Law is law методичка

Рекомендации по проведению

уроков с применением   модульной

    Законом «Об образовании» Республики Казахстан
утвержден принцип вариативности в выборе форм, методов, технологий обучения,
позволяющий использовать наиболее оптимальные и эффективные инновационные
технологии в образовательном процессе учебного заведения. Согласно Рабочей
Программе колледжа  по  специальности «Правоведение» на втором курсе  я  ввожу
в структуру урока инновационные  технологии, имеющиеся в педагогической науке и
практике с целью успешности проведения уроков и формирования более глубоких знаний,
умений и навыков  обучающихся. Из всех известных мне инновационных технологий,
я решила применять модульную технологию обучения по  М.М. Жанпеисовой.

Выбор мной данной технологии обучения объясняется

—   Технология модульного обучения предполагает
стремление к организации личностно- мотивированной, познавательной

—   позволяет строить учебный процесс на основе
диалогического общения.  

конструирования учебного модуля является система собственно  моей подготовки
как преподавателя  к нему, которая сводилась к следующим шагам:

1 шаг: выявление обязательных знаний, умений и
навыков, целей и задач урока.

2 шаг: изучение всего содержания учебного материала по

3 шаг: вычленение ключевых понятий, несущих смысловую
нагрузку по данному модулю. Определение их взаимосвязи и взаимозависимости.

4 шаг: составление опорных схем по всей теме (на
основе выделенных ключевых понятий).

5 шаг: составление тестовых заданий по всему
содержанию учебного модуля (15-20 заданий).

6 шаг: составление блока вопросов и заданий по всему
содержанию учебного материала данного модуля для итогового  зачета (в данном
случае мною применялись и другие формы контроля и оценки знаний, умений и
навыков у студентов :квизы,  самопрезентации и т.п.)

Во вводной части учебного модуля сообщается 
новая информация, которая затем трансформируется  в знания обучающихся  .

цель была принята студентами, т.е. стала побудительной силой,  превратилась в
мотив необходимо, чтобы они   осознавали предполагаемые трудности в достижении
цели, контролировали себя в том, насколько успешно идет продвижение к цели.

подготовке диалогической части учебного модуля я вычленила и структурировала
основное содержание учебного материала для разбивки его на части. Подачу
учебного материала для проработки его обучающимися  на каждом уроке следует
давать  определенными порциями, в которых в краткой, ёмкой форме  заключено
содержание всего раздела (темы).

Учебный  материал  подобран  в виде краткого текста,
таблицы или схемы и практических заданий для отработки необходимых навыков,
относящихся к данному учебному элементу.

работы в малых группах позволит  обучающимся самостоятельно или с определенной
помощью достичь конкретных целей и  поможет    им избежать многих ошибок.

Большое количество упражнений позволит  прочно
сформировать навыки усвоения  лексики и грамматики.

Весь учебный материал готовится   на трех уровнях
сложности: простой, средней  и  сложной. Задания  направлены на снижение
языковых и психологических трудностей,возникающих у студентов  в ходе овладения
иностранным языком. Право выбора  одного из трех уровней оставляются  за каждым
обучающимся. Дополнительно  подготовлены задания проблемного характера,
требующие переноса  знаний. Работа диалогической части строится  с учетом
следующих основных принципов:

— принцип целостного подхода к изучаемому и
познаваемому материалу;

— принцип изучения по нарастающей» сначала в сжатом
виде, затем — «раскручивая» содержание, увеличивая объем и вводя второстепенные
детали или факты;

— принцип «возвращения» к теме учебного модуля на
каждом уроке диалогической части.

В итоговой части обучающиеся  выполняют
разноуровневые задания, пишут  эссе на определенную  на тему, выполняют 
контрольные  проверочные  работы, соответствующие  целям урока .

Одной из причин написания  данного учебно-
методического пособия явилось отсутствие дидактического материала и учебников
для преподавания профессионального английского языка  в группах отделения
«Правоведение» Данное пособие состоит из 7 модулей. Каждый модуль пособия
рассчитан на 6 часов . В пособие  включены тексты на английском и русском
языках по юридической тематике, касающиеся устройства политических систем
Казахстана ,Великобритании и США  и других наиболее важных событий .

Учебно-методическое пособие  рассчитано на широкую
аудиторию специалистов ,изучающих английский язык  в связи с деятельностью  в
юридической сфере. Может быть полезно всем лицам ,изучающим английский язык в
группах и самостоятельно.


Units and themes

I – Unit .What is


introduce the students to Law and try to answer :”Why do we need law?”

— develop
skills and habits in  making up  the  dialogues with   new vocabulary

skills in electing the idea about the covered raised problem

revise the  grammar «Present Simple»  and apply it in practice

develop the skills in using of professional vocabulary during the  games .

bring up the  students in  sense of patriotism and politeness  to Laws and  try
to write a composition « Law  in my life»   or make up multilevel exercises

II — Unit. Kazakhstan.


-develop the
skills  of learning by hurt  the vocabulary to the  themes: ”The State Anthem
of the Republic of Kazakhstan” “The Emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan”,.
“The Flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan”

rise skills in electing the idea about the covered raised problem

bring up the  students in  sense of patriotism to the national symbols.

the habits of the students in using grammar «To be, there + be, have/has got»

use the professional terminology  in the dialogues

revise the grammar and vocabulary   to the theme and write “Quiz”

Module III.

— introduce the students to the new  vocabulary
to the  themes: “Political
System of  Kazakhstan”,  “
Constitution of Kazakhstan”, “Election system in Kazakhstan “

rise skills in electing the idea about the covered raised problem

bring up the  students in  sense of patriotism to  native land.

learn the students to retell with  sense of patriotism about their countries
political system .

form the skills of using  grammar
«Pronouns» in practice

revise the grammar and lexis to the theme and write “Quiz”

— Unit .
Great Britain

 Module IV.

— introduce the students to the new    themes: National Emblems
of the United Kingdom “,”The Royal Family”, ”Forming  a   Government. The Cabinet

rise skills in electing the idea about the covered raised problem

teach the students to use the new knowledge in any situations.

bring up the  students in  sense of politeness to the political systems of
other countries .

revise and  use practice the  English  grammar  theme  « The Past Simple and
The Present Perfect Tenses».

use the professional terminology  in the dialogues

revise the grammar and lexis to the theme and write “Quiz”

Module V.

teach  students to speak about :”The British Monarchy Today”, “The British
Parliament and the Electoral System”,
“British Institutions”

form  skills in electing the idea about the covered raised problem

the skills  in using  of English  grammar « Future Tenses »in practice.

strength  the professional  vocabulary playing the  games 

revise the grammar and lexis to the theme and write “Quiz”

 Module VI.

— introduce the students with the vocabulary to the
themes :”The US Government”,.
The Higher
Organs of Power in the USA”, “The US

develop  skills in electing the idea about the covered raised problem

bring up the  students in  sense of  politeness  to Laws  and  political 
systems  of other countries.

revise and use in  practice  the English  grammar theme

strength  the professional  vocabulary playing the  games 

revise the grammar and lexis to the theme and write “Quiz”

— Unit .

Module VII.

—  introduce 
the students with the vocabulary to  themes :”Judicial system in the USA”,”
Law-making procedure in the USA.”, ”Elections in the USA.“

continue  to form  skills in electing the idea about the covered raised

bring up the   students in  sense of  politeness  to Laws  and    systems  of
other countries.

teach the students to talk and comprise the judicial systems of three
countries Kazakhstan, Great Britain and USA.

develop the skills in learning   by hurt   the professional vocabulary to
the   themes and using them in the dialogues.

revise the grammar and lexis to the theme and write “Quiz”






— Unit. What is Law?

 Module I.



 Introduction to



Why do we need



 Law  and Society



«Present Simple»






Composition «
Law  in my life»


— Unit .

Module II.



 The State
Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan



The Emblem of
the Republic of Kazakhstan



The Flag of the
Republic of Kazakhstan



«To be, there +
be, have/has got»








 Module III.



