Eating out сочинение на английском

На данной странице представлен топик по английскому «Eating out». Текст снабжен переводом и полезными выражениями.

Nowadays, people tend to be busy and have little or even no time to eat healthily and regularly. Some people cook at home and take food to work or school in special lunch boxes. However, most people prefer eating out during their lunch breaks.

Fortunately, there is a great variety of restaurants now and we may try numerous dishes of different cuisines. There are Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Italian, Russian and many other kinds of restaurants. But the most popular ones are considered to be fast food restaurants.

Fast food restaurants and cafes offer cheap dishes, good service and save a lot of time. Moreover, people like such kind of food. They find it tasty and filling. In addition, fast food restaurants attract clients making special offers which make people buy more and spend less.

Nevertheless, people love eating out also during their leisure time. They get together with family or friends, go on dates and choose a place to their liking where they can eat their favourite food or try something exotic and spend time with their loved ones.

On the one hand eating out may be useful and pleasant. We have an opportunity to eat differently and feel closer to faraway countries and cultures trying their typical food. On the other hand, it is not always healthy to eat in restaurants, especially in those with fast food. Eating on the run can affect negatively our health and general state.


В современном мире люди часто заняты и у них либо мало времени, чтобы правильно и регулярно питаться, либо его вовсе нет. Некоторые люди готовят дома и берут еду с собой на работу или учебу в специальных ланч боксах. Однако большинство людей предпочитают питаться в каких-нибудь заведениях во время обеденного перерыва.

К счастью, сейчас есть большой выбор ресторанов, и мы можем попробовать многочисленные блюда различных кухонь. Существуют индийские,  японские, итальянские, русские и многие другие виды ресторанов. Но самыми популярными считаются рестораны быстрого питания.

Рестораны и кафе быстрого питания предлагают дешевые блюда, хороший сервис и экономят много времени.  Более того, людям нравится такая еда. Они находят ее вкусной и сытной. Кроме того, рестораны быстрого питания привлекают клиентов, делая специальные предложения, которые заставляют людей покупать больше, а тратить меньше.

Тем не менее, люди любят есть вне дома также и в свое свободное от работы время. Они собираются вместе с семьей или друзьями, ходят на свидания и выбирают места на свой вкус, где они могут поесть любимой еды или попробовать чего-нибудь экзотичного и провести время со своими близкими.

С одной стороны, есть вне дома – удобно и приятно. У нас есть возможность питаться разнообразно и чувствовать себя ближе к дальним странам и культурам, пробуя их традиционную еду. С другой стороны, не всегда полезно питаться в ресторанах, особенно в заведениях с  фастфудом. Еда на бегу негативно влияет на наше здоровье и общее состояние.

Слова и выражения:

Cuisine – кухня

Dish — блюдо

Service – обслуживание

Filling — сытный

To make an offer – сделать предложение

To go on date – пойти на свидание

To eat on the run – есть на ходу/бегу

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Обновлено: 31.03.2023

Тема по английскому языку: Едим не дома в Великобритании

The British

As far as eating out in the UK is concerned, I think it is important to distinguish between British cuisine and restaurants in Britain.

British cuisine

British cuisine is the set of cooking traditions and practices associated with the United Kingdom. However, British cuisine has absorbed the cultural influence of those who have settled in Britain, producing many hybrid dishes, such as chicken tikka masala.

Range of food

There is a very international range of food available both in restaurants and in supermarkets. “Ethnic” restaurants offer probably the best-value eating in Britain.

British restaurants

The British themselves rarely go to a restaurant to eat their own native cuisine, when they go to a restaurant, it’s most likely to be Indian, Chinese, Thai, French or Italian. What’s more, we can say that Britain has experienced a culinary revolution in the last 10-20 years.

Cosmopolitan restaurants

They eulogise the wonderful array of cosmopolitan restaurants in every city centre, and will tell how the British palate is now thoroughly stimulated with a huge range of tastes from around the world. They gush over British pub food, now being elevated to hitherto unknown heights of culinary excellence.

On the one hand, eating out in the UK can be good value for money. On the other hand, it can be eye-wateringly expensive.

