates
    axisymmetric and plane strainmodels.Objects that are closely
    approximated by axisymmetric or plane strain modelscan also be
    modeled in 2D by neglecting minor variations. For example, if
    thehead shape is not critical a hex head bolt can be modeled as
    axisymmetric bydefining a head radius which maintains constant
    volume (radius =0.525*(distance across flats)). A gradually
    tapering part such as a turbine bladecan be modeled by modeling
    several plane strain sections.

  • 13

    Figure 1.5.2 : Buckling.

    Buckling of cylindrical parts is a fully three dimensional
    process, and must bemodeled as such if such behavior is expected.
    An axisymmetric simulation willnot show buckling; even if it will
    occur in the actual process (Figure 1.5.2 ).Partswhich cannot be
    simplified to 2D must be modeled as 3D.

    1.6. The DEFORM systemThe DEFORM system consists of three major

    1. A pre-processor for creating, assembling, or modifying the
    data required toanalyze the simulation, and for generating the
    required database file.

    2. A simulation engine for performing the numerical calculations
    required toanalyze the process, and writing the results to the
    database file. Thesimulation engine reads the database file,
    performs the actual solutioncalculation, and appends the
    appropriate solution data to the databasefile. The simulation
    engine also works seamlessly with the AutomaticMesh Generation
    (AMG) system to generate a new FEM mesh on thework piece whenever
    necessary. While the simulation engine is running, itwrites status
    information, including any error messages, to the message(.MSG) and
    log (.LOG) files.

    3. A post-processor for reading the database file from the
    simulation engineand displaying the results graphically and for
    extracting numerical data.

  • 14

    1.7. Pre-processingThe DEFORM preprocessor uses a graphical user
    interface to assemble the datarequired to run the simulation. Input
    data includes

    Object descriptionIncludes all data associated with an object,
    including geometry, mesh,temperature, material, etc.

    Material dataIncludes data describing the behavior of the
    material under the conditionswhich it will reasonably experience
    during deformation.

    Inter object conditionsDescribes how the objects interact with
    each other, including contact, friction,and heat transfer between

    Simulation controlsIncludes instructions on the methods DEFORM
    should use to solve theproblem, including the conditions of the
    processing environment, whatphysical processes should be modeled,
    how many discrete time steps shouldbe used to model the process,

    Inter material dataDescribes the physical process of one phase
    of a material transforming intoother phases of the same material in
    a heat treatment process. For example,the transformation of
    austenite into pearlite, banite, and martensite.

    1.8. Creating input dataThere are several ways to enter data
    into the DEFORM pre-processor.Depending on the requirements of a
    particular problem, a combination of thefollowing methods will
    frequently be used.

    Manual inputThe pre-processor menus contain input fields for
    nearly every possible data inputin DEFORM. The user can enter,
    view, or edit any of these values. Discussionsof each field are
    contained in the reference section of this manual.

    Keyword file inputMost of the data fields in the DEFORM
    pre-processor correspond directly to aDEFORM keyword. Individual
    keywords describe very specific information abouta particular
    object characteristic, simulation control, material characteristic,
    orinter-object relationship. Keyword data can be saved in a keyword
    (.KEY) file. A

  • 15

    keyword file is a human readable (ASCII) representation of
    DEFORM simulationdata.The typical format of a keyword is:[keyword
    name] [keyword parameters][default data][data][data]…A keyword
    file may contain a complete simulation data set, or it may contain
    onlyone or a few specific keywords.

    Assembling keyword filesWhen a keyword file is read into the
    pre-processor, only the specific data fieldslisted in that keyword
    are changed; the remainder is unchanged. Thus, it ispossible to
    assemble a complete set of problem data by loading one keyword
    filethat contains only data for one object, another keyword file
    that contains materialdata, etc.To save specific elements of a
    keyword file, it is necessary to save the entire file,then use a
    text editor such as Notepad, VI, emacs, or equivalent to
    deleteunwanted information. The keyword file load and save features
    on the main pre-processor menu load or save an entire data set. To
    load partial keyword files,use the Keyword, Load option from the
    File menu.

    Other file inputsVarious data types, particularly part
    geometries and material data, can be readfrom appropriate format

    Modifying problem dataSolution or input step data from any
    stored step in a database file can be readinto the pre-processor,
    modified, and either appended to an existing database, orwritten to
    a new database file.

    Viewing specific problem dataMost problem data stored in the
    database file is accessible in the post-processor.However, certain
    specific information such as boundary conditions or
    inter-objectcontact conditions is displayed differently in the
    pre-processor. When debugginga problem which is not running
    properly, it is sometimes useful to use the pre-processor data
    display to view this information.

  • 16

    1.9. File systemThe primary data storage structure is the
    database file. The database file storesa complete set of simulation
    data, including object data, simulation controls,material data, and
    inter-object relations, both from the original input, and
    fromselected solution steps. The sequence of information storage in
    a database file isshown in Figure 1.9.1 . The pre-processor uses an
    ASCII format file called thekeyword file to create inputs.

    Figure 1.9.1 : DEFORM database structure.

    Each DEFORM problem has an associated problem ID and should be
    created inits own folder or directory. For every problem, the
    DEFORM system creates fourtypes of files that are generally
    accessible to users:

    Database (DB) filesThe database file contains the complete
    simulation data set for input data andeach saved simulation step.
    The information is stored in a compressed, machinereadable format,
    and is accessible only through the DEFORM pre- and post-processors.
    As the simulation runs, data for each step is written to the end of
    thedatabase file. If the step being written is specified as a step
    to be saved,information for the next step will be appended after
    the current data step. If thestep is not specified to be saved, and
    a solution is found for the next step, thedata for the current step
    will be overwritten by the data for the next step.

  • 17

    Keyword (KEY) filesKeyword files contain specific problem
    definition data which is read by the pre-processor and used to
    create an input database file. A keyword file may containa complete
    problem definition, or it may contain only specific information
    about,for example, a specific object or material. The information
    is stored in ASCIIformat, and can be read and edited with any text
    editor, such as Notepad, VI, oremacs. A keyword reference is
    available which describes the data format foreach keyword.

    1.10. Running the simulation

    Simulation engineThe simulation engine is the program which
    actually performs the numericalcalculations to solve the problem.
    The simulation engine reads input data fromthe database, then
    writes the solution data back out to the database. As it runs,
    itcreates two user readable files which track its progress.