Political System of  Kazakhstan 



Constitution of Kazakhstan 



Election system in Kazakhstan











III — Unit . Great Britain

Module IV.



Emblems of  the United  Kingdom



The Royal Family



Forming  a Government. The Cabinet.



«The Past Simple
and The Present Perfect Tenses»








Module V.



 The  British
Monarchy Today



The British
Parliament and the Electoral System






« Future Tenses »








Module VI.



The USA  Government



The Higher
Organs of Power in the USA



The USA Congress











IV — Unit .USA.

Module VII.



Judicial system
in the USA



procedure in the USA



Elections in the



«Passive Voice»









84 часа


I — Unit.  What is Law?

Module  I. Тhemes: 1. Introduction to Law.2 Why do we need law?
  3. Law  and Society.


number of the lesson

contents of the lesson



Acquaintance with the structure of the
module , aims and tasks.

I. Introduction. 1.
Introduction to Law.2 Why do we need  law? 3. Law and Society (Association)  2.
Работа с 2.Lead-in the new
vocabulary.                           3. Read and translate the text in
groups and write the answers to the questions in the
4.Conclusion lesson .Home task.               лексикой.



 Assimilation of  knowledge.

1.Use the vocabulary  in the dialogues and

your dialogues. 

3.Playing games:                                                                                                             

а) Game: «Go on, go on…»

б)Game: «Answer the questions»

c) Game: «Snowball».

4.Conclusion lesson .Home task. 


Revision English verbs in
Present Simple»

Practical work:

1. Multilevel grammar exercises.

2. Conclusion lesson .Home task.              


Mutual checking  of   knowledge and skills .

а) Game: «Catching the leader».

1. Multilevel lexis exercises.

2. Conclusion lesson .Home task.              



1.Multilevel lexis and grammar exercises

 a) Composition –essay:  «Law in my life»

b) making tests

2. Conclusion  lesson .Home task.

. Themes: 1.The State Anthem of the Republic of

Emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 3. The
Flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


number of the lesson

contents of the lesson



Acquaintance with the structure of the
module , aims and tasks.

The State Anthem of  the Republic of Kazakhstan.2.The Emblem of the Republic 
of  Kazakhstan. 3. The Flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan. ( Brain storming).                                                         
2.Lead-in the new vocabulary.                           3. Read and translate
the text in groups and write the answers to the questions in the copy-books.                                                
4.Conclusion lesson .Home task.              



Assimilation of  knowledge.

1.Use the vocabulary  in the dialogues and

your dialogues.                                                                                                               
3. Conclusion lesson .Home task.


Revision To be, there +
be, have/has got.”

Practical work:

1. Multilevel grammar exercises.

2. Conclusion lesson .Home task.              


Mutual checking  of   knowledge and skills .

1. Multilevel lexis exercises.

2. Conclusion lesson .Home task.              



1. Multilevel lexis and grammar exercises

2. Conclusion  lesson .Home task.              

Module  III.

Themes :1.Political
System of  Kazakhstan  2.
Constitution of Kazakhstan  3.Election system
in Kazakhstan.


number of the lesson

contents of the lesson



Acquaintance with the structure of the
module , aims and tasks.

1 Introduction.. 1.Political System of  Kazakhstan  2.Constitution of Kazakhstan 
3.Election system in Kazakhstan.(A basket of ideas)

 2.Lead-in the new vocabulary.                          
3. Read and translate the text in groups and write the answers to the
questions in the copy-books.                                                



Assimilation of  knowledge.

1.Use the vocabulary  in the dialogues and

2.Seminar-lesson .

3. Conclusion lesson .Home task.      


 Revision «Pronouns»

Practical work:

1. Multilevel grammar exercises.

2. Conclusion lesson .Home task.              


Mutual checking  of   knowledge and skills .

1. Multilevel lexis exercises.

2. Conclusion lesson .Home task.              



1. Multilevel lexis and grammar exercises

2. Conclusion  lesson .Home task.              

Great  Britain.

Module  IV. Themes :1. National
Emblems of the United Kingdom .2.The RoyalFamily.
3. Forming a Government
.The Cabinet .


number of the lesson

contents of the lesson



Acquaintance with the structure of the
module , aims and tasks.

1. Introduction. 1. National Emblems of the United Kingdom . 2.The
Royal Family.

3. Forming 
a Government .  The Cabinet
.                                                                  ( The idea of
key importance).

 2.Lead-in the new vocabulary.                          
3. Read and translate the text in groups and write the answers to the
questions in the copy-books.                                                



Assimilation of  knowledge.

1.Use the vocabulary  in the dialogues and

2. Seminar-lesson.

3. .Conclusion lesson .Home task


Revision :« The Past
Simple and The Present Perfect  Tenses».

 Practical work:

1. Multilevel grammar exercises.

2. Conclusion lesson .Home task.              


Mutual checking  of   knowledge and skills .

1. Multilevel lexis exercises.

2. Conclusion lesson .Home



1. Multilevel lexis and grammar exercises.

2. Conclusion  lesson .Home task.              

Module V.Тhеmes: 1. The
British Monarchy Today. 2. The British Parliament and the Electoral System. 3.


number of the lesson

contents of the lesson



Acquaintance with the structure of the
module , aims and tasks.

1. Introduction. . 1.The British Monarchy Today. 2. The British
Parliament and the Electoral System. 3. British Institutions.

 2.Lead-in the new vocabulary.                          
3. Read and translate the text in groups and write the answers to the
questions in the copy-books.                                                



Assimilation of  knowledge.

1.Use the vocabulary  in the dialogues and

2. Game: «I’m to
you ,you  are  to me»

3. .Conclusion lesson .Home task .  


Revision:  « Future

Practical work:

1. Multilevel grammar exercises.

2. Conclusion lesson .Home task.              


Mutual checking  of   knowledge and skills

1. Multilevel lexis exercises.

2. Conclusion lesson .Home



1. Multilevel lexis and grammar exercises.

2. Conclusion  lesson .Home task.              

Unit- The United States.

Module  VI. Themes: 1.The US Government.2. The Higher Organs of Power in the USA.3. The US Congress.


number of the lesson

contents of the lesson



Acquaintance with the structure of the
module , aims and tasks.                                             
1. Introduction. 1.The US
2. The Higher Organs of Power in the
USA. 3. The US Congress

2.Lead-in the new vocabulary.                          
3. Read and translate the text in groups and write the answers to the
questions in the copy-books.                                                
.               .              



 2.Lead-in the new vocabulary.                          
3. Read and translate the text in groups and write the answers to the
questions in the copy-books.                                                


Revision «Prepositions».

Practical work:

1. Multilevel grammar exercises.

2. Conclusion lesson .Home task.              


Mutual checking  of   knowledge and skills

1. Multilevel lexis exercises.

2. Conclusion lesson .Home task.              



1. Multilevel lexis and grammar exercises.

2. Conclusion  lesson .Home task.              

Module VII.

system in the USA. 2 .Law-making procedures in the USA.3.Elections in the USA.


number of the lesson

contents of the lesson



Acquaintance with the structure of the
module , aims and tasks.                                      
1. Introduction.1. 1.Judicial system in the USA. 2 .Law-making
procedure in the USA. 3. Elections
in the USA
. (Cluster).            

  2.Lead-in the new vocabulary.                          
3. Read and translate the text in groups and write the answers to the
questions in the copy-books.                                                



 Assimilation of  knowledge.

1.Use the vocabulary  in the dialogues and

2.Dramatizing your
3. Conclusion lesson .Home task.


 Revision «The Passive

Practical work:

1. Multilevel grammar exercises.

2. Conclusion lesson .Home task.              


Mutual checking  of   knowledge and skills

1. Multilevel lexis exercises.

2. Conclusion lesson .Home task.              



1. Multilevel lexis and grammar exercises.

2. Conclusion  lesson .Home task.              

Список  литературы

Encyclopedia.Editor in chief.–Almaty,2007, p.p. 224-226.

:Высшая школа ,1990,с..94 .

Андерсон Л. О модульном обучении. — Алматы:  Профессионал Казахстана , 2004,

6,  с.48 .