Big cities

And indeed, if you live in the big cities, you’ll have no problems finding pubs and restaurants serving excellent food in pleasant surroundings.

Small towns

Nevertheless, in many areas, albeit where tourists are less likely to tread, the situation is less than inspiring. There are still lots of fish and chip shops and cafes outside city centres.

Vegetarian restaurants

Vegetarian restaurants also offer some of the most imaginative British food, unable as they are to follow the traditional “meat and two veg” formula

British pubs

Pubs are now open all day, and many serve food all day as well. Pick a good one, especially a country pub, and you can get good British fare.


On the whole, eating out in the UK is mostly popular among tourists and people who live in big cities. People who live in the countryside prefer having meals at home.



Что касается еды в Великобритании, я думаю, что важно различать британскую кухню и рестораны в Великобритании.

Британская кухня

Британская кухня – это набор кулинарных традиций и практик, связанных с Соединенным Королевством. Однако британская кухня поглотила культурное влияние тех, кто поселился в Британии, производя множество гибридных блюд, таких как курица тикка масала.

Ассортимент продуктов

Британские рестораны

Британцы сами редко ходят в ресторан, чтобы поесть своей родной кухни, когда они идут в ресторан, скорее всего, они пойдут в индийский, китайский, тайский, французский или итальянский. Более того, мы можем сказать, что Британия пережила кулинарную революцию за последние 10-20 лет.

Космополитические рестораны

Они восхваляют чудесный массив космополитических ресторанов в каждом центре города и расскажут, как британское пожелания сейчас полностью стимулируется вкусами со всего мира.


С одной стороны, еда в Великобритании может быть хорошим соотношением цены и качества. С другой стороны, это может быть очень дорого.

Большие города

И действительно, если вы живете в больших городах, у вас не будет проблем с поиском пабов и ресторанов, предлагающих отличную еду в приятной обстановке.

Маленькие города

Тем не менее, во многих областях, хотя там, куда туристы приезжают реже, ситуация менее вдохновляющая. Есть еще много рыбных магазинов и кафе за пределами городских центров.

Вегетарианские рестораны

Вегетарианские рестораны также предлагают самые разнообразные британские блюда.

Британские пабы

Пабы теперь открыты весь день, и многие подают еду весь день. Выберите хороший, особенно паб за городом, и вы можете насладиться хорошей ценой и качественной атмосферой.


В целом, еда в Великобритании в основном популярна среди туристов и людей, которые живут в больших городах. Люди, которые живут в сельской местности, предпочитают питаться дома.

Здесь Вы можете ознакомиться и скачать Some people prefer to eat out. However, many people still like to cook meals at home..

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Eating out… There are different points of view on this matter. Some people say that even pricey restaurants can offer good food whereas others believe that cooking at home is safe and cheap.

As far as I am concerned, homemade food is always better. To start with, when you go to any cafe for the first time, you can hardly know that you will be deliciously fed there.

Moreover, homemade food is safe in some respect: a person knows what did they cook so there will not be any products one does not like. In addition, at home, you can prepare a dish for several servings at minimal cost. Restaurants often offer meals for one time, but those dishes are overpriced.

In contrast, there is an opinion that restaurants are good in their own way as sometimes the fact that a person eats in restaurants all the time can create a certain reputation for them. Then, such people also admit that in restaurant, you can complain about a spoiled dish. If a person prepares food by themselves, they can only blame themselves for the spoiled quality of the product.

In fact, I cannot agree with them because when eating in restaurant, there is the possibility that you will sit there for an hour or two without any food. Поступаете в 2019 году? Наша команда поможет с экономить Ваше время и нервы: подберем направления и вузы (по Вашим предпочтениям и рекомендациям экспертов);оформим заявления (Вам останется только подписать);подадим заявления в вузы России (онлайн, электронной почтой, курьером);мониторим конкурсные списки (автоматизируем отслеживание и анализ Ваших позиций);подскажем когда и куда подать оригинал (оценим шансы и определим оптимальный вариант).Доверьте рутину профессионалам – подробнее.

