Friendship is the greatest gift of life эссе по егэ англ яз

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Some people think that friendship is the most important thing in people’s life, whereas others do not agree. They consider having a job more important. 

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In my opinionthe most valuable thing in life one can have is friendship. First of all, friendship is a part of human natureFor example, without it people feel lonely and sad. One needs to have someone to talk with, be understood, and share their thoughts and ideas. Secondly, there is a saying, “a friend in need is a friend indeed”. For instance, a true friend will always help in times of trouble, supporting his friends emotionally and practically. 

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At the same time there are people who think that a job is the greatest treasure one can have. If a person has a job he or she can buy whatever they want and feel happy. 

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I do not agree with the opinion about having a job mentioned above. It is said that friendship cannot be bought, which means that friendship is more valuable than money and a job that generates money. 

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In conclusionI would like to say that there are opposing views on this issue. At first sight, friendship does not seem very important, but in actual fact, it is the most valuable thing a person can have. Thus, I strongly believe that friendship is the biggest gift of life.

Nowadays we cannot imagine our life without having friends. We like meeting new people, talking to each other and going for a walk together. Some people argue that companionship is the best thing in our life, whereas others do not share this point of view.

Personally, I am convinced that the friendship is the best gift our life has ever given to us. First of all, friendship unites people, they start trusting each other. Friend will support you if you are in a difficult situation. Moreover, friendship allows you to spend your free time greatly. You can walk with your friends, watch your favorite movie and do a lot of other things to have a good time together.

However, some people think that the friendship is not the greatest gift of life. In their opinion, friends can fool you and

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В этом уроке мы соберем все параграфы в семь готовых эссе.

Тема 1:

Friendship is the greatest gift of life.

Nowadays, there is an opinion that friendship is one of the best presents which our life gives us, while others do not agree with this point of view.

In my opinion, it is wonderful to have friends as friendship is an exceptional gift which our life offers. Firstly, I believe that most people realize that our friends’ attitude gives us happiness and joy as any present does. We usually have a lot in common with our friends and this means that our communication and all free time we spend together are valuable and enjoyable for us. Secondly, friendship is more than hanging out together; it is an opportunity to get help from your friend if you need it. For instance, I am sure that any person in the world would get to the friend or a member of the family to ask for help in a critical or difficult situation. Friends give us moral support, lend us money, look after our children or pets.

Others claim that friendship is important but they would not call it a gift.  They think that as your mates are able to help you, you have to stand up for them too, so they would rather call friendship a mutually beneficial cooperation not a gift.

While those are important things to consider, I do not agree with the opposing view. I am sure that cooperation does not involve emotional connection which exists among real friends. 

To sum up, I believe it would be perfect to have friends, count on their support and spend great time together sharing common interests and hobbies.

Тема 2:

Childhood is not the best time of one’s life.

Nowadays, there is an opinion that childhood years are the hardest period of our life, while other people claim that it is absolutely wrong.

In my opinion, the time when we are young is the easiest and the most interesting part of our life. Firstly, I believe that most people realize that youngsters do not have many responsibilities and this period of our life is the most carefree time. For example, children do not have to care about food, money and place for living, their parents do it instead of them. Secondly, it is more than absence of responsibilities, it is an opportunity to discover the world and find out something new every day. I think that girls and boys’s life is much more exiting than routine time being of adults.

Some people believe that it would be great to have a happy childhood but they are not sure that everybody has it.  They think that parents could limit their children’s desires, choices and aspirations in order to protect them. As a result, schoolchildren do activities they are not interested in and  they study subjects they hate.

While those are important things to consider, I do not completely agree with the opposing view. I think that parents’ limitations are based on their great life experience. Parents’ control must exist as a form of protection from the mistakes of youth.

In conclusion, I believe that childhood is the best time of our life as we do not need to worry about our basic needs.

Тема 3:

One should not pay too much attention to fashion.

Nowadays, there is an opinion that everybody has to pay a lot of attention to fashionable trends, while others say that is not worth doing it.

I believe that it would be a great idea to buy and wear clothes which suit you and show your identity not taking into account the latest fashion trends. Firstly, I believe that most people realize that fashionable clothes cost a lot and it is expensive to be fashionable all the time. For instance, fashion houses release their new collections at least twice a year, that means that to be trendy you have to update your wardrobe every season and spend a lot of money on the latest models. Secondly, fashion is not only the high price, it is a chance to buy and wear items which absolutely do not suit you. For example miniskirts or tight jeans which were recently in fashion are not for every age and every type of body.

Others claim that it would be a great idea to be into fashion and wear trendy clothes.  They are sure that it is beneficial for everybody to have a sense of belonging to the high social status community. For example, if you can afford to buy Chanel clothes, it means that you are successful and wealthy.

While those are important things to consider, I do not agree with the opposing view. There are a lot of examples in the modern world when the wealthiest people wear the simplest clothes, while not very reach ones try to make a good impression by dressing in the expensive brands. Everybody remembers Steve Jobs who put on the same black long-sleeved jumpers every day but nobody knows others in fashionable items of clothing.

To sum up, I think that your personal style and clothes that suit you are much more important than following fashionable trends.

Тема 4:

One should read about historical sights before sightseeing.

Nowadays, there is an opinion that it is useful to find out about tourist attractions in advance,while others believe that there is no need to do it.

I believe that it would be a great idea to learn more about the places of interests in advance. Firstly, I believe that most people realize that preparation before the trip will save you time. For example, knowing what we want to see and how to get there will definitely help you to avoid losing time on the things you are not interested in and on the wrong way to the destination. Secondly, it is not only saving time, it is also an opportunity to save money. You do not have to spend on the excursion or pay the guide; you are able to become a private guide for the company of your friends or family members yourself.

Some people believe that it is not necessary to look for any information before sightseeing.  They think that getting information in advance spoils your own personal impression, doing it we look at the place from the point of view of the author and absorb his or her attitude. For example, we may adopt negative or unreasonably positive impression of the authors’ feedback.

While those are important things to consider, I do not agree with the opposing view. If you are really interested in art you will definitely visit an art gallery even if the reviews were negative. A guided tour just gives you extra information about a painting and doesn’t influence your personal opinion.

To sum up, I would recommend to every person who is planning to travel to do some background researches about historical sights to save money and time.