    Log (LOG) filesLog files are created when a simulation is
    running. They contain generalinformation on starting and ending
    times, remeshings (if any), and may containerror messages if the
    simulation stops unexpectedly.

    Message (MSG) filesMessage files are also created when a
    simulation is running. They containdetailed information about the
    behavior of the simulation, and may containinformation regarding
    why a simulation has stopped.

    1.11. Post-processor

    The postprocessor is used to view simulation data after the
    simulation has beenrun. The postprocessor features a graphical user
    interface to view geometry, fielddata such as strain, temperature,
    and stress, and other simulation data such asdie loads. The
    postprocessor can also be used to extract graphic or numericaldata
    for use in other applications.

  • 18

    1.12. UnitsDEFORM data may be supplied in any unit system, as
    long as all variables areconsistent (i.e., length, force, time, and
    temperature measurements are in thesame units, and all derived
    units — such as velocity — are derived from the samebase units).
    This task can be simplified by using either the British or SI
    system forthe default unit system.

    Figure 1.12.1 : DEFORM unit system.

    Note: It is important to select the unit system at the beginning
    of the simulation.Once numerical values have been entered in the
    pre-processor, the numericalvalues will remain unchanged even if
    the unit system designation is changed.

    The Post-Processor has been equipped with a feature for unit
    conversion fordatabase viewing. The user has four options for unit
    conversion. If the conversionfactor selected is Default, then the
    units are picked up automatically dependingon whether the database
    is English or SI. Since there is no conversionnecessary, all the
    conversion factors are set to 1.0 in this column. For the casesof
    converting English to SI or converting SI to English, the
    conversion factors andunits are picked up from the dialog and the
    values are converted and displayed inthe post-processor. The fourth
    option gives the user the option of viewing thedata from the
    database in units that are not English or SI. The user is free
    toenter the conversion factors and the units corresponding to the
    conversionfactors. There is no user type unit conversion for
    temperature, since thetemperature conversion is not a simple

  • 19

    Chapter 2. Pre-Processor

    Figure 2.1.0 : The preprocessor of DEFORM-3D. The simulation
    controls button ishighlighted with a red square.

    2.1. Simulation ControlsThe Simulation Controls window can be
    found by clicking a button in thePreprocessor ( ). Options defined
    under Simulation Controls (See Figure2.1.1 ) control the numerical
    behavior of the solution. Main controls details withspecifying the
    simulation title, unit system, geometry type, etc. Stopping and
    stepcontrols are used to specify the time step, the total number of
    steps and thecriteria used to terminate the simulation. Processing
    conditions like theenvironment temperature, convection coefficient
    can be specified underProcessing conditions. Certain advanced
    features are explained in the Advancedcontrols section.

  • 20

    Figure 2.1.1 : Simulation Controls window.

    2.1.1. Main controls

    Simulation title (TITLE)The simulation title allows you to title
    the problem (up to 80 characters) forreference purposes.

    Operation name (SIMNAM)The operation name allows you to title
    the specific operation (up to 80characters) for reference
    purposes.Units (UNIT)The DEFORM unit system can be defined as
    English or Metric (SI). Allinformation in DEFORM should be
    expressed in consistent units. The unit systemshould be selected at
    the beginning of the problem setup procedure, and shouldnot be
    changed during a simulation or after an operation.

  • 21

    Figure 2.1.2 : DEFORM unit system.


    The five different types of simulations that can be run are:

    Lagrangian Incremental: To be used for all the conventional
    forming, heattransfer and heat-treat applications. Transient phase
    of the processes likerolling, machining, extrusion, drawing cogging
    etc. also can be modeled inthis general framework.

    ALE Rolling: ALE model for rolling process can be generated
    using theShape Rolling template. When the model is generated using
    thistemplate, automatically generates the necessary boundary
    conditions forthe entry surface for the billet (indicated in the
    interface as the Beginningsurface, nodes are assigned BCCDEF=4),
    and the exit surface ( indicatedin the interface as Free surface,
    nodes are assigned BCCDEF=5).Template automatically sets the
    analysis type as ALE Rolling. When therolling model is setup using
    the regular pre-processor, user needs to setthis analysis type and
    proper boundary conditions to be able to run theALE model for

    Steady-State machining: 3D machining model for turning
    applications canbe generated using the Machining Template in which
    the initial model canbe set up for Lagrangian Incremental run. When
    sufficient chip has formedthe template can be used to generate an
    additional operation to switch theanalysis mode to Steady State. In
    this stage template can be used togenerate the required boundary
    conditions for the steady state run, whichincludes defining end
    surface of the chip (indicated as free surface, withBCCDEF code set
    as 5 for those nodes). Template automatically sets theanalysis type
    as Steady-State Machining. When the machining model issetup using
    the regular pre-processor, user needs to set this analysis typeand
    proper free surface and thermal boundary conditions to be able to
    runthe Steady State model for machining.

  • 22

    Ring Rolling: From 3DV61, simulation engine has been enhanced
    tohandle the non isothermal modeling of ring rolling process.
    Thisdevelopment includes a special ALE technique that does not
    depend onany expensive computing resources, nor involves very long

    Steady-State extrusion: Provided for future implementation:
    (CurrentEulerian process modeling capability for extrusion, which
    is underdevelopment can be activated using a special data file
    called ALE.DAT.Please contact SFTC for additional information.)

    Simulation modes (SMODE, TRANS)DEFORM features a group of
    simulation modes that may be turned on or offindividually, or used
    in various combinations.

    Heat transferSimulates thermal effects within the simulation,
    including heat transferbetween objects and the environment, and
    heat generation due todeformation or phase transformation, where

    DeformationSimulates deformation due to mechanical, thermal, or
    phase transformationeffects.

    TransformationSimulates transformation between phases due to
    thermomechanical and timeeffects.

    DiffusionSimulates diffusion of carbon atoms within the
    material, due to carboncontent gradients.

    GrainSimulates grain size calculation and recrystallization

    HeatingSimulates heat generation due to resistance or induction
    heating. Thisfeature is not activated in the current release.

  • 23

    For backward compatibility with old keywords and databases,
    before version3.0, the keyword SMODE (old style isothermal,
    non-isothermal, heat transfer)is read and the corresponding keyword
    TRANS mode switches are set in thepre-processor.