You can not ask whether the cook have forgotten about you or just something has happened to them. At home, you know that you have food which you need to warm up Actually, often the ingredients for meals are cheaper to buy and cook something from them. It will cost you less, because if you do not like something, you can start again without any dramatic waste of food and money.

In conclusion, I would like to state that eating at home is more comfortable since restaurants and cafes sometimes have a noisy atmosphere so one cannot sit back and rest with a cup of good tea.

Nowadays, people tend to be busy and have little or even no time to eat healthily and regularly. Some people cook at home and take food to work or school in special lunch boxes. However, most people prefer eating out during their lunch breaks.

Fortunately, there is a great variety of restaurants now and we may try numerous dishes of different cuisines. There are Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Italian, Russian and many other kinds of restaurants. But the most popular ones are considered to be fast food restaurants.

Fast food restaurants and cafes offer cheap dishes, good service and save a lot of time. Moreover, people like such kind of food. They find it tasty and filling. In addition, fast food restaurants attract clients making special offers which make people buy more and spend less.

Nevertheless, people love eating out also during their leisure time. They get together with family or friends, go on dates and choose a place to their liking where they can eat their favourite food or try something exotic and spend time with their loved ones.

On the one hand eating out may be useful and pleasant. We have an opportunity to eat differently and feel closer to faraway countries and cultures trying their typical food. On the other hand, it is not always healthy to eat in restaurants, especially in those with fast food. Eating on the run can affect negatively our health and general state.


В современном мире люди часто заняты и у них либо мало времени, чтобы правильно и регулярно питаться, либо его вовсе нет. Некоторые люди готовят дома и берут еду с собой на работу или учебу в специальных ланч боксах. Однако большинство людей предпочитают питаться в каких-нибудь заведениях во время обеденного перерыва.

К счастью, сейчас есть большой выбор ресторанов, и мы можем попробовать многочисленные блюда различных кухонь. Существуют индийские, японские, итальянские, русские и многие другие виды ресторанов. Но самыми популярными считаются рестораны быстрого питания.

Рестораны и кафе быстрого питания предлагают дешевые блюда, хороший сервис и экономят много времени. Более того, людям нравится такая еда. Они находят ее вкусной и сытной. Кроме того, рестораны быстрого питания привлекают клиентов, делая специальные предложения, которые заставляют людей покупать больше, а тратить меньше.

Тем не менее, люди любят есть вне дома также и в свое свободное от работы время. Они собираются вместе с семьей или друзьями, ходят на свидания и выбирают места на свой вкус, где они могут поесть любимой еды или попробовать чего-нибудь экзотичного и провести время со своими близкими.

С одной стороны, есть вне дома – удобно и приятно. У нас есть возможность питаться разнообразно и чувствовать себя ближе к дальним странам и культурам, пробуя их традиционную еду. С другой стороны, не всегда полезно питаться в ресторанах, особенно в заведениях с фастфудом. Еда на бегу негативно влияет на наше здоровье и общее состояние.

Eating out is no problem in Britain. The number of eating places is overwhelming, especially in big cities. There are a lot of restaurants but some people prefer pubs which are «typically English». You can have a drink and a simple meal there. Most pubs are open only part of the day: for 3-4 hours at lunchtime and again from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. In busy areas, pubs may stay open all day.

Typical lunch in a pub is a Ploughman’s — bread, cheese and pickles or pickled onions, and sometimes a little salad. Another typical thing you’ll find in a pub is ‘darts’. A dart was originally a long, slender, pointed missile, weapon thrown by the hand. ‘Darts’ is a game in which smaller versions of the missile are thrown at a target — a specially designed circular board hanging on the wall. The game is simple but very exciting.

Take-aways became extremely popular in the 1980s. The traditional British take-away is fish and chips eaten with salt and vinegar and often served in an old newspaper. Most towns and cities now offer a wide range of takeaway meals, from American style hamburgers to Turkish kebabs.