Тема 5:

It is wrong to make pupils read a lot in summer time.

Nowadays, there is an opinion that it is extremely important to read in the summer months, while
other people claim that summer reading must be only optional.

In my opinion, it is absolutely wrong to make children read during their summer holidays. Firstly, I believe that most people realize that summer holidays serve the idea of getting rid of stress students suffer during their school year, but compulsory summer reading maintains this level of stress and pressure. For example, the list of forty books for three months is able to make anybody become nervous.  Secondly, it is not reading I argue with, it is the absence of opportunity to choose the book. Schoolchildren normally have to read classical literature, but many of them would rather read science fiction books or detectives, but the pressure of reading is able to make them rebellious and read nothing at all.

Others claim that it would be a great idea to read a lot while students have their free time in the summer.  It is beneficial for students to succeed in school test results, so they think that summer reading will help schoolchildren to get better marks next school year.

While those are important things to consider, I do not completely agree with the opposing view. Probably, a lot of reading could partially improve your achievements in literature and Russian language but it has nothing to do with other subjects. Also it is extremely important not to make children hate mentioned subjects because of the need to read in summer time.

To sum up, I believe that it would be unfair to make students read a lot while they are having their summer holidays. I think it is more useful to give them a chance to choose activities and books they are really interested in.

Тема 6:

Science is the first thing to be financed in the modern world.

Nowadays, there is an opinion that nowadays science must be primarily funded, while others do not agree with this point of view.

In my opinion, it is extremely important to pay a lot of attention to science nowadays and that means that it must be properly funded. Firstly, I believe that most people realize that thanks to scientific researches a lot of machines which make our everyday life easier were invented. It means that without money spent on studies in the future we hardly will be able to get robots controlling our cars or our housekeeping. Secondly, it is not only the question of our life simplification, proper budgeting of science is in opportunity to prolong life expectancy of humanity thanks to the medical research. For instance, millions of specialists are working on the problem of incurable diseases like cancer and without financial investment these types of problems will never be solved.

Some people believe that it would be a great idea to finance social sphere or medicine first, not science. They think that we could use public finances to solve more important priority tasks. For example, there are a lot of everyday problems our society faces like homeless or disabled people who we must help first.

While those are important things to consider, I do not completely agree with the opposing view. All the solutions of social problems are connected to the science development one way or another. I strongly believe that only funding the science researches could help us to solve disabled and homeless people’s issues.

To sum up, I believe that it would be reasonable to finance science first in order to improve many spheres of our life tomorrow.

Тема 7:

The skill of handwriting will be unnecessary soon.

Nowadays, there is an opinion that the skill of handwriting will become useless in the very near future, while others do not agree with this point of view.

In my opinion, the ability to write by hand will disappear shortly. Firstly, I believe that most people realize that taping with the help of a computer is faster and it saves a lot of time as we do not need to reprint the pages with mistakes and errors. For example, with appearance of computers in the doctor’s offices we have to wait less our appointments in a queue. Secondly, absence of handwriting in many spheres of our life is not only the matter of time, it is also an opportunity to write a text which is legible for everybody. For example, if a teacher at school has a bit illegible handwriting, it might cause some confusions and long lasting mistakes of his or her pupils.

Other people believe that it  will always be a great idea to be able to write beautifully and legibly. They think that we could look at amazing handwriting as a form of art. For example, it is a real pleasure to get a well-organized letter with a lovely writing and keep it as a masterpiece.

While those are important things to consider, I do not agree with the opposing view. There are better pieces of art, like sculptures and paintings, to be kept and protected than handwriting. It is only the simple act of keeping information and it must be done in the fastest and easiest way.

In conclusion, I would like to underline that the skill of handwriting will be useless as the technological progress offers us much easier and faster ways for storing information.


Урок 0: Много теории

Урок 1: Introduction/Вступление

Урок 2: My personal opinion/Мое мнение

Урок 3: Opposing view/Противоположное мнение

Урок 4: Why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion/Почемы не согласны

Урок 5: Conclusion/Заключение

Урок 6: Семь готовых эссе

Урок 7: Облегченные версии семи эссе

Задание №15401.
Эссе. ЕГЭ по английскому

Comment on the following statement.

Friendship is the greatest gift of life.

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?

Write 200–250 words.

Use the following plan:
− make an introduction (state the problem)
− express your personal opinion and give 2–3 reasons for your opinion
− express an opposing opinion and give 1–2 reasons for this opposing opinion
− explain why you do not agree with the opposing opinion
− make a conclusion restating your position

Some people consider friendship as the most important value in life. For those people the lack of friends means lower quality of life. But is it actually true that not having friends is such a big deal?

In my opinion, friendship cannot be considered as the most important value in life. There are many other important aspects as well such as family, career, education. Also, some people don’t have friends at all and it does not bother them. We should keep in mind that every person has its own hierarchy of values.

I suppose some people think that having friends is the most essential gift of life. They believe that if they had no friends, life would lose its meaning and wouldn’t be as good as before. Also, they say that only friends can cheer you up and help you overcome difficulties.

I disagree with this view because I think that you cannot put friendship at the top of your values. This way you forget other important areas of life. I believe you need to maintain a healthy balance instead.

In conclusion, it is great to have good friends. But there is no need to overestimate the importance of friendship because there are other important values in life as well.

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Тест с похожими заданиями

Friendship is very important in our life. I have many friends at school and in my town and I can not imagine my life without them.

My best friend Vika is very interesting and communicative person. We have been friends since kidner garden and now we talk by phone regularly. Sometime we have quarrels but still I can say she is my best friend. We are little bit different but still we have many things in common.

My neighbor Kate helps me always and everywhere. If I need any support or advice I can always ask her. If I have misunderstandings with my parents or relatives, Kate knows what I need. She comes to me with a chocolate, we drink coffee and talk.

Another my important friend is my granny. I have no secret with her, because she is the only one who supports any my idea. She is 60 years old but she can give very good and useful advice.

I can talk about my friends forever. Friendship changes me a lot every day. In past I was not confident person, but my friends helped me to believe in myself.

Also I liked to stay by myself. I watched movies, read books and surf in internet and now I enjoy every single moment with my friends and people around. I like and I want to help people. I want to give advice and support if someone needs it.