    Operation number (CURSIM)Allows the specification of a new
    operation number for each simulation in thedatabase. If operations
    numbers are specified, the post-processor displays eachoperation
    with its number in the step list.

    Mesh number (MESHNO)This variable records the current mesh based
    on the number of remeshings thatoccur between the initial mesh and
    the current mesh. This variable should not bechanged.

    Figure 2.1.3 : Step Controls.

    2.1.2. Step ControlsThe DEFORM system solves time dependent
    non-linear problems by generatinga series of FEM solutions at
    discrete time increments. At each time increment,the velocities,
    temperatures, and other key variables of each node in the
    finiteelement mesh are determined based on boundary conditions,
    thermomechanicalproperties of the work piece materials and possibly
    solutions at previous steps.Other state variables are derived from
    these key values, and updated for eachtime increment. The length of
    this time step, and number of steps simulated, aredetermined based
    on the information specified in the step controls menu (See

  • 24

    Figure 2.1.3 ).Starting step number (NSTART)

    If a new database is written, the specified step number will be
    the first step in thedatabase. If data is written to an existing
    database, the preprocessor data will beappended to this database in
    proper numerical order, and any steps after the onespecified will
    be overwritten.The negative (-n) flag on the step number indicates
    that the step was written tothe database by the pre-processor
    (either by manual generation of a databasestep or by an automatic
    remesh), not by the simulation engine.Note: All pre-processor
    generated steps should have a negative step number

    Number of simulation steps (NSTEP)

    The number of simulation steps parameter defines the number of
    steps to runfrom the starting step number. The simulation will stop
    after this number ofsimulation steps will have run, if another
    stopping control is triggered to stop thesimulation or if the
    simulation runs into a problem. For example, if the startingstep
    number is -35 (NSTART), and 30 steps (NSTEP) are specified,
    thesimulation will stop after the 65th step, unless another
    stopping control istriggered first.

    Step increment to save (STPINC)

    The step increment to save in the database controls the number
    of steps that thesystem will save in the database. When a
    simulation runs, every step must becomputed, but does not
    necessarily need to be saved in the database. Storingmore steps
    will preserve more information about the process; consequently it
    willrequire more storage space.

    Primary die (PDIE)

    The primary die is the object for which many stopping and
    stepping criteria aredefined. For example, stopping distance based
    on primary die stroke. When thestroke of the object defined as the
    primary die reaches the value for primary diedisplacement, the
    simulation will be stopped whether or not more steps werespecified.
    The Step By Stroke feature determines step size based on
    themovement of the primary die.The primary die is usually assigned
    to the object most closely controlled by theforging machinery. For
    example, the die attached to the ram of a mechanicalpress would be
    designated as the primary object.

  • 25

    Step increment control (DSMAX/DTMAX)

    Solution step size can be controlled by time step or by
    displacement of theprimary die. If stroke per step is specified,
    the primary die will move the specifiedamount in each time step.
    The total movement of the primary die will be thedisplacement per
    step multiplied by the total number of steps. If time per step
    isspecified, the time interval per step will be used. The die
    displacement per stepwill be the time step times the die
    velocity.From 3DV61, the definition of step increment control has
    been enhanced toinclude both the time and stroke dependent step
    functions. This means, step size(both time per step and stroke per
    step) can now be defined as a function of timeor stroke. This
    functionality enables finer resolution of saved model
    information,where it is desired. (Typically towards the end of the
    stroke, where steepchanges of die load and cavity filling or flash
    formation can take place).Stroke per step is frequently more
    intuitive. However, time per step must bespecified for any problem
    in which there is no die movement (such as heattransfer), or for
    any problem where force control is used.Selecting time step and
    number of stepsProper time step selection is important. Too large a
    time step can causeinaccuracy in the solution, rapid mesh
    distortion or convergence problems. Toosmall a time step can lead
    to unnecessarily long solution times. The followingsection provides
    some guidelines for selecting time steps.The maximum displacement
    for any node should not exceed about 1/3 the lengthof its element
    edge length in one step. For flow around a tight corner,
    flashforming, or similar highly localized deformations, time steps
    may need to bedefined to give a node movement of as small as 1/10
    or the element edge length.Thus, for a finer mesh, smaller steps
    are required than for a coarser mesh. Thisprevents the mesh from
    becoming overly distorted in a single time step.The time step can
    be determined by the following method:

    1. Using the measurement tool, measure one of the smaller
    elements in thedeforming object (this must be done after a mesh has
    been generated)

    2. Estimate the maximum velocity of any region of the work piece
    (for mostproblems, this will be the die velocity. For extrusion
    problems it will be thedie velocity times the extrusion ratio) If
    some steps have already be run,display object velocity under
    Object->Nodes (use the «eye» icon to displaya velocity vector
    plot and maximum and minimum values).

    3. Divide the result of 1 by the result of 2, and take about 1/3
    of this value asthe time step. This is a rough estimate, so extreme
    accuracy is not critical.

    4. The number of steps is given by where n is the number of
    steps, x is thetotal movement of the primary die, V is the primary
    die velocity, and is thetime increment per step.

  • 26

    Refer also to the Polygon Length Sub-Step feature under Advanced
    StepControlsIf there is insufficient information available to
    calculate the total number of steps,three alternatives are

    1. A general guideline of 1% to 3% height reduction per step can
    be used.2. Specify an arbitrarily large number of steps, and use an

    stopping control, such as time or total die stroke.3. Make a
    good estimate of the number of steps required for the given

    size, and then specify about 120% of this value. Allow the
    simulation toovershoot the target, and then use a step near, but
    not at the end as afinal solution.

    2.1.3. Advanced Step Controls

    This menu gives more options for special simulations where
    precision control oftime step size is required (See Figure 2.1.4
    and Figure 2.1.5 ).

    Figure 2.1.4 : Advanced stepping menu 1.

    Step definition (STPDEF)There are three modes for defining

    User In user defined steps mode, the steps correspond to the
    NSTEPvalue. This is the default which does not have to be changed
    in almost allcases.

    System In the system defined steps mode each sub step is saved
    to thedatabase and is treated as a step. This option is primarily
    used fordebugging purposes.