Lately, many restaurants have developed as «take-always». That’s a special service where dishes cooked in a restaurant are packed for you to take them away and eat in a different place. Usually «take-aways» are cheaper than meals in the restaurants. They are popular with people who are too busy to cook their own meals or who are just no fond of restaurants.

Еда вне дома в Британии не проблема. Количество мест, где можно поесть, огромно, особенно в крупных городах. Есть много ресторанов, но некоторые люди предпочитают «типично английские» пабы. Там можно выпить и перекусить. Большинство пабов открыты только часть дня: в течение 3-4 часов в обеденное время и снова с 6 до 11 часов вечера. В оживленных местах пабы могут оставаться открытыми весь день.

Еда на вынос стала чрезвычайно популярной в 1980-х годах. Традиционная британская еда — рыба и чипсы, которые едят с солью и уксусом и часто подают в старой газете. Большинство городов и поселков предлагают широкий выбор блюд на вынос, от гамбургеров в американском стиле до турецких шашлыков.

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Eating out in Britain 

Eating out is no problem in Britain. The number of eating places is overwhelming, especially in big cities. There are a lot of restaurants but some people prefer pubs which are «typically English». You can have a drink and a simple meal there. Most pubs are open only part of the day: for 3-4 hours at lunchtime and again from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. In busy areas, pubs may stay open all day. 

Typical lunch in a pub is a Ploughman’s — bread, cheese and pickles or pickled onions, and sometimes a little salad. Another typical thing you’ll find in a pub is ‘darts’. A dart was originally a long, slender, pointed missile, weapon thrown by the hand. ‘Darts’ is a game in which smaller versions of the missile are thrown at a target — a specially designed circular board hanging on the wall. The game is simple but very exciting. 

Take-aways became extremely popular in the 1980s. The traditional British take-away is fish and chips eaten with salt and vinegar and often served in an old newspaper. Most towns and cities now offer a wide range of takeaway meals, from American style hamburgers to Turkish kebabs. 

Lately, many restaurants have developed as «take-always». That’s a special service where dishes cooked in a restaurant are packed for you to take them away and eat in a different place. Usually «take-aways» are cheaper than meals in the restaurants. They are popular with people who are too busy to cook their own meals or who are just no fond of restaurants. 


Еда вне дома в Британии не проблема. Количество мест, где можно поесть, огромно, особенно в крупных городах. Есть много ресторанов, но некоторые люди предпочитают «типично английские» пабы. Там можно выпить и перекусить. Большинство пабов открыты только часть дня: в течение 3-4 часов в обеденное время и снова с 6 до 11 часов вечера. В оживленных местах пабы могут оставаться открытыми весь день. 

Типичным обедом в пабе является Ploughman’s — хлеб, сыр и маринованные огурцы или маринованный лук, а иногда немного салата. Еще одна типичная вещь, которую вы найдете в пабе, это «дартс». Изначально дротик представлял собой длинную, тонкую, заостренную ракетку. «Дартс» — это игра, в которой дротики небольшого размера бросаются в цель — специально разработанную круглую доску, висящую на стене. Игра простая, но очень увлекательная. 

Еда на вынос стала чрезвычайно популярной в 1980-х годах. Традиционная британская еда — рыба и чипсы, которые едят с солью и уксусом и часто подают в старой газете. Большинство городов и поселков предлагают широкий выбор блюд на вынос, от гамбургеров в американском стиле до турецких шашлыков. 

В последнее время многие рестораны развиваются как «на вынос всегда». Это специальная услуга, где блюда, приготовленные в ресторане, упакованы так, чтобы вы могли их забрать и поесть в другом месте. Обычно «на вынос» дешевле, чем питание в ресторанах. Они нравятся людям, которые слишком заняты, чтобы готовить себе еду, или просто не любят рестораны. 

Еда вне дома в Британии5.0 out of
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1 vote

Some people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants. Other people prefer to prepare and eat food at home. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

English Writing Practice: Topic 13 – Sample 1

Some people like to eat out at food stands and restaurants, while others like to prepare food at home. Often it depends on the kind of lifestyle people have. Those with very busy jobs outside the house don’t always have time to cook. They like the convenience of eating out. Overall, though, it is cheaper and healthier to eat at home.