Friendship is something that is important to everyone. Some people say they don’t need friends, but I don’t believe them. Everyone needs a person who can listen, support, give confidence and advice. Poor the people who don’t have and don’t want to have friends.

Тема ДРУЖБА на английском с переводом. Topic friendship.

Let’s talk about friendship.

Friendship is a special relationship between people. People need this relationship because they expect help and comfort from each other. Those who have friends have less stress and live longer. Friendship is usually based on common interests and mutual understanding, true encouragement and sympathy.

They say “Friendship isn’t a big thing, it’s a million little things” and I agree. To me it means that friendship isn’t always about one big gesture of help. Instead, true friendship is about millions of ongoing little actions you do day in and day out, that show how much you care about and value your friend.

They say: “A person has just one true friend”. I think it’s possible to have more than one true friend. It’s hard to find a person who will share your whole life. People can change and their interests change, that’s why we can have more than one true friend during the life.

Muhammad Ali once said: “If you haven’t learnt the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learnt anything”. Не meant that friendship is in some aspects more important than anything that you learn at school. He meant that nothing that you know matters if you do not understand friendship.

What rolе do friends play in your life? You can have a lot of acquaintances, they come and go, but a true friend is always there when you need a shoulder to cry on. Having a good friend can usually brighten a bad day and make you smile because that is what friends are for. If you feel depressed your friend will hang out with you to amuse you, to cheer you up and have a laugh with you. A good friend will not take offence at you if you disagree with him.

I have no friends among adults apart from my parents. I think that it’s easier to make friends among your peers. My best friend is of the same age with me.

I have a wide circle of friends who are on the same wavelength. I get on well with them because I respect their differences. It is fun to be with them all, but my special friend is _________. I met him/her when I mixed with my friends once after school. We’ve become inseparable since our first meeting. I really like him/her and we get on well. He/she accepts me as I am and doesn’t try to change me.

_________ is tall (well-built, pretty, handsome, plump, good-looking, slim) in his/her teens. _____ has got an oval (round / square) face with shoulder-length (long / short) hair, greenish-blue (hazel / blue / grey / green) eyes and full lips.

_________ is very responsible and decisive. He/she is determined: once he/she decides to do something, nothing can stop him/her. On the other hand, ______ tends to be sometimes bossy and likes telling other people what to do.

________ is an active and energetic person who enjoys cycling and playing sports games. He/she has an outgoing personality and loves meeting new people. He/she is also ambitious and works very hard at school to be successful in future. He/ she is intelligent and understands difficult subjects quickly and easily. On the other hand, he/ she can be sensitive at times and gets upset when something goes wrong.

All in all, ______ is very special to me and I am always there when he / she needs me.

A real friend is always next tо you, you can always count on his support and attention. I can rely on my best friend in everything. _________ helps me to see the truth even if it hurts, he / she keeps my secrets and shares things with me. I know, I can turn to my friend in trouble and he / she will give me a hand when I can’t cope with a problem myself.

People usually become friends when they have much in common, when they have much to tell each other, when they trust each other and rely on each other. So, if you want to get acquainted with someone and understand if this person can become your friend, you may ask the following questions:

  1. What music do you like? / What books do you read? / What TV programs do you prefer?
  2. What’s your hobby?
  3. What personal qualities do you appreciate in people?

If you want to understand if people are close friends, you can ask the same questions and compare the answers. Close friends will have similar answers.

I think it’s a bit easier to make friends when you 6-10 years, because children of this age are more outgoing and sociable. But I guess making friends doesn’t really depend on how old you are. If a person is friendly, it won’t be hard for him to get to know someone.

Making friends is not easy for some people and in some situations. These situations may be different – moving to a new school, moving to a new place, bullying at school, etc. Many teenagers are nervous about starting a conversation, because possible neglecting frightens them. To ease the tension, I’d advise not to be afraid of new people and not to think that all people around you must like you. If they don’t – it’s normal. You are simply different kinds of people. Try to find a group of your kind and make friends with them.

Nowadays teenagers have many virtual friends in contact or Facebook. I can’t name those friends real ones. Friends in social networks can have much in common, but virtual friendship can’t replace real communication when you spend time together.

Nowadays people prefer to have more money than many friends. They say that a person with money can afford everything and can solve any problem. I am sure that money can’t buy you real friends. And there are really such situations when you need friends and their emotional support more than money. That’s why I prefer to have both money and real friends.


Дружба очень важна в нашей жизни. У меня много друзей в школе, в моем городе и не могу представить свою жизнь без этих людей.

Мой лучший друг Вика — очень интересный и общительный человек. Мы дружим с самого детского сада и часто общаемся по телефону. Иногда мы ссоримся, но все-таки, говорю, что она мой самый лучший друг. Мы, конечно, немного разные, но у нас также есть много общего.

Моя соседка Катя помогает мне всегда и везде. Если мне нужна поддержка или совет, я всегда могу попросить ее о помощи. Если у меня какие-то недопонимания с родителями или родственниками, Катя всегда знает, что мне нужно. Она покупает шоколад, приходит ко мне, мы пьём кофе и болтаем о жизни.

Ещё одним важным и дорогим мне другом является моя бабушка. У меня нет секретов от неё, потому что она та, кто поддержит любую мою идею. Ей 60 лет, но она всегда даст мудрый и ценный совет.

Я могу говорить о друзьях вечно. Дружба меняет меня каждый день. В прошлом я была неуверенным человеком, но мои друзья помогли мне поверить в себя. А ещё я любила сидеть в одиночестве. Я смотрела фильмы, читала книги и лазила по интернету, а сейчас наслаждаюсь каждым моментом, общаясь с друзьями людьми вокруг. Я люблю людей и люблю помогать им. Я хочу давать советы и свою поддержку, если кто-то в этом нуждается. Дружба важна для каждого. Люди часто говорят, что им не нужны друзья, но я им не верю. Каждому нужен кто-то, кто выслушает, поддержит, придаст уверенности в себе и поможет советом. Бедны те люди, у кого нет друзей.