  • 27

    Temperature In temperature based sub stepping, the DTPMAX
    settingscontrol the time stepping. The purpose for these controls
    is to specify thetime stepping of a simulation that is driven by

    Strain per step (DEMAX)The maximum element strain increment
    limits the amount of strain that canaccumulate in any individual
    element during one time step. If a non-zero value isassigned to
    DEMAX, a new sub step will be initiated when the strain increment
    inany element reaches the value of DEMAX.

    Contact Time (DTSUB)Contact time controls whether or not sub
    stepping is performed when nodescontact a master surface. By
    default (DTSUB = 0), if a node contacts a mastersurface a fraction
    of the way through a time step, the time step is subdivided,
    andthat step is run again at the fraction of the time increment.
    This will place thenode on the surface at the end of the time step.
    For 3D problems with a largenumber of nodes contacting master
    surfaces, this can cause huge increases inexecution time.If DTSUB
    is set to 1, contact time sub stepping is disabled. Nodes will be
    allowedto penetrate the master surface, but then will be
    artificially moved back to surfaceat the end of the time step. This
    will allow significantly faster execution time.However, if the
    defined time step is too large, some volume loss and meshdistortion
    may occur.In general, it is recommended that DTSUB be set to 1, and
    that the time stepguidelines described above be followed carefully.
    Use of polygon length substepping, DPLEN, will also control volume
    loss and mesh distortion, withoutsevere execution time

    Polygon length substep (DPLEN)Polygon length sub stepping places
    an upper limit on the absolute distance asurface node can move in a
    given time step. The largest distance a given nodecan move is
    defined by



    ))((max =

    Where,L = the distance from a given node to the nearest adjacent
    surface on thesame objectdplen = the coefficient controlling the
    relative maximum time step allowedu = the magnitude of the velocity
    of the nodetmax = the maximum time step size allowed

  • 28

    Legal values of DPLEN are from 0 to 1. A value of 0 will disable
    sub stepping.Recommended values are 0.2 to 0.5, with 0.2 being more
    conservative, andhence slower, and 0.49 being more aggressive, and
    faster, but less accurate.Values larger than 0.5 can be used, but
    may allow unacceptable meshdegeneration.

    Figure 2.1.5 : Advanced stepping menu 2.

    Temperature change per step (DTPMAX)The maximum temperature
    change increment limits the amount that thetemperature of any node
    can change during one time step. If a non-zero value isassigned, a
    new sub step will be initiated when the temperature change at
    anynode reaches the value of DTPMAX. The maximum/minimum time step
    are thelargest and smallest time step allowable with the
    temperature based sub-stepping.

    Maximum Sliding ErrorThis stepping control is not generally
    recommended. Please contact SFTC formore information.

  • 29

    Figure 2.1.6 : Process parameters for stopping a simulation.

    2.1.4. Stopping Controls

    The stopping parameters determine the process time at which the
    simulationterminates. A simulation can be terminated based on the
    maximum number oftime steps simulated; the maximum accumulated
    elemental strain, the maximumprocess time, or maximum stroke,
    minimum velocity, or maximum load of theprimary object. A
    simulation will be stopped when the condition of any of thestopping
    parameters are met. If a zero value is assigned to any of the
    terminationparameters other than number of steps (NSTEP), the
    parameter will not be used.If no other stopping parameters are
    specified, the simulation will run until it hasutilized all of the
    specified steps. (See Figure 2.1.6 )

    Process Duration (TMAX)Terminates a simulation when the global
    process time reaches the valuespecified.

    Primary Die Displacement (SMAX)Terminates a simulation when the
    total displacement of the primary die reachesthe specified value.
    The stroke value for the object is specified in the Object,Movement

    Minimum velocity of Primary Die (VMIN)Terminates a simulation
    when the X or Y component of the primary die velocityreaches the X
    or Y values of the VMIN. This parameter is typically used when
    theprimary object movement is under load control, or when the
    SPDLMT parameteris enforced for a hydraulic press.

  • 30

    Maximum load of Primary Die (LMAX)Terminates a simulation when
    the X or Y load component of the primary diereaches the X or Y
    value of LMAX. Typically used when the movement control ofthe
    primary object is velocity or user specified.

    Maximum strain in any Element (EMAX)Terminates a simulation when
    the accumulated strain of any element reaches thespecified

    Figure 2.1.7 : Stopping distance based on die distance.

    Stopping distance (MDSOBJ)Terminates a simulation when the
    distance between reference points on twoobjects reaches the
    specified distance. Stopping distance must be used inconjunction
    with the reference point (REFPOS) definition Die Distance
    window(See Figure 2.1.7 ).Stopping Plane (REFPOS) Typically used in
    the models like transient rolling process, user can define aplane
    in space, and have the simulation terminate once the work
    piececompletely crosses this plane. (See Figure 2.1.8 )

  • 31

    Figure 2.1.8 : Stopping distance based on stopping plane.

    2.1.5. Remesh CriteriaPlease refer to the section on meshing for
    a description of this window.

    2.1.6. Iteration ControlsThe iteration controls specify criteria
    the FEM solver uses to find a solution ateach step of the problem
    simulation. For most problems, the default valuesshould be
    acceptable. It may be necessary to change the values if
    non-convergence occurs (See Figure 2.1.9 ).

  • 32

    Figure 2.1.9 : Iteration controls for the deformation

    Deformation solver (SOLMTD)The sparse solver is a direct
    solution that makes use of the sparseness of FEMformulation to
    improve solution speed. The conjugate-gradient solver tries tosolve
    the FEM problem by iteratively approximating to the solution. For
    certainproblems, this solver offers tremendous advantages over the
    Sparse solver.

    The advantages of the iterative solver include:

    Up to 5:1 improvements in overall solving time, particularly in
    very largeproblems

    Ability to handle very large numbers of elements in reasonable
    time andwith reasonable memory demands. (The largest problem to
    date is380,000 elements, using 1GB of RAM).

    Much smaller memory requirements for smaller problems — makes
    3Dpractical on inexpensive computers or laptops.


    In certain situations, convergence may be slower, or the
    simulation maynot converge, when the sparse solver will converge.
    This is particularly aproblem for simulations with large «rigid
    body motion» such as occurswhen a part is settling into a die,
    undergoing light deformation, or bending.