4. Бойко В.200 тем английского
языка для абитуриентов. -Москва : БАО-ПРЕСС  РИПОЛ  КЛАССИК,2006.с.448 .

5.Влахова А.С. Учебно-методическое
пособие для студентов 1курса юристов –бакалавров .-Москва. Высшая школа

 6. Жанпеисова М. М. Модульная
технология обучения как средство развития ученика – Алматы:  Халы
қталимы ,
2002,с.52 .

7.Касымова С.С. Иностранные языки в
школах Казахстана.-Алматы,№5,с.34.

8.Ковжасарова М.Р., Нурахметов
Н.Н., Аульбекова Г.Д.  Технологизация учебного процесса: казахстанский
опыт.-Алматы: Зият-Пресс, 2005, с.224 .

9.Смакова К.Е. Учебно-методический
English at school.Калуга,2009,с.47.

10.Черняева  Д.А . Английский язык
:методика преподавания  в школе ,колледже и вузе. -Алматы,2014,№ 1,с.5,с.30.

И.И. О Британии вкратце.-Москва:Лист,2003,с.224

12.Электронные ресурсы:

— the White House website.

— UK Parliament website.

-British Council.

-Shaping the way
we teach English ,Webinar.


подготовку бакалавров

20.(n.) Bachelor (LLB) / undergraduate − бакалавр

21.Master of Laws (LLM) − магистр права

22.(n.) degree − степень

23.(n.) apprenticeship − обучение, учение, срок учения, период обучения

24.Doctor of Jurisprudence (Jurist Doctor) − доктор юридических наук

25.(n.) submission подчинение, повиновение, покорность, послушание, представление, подача документов

26.government counsel − адвокат правительства; обвинитель (в федеральном суде)

27.corporate in-house counsel – внутренний адвокат компании professor (academic lawyer) − преподаватель юриспруденции

29.(n.) politician − политик

30.(v.) be constrained – быть вынужденным (делать что-л.)

Exercise 6. Read and translate the underlined words. Then read and translate the text.

Legal professions

A lawyer is a person learned in the law. A lawyer, also known as an attorney, a counselor, a solicitor, a barrister or an advocate, is an individual licensed by the state to engage in the practice of law and advise clients on legal matters. Lawyers act as both advocates and advisors on behalf of their clients. The role of the lawyer varies significantly across legal jurisdictions, and therefore can be treated in only the most general terms. Lawyers’ roles vary greatly, depending upon their practice environment and field of specialization.

In most countries there is only one legal profession. This means that all the lawyers have roughly the same professional education leading to the same legal qualifications, and they are permitted to do all the legal work. In England the system is different. Here the profession is divided into two types of lawyers, called solicitors and barristers. Solicitors and barristers are both qualified lawyers, but they have different legal training; they take different examinations to qualify; and once they have qualified, they usually do different types of legal work. As for solicitors they deal with a range of legal work: preparing cases to be tried in the civil or criminal courts; giving legal advice in the field of business and drawing up contracts; making all the legal arrangements for the buying and selling of land or houses; assisting employees and employers; making wills.

The path to becoming a lawyer in the United States usually involves completing a four-year college program, demonstrating strong academic skills, taking the Law School Admission Test (LSAT), completing law school (usually a three-year program), and passing a state-administered bar examination. The rules for eligibility to take the bar and to qualify for bar admission are set by each state. However, to receive a license to practice law, one must be a graduate of a law school that meets certain standards, and one must achieve a passing score on the bar examination.

There are mainly “courtroom lawyers” who actually conduct cases in court. Unlike solicitors, they have rights of audience (rights to appear) in any court of the land, and so barristers are those lawyers who appear in the more difficult cases in the higher courts. The educational requirements to become a lawyer vary greatly from country to country. In some countries, law is taught by a faculty of law which is a department of a university’s general undergraduate college. Law students in those countries pursue a Bachelor (LLB) or a Master of Laws (LLM) degree.


In some countries it is common or even required for students to earn another bachelor’s degree at the same time. Besides it is often followed by a series of advanced examinations, apprenticeships, and additional coursework at special government institutes. In other countries, particularly the United States, law is primarily taught at law schools. Most law schools are part of universities but a few are independent institutions. Law schools in the United States (and some in Canada and elsewhere) award graduating students a J.D. (Jurist Doctor / Doctor of Jurisprudence) as the practitioner’s law degree. However, like other professional doctorates, the J.D. is not the exact equivalent of the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), a university degree of the highest level, since it does not require the submission of a full dissertation based on original research.

The methods and quality of legal education vary widely. Some countries require extensive clinical training in the form of apprenticeships or special clinical courses. Many others have only lectures on highly abstract legal doctrines, which force young lawyers to figure out how to actually think and write like a lawyer at their first apprenticeship (or job).

In most common law countries lawyers have many options over the course of their careers. Besides private practice, they can always aspire to becoming a prosecutor, government counsel, corporate in-house counsel, judge, arbitrator, law professor, or politician. In most civil law countries, lawyers generally structure their legal education around their chosen specialty; the boundaries between different types of lawyers are carefully defined and hard to cross. After one earns a law degree, career mobility may be severely constrained.


Exercise 7. Find the English equivalents for the following word combinations and expressions in the text:

консультировать клиентов по вопросам права

выполнять все виды юридической работы

солиситоры и барристеры

сдавать квалификационные экзамены

право преподается на юридическом факультете

университетский колледж, готовящий бакалавров

степень магистра

добиваться получения степени бакалавра

тeст, сдаваемый для поступления в юридический колледж

присвоить ученую степень доктора юриспруденции (США)

защита диссертации

научноисследовательская работа

учебная практика

ученичество, место начального практического обучения

штатный юрисконсульт компании

страны общего права (англо-саксонской системы права)

страны романо-германской (континентальной) системы права

Exercise 8. Answer the questions:

1. What is a lawyer?


2.What is so special in legal profession in England?

3.What is the difference between solicitors and barristers?

4.What have you learned about educational requirements to those who want to become a lawyer?

5.What degrees can you obtain at the university?

6.What degree is awarded in the USA?

7.What have you learned about methods and quality of legal education in different countries?

8.What kind of options do lawyers have in common law countries?

9.Why is career mobility constrained in civil law countries?

10.What can lawyers do besides private practice?

Exercise 9. Match the words to make up the word combinations and translate them. Make up some sentences with these words.


to take

a. the clients


to deal with

b. the practice of law


to draw up

c. the right of audience


to make

d. court


to have

e. the practice environment


to go to

f. legal matters


to engage in

g. legal arrangements


to advise on

h. contracts


to depend on

i. legal advice

10.on behalf of

j. a range of legal work

Exercise 10. Read the definitions and match them with the words in the box.

1.Dissertation. 2. Master’sdegree (LLM). 3. Jurist doctor degree (JD). 4. Doctor of Philosophy (PH.D). 5. Solicitor. 6. A bachelor (an undergraduate). 7. Common Law. 8. CivilLaw. 9.

Bachelor’s degree (LLB). 10. Barrister.

1.Law developed by judges through decisions of courts is _________________

2.The degree awarded to an individual upon the successful completion of law school is


3.An academic degree awarded for an undergraduate course or major that generally lasts for


three or four years is ___________________

4.A lawyer who traditionally deals with any legal matter including conducting proceedings in courts is _____________________

5.An academic degree granted to individuals who have undergone study demonstrating a mastery or high-order overview of a specific field of study or area of professional practice is


6.A legal system inspired by Roman law is _______________

7.A postgraduate academic degree awarded by universities is___________

8.A member of one of two classes of lawyers found in many common law jurisdictions with split legal professions specializing in courtroom advocacy, drafting legal pleadings and giving expert legal opinions is ______________

9.A long piece of writing on a particular subject, especially one that is done for a Ph.D. (= high university degree) is _______________

10.A student who is studying for their first degree at college or university is


Exercise 11. Give the difinitions to the following words. Use the explanatory dictionary.