Topic «Friendship» with questions


Friendship is extremely important for every person because everyone needs communication and understanding. A friend is one with whom you spend your free time, share your thoughts and interests, who keeps your secrets, whom you trust and who is always ready to help. People usually become friends when they have much in common, when they have much to tell each other, when they trust each other and rely on each other. Friends know that they can turn to their best pals when they are in trouble, because their buddies will give them a hand when they can’t cope with a problem themselves. If you feel depressed your friend will hang out with you to amuse you, to cheer you up and have a laugh with you.The most important feeling that exists between friends is trust. It never appears from nowhere, it’s a result of communication, support in difficult situations, long-lasting friendship. Respect is also very important. It means that you don’t criticize your friend’s lifestyle, you always try to understand him, discuss problems with him and explain to him your feelings and emotions.

It’s not easy to make friends. It’s also very difficult to stay friends for years. You have to work at it. If you want to be a friend you should think carefully before you say something to people and think twice before you do anything. You should be mindful of how your words may affect people.

Nowadays teenagers have many virtual friends in contact or Facebook. I can’t name those friends real ones. Friends in social networks can have much in common, but virtual friendship can’t replace real communication when you spend time together.

Nowadays people prefer to have more money than many friends. They say that a person with money can afford everything and can solve any problem. I am sure that money can’t buy you real friends. And there are really such situations when you need friends and their emotional support more than money.

  1. Do you have a lot of friends?
  2. Have you got a best friend?
  3. Can you rely on your best friend? Why (not)?
  4. What questions do you usually ask when you want to get acquainted with someone?
  5. They say: “A person has just one true friend”. What do you think about this?

Translate into English

  1. Нам нужно носить форму в школу.
  2. Интересные книги всегда вдохновляют меня.
  3. Мне не разрешено гулять допоздна
  4. Поезд отправляется в 6 часов вечера.
  5. Я собираюсь купить новый дом.
  6. Я думаю, он скоро придет.

Упражнения «Модальные глаголы»

1. Выберите в скобках правильный вариант модального глагола. Переведите предложения.

  1. He … (can’t/couldn’t) open the window as it was stuck.
  2. Interpreters … (may/must) translate without dictionaries.
  3. … (Can/May) I use me your bike for today?
  4. … (May/Could) you give me the recipe for this cake?
  5. I hardly ever see Jane, she … (may/might) have moved to Africa.
  6. Take an umbrella. It … (may/can) rain.
  7. You … (could/should) stop smoking. You know you … (cannot/must not) buy health.
  8. You … (may/must) finish the article as soon as possible.
  9. Liz doesn’t … (ought to/have to) keep to a diet anymore.
  10. Lara … (can/might) get a playstation for her birthday.
  11. You … (must not/needn’t) read in the dark.
  12. My grandfather is retired, so he … (shouldn’t/doesn’t have to) go to work.
  13. The fridge is full, so we … (must not/needn’t) go shopping.
  14. Our employees … (can/must) sign this agreement.
  15. We … (may/ought to) reserve a table in advance if we want to have dinner there.
  16. I … (can’t/needn’t) believe it! You … (have to/must) be joking.
  17. Ann … (must/is to) finish school next year.
  18. Sorry, I’m late. I … (needed to/had to) wait for the plumber.
  19. What time do we … (should/have to) be at the railway station?
  20. Don’t wait for me tonight. I … (might/must) be late.
  21. I … (maynot/can’t) watch this film. It’s too boring.
  22. We’ve got a dishwasher, so you … (couldn’t/needn’t) wash-up.
  23. You look very pale, I think you … (need/should) stay at home.
  24. … (Could/Might) you, please, pass me the mustard?

2. Преобразуйте предложения с модальными глаголами в прошедшее время, начиная с данных слов. Используйте could, had to, was to, was allowed to.

Н-р: Bob can’t dive. (Боб не умеет нырять.) – Last year Bob couldn’t dive. (В прошлом году Боб не умел нырять.)

  1. You must show your identity card here. (Ты должен показать удостоверение личности здесь.) – Last night …
  2. We can’t buy a new car. (Мы не можем купить новую машину.) – Last summer …
  3. Mike may take my laptop computer for a couple of hours. (Майк может взять мой ноутбук на пару часов.) – This morning …
  4. Victor has to call his mother. (Виктору нужно позвонить своей маме.) – Yesterday …
  5. You don’t need to paper the walls. (Вам не нужно оклеивать стены обоями.) – Yesterday …

3. Преобразуйте предложения с модальными глаголами в будущее время, начиная с данных слов. Используйте will be able to, will be allowed to, will have to.

Н-р: The baby can talk. (Малыш умеет разговаривать.) – Soon the baby will be able to talk. (Скоро малыш сможет разговаривать.)

  1. He can’t get the tickets. (Он не может достать билеты.) – I’m afraid …
  2. You may use my camera. (Ты можешь пользоваться моей камерой.) – Tomorrow …
  3. I am to wait for him at the airport. (Мне нужно подождать его в аэропорту.) – Next Sunday …
  4. You must tell me the truth. (Ты обязан рассказать мне правду.) – Very soon …
  5. I have to take these pills 3 times a day. (Мне нужно пить эти таблетки 3 раза в день.) – Tomorrow …
  6. I can read this book in Italian. (Я могу прочитать эту книгу на итальянском языке.) – In two years …

Friendship is the greatest gift of life с переводом пример

The issue of importance of having friends has always aroused heated discussions and today’s question is not an exception. Some people believe that friendship is the best thing in their life, while others argue that they can live without these relationships.

I personally favor the idea that friends are one of the most important people in our lives. First of all, It is necessary to have a person with the same interests as you. You can share activities with this human and discuss whatever you want. It helps not to feel alone. Secondly, people need someone to rely on because it is difficult to solve your problems on your own. That is why friendship is an indispensable part of our life.

Nevertheless, there is a sort of people who do not agree with my opinion.

They consider that having friends is unnecessary. Firstly, hanging out with your mates is a useless activity because you can spend this time on your own tasks. Friends can prevent you to from perfecting yourself.

However veracious it sounds, I would not agree with the above mentioned ideas. Friends can give you a motivation to achieve the goals. It is easier to solve problems and carry out the tasks together.

In conclusion, I would like to say that people cannot live without friendship.


Вопрос о важности наличия друзей всегда вызывал бурные дискуссии, и сегодняшний вопрос не является исключением. Некоторые люди считают, что дружба — лучшее в их жизни, а другие утверждают, что они могут жить без этих отношений.