    When the conjugate-gradient solver cannot successfully converge
    toward thesolution, DEFORM-3D will fall back to the sparse solver.
    From 3DV61, a newsolver GMRES has been added to the available
    solvers, to take advantage ofmultiple CPU environments. The GMRES
    option can only be used in multi CPUmode.

  • 33

    When to use the iterative solverThe solver is generally very
    good for problems with a lot of contact with the dies.If a work
    piece is not well positioned in the dies, or if it will be sliding
    a bit beforeit starts deforming, you should start the simulation
    with the sparse solver. Oncethere is some substantial deformation
    in the work piece, stop the simulation, loadthe final step into the
    preprocessor, change to «Conjugate Gradient» and «Direct»,and write
    the database.Keep an eye on the message file for the first few
    steps. The first step may be abit slow converging. If the second
    step is still struggling to converge, or if thesimulation stops,
    you may need to switch back to the sparse solver for a fewmore
    steps.In general, simulations in which you might expect convergence
    problems usingthe Sparse solver are not well suited for Conjugate
    Gradient. Most problems,particularly thin parts or flash parts,
    will do well after the first 20-30 steps, if notsooner.

    Figure 2.1.10 : Plot of relative time versus elements for
    different solvers for elasticobjects.

    Figure 2.1.11 : Plot of relative memory versus elements for
    different solvers for elasticobjects.

  • 34

    Iteration methods (ITRMTH)An iteration method is the manner in
    which the simulation solution is updated (oriterated upon) to try
    to approach the converged step solution.

    Newton-Raphson The Newton-Raphson method is recommended formost
    problems because it generally converges in fewer iterations than
    theother available methods. However, solutions are more likely to
    fail toconverge with this method than with other methods.

    Direct The direct method is more likely to converge than
    Newton-Raphson, but will generally require more iteration to do so.
    In the case ofPorous materials, the direct method is the only
    method currently available.


    Solver recommendations for 3D

    NR : Newton Raphson iterationsDI : Direct iterationsSP : Sparse
    SolverCG : Conjugate Gradient SolverSTD : Elasto-Plastic Standard
    FormulationsMIX : Elasto-Plastic Mixed FormulationsCC : Conformal
    Coupling (CC) for Contact constraintsPEN : Penalty based contact

    Model Data Recommended Can be used Should notbe used

    General Forming modelswithPlastic objects(well constrained

    CG, DI NR,SP

    General Forming with Elasto-Plastic objects


    Spring Loaded Dies SP CG

    Force Controlled Dies SP CG

    Heat Treatment with Tet.Mesh Elasto-Plastic


    Heat Treatment with BrickMesh Elasto-Plastic

    SP, NR CG,NR

    Multiple Deforming ObjectsPlastic + Plastic (Large

    deformation)SP,DI,CC CG

    Multiple Deforming Objects SP,NR,PEN DI

  • 35

    Plastic + Plastic (Smalldeformation)

    Multiple Deforming ObjectsElasto-Plastic objects


    Die Stress modelsElastic + Elastic Objects

    SP, NR CG

    Rotational Symmetry models(Elasto-Plastic objects)


    Rotational Symmetry models(plastic objects)


    Pure Heat Transfer models CG NR

    Convergence error limits (CVGERR)A deformation iteration is
    assumed to have converged when the velocity andforce error limits
    have been satisfied. This means that the change in both thenodal
    velocity norm and the nodal force norm is below the value specified
    here.The error norm values for each iteration step are displayed in
    the message file.If the message file shows that the force or
    velocity error norms are getting small,but not dropping below the
    error limits, the simulation may be continued byincreasing the
    appropriate error limit to the smallest value in the message
    file.This will decrease the solution accuracy, so the simulation
    should be allowed torun a few steps, then the values should be
    reduced again. When doing this,extreme care should be exercised.
    For die stress or press load calculationswhere extremely accurate
    force or load values are required, the load accuracymay be improved
    by decreasing the force error limit. This will increase
    simulationtime, but give more accurate results.

    Note: It should be noted that the accuracy of the flow stress
    data will have greatimpact on the accuracy of die stress and press
    load predictions.

    Bandwidth optimization (DEFBWD, TMPBWD)Bandwidth optimization
    improves solution time by optimizing the structure of thematrix
    equation being solved. It should be used for almost all

  • 36

    Figure 2.1.12 : Temperature iteration settings.

    Temperature solver (SOLMTT)The sparse solver is a direct
    solution that makes use of the sparseness of FEMformulation to
    solve for the temperature. Currently, this is the only
    solveravailable for solving thermal problems.

    Initial guess (INIGES)Initial guess generation improves the
    convergence behavior of the first step ofthe solution. It should be
    used for almost all problems.

    Bandwidth optimization (DEFBWD, TMPBWD)Bandwidth optimization
    improves solution time by optimizing the structure of thematrix
    equation being solved. It should be used for almost all

  • 37

    2.1.7. Processing ConditionsThe processing conditions menu
    contains information about the processenvironment, and constants
    related to general solution behavior.

    Figure 2.1.13 : Heat transfer processing conditions.

    Environment temperature (ENVTMP)Environment temperature is used
    in radiation and convection heat transfercalculations and
    represents the temperature of the area in which the modeledprocess
    is taking place. The environment temperature may be specified as
    aconstant or as a function of time. Heat transfer to this
    temperature is consideredto occur from any nodes not in contact
    with another object. (unless heatexchange windows are used ). No
    radiation view factors are accounted for unlessthis option is
    activated. Adding the file DEF_VIEW.DAT to the directory wherethe
    simulation is run will activate this. The contents of the file are

    Convection coefficient (CNVCOF)The convection coefficient is
    required for convection heat transfer calculations.The convection
    coefficient may be specified as a constant or as a function

  • 38

    Figure 2.1.14 : Diffusion processing conditions.

    Environment atom content (ENVATM) [MIC]The percentage atom
    content of the dominant atom (usually carbon) for

    Reaction rate coefficient (ACVCOF) [DIF]The surface reaction
    rate with the atmospheric atom content for

    Figure 2.1.15 : Advanced constants.

  • 39

    Interface penalty constant (PENINF)A large positive number used
    to penalize the penetration velocity of a nodethrough a master
    surface. The default value is adequate for most simulations.
    Itshould be at least two to three orders higher than the volume
    penalty constant(PENVOL). For objects of very small size (e.g.
    fasteners), it is recommended toreduce this number on order of
    magnitude or two to improve convergence. Thiswill only aid
    convergence if the sparse solver is used.