1.Prosecutor ________________________________________________

2.Government counsel ________________________________________

3.Corporate in-house counsel ___________________________________

4.Judge ____________________________________________________

5.Arbitrator _________________________________________________

6.Law professor _____________________________________________

7.Politician _________________________________________________

8.Solicitor _____________________________________________ ____

9.Attorney _________________________________________________

10.Notary __________________________________________________

Exercise 12. Retell the text “Legal profession”.

Exercise 13. Read the text and replace the Russian words in brackets with their English quivalents.

A number of law schools have (учебную практику) in which students (приобретают) legal experience through practice (судебные процессы) and projects (под руководством) of practicing (юристов) and law school (факультета). Law school (учебная практика) may include work in (юридических консультациях), for example on the staff of legislative committees. School graduates receive the (степень доктора юриспруденции) as the first professional (ученую степень). Advanced law (ученые степени) may be desirable for those planning to specialize, (заниматься научно-исследовательской работой), or teach. Some law students (добиваются получения) joint degree programs, which usually (требуют) an additional semester or year of study. (Совместные образовательные программы) are offered in a number of areas, including (право) and business administration or (государственное управление).

Exercise 14. Translate the text into English.


ВАнглии есть два типа юристов — солиситоры и барристеры. Барристер — это юрист, который ведет судебные дела, выступает в суде, готовит документы для суда и т.д. Солиситоры после 1990 года тоже получили право выступать в суде, если у них есть специальный сертификат.

ВАнглии в 2008 году было 112,2 тысяч солиситоров и около 16,5 тысяч барристеров.

С1997 по 2008 год количество юристов в Англии увеличилось более чем на 50%.

Для того, чтобы стать солиситором нужно иметь юридическое образование. Это либо бакалавр права в Англии (3 года) (LLB), либо бакалавр в какой-либо другой области плюс годичный интенсивный курс профильного образования, который называется (GDL — Graduate Diploma in Law).

Кроме юридического образования ннеобходимо получить контракт на прохождение практики в юридической фирме (training contract). В течение двух лет надо проработать в 4 разных департаментах по 6 месяцев в каждом. Получить образование в Англии относительно легко. Что действительно сложно, так это получение контракта на прохождение практики потому, что в хорошие фирмы конкуренция составляет около 20-40 человек на место.


Exercise 1. Let’s discuss the problems (work in small groups).

1.A television advertisement shows a lawyer in a bathing suit coming out of a lake. He says,

“If you’re in over your head because of bad debts, let us bail you out. We’re the best firm in the state.” Should there be any restrictions on ads like this? If so, what? Should there be other restrictions on ads? If so, what should they be?

2.A lawyer hears that many people have been injured as a result of accidents in a particular type of car. He runs a newspaper ad showing a car crash. The ad reads, “If this happens to you, I may be able to help you recover your losses.” Should the lawyer be able to do this?

3.Many people in a city have lost their jobs and could lose their homes because they cannot make their monthly mortgage payments. Jane, a lawyer, writes to all of them saying she is willing to represent them to prevent the loss of their homes. Should she be allowed to do this?

Exercise 2. Briefly scan the text and perform the exercise 3.

The Car Crash

On April 1, Al and his friend Marie were driving along Sixth Street, returning home from a party. Al had stopped at a red light at the corner of Sixth Street and Florida Avenue when a 2004 Buick hit his car from behind. Al’s 2006 Volvo was smashed in as far as the back seat. Al suffered a severe neck injury, four broken ribs, and many cuts and bruises. As a result, he spent three weeks in the hospital. Al’s passenger, Marie, was also severely injured. She suffered a fractured skull, facial and numerous other cuts, a broken right arm and hip, and internal bleeding. Marie, an accountant making $65,000 a year, spent 6 weeks in the hospital and returned to work after 12 weeks. She had to take 10 weeks of unpaid leave from work. Her insurance covered all but $5,000 of her medical bills. Fred, the driver of the Buick, suffered minor cuts on his face and arm and was released from the hospital after 24 hours. Fred was given a ticket for speeding and reckless driving.


Fred’s insurance company has offered Marie a $4,500 settlement. She is uncertain whether she should accept and decides to consult an attorney. After checking with a lawyer referral service, she is referred to a local attorney.

Exercise 3. Role-play the initial attorney-client interview between Marie and the attorney. Persons role-playing the attorney should attempt to ask all the questions an attorney should ask at this point. Persons role-playing the client should provide the attorney with all necessary information and ask all those questions that are relevant to Marie’s case and that relate to whether she should retain the attorney.

Exercise 4. The following situations present ethical dilemmas faced by attorneys. Examine each case, and then decide whether the attorney acted ethically or unethically. Explain your answers.

1.Marta, an attorney for the family of a man killed in an auto accident, visits a bar and runs into a juror in the case. She has a drink with the juror.

2.Nicholas, a criminal defense attorney, puts his client on the stand to testify to her innocence, even though Nicholas knows she is lying.

3.Gene, a corporate lawyer, is asked by a wealthy client to recommend her son for admission to the state bar. Gene says yes.

4.Rosa represents a man injured by a defective lawn mower. The manufacturer’s insurance company offers a $100,000 settlement. She accepts the settlement without consulting her client.

5.Nang, an attorney, has a trial next week before Judge DeSilva. Nang se

es the judge in a grocery store and asks her if the trial can be postponed one week.

Exercise 5. Several different words can be used to refer to a lawyer. Listen to three law students in the UK talking about the kind of work they would like to do when they have completed their law studies. Write the correct word for lawyer in the gaps.

Anna: So, what are you two planning to do later when you’ve completed your degree?

Daniel: Well, right now, I’m planning to become a 1)___________ , because I’d really like to plead cases in court.

Anna: You’ve been watching too many of those American films. when the handsome young 2)

___________ wins the case against the big. bad corporation!

Daniel: Very funny. I just like the idea of arguing a case. I think it’d be exciting. What about you? Anna: Actually, I’d like to work for a big corporation and advise them on their legal affairs, as 3)

_____________ . I’ve heard the work can be very challenging. What are your plans, Jacob? Jacob: I’m thinking about becoming a 4) _____________ . I’m not that interested in pleading cases in

court. I’d rather do research and give legal advice. I think that’d suit me better.

Exercise 6. Discuss the questions:


1.Does your native language have more than one word for lawyer?

Do they correspond to the different English words for lawyer mentioned above? If not how do the concepts differ?

2.What is each type of legal practitioner in your jurisdiction entitled to do?

3.What English term do you use to describe your job or the job you would like to do?

Exercise 7. Combine the nouns in the box with the verbs below to make word combinations to describe the work lawyers do. Some of the verbs go with more than one noun.

1. advise



2. draft



3. litigate



4. practise



5. represent



6. research









Exercise 8. Choose three ‘verb + noun’ pairs from the exercise above and write your own sentences with them.

Exercise 9. Choose the words from the list which can be combined with the word “lawyer” to describe different types of lawyers. Say what each one does.

Bar, corporate, defence, public-sector, sole, government, tax, trial, patent, practitioner.

Exercise 10. Compare the following degrees.

University Degrees

high / low



Bachelor’s Degree, (LLB)

Master’s Degree (LLM)

Doctor of Jurisprudence (JD)

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)

Exercise 11. Retell the text “Legal professions“ (see exercise 7).

Exercise 12. Comment on the expression: “If there were no bad people, there would be no good lawyers”.

Exercise 13. Prepare the reports: describe the legal work in Russia, Great Britain and the United States in a form of a monologue of 20-25 senteces.



WORD BUILDING. Suffix –able

An adjectival suffix; forms adjectives meaning:

able to be; fit to be.

movable: able to be moved

amendable, able to be amended

breakable: liable to be broken

blamable, fit to be blamed

salable, fit to be sold

relevant to or suitable to, in accordance with.

fashionable relevant to fashion

seasonable suitable to season

giving, or inclined to.

pleasurable giving pleasure

peaceable inclined to peace

subject to.

reportable subject to be reported

taxable subject to be taxed

due to be.

payable due to pay

A number of adjectives in -able come from verbs that do not have direct objects, but that rather are construed with prepositions. In these cases, the preposition does not appear with the adjective in — able; hence, reliable (“fit to being relied on”), laughable (“suited for laughing at”), remarkable (“fit to be remarked upon”),

Traditionally, verbs ending in unstressed -ate drop this suffix before adding -able; hence, communicable (“able to be communicated”), eradicable (“possible to eradicate”), and so on.