Я лично поддерживаю идею, что друзья — одни из самых важных людей в нашей жизни. Поступаете в 2021 году? Наша команда поможет с экономить Ваше время и нервы: подберем направления и вузы (по Вашим предпочтениям и рекомендациям экспертов);оформим заявления (Вам останется только подписать);подадим заявления в вузы России (онлайн, электронной почтой, курьером);мониторим конкурсные списки (автоматизируем отслеживание и анализ Ваших позиций);подскажем когда и куда подать оригинал (оценим шансы и определим оптимальный вариант).Доверьте рутину профессионалам – подробнее.

Прежде всего, необходимо иметь человека с такими же интересами, как у вас. Вы можете делиться интересами с этим человеком и обсудить все, что вы хотите. Это помогает не чувствовать себя одиноким. Во-вторых, людям нужен кто-то, на кого можно положиться, потому что трудно решать ваши проблемы самостоятельно. Вот почему дружба является неотъемлемой частью нашей жизни.

Тем не менее, есть такие люди, которые не согласны с моим мнением. Они считают, что иметь друзей не обязательно. Во-первых, тусоваться с друзьями — бесполезное занятие, потому что вы можете потратить это время на свои собственные задачи. Друзья могут помешать вам самосовершенствоваться.

Как бы странно это ни звучало, я бы не согласился с вышеупомянутыми идеями. Друзья могут дать вам мотивацию для достижения целей. Легче решать проблемы и выполнять задачи вместе.

В заключение хочу сказать, что люди не могут жить без дружбы.

Полезный материал по теме:

  1. Friendship is the greatest gift of life с переводом
  2. Friendship is the greatest gift of life пример
  3. Friendship is the greatest gift of life
  4. Frienship is the greatest gift in our life Sports
  5. The most important thing in life is friendship

Слайд 1
Friendship is the greatest gift of life

Friendship is the greatest gift of life

Слайд 2
Подготовка к работе

Перед нами текст задания Friendship

Подготовка к работе Перед нами текст задания Friendship is the greatest gift of life. Нам

is the greatest gift of life.
Нам важно отличать

ИЗ данного текста следует

Перед нами задача доказать или опровергнуть мнение, что «Дружба величайший дар»
Если мы будем работать только в теме ДРУЖЮА нам трудно будет решить задачу. Если мы подумаем о тех ценностях (а это не только дружба) , которые дарованы человеку , мы решим задачу
Чтобы решить задачу, вы можете противопоставить две точки зрения : «Дружба величайший дар» «Дружба не может быть величайшим даром (тогда что величайший дар?»

Продумать вопросы которые помогут определить тему и понять проблему , заявленную в задании
Что такое дружба? Что такое дружить? Как можно развивать дружеские отношения и как можно потерять друга? Как стать хорошим другом? Трудно ли быть хорошим другом? Все ли имеют дар дружить и заслуживают этого дара иметь друзей?
Какие разновидности дружбы выделяют? (так как тема завялена широко, то не стоит писать только об определённой дружбе в определённой ситуации )
3) Какие качества друга ценятся, какие не принимаются?

Какие ценности дарованы человеку с рождения и какие можно считать величайшими?

Как мы видим вопросов много и как легко уйти от поставленной задачи?
Подчеркните ключевые слов и подумайте, как вы их понимаете (от того, как вы почувствуете значение слова, зависит результат)
Поработайте с коллокациями (устойчивыми словосочетаниями) слова friendship и gift
Подберите синонимы к ключевым словам
Так как на экзамене у нас не будет времени их искать (при тренировке вы должны быть в постоянном поиске коллокаций и аргументов)

Слайд 3
Friendship is the greatest gift of life

Friendship –

Friendship is the greatest gift of life
 Friendship – понятие широкое (значит, мы можем писать

понятие широкое (значит, мы можем писать о дружбе в

любом возрасте любого пола)
GIFT – талант. дар (дружить и ценить

The greatest — сильный ограничитель (это значит, величайший дар всегда один Либо это действительно дружба, либо что-то ещё)

почему-то в некоторых работах пишут иметь друзей Having friends и Present (нам друзей никто не подарит как подарок)

Слайд 4
Friendship collocations
To form a close friendship /

Friendship collocations To form a close friendship / to form close friendships To form a

to form close friendships
To form a lasting friendship

value friendship above anything else
coordination of the relevant friendship elements 
To develop deep,

meaningful friendships.
Deep friendship
Bond of friendship
Being a frient
The art of making friends
The art of being a friend
The ability to make friends
The ability to be a friend
To live in perfect amity

Слайд 5
Thoughts about friendship
Я сохраняю интересные цитаты и

Thoughts about friendship Я сохраняю интересные цитаты и мысли (которые могут быть проблемой в другой

мысли (которые могут быть проблемой в другой работе и

аргументами в этой)

In every friendship there has to be

some give-and-take.
friendships are a two- way street
The qualitative character of men and women’s friendships was often distinctive, although mediated by social class and area differences.
 Genuine friendship is, conceptually speaking, perfectly compatible.
Friendship attachments provide a sense of security and a sense of belonging which potentially counters isolation and loneliness
The modified extended family, supplemented by friendships, provides substantial expressive and instrumental support but many do not expect informal care.

All friendship relationships have fluid boundaries.
People may receive many comforts, but tend to be very guarded in their friendships.
friendship among men is to be prized and cultivated.