While eating in restaurants is fast, the money you spend can add up. When I have dinner at a restaurant with a friend, the bill is usually over twenty dollars. I can buy a lot of groceries with that much money. Even lunch at a fast-food stand usually costs five or six dollars for one person. That’s enough to feed the whole family at home.

Eating at home is better for you, too. Meals at restaurants are often high in fat and calories, and they serve big plates of food-much more food than you need to eat at one meal. If you cook food at home, you have more control over the ingredients. You can use margarine instead of butter on your potatoes, or not put so much cheese on top of your pizza. At home, you can control your portion size. You can serve yourself as little as you want. In a restaurant, you may eat a full plate of food “because you paid for it.”

It’s true that eating out is convenient. You don’t have to shop, cook, or clean up. But real home cooking doesn’t have to take up a lot of time. There are lots of simple meals that don’t take long to make. In fact, they’re faster than eating out, especially if you think of the time you spend driving to a restaurant, parking, waiting for a table,, waiting for service, and driving home.

Both eating at restaurants and cooking at home can be satisfying. Both can taste good and be enjoyed with family and friends. I prefer cooking at home because of the money and health issues, but people will make the choice that fits their lifestyle best.

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English Writing Practice: Topic 13 – Sample 2

In modern life now, more and more people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants. They think that will save time so that they can have enough time to do their jobs. But I still prefer to prepare and eat food at home.

There are several reasons. First of all, you can save money if you eat at home. In general, to get profit, the restaurants ask for more money for the same food you cook at home. That is a waste of money. To save money, you may prefer to prepare your food at home with less money.

Second, usually, the food in restaurants is not what you are expecting. you may dislike the way the restaurant cooks the same dishes as you do at home. For example, the other day, I asked for potatoes in a restaurant. After the first bite, I thought it was so awful. My mom never cooked such potato for me! The bad lunch even destroyed my mood that day.

Third, if you prepare food by yourself, you will have a happy mood when you eat it, regardless of the real savor of the food. It goes a saying well “labor brings happiness”.In addition, you can change your method of cooking considering your taste on that day.

The reasons above may answer why I prefer to eat food at home. Cooking even has become my hobby now. Come back and have your delicious food, I’m sure you will like it!:)

English Writing Practice: Topic 13 – Sample 3

Nowadays, some people like to eat at home and prepare food for themselves, but others have a negative attitude that they prefer to eat outside in restaurants or at food stands. As far as I am concerned, it is better to eat at home. There are numerous reasons why I hold on, and I would explore only a few primary ones here.

It cannot be denied that there is some advantage to the first points. Firstly, the condition of the restaurant is more comfortable and the food there is more delicious usually. Then eating in a restaurant becomes a good choice for getting together with friends. In addition, eating outside take people’s convenience and shortcut. For the people who are busy working, preparing food for themselves will make trouble and waste time. For a young person who is not able to cook for themselves, eating at food stands resolve the problem.

The main reason for my propensity for eating at home is that eating at home and preparing food for myself can enhance the emotion among the member of the family and bring pleasure to everyone.

In modern society, every day, parents are busy working and sociality, and children are busy on the study and playing. For convenience and saving time, they often choose to eat outside. Then there left so little time for them to share. Sharing dinner at home is not only eating but also provides a chance to talk, make a joke, and exchange feeling with each other. Maybe someone thinks that making dinner is a heavy burden. But I believe preparing food with family is also a happy, likely have dinner with family is a pleasure. With your sisters and brothers help your mother do a meal on the weekend and enjoy the food, and you will feel everything is so nice.

Another reason is that I think that eating at home is more economical than going to a restaurant and saving money. Using the same number of money you can buy more and better food from shops than from restaurants. You can do nourishing meals for your children rather than junk food from food stands. And you can spend the saved money on many other ways, such as buying new clothes and seeing a movie.

Generally speaking, eating outside is comfortable and convenient for our life, while eating at home can share happiness with family. Taking into account all these, I prefer to prepare food for ourselves and eat at home.

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