There are cases where a word with un- -able is much more common than one with just -able, such as unbreakable, unsinkable, and untouchable.

Exercise 1. Paraphrase the phrases, using adjectives with suffix-able and translate these words.

Model: 1. that can be prevented — preventable.

That can be drunk; that can be checked; that can be pronounced; that can be understood; that can be broken; that can be controlled; that can be washed, that can be questioned, that can be prevented, that can be arrested, that can be read.


Exercise 2. Read the words correctly and translate them.

Responsibility [rɪˌspɔn(t)sə’bɪlətɪ], core [kɔː], function [‘fʌŋkʃ(ə)n], excel [ɪk’sel], competitive


[kəm’petɪtɪv], Communication [kəˌmjuːnɪ’keɪʃ(ə)n], fundamental [ˌfʌndə’ment(ə)l], convey [kən’veɪ], concise [kən’saɪs], logical [‘lɔʤɪk(ə)l], persuade [pə’sweɪd], persuasive [pə’sweɪsɪv], terminology [ˌtɜːmɪ’nɔləʤɪ], correspondence [ˌkɔrɪ’spɔndən(t)s], integral [‘ɪntɪgr(ə)l], function [‘fʌŋkʃ(ə)n], stylistic [staɪ’lɪstɪk], mechanical [mɪ’kænɪk(ə)l], aspect [‘æspekt], cause [kɔːz], prose [prəuz], motion [‘məuʃ(ə)n], memo [‘meməu], vacuum [‘vækjuːm], honestly [‘ɔnɪstlɪ], capably [‘keɪpəblɪ], assimilate [ə’sɪmɪleɪt], efficient [ɪ’fɪʃ(ə)nt], authority [ɔː’θɔrɪtɪ], inference [‘ɪnf(ə)r(ə)n(t)s], workloadsb[‘wɜːkləud], organization [ˌɔːg(ə)naɪ’zeɪʃ(ə)n], structure [‘strʌkʧə], evaluate [ɪ’væljueɪt], argument [‘ɑːgjəmənt], inductive [ɪn’dʌktɪv], deductive [dɪ’dʌktɪv], conclusion [kən’kluːʒ(ə)n], concept [‘kɔnsept], judicial [ʤuː’dɪʃ(ə)l], statute [‘stætjuːt], expert [‘ekspɜːt], knowledge [‘nɔlɪʤ], master [‘mɑːstə], substantive [‘sʌbst(ə)ntɪv], procedure [prə’siːʤə], billable [ˈbɪləbl], hour [auə], productivity [ˌprɔdʌk’tɪvətɪ], constant [‘kɔn(t)stənt], pressure [‘preʃə].

Vocabulary scope – в пределах (возможностей, знаний)

3.(n.) responsibility − ответственность (за что-л.)

4.core legal skills − основные юридические навыки

5.a career in the law – карьера в области права

6.(v.) excel – преуспеть, превосходить

7.competitive legal market – конкурентный рынок юридических услуг

8.Oral Communication −_ устное общение

9.fundamental tool –основное средство

10.(v.) convey information – излагать (передавать) информацию a clear, concise, and logical manner − ясно, кратко и логично.

12.(v.) communicate persuasively − говорить убедительно

13.(v.) advocate a position or a cause – отстаивать позицию или довод

14.(v.) master legal terminology – владеть юридической терминологией

15.(v.) develop keen listening skills – развивать тонкий слух

16.written Communication _ письменное общение

17.correspondence − переписка

18.(v.) draft complex legal documents − разрабатывать сложные правовые документы

19.integral − неотъемлемый, существенный, целый

20.(v.) master the fundamentals of grammar − владеть основами грамматики

21.(n.) motion — мотив

22.(n.) briefs − краткое письменное изложение дела с привлечением фактов и документов,

скоторым сторона выступает в суде

23.(n.) memo – деловая записка

24.(n.) resolution – резолюция, решение, постановление agreement – правовое соглашение

26.Client Service – обслуживание клиентов

27.client-focused legal industry – юридическая отрасль промышленности, ориентированная на клиента

28.(adj.) capablе − способный

29.(adj.) crucial – наиболее значительный, решающий, важный

30.Analytical and Logical Reasoning − Аналитическое и логическое мышление


31.(v.) assimilate large volumes of complex information − усваивать большие объемы сложной информации an efficient and effective manner − действенным и эффективным образом

33.(v.) include − включать

34.(v.) review complex written documents рассматривать сложные письменные документы

35.(v.) draw inferences – делать выводы

36.and making connections among legal authorities − устанавливать связи между органами правопорядка;

37.(v.) develop logical thinking – развивать логическое мышление

38.problem-solving abilities – способность решать проблемы

39.inductive and deductive reasoning – индуктивное и дедуктивное мышление

40.(v.) reach a conclusion – прийти к выводу law − прецедентное право

42.judicial opinion − мнение судьи, судебное заключение или решение, судебная практика

43.(n.) statute − устав, договор, соглашение, конвенция, закон, статут

44.voice messaging system − система передачи голосовых сообщений,

45.Substantive Law – материальное право

46.Legal Procedure − судопроизводство

47.Time Management − управление временем

48.billable hours – почасовая оплата

49.(v.) bill time – подсчитывать время (для оплаты труда)

50.(v.) manage large workloads − управлять большими нагрузками.

51.(v.) develop top-notch organizational skills – развивать первоклаасные организационные навыки

52.(n.) teamwork − работа в коллективе

53.solo practitioner – работающий в одиночку

54.(v.) rely on – полагаться на (что-л.) staff − обслуживающий персонал up with co-counsels, experts − объединиться с со-адвокатами, экспертами

57.(v.) deliver legal services – предоставлять юридические услуги

Exercise 3. Read and translate the underlined words and word combinations. Then read and translate the text.

Top ten legal skills

While legal positions vary greatly in scope and responsibility, there are several core legal skills that are required in most legal functions. If you are considering a career in the law, it is wise to polish these top ten legal skills to excel in today’s competitive legal market.

1. Oral Communication is one of the most fundamental tools of the legal professional. Legal professionals must:

Convey information in a clear, concise, and logical manner.

Communicate persuasively.

Английский язык для юристов-бакалавров

образования и науки Российской Федерации

образовательное учреждение

профессионального образования

государственная юридическая академия им. О.Е. Кутафина

английского языка № 2



пособие для студентов 1 курса

Москва 2011

Настоящее учебно-методическое пособие
представляет собой первый модуль учебного плана обучения студентов-бакалавров
на первом курсе по дисциплине «Иностранный язык в сфере юриспруденции» и
является частью Рабочей программы.

Модуль включает в себя две темы:

. Право и профессия юриста.

. Законотворческая деятельность и основной закон
России и стран изучаемого языка.

Модуль рассчитан на 28 часов аудиторной работы и
8 часов самостоятельной работы для студентов очной формы обучения.

Пособие разработано в соответствии с Рабочей
Программой по дисциплине и ФГОС ВПО нового поколения.

Разработчики — преподаватели кафедры английского
языка № 2 МГЮА им. О.Е. Кутафина.

Тема «Право и профессия юриста» — Влахова А.С.,
к.и.н., доцент, Федотова О.Л., доцент.

Тема «Законотворческая деятельность. Основной
закон России и стран изучаемого языка» — Заикина А.В., ст. преподаватель,
Владимирова Е.В., преподаватель.



1. Introduction to Law

UNIT 2 Why do we need law?