Слайд 6
к поиску синонимов тоже нужно учиться подходить

 к поиску синонимов тоже нужно учиться подходить в рамках контекста Friendship Amity Friendly

в рамках контекста
Friendly relationship
The talent

A special ability to do sth
a magic

touch (a special ability to do sth very well)

Present – как подарок – в этой проблеме явно не подходит
Prowess / artistry — не подходит по смыслу

Слайд 7

Friendship is the greatest gift of life

 Friendship is the greatest gift of lifeПодумаем над вводным предложением (topic sentence в

над вводным предложением (topic sentence в котором мы перефразируем

задачу и показываем тему) Кстати, оно не обязательно- но навык

тренируем, чтобы не рисковать )

Friendship has always been valued in human life. (перифраз грамматический)
Показываем проблемный характер There are people who are sure to be a friend is the greatest talent of a person while others have a different opinion.
Friendship has always been valued in human life. There are people who are sure to be a friend is the greatest talent of a person while others have a different opinion. 31

Слайд 8
Определение возможных позиций
Попробуйте выделить несколько позиций

Определение возможных позиций Попробуйте выделить несколько позиций и выберите ту, которую вам легче доказатьThe greatest

и выберите ту, которую вам легче доказать

The greatest gift

we have is the gift of life
A child is the

greatest gift of life
The unconditionsl love is the greatest gift a person can recieve
Surprise is the greatest gift which life can grant a person
Being healthy is the greatest gift of life
Luck is the greatest gift of life

Слайд 9
Мнение Автора
In my opinion, the greatest gift a

Мнение АвтораIn my opinion, the greatest gift a person can receive in life is good

person can receive in life is good luck. When

a person is lucky, they have a chance to get

the most essential things in their life with little effort. People normally succeed through hard work, whereas the lucky ones perform their work with the help of nature. Besides, when a person is in great trouble, it is luck that brings good opportunities to cope with difficulties and positive feelings like hope and renewed interest in life. 123

Слайд 10
Мнение оппонента
However, there are people who believe

Мнение оппонента However, there are people who believe the most powerful thing a person can

the most powerful thing a person can receive in

their life is friendship . First of all, to be

a friend and to make friends are the abilities not every person can possess. Moreover, these are the relations that change emotions and feelings for the better. Friends are able to feel deep mental connection along with a mutual desire to share things and interests. Another positive aspect is to be engaged in the activities the other person suggests. 209

Слайд 11
Опровергаем оппонента
The idea stated above seems well-argued,

Опровергаем оппонента The idea stated above seems well-argued, but I cannot share it. Friendship often

but I cannot share it. Friendship often makes people

feel disappointed as only few friends might be true and

reliable. A person should constantly develop their personality to be helpful and trustworthy that makes people nervous especially when friends are not grateful. 257

Слайд 12
Finally, good luck is really the greatest thing

ЗаключениеFinally, good luck is really the greatest thing a person can be granted. 259 words

a person can be granted.
259 words

Рас­ска­зать о друж­бе на англий­ском язы­ке все­гда при­ят­но. Во-пер­вых, во вре­мя рас­ска­за мы вспо­ми­на­ем доро­гих нам людей, с кото­ры­ми свя­зы­ва­ют самые неве­ро­ят­ные и теп­лые вос­по­ми­на­ния. Во-вто­рых, мы исполь­зу­ем англий­скую лек­си­ку, а это зна­чит, что у нас уже есть непло­хой сло­вар­ный запас. Рас­смот­рим несколь­ко при­ме­ров сочи­не­ний и на их осно­ве состав­ля­ем свое.

о дружбе на английском языке

Сочинение о дружбе на английском языке

Про­чти­те несколь­ко при­ме­ров сочи­не­ний о друж­бе на англий­ском язы­ке, что­бы на их при­ме­ре соста­вить свой рас­сказ или эссе. Вам так­же может при­го­дить­ся лек­си­ка из леген­дар­ной пес­ни груп­пы Queen Friends will be friends, где мно­го новых полез­ных слов, опи­сы­ва­ю­щих насто­я­щую друж­бу.

Вариант 1

One of the most valuable things in life is friendship. It is extremely important for people to have someone, who they can trust. It isn’t difficult to find friends, but not everyone can stay for a lifelong period. Those, who stay, become the closest people for us. Usually people meet, get acquainted, communicate and as a result become friends. However, only time can show, whether the friendship is strong or not.

For me friendship is not only communication, but support, understanding and sympathy. If your friends are real, they never betray you, they never leave you in trouble, they always listen to your problems and try to help when needed.

I have lots of good friends, but two of them are the best. Their names are Lana and Rita. I can always rely on them and share my thoughts with them. We spend lots of time together. I simply can’t imagine life without these people. They make my life brighter and more interesting. When I’m bored, I can always phone my friends and ask them to come over. Sometimes we go to the cinema, sometimes to the theatre or to the museum. For me they are a part of my family. I fully trust them and I know that they would do anything for me. For example, Lana has once saved my life. When we were both twelve, we went to swim in the lake. While we were swimming, I had a leg cramp. Nobody noticed that I couldn’t swim to the shore, but Lana did and she helped me to get out. Such things can happen to anyone, so we always try to be caring and attentive to each other.

I know that it’s not easy to find a real friendship. I have met lots of false friends as well. So, now I try to appreciate the relations I have with my true friends.


Одной из самых цен­ных вещей в жиз­ни явля­ет­ся друж­ба. Для людей крайне важ­но иметь кого-то, кому они могут дове­рять. Най­ти дру­зей неслож­но, но не каж­дый может остать­ся на дли­тель­ный пери­од. Те, кто оста­ют­ся, ста­но­вят­ся самы­ми близ­ки­ми людь­ми для нас. Обыч­но люди встре­ча­ют­ся, зна­ко­мят­ся, обща­ют­ся и в резуль­та­те ста­но­вят­ся дру­зья­ми. Тем не менее, толь­ко вре­мя пока­жет, явля­ет­ся ли эта друж­ба креп­кой или нет.

Для меня друж­ба – это не толь­ко обще­ние, а так­же под­держ­ка, пони­ма­ние и сопе­ре­жи­ва­ние. Если ваши дру­зья насто­я­щие, они нико­гда не пре­да­дут вас, они нико­гда не оста­вят вас в беде, они все­гда выслу­ша­ют ваши про­бле­мы и попы­та­ют­ся помочь, когда необ­хо­ди­мо.

У меня мно­го хоро­ших подруг, но две из них луч­шие. Их зовут Лана и Рита. Я все­гда могу поло­жить­ся на них и поде­лить­ся сво­и­ми мыс­ля­ми с ними. Мы про­во­дим мно­го вре­ме­ни вме­сте. Я про­сто не могу пред­ста­вить свою жизнь без этих людей. Они дела­ют мою жизнь ярче и инте­рес­нее. Когда мне скуч­но, я все­гда могу позво­нить сво­им дру­зьям и попро­сить их при­е­хать. Ино­гда мы идем в кино, ино­гда в театр или в музей. Для меня они слов­но часть моей семьи. Я пол­но­стью дове­ряю им, и знаю, что они гото­вы ради меня на мно­гое. Напри­мер, Лана когда-то спас­ла мне жизнь. Когда нам обе­им было по две­на­дцать лет, мы пошли купать­ся в озе­ре. Пока мы пла­ва­ли, у меня све­ло ногу. Никто не заме­тил, что я не могу добрать­ся до бере­га, но Лана заме­ти­ла и помог­ла мне выбрать­ся. Такие вещи могут слу­чить­ся с каж­дым, поэто­му мы все­гда ста­ра­ем­ся быть забот­ли­вы­ми и вни­ма­тель­ны­ми по отно­ше­нию друг к дру­гу.