    Mechanical to heat conversion (UNTE2F)A constant coefficient to
    relate units of heat energy(eg BTU) to mechanicalenergy (eg
    klb-in). Appropriate constant values are automatically set for
    Englishand SI units.

    Time integration factor (TINTGF)The time integration factor is
    the forward integration coefficient for temperatureintegration over
    time. Its value should be between 0.0 and 1.0. The value of 0.75is
    adequate for most simulations.

    Boltzman constant (BLZMAN)The Boltzman constant is required for
    radiation heat transfer calculations. Defaultvalues for English and
    SI are set automatically. In radiation heat calculations thenodal
    temperature will be automatically converted to absolute
    temperature(Rankine, Kelvin) based on the selected English or SI

    2.1.8. Advanced Controls

    Figure 2.1.16 : Advanced variables.

  • 40

    Current Global Time/Current Local Time (TNOW)These values
    specify the global process time and the local process time.
    Theglobal time is the time since the beginning of the problem, and
    should never bereset. Local time is a parameter that can be reset
    by the user. The global timeshould not be reset during a simulation
    as the post-processor uses this time formany post-processing
    operations. Below the local and global time definitions is
    aselector box that determines which time is to be used for time
    dependentfunctions such as movement controls. The default is global
    time; however, thetime dependent functions can also be made a
    function of local time.

    Primary Work pieceThis parameter allows the user to specify the
    work piece as an object that mustnot possess rigid body motion. If
    the body does not deform, the simulation willstop. One purpose of
    this function is to prevent a rolling simulation fromcontinuing
    past the rolled length of material.

    Use original additive rule for transformation kineticsWe have
    improved the transformation kinetics rule from version 6.0. With
    thenew version, multiple transformations can occur at the same time
    andtemperature for a given material. If the user does not want to
    use this new ruleand wants to use the previous one, checking this
    box will allow this.

    Error Tolerances

    Geometry error (GEOERR)This value is an estimate of the error
    between discretized objects. The defaultvalue for this is
    sufficient for most of the general applications. (see Figure

    Figure 2.1.17 : Error tolerances window.

  • 41

    User defined variables (USRDEF)User defined variables are 80
    character string variables which are passed to userdefined
    subroutines. Refer to the chapter on User Routines for more
    informationon how to use these variables. (See Figure 2.1.18 )

    Figure 2.1.18 : User defined values

    Output ControlStarting from version 6.0, the simulation control
    options are further enhancedwith two important features.

    1. The first among these is to include a wide selection of
    strain components thatcan be stored by the user depending upon the
    analysis and object type. Theseoptions for a typical elasto-plastic
    object enable user to store plastic, elastic andtotal strains. For
    non-isothermal models with elasto-plastic objects
    additionallythermal volumetric strains can also be stored for each
    stored step of thesimulation. When transformation is turned on, the
    strain components that areproduced due to phase transformation can
    be stored as well. Once set in thePre-Processor, (Figure 2.1.19 )
    each of these strain components are available inpost processing for
    point tracking, contour plots and other normal display
    options(Figure 2.1.20 ).2. The second option in the output control
    that is available to the user is intendedto improve the state
    variable representation in the analysis domain and minimizethe
    interpolation error involved in the remeshing procedures. Such
    representationcan also better maintain the local gradients of the
    state variables compared tothe existing the element based
    representation. In the current version, the user

  • 42

    can choose to represent damage, strain and stress state as
    Element+Nodal data.This means in addition to the currently
    available element data, the user can storethese variables as nodal
    variables. In the future versions more state variables willbe made
    available with nodal representation.

    These additional nodal and element variables can be accessed
    from thecorresponding nodal and element dialogs (Figure 2.1.21

    Figure 2.1.19 : Setting the additional strain components and
    element+node data.

    Figure 2.1.20 : State variable list for additional strain
    components and element+nodaldata.

  • 43

    Figure 2.1.21 : Enhanced node and element dialogs including
    additional nodal variablesand strain components.

    2.1.9. Control FilesThere are many different specialized
    features within DEFORM-3D that arecontrolled through data files.
    The purpose for this type of implementation is thatthese functions
    are used in only a few rare instances and if they find popular
    use,they can be incorporated into DEFORM keywords. When these data
    files areused, the functionality is available if the data file is
    located in the same directoryas the current problem running. Since
    they are not contained within neither thedatabase nor the keyword
    files, the control file has to be moved with thedatabase or the
    keyword to run the problem with the same functionality if
    adifferent directory or computer is used to run a simulation. When
    one of thesecontrol files are used, a warning is automatically
    posted in the message fileheading letting the user know that one of
    these files exists.

  • 44

    Figure 2.1.22 : Control files selections.

    Figure 2.1.23 : Control files dialog (Category 2).

    From version 5.0, these data files can be specified through the
    graphicalinterface in the Control File window (See Figure 2.1.23
    ).The various categorieshave different functionalities as

  • 45

    Category 1o Double corner constraints This defines two angles
    where if a

    node is contacting a die corner an angle between these values,
    thenode will be given a double contact condition. This is
    furtherexplained in the appendix.

    o Solver switch control This defines a number of elements
    wherethe switch to sparse solver is blocked. The purpose of this is
    toprevent the sparse solver from being activated in cases where
    theproblem is too large.

    Category 2o Additional remeshing criteria The activation of this
    feature allows

    the user to have a finer control on the remeshing criteria.o
    Body weight This will allow the user to specify the amount of

    force per volume of the material. It is not recommended to be
    usedin cases where the body force may be neglected such as
    timeswhere the material is far from the melting temperature.

  • 46

    2.2 Material Data

    Figure 2.2.1: The material data button highlighted with a red
    box in the preprocessor.

    The material properties window can be accessed by pressing the
    materialproperties in the material properties window (See Figure
    2.2.1). The materialproperties dialog in shown in See Figure 2.2.2.
    In order for a simulation toachieve a high level of accuracy it is
    important to have an understanding of thematerial properties
    required to specify a material in DEFORM. The material

  • 47

    properties that the user is required to specify is a function of
    the material typesthat the user is utilizing in the simulation.
    This section describes the material datathat may be specified for a
    DEFORM simulation. The different data sets are:

    Elastic data

    Thermal data

    Plastic data

    Diffusion data

    Grain growth/recrystallization data

    Hardness estimation data

    Fracture data

    This section discusses the manner in which to define each of
    these sets of dataand which type of simulation each of these are
    required for.