3 Law and Society

4 Legal professions

UNIT 5 Legal skills

UNIT 6 Applying for a job



UNIT 1. Legislation in Russia

UNIT 2. Law-making procedure in the USA

10.UNIT 3. The
United Kingdom legislation

UNIT 4. The Constitution of the Russian Federation

UNIT 5. Constitutions of the USA and the UK



Краткий грамматический справочник

Список использованной литературы



1. Посмотрите
что изображено на них. Как Вы думаете, каким образом они связаны с понятием
«право». Какие сферы взаимоотношений в обществе и между людьми регулируются


E  F


. Прочитайте данные ниже определения слова «law»,
которое переводится на русский язык как «право, закон». Как Вы думаете, какое
из определений этого слова больше всего подходит к каждому из рисунков?

A rule of conduct or procedure
established by custom, agreement, or authority.

A set of rules or principles dealing
with a specific area of a legal system.

way of life.

A statement describing a
relationship observed to be invariable between or among phenomena for all cases
in which the specified conditions are met.

A principle of organization,
procedure, or technique.

A generalization based on consistent
experience or results.

3. Ответьте на вопросы, начиная ответ с одного
из выражений, данных в рамке.

In my opinion — по моему мнению I can’t make up my mind, but — не могу принять решение,
но I am keeping an open mind for the moment — пока у меня нет никакого
мнения на этот счет I’m (not) sure that — я (не) уверен, что Firstly, (secondly) — во-первых, (во-вторых) Finally — наконец

Can we live without laws?

Why do we need the law?

What spheres of life are regulated
by law?

Must people obey laws?

What rules of behavior are accepted
in the society?

Do you share the idea that people
should look only after themselves and take no care about others?

What rules do you obey willingly?

What rules would you abolish if you

Do laws limit your personal freedom?

10.Must all
people study law at school?

11.Do you feel
that laws protect you?

12.What law
would you suggest if you were a Member of Parliament?

4. Прочитайте и выучите идиоматические выражения
со словом «law». Составьте
предложения с каждым из них. (Идиомы — это устойчивые по составу и структуре
лексически неделимые и целостные по значению словосочетания или предложения,
выполняющие функцию словарной единицы).

1. law
and order — правопорядок

the law of the jungle — закон

3. to
lay down
the law-
a) устанавливать
правовые нормы, формулировать закон; б) говорить безапелляционным тоном, не
допускать возражений

4. Necessity
knows no law — нужда не знает закона.

5. Посмотрите на карикатуры. Нарисуйте или
опишите устно картинку или карикатуру, которая ассоциируется у вас с одним или
несколькими из данных ниже устойчивых словосочетаний.

1. to
make laws
— издавать, принимать законы

2. to
repeal laws
— отменять законы

3. to
break laws
— нарушать законы

4. to
obey laws
— соблюдать законы

5. to
enforce laws
— обеспечить (принудительно) исполнение закона

6. to
apply laws — применять законы

to be against the law — быть

8. to
study law — изучать право

9. to
amend the
law — вносить поправки
в закон

. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу
глаголами из упражнения 5

The State Duma of the Russian
Federation ____ laws.

The government ___ laws and ___ them
if they are bad.

The police ___ laws.

Courts and judges ___ laws.

Law-abiding people ___ laws.

Criminals ___ laws.

The students of universities ___



грамматики: система времен английских глаголов в активном залоге

1. Прочитайте

а) 1-ю форму глагола

б) 2-ю форму глагола

в) 3-ю форму глагола.

made, make, begun, begin, began,
was, is, been, were, being, drive, driven, driving, drove, kept, keep, arisen,
arise, arose, dealt, deal, dealing, have, had, has, protected, protect, taken,
take, took, feel, felt, flaw, flawed, spoken, spoke, speak, seek, sought,
choose, chosen, chose.

2. Прочитайте формы сказуемого, которые
переводятся на русский язык а) настоящим временем б) прошедшим временем в)
будущим временем.

will begin, have protected, is
speaking, had taken, made, seek to do, shall have, are driving, has felt, were
keeping, ensured, is going to take, will be necessary, deals with, am doing,
flaws, was regulating, had chosen, have resolved, are arising, are going to do,
will settle, drive, keeps, are applying, rejected, shall respect, imposed.

3. Прочитайте только те словосочетания, которые
могут выступать в качестве сказуемого в предложении.

will have finished, alter, in favor
of, unlike rules, should not do, to pay, may be forced, would not be necessary,
did not live, so special, to drive on, help to safeguard, claims to, ensuring,
do not want, applies to, might not be able to go, to speak out publicly, has
kept, are regulating, a great deal of order, like, do not use, will choose, is

4. Переведите словосочетания, обращая внимание
на обстоятельства времени

1. … now (at the moment of speech)
we are telling, laws are keeping the society together, he is driving on the
left side of the road, they are seeking to change the law;

. … already, by now (by the moment
of speech) they have formulated the law, government has authorized the court to
complete the investigation, the criminal has broken the law, he has taken
unfair advantage of the weaker, the life has changed.

. … last …, … ago, in 1997 (date)
people began to create laws long ago, last week the parliament amended the law,
yesterday he testified under oath at the trial, in 1985 the Law Society relaxed
the rules.

. Выберите

. Students (are studying, study) law
at the University. 2. He already (graduated, has graduated) from the
university. 3, Last year he (graduated, has graduated) from the university. 4.
The police (didn’t find, haven’t found) the killer yet. 5. For about 10 years
legislators (discussed, have been discussing) the bill. 6. Every year the State
Duma of the RF (is passing, passes) a lot of laws. 7. In 1992 our country
(ratified, had ratified) the treaty. 8. Lawyers (came, have come) to the
agreement by the end of the present session. 9. You (are looking, look) very
thoughtful. What (do you think, are you thinking) about? — I (think, am
thinking) about retirement. — But you are only 25. You only just (started, have
started) your career. — I (know, am knowing), but I (read, have read) an
article which (says, is saying) that a sensible man (started, starts) thinking
about retirement at 25.

6. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на
выделенные слова, которые выступают в разных функциях в предложении.

английских слов свободно используются в функциях нескольких частей речи.
Наиболее широко распространена способность выступать в двух функциях у
существительного и глагола, например: state — государство, состояние и
заявлять, излагать,
judge — судья и судить, claim — требование, судебный иск
и  претендовать, заявлять,
force — сила и заставлять, rule — правило, норма и
управлять, постановлять.
первый шаг к пониманию смысла английского высказывания — не поиск в словаре
русских соответствий английским словам, а определение грамматической роли
слова в предложении. К пониманию смысла английского высказывания можно прийти
лишь после того, как выявлена его грамматическая структура, при этом
необходимо руководствоваться формальными показателями слова и твердым
порядком слов в английском предложении.

1. A judge
is a court officer authorized to decide legal cases. But who are they to judge
us? <#»radio» NAME=»q1″ VALUE=»1″>Yes.

o     Not really.

2. Can you
manipulate things for your benefit?

Please answer this

o     Yes, why

o     Not sure.

3. Is your mind
sharp like a knife?

Please answer this question.

o     Yes,
it can cut even iron!

o     It
is more like a butter knife.

4. How good are
your lying abilities?

Please answer this question.

o     Well honed.

o     Not worth

5. How good are you
at convincing people?

Please answer this question.

o     Very good.

o     Barely ok.

6. Can you twist
the truth in your favour?

Please answer this question.

o     Maybe.

o     Not sure.

7. What genres of
movies/novels do you like most?

Please answer this question.

o     Detective
and crime thrillers.

o     Romantic and
comic stories.


. a) 10; b) 0 2. a)
10; b) 0 3) a) 10; b) 0 4. a) 10; b) 0 5. a) 10; b) 0 6. a) 10; b) 0 7. a) 10;
b) 0: 1. 0 -30. You can’t become a lawyer.don’t have the qualities of becoming
a lawyer. Forget it!

. 40- 70. You can
become a lawyer. Why not try to be one?



Повторение грамматики: степени
сравнения прилагательных и наречий

1. Прочитайте прилагательные:

а) в положительной степени

б) в сравнительной степени

в) в превосходной степени.