Я знаю, что най­ти насто­я­щую друж­бу не так-то про­сто. Мне неред­ко попа­да­лись и фаль­ши­вые дру­зья. Поэто­му, теперь я ценю отно­ше­ния со сво­и­ми истин­ны­ми дру­зья­ми.

Вариант 2

I’ve read an interesting proverb today, “A good friend is like a four–leaf clover, hard to find and lucky to have.» and while I was reading it, I wondered “What is friendship in fact?” So let’s find out!

Friendship is a special kind of relationships between people. People need it because they expect help and comfort from each other. Those who have friends have less stress and live longer. Friendship is usually based on common interests and mutual understanding, true encouragement and sympathy. Usually people meet, get acquainted, communicate and as a result become friends. But, only time can show, whether the friendship is strong or not.

The most important feeling that exists between friends is trust. It never appears from nowhere, it’s a result of communication, support in difficult situations, long-lasting friendship. Respect is also very important. It means that you don’t criticize your friend’s lifestyle, you always try to understand him, discuss problems with him and explain to him your feelings and emotions. Never forget to discuss important issues with your best friend or friends, because reservations can lead into the end of friendship.

I have many good friends, but two of them are the best. Their names are Annie and Natalie. They make my life brighter and more interesting. When I’m bored, I can always call my them and ask to come over and have a party. Once a month we go to the cinema or to the theatre, we call it “trinity time”. I consider them to be a part of my family. We’ve known each other for more than 20 years. I fully trust them and I know that they would do anything for me. We are always caring and attentive to each other. I know that it’s not easy to find a real friendship. I have met lots of fake friends as well. So, now I try to appreciate the relations that I have with my true ones.

I want to finish this topic with my favorite quote, «Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you; spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.»


Сего­дня я про­чи­та­ла инте­рес­ную посло­ви­цу: «Хоро­ший друг, как кле­вер из четы­рех листьев: труд­но най­ти, но пове­зет, если умуд­ри­тесь». И пока я это чита­ла, то зада­лась вопро­сом: «Что же такое друж­ба?»

Итак, давай­те раз­бе­рем­ся. Друж­ба — это осо­бый вид отно­ше­ний меж­ду людь­ми. Людям это нуж­но, так как они ожи­да­ют помо­щи и ком­фор­та друг от дру­га. Те, у кого есть дру­зья, под­вер­же­ны мень­ше­му стрес­су и живут доль­ше. Друж­ба обыч­но осно­вы­ва­ет­ся на общих инте­ре­сах и вза­и­мо­по­ни­ма­нии, под­лин­ной под­держ­ке и сочув­ствии. Обыч­но люди встре­ча­ют­ся, зна­ко­мят­ся, обща­ют­ся и в резуль­та­те ста­но­вят­ся дру­зья­ми. Но толь­ко вре­мя может пока­зать, силь­на ли эта друж­ба или нет. Самое важ­ное чув­ство, кото­рое суще­ству­ет меж­ду дру­зья­ми — это дове­рие. Оно не появ­ля­ет­ся из ниот­ку­да, это резуль­тат обще­ния, под­держ­ки в труд­ных ситу­а­ци­ях, дол­го­вре­мен­ной друж­бы. Ува­же­ние так­же очень важ­но. Это озна­ча­ет, что вы не кри­ти­ку­е­те образ жиз­ни сво­е­го дру­га, вы все­гда пыта­е­тесь его понять, обсуж­да­е­те с ним про­бле­мы и объ­яс­ня­е­те ему свои чув­ства и эмо­ции. Нико­гда не забы­вай­те обсуж­дать важ­ные вопро­сы с вашим луч­шим дру­гом или дру­зья­ми, пото­му что недо­молв­ки могут при­ве­сти к кон­цу друж­бы.

У меня мно­го хоро­ших дру­зей, но двое из них самые луч­шие. Их зовут Энни и Ната­ли. Они дела­ют мою жизнь ярче и инте­рес­нее. Когда мне скуч­но, я все­гда могу позво­нить и попро­сить их при­е­хать и устро­ить вече­рин­ку. Раз в месяц мы ходим в кино­те­атр или в театр, мы назы­ва­ем это «вре­мя тро­и­цы». Я счи­таю их частью моей семьи. Мы зна­ем друг дру­га уже более 20 лет. Я пол­но­стью дове­ряю им, и знаю, что они сде­ла­ют все для меня. Мы все­гда забо­тим­ся друг о дру­ге и про­яв­ля­ем вни­ма­ние друг к дру­гу. Я знаю, что най­ти друж­бу нелег­ко. Я тоже встре­ти­ла мно­го лож­ных дру­зей. И теперь я ста­ра­юсь ценить отно­ше­ния, кото­рые у меня есть с мои­ми насто­я­щи­ми дру­зья­ми.

Я хочу закон­чить это сочи­не­ние моей люби­мой цита­той: «Най­ди­те груп­пу людей, кото­рые бро­са­ют вам вызов и вдох­нов­ля­ют вас, про­во­ди­те с ними мно­го вре­ме­ни, и это изме­нит вашу жизнь».