    Figure 2.2.2: Defining phases and mixtures within DEFORM-3D.

    2.2.1. Phases and mixturesMaterial groups can be classified into
    two categories, phase materials andmixture materials (See Figure
    2.2.3). For example a generic steel can exist asAustenite, Bainite,
    Martensite, etc. During heat-treatment each of the abovephases can
    transform to another phase. So any material group that can

  • 48

    transform to another phase should be categorized as a phase
    material. Themixture material is the set of all phases for an alloy
    system and an object can beassigned this mixture material if volume
    fraction data is calculated.

    Figure 2.2.3: Defining elastic material data.

    2.2.2. Elastic dataElastic data is required for the deformation
    analysis of elastic and elasto-plasticmaterials. The three
    variables used to describe the properties for elasticdeformation
    are Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio and thermal expansion.

    Young’s modulus (YOUNG)Young’s Modulus is used for elastic
    materials and elastic-plastic materials belowthe yield point. It
    can be defined as a constant or as a function of
    temperature,density (for powder metals), dominant atom content (for
    example, carboncontent), or a function of temperature and atom

    Poisson’s ratio (POISON)Poisson’s Ratio is the ratio between
    axial and transverse strains. It is required forelastic and
    elasto-plastic materials. It can be defined as a constant or as

  • 49

    function of temperature, density (for powder metals), dominant
    atom content (forexample, carbon content), or a function of
    temperature and atom content.

    Thermal expansion (EXPAND)The coefficient of thermal expansion
    defines volumetric strain due to changes intemperature. It can be
    defined as a constant or as a function of temperature.For elastic
    bodies temperature change is defined as the difference betweennodal
    temperatures and the specified reference temperature (REFTMP):

    th = (T — T0)Where, is the coefficient of thermal expansion, T0
    is the reference temperature and T is the material temperature.For
    elasto-plastic bodies the thermal expansion input in the
    pre-processor is theaverage value of thermal expansion and the FEM
    calculates the instantaneous(tangential) value from the average

    th = *TWhere,* is the tangential coefficient of thermal
    expansion, and T is the material temperature.

    Experimental data for thermal expansion and conversion tools

    The user interface now allows either direct entry of the tangent
    thermalexpansion coefficient as a function of temperature. The user
    can also importinstantaneous values if available from the
    experimental data (See Figure 2.2.4).When importing the
    instantaneous values, the user needs to indicate if therecordings
    are based on heating or cooling tests and the reference
    temperature.This instantaneous thermal expansion data can be
    converted to average data(also called secant, which is the data
    requirement from the model perspective).At any point the user can
    see either native data as imported or converted data orboth. This
    data can also be imported and exported as text files. This table
    datacan also be cut and pasted from and to Excel (on PC systems)
    data table.

  • 50

    Figure 2.2.4: Data conversion facilities for thermal expansion
    function data.

    Note: To activate the reference temperature option, the thermal
    expansioncoefficient must be made a function of temperature.

    Figure 2.2.5: Defining thermal material data.

  • 51

    2.2.3. Thermal dataThermal data is required for any object in
    the heat transfer mode. (See Figure2.2.5)

    Thermal conductivity (THRCND)Conduction is the process by which
    heat flows from a region of highertemperature to a region of lower
    temperature within a medium. The thermalconductivity in this case
    is the ability of the material in question to conduct heatwithin an
    object. The value can be a constant or a function of temperature,
    afunction of atom content, or a function of temperature and atom

    Heat capacity (HEATCP)The heat capacity for a given material is
    the measure of the change in internalenergy per degree of
    temperature change per unit volume. This value is specificheat per
    unit mass density. The value can be a constant or a function
    oftemperature, a function of atom content, or a function of
    temperature and atomcontent.

    Emissivity (EMSVTY)The emissive power, E, of a body is the total
    amount of radiation emitted by abody per unit area and time. The
    emissivity, , of a body is the ratio of E/Ebwhere Eb is the
    emissive power of a perfect blackbody. For a more
    completedescription of the properties of emissivity, consult any
    source dealing with heattransfer. The value can be a constant or a
    function of temperature.

    Figure 2.2.6: Defining plastic material data.

  • 52

    2.2.4. Plastic DataFor studying the plastic deformation behavior
    of a given metal it is appropriate toconsider uniform or
    homogeneous deformation conditions. The yield stress of ametal
    under uniaxial conditions as a function of strain ( ), strain rate
    ( ), andtemperature (T) can also be considered as flow stress (See
    Figure 2.2.6). Themetal starts flowing or deforming plastically
    when the applied stress reaches thevalue of yield stress or flow
    stress.The DEFORM material database has been implemented with
    around 145material flow stress data sets. Additional materials will
    be included as they areavailable. The material database contains
    only flow stress data (data for amaterial in the plastic region).
    Thermal and elastic properties are not included inthe material

    Note: Flow stress data is compiled from a variety of sources and
    it is onlyprovided as a reference data set. Material testing should
    be performed to obtainflow stress data for critical

    Material model data conversion utilitiesWhen the material flow
    stress data is available in the form of data table (Figure2.2.7),
    user can convert this data in to a close form model equation using
    theConversion utilities. User can select material model from the
    available list, andfit the model parameters to match the table data
    points using the curve fittingtechniques (Figure 2.2.8). Once this
    is done, the system displays both forms ofthe data for the users to
    proceed with. Typically solid lines in the graph indicatethe
    original data, and the dashed lines from the flow curve computed
    based onthe fitted model parameters.

  • 53

    Figure 2.2.7: Material flow stress data in table form in
    temperature, strain rate and straindimensions.

  • 54

    Figure 2.2.8: Results from material model data conversion.