Сформулируйте основное правило образования
степеней сравнения прилагательных и наречий в английском языке.

many, more, the most, wise, wiser,
the wisest, competitive, more competitive, the most competitive, clear,
clearer, the clearest, concise, more concise, the most concise, bad, worse, the
worst, simple, simpler, the simplest, complex, more complex, the most complex,
little, less, the lest (least), persuasive, more persuasive, the most
persuasive, good, better, the best, efficient, more efficient, the most
efficient, far, farther (further), the farthest (furthest), effective, more
effective, the most effective.

2. Переведите на русский язык следующие
предложения, содержащие сравнительные обороты.

1. This method is as effective as
the previous one. 2. The period is twice as long as a semester. 3. Inform us as
soon as possible. 4. His job is not so efficient as his colleague’s one. 5. The
more you work, the better you study. 6. The document is as concise as possible.
7. Her resume is not so clear as required. 8. His career promotion is twice as
quick as that of the friend. 9. The better you communicate with people, the
more clients you will have.

3. Сравните ученые степени, которые
присваиваются выпускникам высших учебных заведений. Используйте как можно
больше сравнительных оборотов


high / low



Degree, (LLB)

Master’s Degree (LLM)

Doctor of Jurisprudence (JD)

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)

4. Прочитайте и переведите
текст со словарем.


While legal
positions vary greatly in scope and responsibility, there are several core
legal skills that are required in most legal functions. If you are considering
a career in the law, it is wise to polish these top ten legal skills to excel
in today’s competitive legal market.

. Oral
Communicationis one of the most fundamental tools of the legal professional.
Legal professionals must:

·    Convey
information in a clear, concise, and logical manner.

·              Communicate

·              Advocate
a position or a cause.

·              Master
legal terminology.

·              Develop
keen listening skills.

2. Written
Communication. From writing simple correspondence to drafting complex legal
documents, writing is an integral function of nearly every legal position. Legal
professionals must:

·    Master
the stylistic and mechanical aspects of writing.

·              Master
the fundamentals of grammar.

·              Learn
how to write organized, concise and persuasive prose.

·              Draft
effective legal documents such as motions, briefs, memos, resolutions and

·              legal

3. Client Service.
In the client-focused legal industry, serving the client honestly, capably and
responsibly is crucial to success.

. Analytical and
Logical Reasoning. Legal professionals must learn to review and assimilate large
volumes of complex information in an efficient and effective manner. Legal
analytical and logical reasoning skills include: reviewing complex written
documents, drawing inferences and making connections among legal authorities;
developing logical thinking, organization and problem-solving abilities;
structuring and evaluating arguments; using inductive and deductive reasoning
to draw inferences and reach conclusions.

. Legal Research.
Researching legal concepts, case law, judicial opinions, statutes, regulations
and other information is an important legal skill.

. Technology.
Technology is changing the legal landscape and is an integral part of every
legal function. To remain effective in their jobs, legal professionals must
master communications technology including e-mails, voice messaging systems,
videoconferencing and related technology.

. Knowledge of
Substantive Law and Legal Procedure. All legal professionals, even those at the
bottom of the legal career chain, must have basic knowledge of substantive law
and legal procedure.

. Time Management.
In a profession based on a business model (billable hours) that ties
productivity to financial gain, legal professionals are under constant pressure
to bill time and manage large workloads.

. Organization. In
order to manage large volumes of data and documents, legal professionals must
develop top-notch organizational skills.

. Teamwork. Legal
professionals do not work in a vacuum. Even solo practitioners must rely on
secretaries and support staff and team up with co-counsels, experts to deliver
legal services.

5. Найдите в тексте английские
эквиваленты русским словам и словосочетаниям

. профессиональные компетенции

. представлять информацию в
ясной и краткой форме

. овладеть юридической

. развивать способность
внимательно слушать собеседника

. составлять сложные
юридические документы

. овладеть основами грамматики

. составлять ходатайства,
записки по делу

. обслуживать клиента честно и

. просматривать и усваивать
большой объем информации

. навыки логического

. делать выводы и умозаключения

. осваивать технологии общения

. на нижней ступеньке карьерной

. знания материального права и

. выдерживать большие рабочие

. почасовая оплата

. развивать навыки
самоорганизации высокого класса

. работа в команде

6. Прочитайте дефиниции и соотнесите их со
словами из рамки.

1. An ability to do
something well, especially because you have learned and practiced

. To write a plan,
letter, report, bill, etc. that will need to be changed before it is in its
finished form.______________

. A piece of paper
that gives official written information about something._____________

. Someone who pays
for services or advice from the person or organization. ______________

. Serious study of
a subject that is intended to discover new facts or test new ideas.

. Having the
highest quality or standard. ______________

. The process by
which people exchange information or express their thoughts or


. Переведите предложения на
английский язык, используя слова и словосочетания из текста

. Мы осваиваем юридическую
терминологию с первого дня поступления в университет.

. К концу первого курса он
научится представлять информацию в четкой и краткой форме.

. На вчерашнем семинаре по
истории государства и права России студенты активно отстаивали свои позиции.

. Только к концу прошлого
семинара он понял, как составлять ходатайство.

. Тише, идет лекция!
Преподаватель рассказывает об использовании индуктивно-дедуктивных методов в
работе юриста.

. Он занимался
исследовательской работой в области теории государства и права еще в школе.

. Овладение современными
технологиями общения, такими, как видеоконференции, является неотъемлемой
частью работы юриста.

. Выскажите мнение по поводу
следующих утверждений. Начните ответ с одного из следующих выражений:

“It goes without saying”, “Exactly so”;

“Nothing of the kind”, “Surely not”;

“I’m not quite sure about it”, “That’s hard to tell…”.

. Legal research is
the only reliable tool of the legal profession.

. In the first year
students must read and brief hundreds of cases.

. Experts say that
the brain is a complex information processor capable of processing and
assimilating complex information at greater speeds through practice.

. We must know how
to analyze and gather information, identify issues, organize our data base,
draft inferences and reach conclusions.

. You can brush up
your writing skills by reading resources on the craft of writing.

. It is easy to
learn legal English.

. It is possible
for me to learn and memorize for ever a large amount of information for a few

. We must pace
ourselves and learn the substantive law and legal procedure.

9. Выступите в качестве переводчика


Guest Henry
Dahut, Esq.

7. Используя текст 1 и схему упражнения 4,
расскажите о законодательной власти в Российской Федерации

. Заполните пропуски словами и словосочетаниями
в рамке.

1.bring charges against 2. elects 3. draft
laws 4. the lower house5. vetoed 6. issues 7. approve or reject 8. to override
a presidential veto 9. the upper house 10. appoint or dismiss 11. appointment

1.  The 628-member law-making body,
termed the Federal Assembly, consists of two chambers, the 450-member State
Duma (_____) and the 178-member Federation Council (____).

2.      The State Duma confirms the
_______ of the prime minister, although it does not have the power to confirm
Government ministers.

.        The two chambers of the
legislature also have the power ______ of legislation.

.        Upon the advice of the
prime minister, the president can _______ Government members, including the
deputy prime ministers.

.        Under the 1993
constitution, if the president commits «grave crimes» or treason, the
State Duma may _______ him with the parliament’s upper house, the Federation

.        Several bills that the
President had ________ were taken up again by the new legislature.

.        The Federation Council
deals primarily with such _______ as internal borders and decrees of the
president establishing martial law or states of emergency etc.

.        All ________, even those
proposed by the Federation Council, must first be considered by the State Duma.

.        According to the 1993
constitution, the State Duma must decide within one week to __________ a
candidate once the president has placed that person’s name in nomination.

.        Each legislative chamber
______ a chairman to control the internal procedures of the chamber.

11.    Замените русские слова и выражения в
скобках соответствующими английскими эквивалентами

1.  The
State Duma (принимает постановления)
on (вопросам)
referred to its authority by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
Decrees of the State Duma are adopted by a majority of the total number of
deputies of the State Duma, unless another procedure is envisaged by the
Constitution. All (законопроекты)
are first (одобряются)
by the State Duma and are further debated and approved (or (отклоняются))
by the Federation Council.

2.         The
in the Russian Federation is the lower house of the (Федерального
of Russia (legislature), the upper house being the (Совет
of Russia.