4.Мой друг

I would like to tell you about my best friend. Her name is Lena. We know each other for many years. She is my next door neighbor. I always recognize her among many others. She is a girl of average height with a long curly blond hair. Lena has a sporty constitution. She is lean and slender build. Her skin has a cream-white color. Her face is oval. Lena has a straight nose and thick protruding lips. Her face is covered with freckles. Lena’s eyes are very beautiful. They are of deep green color, which reminds emerald. Her face is always kind and well-wishing . She often smiles and she’s always optimistic. Lena is very pretty girl and a true friend. Перевод Я бы хотел рассказать вам о своей лучшей подруге. Её зовут Лена. Мы знакомы уже много лет. Она живет по соседству. Я всегда узнаю её среди других. Она – девушка среднего роста с длинными белокурыми волосами. У неё спортивное телосложение. Она худенькая и гибкая. Её кожа светло-кремового цвета. У неё овальная форма лица. У Лены прямой нос и пухлые вздернутые губы. У неё веснушчатое лицо. У Лены очень красивые глаза. Они тёмно-зелёного цвета, напоминающего изумруд. Её лицо всегда ласковое и доброжелательное. Она часто улыбается и всегда оптимистична. Лена очень красивая девушка и верный друг.

Афоризмы о дружбе на английском языке

  • All men are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality. Martin Luther King Jr. / Все люди спу­та­ны неот­вра­ти­мой сетью вза­и­мо­за­ви­си­мо­сти. Мар­тин Лютер Кинг млад­ший.
  • A friend is a second self. Aristotle / Друг – это твое вто­рое «я». Ари­сто­тель
  • Misfortune shows those who are not really friends. Aristotle / В бед­но­сти и дру­гих жиз­нен­ных несча­стьях насто­я­щие дру­зья — это надеж­ное при­бе­жи­ще. Ари­сто­тель
  • I esteem myself happy to have as great an ally as you in my search for truth. Galileo Galilei / Я почи­таю себя счаст­ли­вым отто­го, что у меня есть такие союз­ни­ки, как вы, пока я в поис­ках исти­ны. Гали­лео Гали­лей
  • We are never deceived; we deceive ourselves. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Нас нико­гда не обма­ны­ва­ют, мы обма­ны­ва­ем­ся сами. Гёте
  • The senses deceive from time to time, and it is prudent never to trust wholly those who have deceived us even once. Rene Descartes Чув­ства нас вре­мя от вре­ме­ни обма­ны­ва­ют и важ­но не дове­рять людям, кото­рые нас хоть раз пре­да­ва­ли. Рене Декарт
  • To know what people really think, pay attention to what they do, rather than what they say. Rene Descartes / Для того что­бы знать, что люди дей­стви­тель­но дума­ют, обра­щай­те боль­ше вни­ма­ние на то, что они дела­ют, неже­ли на то, что они гово­рят. Рене Декарт
  • My idea of an agreeable person is a person who agrees with me. Benjamin Disraeli / Нам нра­вят­ся люди, кото­рые согла­ша­ют­ся с нами. Бен­джа­мин Диз­ра­эли
  • The men who learn endurance, are they who call the whole world brother. Charles Dickens / Люди, научив­ши­е­ся тер­пи­мо­сти, могут сме­ло назы­вать весь мир бра­тья­ми. Чарльз Дик­кенс
  • Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names. John F. Kennedy / Про­щай­те ваших вра­гов, но нико­гда не забы­вай­те их име­на. Джон Кен­не­ди


Что такое дружба? Некоторые люди скажут, что это — чувство взаимной симпатии между двумя или больше людьми, другие добавят, что это — состояние, когда один человек понимает и поддерживает другого. Я думаю, что дружбу можно сравнить с деревом. Его семя должно найти хорошую почву, и при хороших условиях оно превратится в дерево. С годами оно все более уверенно будет стоять на земле. И если оно будет достаточно сильным, то переживет все штормы и ветры. Но чтобы помочь ему, мы должны заботиться и любить его. Самым важным чувством, которое существует между друзьями, является доверие. Оно никогда не появляется само по себе, это — результат долгой дружбы, и это чувство очень ценно. Уважение и терпимость также очень важны; это значит, что вы не критикуете способ жизни своего друга, но пытаетесь понять его, обсудить проблемы с ним и объяснить ему, что вы думаете хорошо, а что плохо. Друг — это человек, который может помочь вам вовремя, предоставить вам любую денежную сумму в течение длительного периода времени без любого процента, кого вы можете разбудить посреди ночи только, чтобы сказать, что вы волнуетесь или кто стремится сделать для вас все, не ожидая ничего взамен, кто поддерживает вас во всех ваших начинаниях и кто никогда вас не предаст. Повезло тем, у кого есть друзья. Я счастлив иметь много друзей. Некоторые из них очень близки, некоторые меньше. Но все они делают мою жизнь интересной и приятной. Я ценю дружбу. Она делает счастье более ярким и менее болезненным горе, потому что у нас есть друзья. Когда мы сомневаемся относительно нашей способности достичь желаемого или достижения нашей секретной цели, именно наш лучший друг дает нам искру уверенности. И мы верим нашим друзьям, и мы благодарны им. Дружба — мост между одиночеством и товариществом, крушением и уверенностью, отчаянием и надеждой, неудачами и успехом. Именно поэтому истинный друг — бесценный подарок. «Те богаты, у кого есть истинные друзья», говорит пословица, и я соглашаюсь с ней полностью.

Выражения на тему “Дружба”

Ниже приведен список популярных выражений и словосочетаний, которые помогут вам при написании рассказа о своем друге:

  • toge­ton­well­to­geth­er — хорошо ладить друг с другом
  • tohitof­fwith­smb. ‑найти общий язык, подружиться
  • tobethick­asthieves — быть закадычными друзьями/ водой не разольешь
  • a friend­ship of old stand­ing — стараядружба/многолетняядружба
  • to have some­thing in com­mon — иметьчто-тообщее
  • fair-weath­er­friend — друг, который рядом только в благоприятных ситуациях, а при возникновении сложностей и проблем — он “пропадает”.
  • friendsin­high­places- друзья в “высших кругах”, занимающие важные посты, которые могут содействовать в решении проблем.
  • cir­cle of friends — кругдрузей.
  • to get on like a house on fire — быстросблизиться, подружиться
  • togob­ack a long­way — быть старыми друзьями или знакомыми
  • to be on friend­ly foot­ing with smb. — бытьнадружескойногескем-то
  • tofall­outwith­sm­bover­smth — поссориться с кем-либо из-за чего-либо
  • tore­lyon­smb — положиться на кого-либо
  • to give a help­ing hand — помогать
  • tomake­peace — мириться
  • tocoun­ton­smb. — рассчитывать на кого-либо

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