    The user should make note that, like any other curve fitting
    techniques, thenature of original data and initial guess (if user
    can make one) on the modelparameters will greatly influence the
    quality of the conversion results. This toolalso provides options
    to selectively carryout the curve fitting needs with controlover
    the individual model parameters. Once user accepts the conversion,
    theconverted model data replaces the original table data.From 3DV61
    additional functionality has been added to allow users to
    importmultiple measured flow stress data files, each set at a given
    temperature andstrain rate as shown in Figure 2.2.9

  • 55

    Figure 2.2.9: Utilities to upload the measured flow stress data
    in to DEFORM system

    Flow Stress (FSTRES)DEFORM provides different methods of
    defining the flow stress. These forms areshown below:

    Power law

    Where= Flow stress= Effective plastic strain= Effective strain

    c = Material constantn = Strain exponentm = Strain rate
    exponenty = Initial yield value

    Tabular data format

    Where= Flow stress= Effective plastic strain= Effective strain

    T = Temperature

  • 56

    This method is most highly recommended due to its ability to
    follow the truebehavior of a material. The user is required to
    enter the values of effective strain,effective strain rate and
    temperature for which the user has flow stress values.

    Interpolation methods:

    Linear interpolationThis method takes a linear weighted average
    between tabular flow stressdata points.

    Linear interpolation in log-log spaceThis method takes a linear
    weighted average between tabular flow stressvalues in log-log
    space. If the user inputs a value at zero strain, a linearaverage
    between the flow stress value at the zero strain value and the
    flowstress value at the next highest strain value is linearly
    interpolated. Using thismethod the initial yield stress can be
    defined at a plastic strain of zero. Theflow stress values are
    always interpolated linearly with respect totemperature.

    Warning: If simulation conditions of the material exceeds the
    bounds of thestrain, strain rate or temperature defined in the
    tabular data, the program willextrapolate based on the last two
    data points which may lead to loss of accuracy.

    Flow stress for aluminum alloys (Type 1)

    WhereA = Constant

    = Constantn = Strain rate exponent

    = Activity energyR = Gas constantTabs = Absolute temperature =
    Flow stress

    = Effective strain rate

  • 57

    Flow stress for aluminum alloys (Type 2)

    WhereA = Constantn = Strain rate exponent

    = Activity energyR = Gas constantTabs = Absolute temperature =
    Flow stress

    = Effective strain rate

    Linear hardening

    WhereA = Atom contentT = Temperature

    = Effective plastic strain= Flow stress

    Y = Initial yield stressH = Strain hardening constant

    User defined flow stress routinePlease refer to Chapter 13 for a
    description of how to implement user definedflow stress

    Flow stress databaseThe DEFORM material database contains flow
    stress data for around 145different materials. The flow stress data
    provided by the material database has alimited range in terms of
    temperature range and effective strain.

    Warning: If a simulation condition of the material exceeds the
    bounds of thestrain, strain rate or temperature defined in the
    tabular data, the program willextrapolate based on the last two
    data points which may lead to loss of accuracy.

    Yield function typeThis functionality supports anisotropy. There
    are three different types of yieldfunctions available.

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    Von MisesThis is the default setting. This specifies an
    isotropic material model.

    Hills quadratic (FGHLMN)This allows the user to specify
    anisotropic settings using the FGHLMN

    format of the Hills quadratic method. (See Figure 2.2.10)

    Figure 2.2.10: Hill’s quadratic (FGHLMN) input screen.

    Hills quadratic (R value)This allows the user to specify
    anisotropic settings using the R-value

    format of the Hills quadratic method. (See Figure 2.2.11)

    Figure 2.2.11: Hill’s quadratic (R value) input screen.

    Hardening rule (HDNRUL) [MIC]Currently, two models for hardening
    are supported, kinematic and isotropic. Foran isotropic model, as a
    material yields and plastically deforms, the yield surfaceexpands
    uniformly or isotropically. Thus, the yield strain in all
    directions is thesame. However, for a kinematic model, the yield
    surface shifts as the material

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    yields. The kinematic hardening model is required if the
    Bauschinger effect is tobe modeled. This is valid only for the
    elasto-plastic objects under smalldeformation.

    Creep (CREEP) [MIC]Creep is defined as the time-dependent
    permanent deformation under stress thatusually occurs at high
    temperatures. It is common in applications where thematerial
    undergoes cyclic loading or where stress relief is of interest.
    DEFORMonly supports creep calculations for elasto-plastic
    objects.The methods for defining creep in DEFORM are given

    Perzyna’s model

    Where = fluidity

    = effective stressS = Flow stressm = Material parameter

    = Effective strain rateThis model is known as Perzyna’s model.
    It is a formulation for elastic-viscoplastic flow. In this method
    creep will not occur until the effective stressexceeds the yield
    strength of the material. If the effective stress is less than
    theflow stress, the resulting strain rate is zero.

    Power law

    Where = fluidity

    = effective stressS = Flow stressm = Material parameter

    = Effective strain rateThis model is known as the power law. It
    is a very classical method for describingsteady state or secondary

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    Baily-Norton’s model

    Where= Effective stress

    Tabs = Absolute temperatureK, n, m, Q, r = Constants = fluidityS
    = Flow stress

    = Effective strain rateThis model is known as Baily-Norton’s
    model. The user should make sure that Kand Q are in the proper
    units so that the strain rate is defined as second-1. Thenodal
    temperature will be converted to absolute temperature inside the

    Soderburg’s model

    Where= Effective stress

    Tabs = Absolute temperatureK ,n ,C = Constants

    = Effective strain rate

    Tabular data

    This method is not currently available for this release

    User RoutinesThis method is not currently available for this

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    Figure 2.2.12: Diffusion data window.

    2.2.5. Diffusion dataDEFORM allows the user to model the
    diffusion of the dominant atom (at thispoint carbon) in an object.
    The window for this is seen in Figure 2.2.12. Theuser only needs to
    specify the diffusion coefficient for the diffusion. For
    thesimulation of carburizing process, normally performed before
    quenching, theLaplace equation is used for the diffusion model:

    Where C is the carbon content, and D is the diffusion

    Note: Brick elements tend to produce nicer looking results than
    the tetrahedralelements since the mean diffusion distance is
    normally much smaller than theaverage element edge length. This
    will tend to make the tetrahedral results looksomewhat patchy due
    to their generally uneven edge length.

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    Diffusion coefficient (DIFCOE)The diffusion coefficient can be
    defined by the following methods:

    Method 1Constant value for diffusion coefficient.

    Method 2Diffusion c

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