3.         The
president (назначает)
the prime minister, and the Duma (голосует)
whether to confirm the appointment. The president has wide legislative powers,
including the (право вето)
and decree. Decrees carry the force of law, but may not violate existing law.
The Federal Assembly may (преодолеть
by a two-thirds vote of each chamber.

4.         (Законодательная
originates in the Duma and, if passed, is sent to the Federation Council. If
the Federation Council approves the legislation or fails to examine it within
fourteen days, the legislation is sent to the president to be signed.

5.         When
considering federal constitutional laws, three-fourths of the Council have to (проголосовать).
If the Council vetoes a law passed by the State Duma, the two chambers are
mandated to form a (согласительную
in order to (прийти к
and make up a document, which would again go under vote by both houses.

6.         The
two houses of the Federal Assembly (заседают
with the State Duma residing in another part of Moscow. Sessions of the
Federation Council are held in Moscow from January 25 to July 15 and from
September 16 to December 31.

7.         The
State Duma has special powers enumerated by the Constitution of Russia. Among
them there is the power to (выносить
against the President of the Russian Federation for his impeachment.


грамматики: система времен английских глаголов в пассивном залоге

10.Замените глагольные формы в активном залоге в
предложениях на пассивные, как указано в примерах и дайте их русские

Examples:1 At first, The State Duma
considers all bills.first, all bills are considered by the State Duma (usually,
always).2 At first, The State Duma considered all bills.first, all bills were
considered by the State Duma.(yesterday, two days ago, the day before
yesterday).3 At first, The State Duma will consider all billsfirst, all bills
will be considered by the State Duma (tomorrow, in a week, in amonth).

.   A majority of the total number
of deputies of the State Duma adopts decrees of the State Duma.

2.      The Constitution of Russia
enumerates special powers of the State Duma.

.        The Federation Council
considered a draft law yesterday.

.        The State Duma overrode the
veto of the Federation Council two weeks ago.

.        The President will sign the
bill tomorrow.

.        If necessary, the two
chambers form a conciliation commission to work out a compromise version of the

.        The State Duma will pass
the bill in a few months.

.        The Federation Council
rejected the bill the day before.

.        The State Duma and the
Federation Council will vote for the draft law the day after tomorrow.

.        The State Duma brings
charges against the President.

11. Переведите предложения на английский язык,
используя слова и словосочетания из текста.

1.  Высший орган законодательной власти в России
— Федеральное Собрание — состоит из двух палат: верхней и нижней.

2.      Верхняя палата именуется Советом
Федерации, нижняя — Государственной Думой.

.        Совет Федерации и Государственная Дума
проводят заседания раздельно, каждая палата имеет свои полномочия.

.        В России действует принцип разделения

.        Первоначально закон принимается простым
большинством в Государственной Думе, затем рассматривается Советом Федерации.

.        В том случае, если между палатами
возникают разногласия, палаты формируют согласительную комиссию.

.        Для преодоления вето в каждой из палат
закон должен быть одобрен не менее чем 2/3 голосов.

.        Законодательная деятельность в
Российской Федерации урегулирована Конституцией Российской Федерации.

.        В течение 14 дней Президент может
отклонить закон, то есть наложить на него вето, и вернуть обратно в
Государственную Думу.

10.    Законопроект обсуждается на заседаниях
Государственной Думы, в текст законопроектов вносятся поправки, изменения,

12. Самостоятельная работа. Изучите раздел Конституции,
посвященный законодательной ветви власти в России, и найдите ответы на вопросы

1. Who are the members of the
Council of Federation?

2.      Who does the State Duma
consist of?

.        What term shall the State
Duma be elected for?

.        Who can be elected a deputy
of the State Duma?

.        What does it mean for
deputies to enjoy immunity?

.        Who shall the Council of
Federation and the Sate Duma elect from among its members?

.        What are the duties of the
Chairman and his (her) deputies?

.        What are the
responsibilities of committees and commissions? (consult other sources)

.        What shall the State Duma
and the Federal Council do if the President rejects the federal law?

.        In what cases may the State
Duma be dissolved by the President?


1. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы:

1. What is the legislative body in
the USA? What does it consist of?

. What are the steps in the
legislative process?

. What are the sources of bills? Who
can introduce the legislation?2. LAW-MAKING PROCEDURE IN THE USACongress of the
United States is the highest lawmaking body in the United States and one of the
oldest national legislatures in the world. The U.S. Congress consists of two
houses-the Senate and the House of Representatives. A member of the Senate is referred
to as a senator, and a member of the House of Representatives is called a
representative or congressman or congresswoman.general process for making a
bill into a law is described in the Constitution.first step in the legislative
process is the introduction of a bill to the Congress. Bills originate from
several different sources: from individual members of the Congress, from a
member of a constituent or a group of constituents, from one or more state
legislatures, or the President or his administration, but only members of the
Congress can introduce legislation.being introduced, a bill is referred to the
appropriate committee for review. There are 17 Senate committees, with 70
subcommittees, and 23 House committees, with 104 subcommittees. A bill is first
considered in a subcommittee, where it may be accepted, amended, or rejected.
If the members of the subcommittee agree to move a bill forward, it is reported
to the full committee, where the process is repeated again. If the full
committee votes to approve the bill, it is reported to the House or the
Senate.the bill comes up for consideration, the House has a very structured
debate process. Each member who wishes to speak only has a few minutes, and the
number and kind of amendments are usually limited. In the Senate, debate on
most bills is unlimited — Senators may speak to issues other than the bill
under consideration during their speeches, and any amendment can be introduced.
A bill must pass both houses of the Congress before it goes to the President
for consideration. Once debate has ended and any amendments to the bill have
been approved, the full membership will vote for or against the bill.bill is
then sent to the President. When receiving a bill from the Congress, the
President has several options. If the President agrees with the bill, he or she
may sign it into law. If the President disagrees with the bill, he may veto it
and send it back to the Congress. The Congress may override the veto with a
two-thirds vote of each chamber, at which point the bill becomes law and is

2. Выразите согласие/несогласие со следующими
утверждениями, используя ту или иную речевую модель.

Model: a) I fully agree with the
statement.) I am afraid, I can’t agree with it.

.   The Senate is the main
legislative body of the USA.

2.      The Constitution of the USA
sets forth the general process for making a bill into law.

.        The first step in the
legislative process is voting.

.        In the House of
Representatives, debate on most bills is unlimited.

.        All bill must pass both
houses of the Congress before it goes to the President.

.        When receiving a bill from
the Congress, the President has to sign it.

.        The Congress has no right
to override the presidential veto.

3. Изучите схему принятия закона в США. Сравните
с информацией из текста 2. Найдите и опишите этапы законодательного процесса,
которые не раскрыты в тексте 2

public hearing — открытые
(meeting or session of a Senate, House, Joint, or Special Committee of
Congress, usually open to the public, to obtain information and opinions on
proposed legislation)

conference committee — комитет по согласованию
расхождений, согласительный комитет

floor action — пленарная
(once a bill reaches the floor, it can be debated and amended before coming to
a vote)

highway act — основной (итоговый) проект закона

5. Посмотрите на картинки. Изучите законы,
которые действуют в разных штатах США. LOONY*

Ответьте на

1. Can you figure out why each law
has been passed?

. What conditions in society might
have led to its passing?

. Are there laws today that may be
considered loony in the future?

6. Напишите «безумный» закон или правило,
которому необходимо следовать дома или в университете. Объясните, почему вы
считаете его таковым. Спросите других студентов, что они думают о нем.


сумасшедший, безумный, бредовый


1. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы:

1. What is the legislative body in
the UK? What does it consist of?

. What are the steps in the
legislative process?

. What are the sources of bills? Who
can introduce the legislation?3. THE UNITED KINGDOM LEGISLATIONGreat Britain
laws are made in Parliament at Westminster. The British Parliament consists of
the monarch, the House of Lords, and the House of Commons. Their work is
similar: making laws (legislation), checking the work of the government
(scrutiny), and debating current issues. The House of Lords is composed of life
peers and hereditary peers. The House of Common is composed of Members of
Parliament (Mps).idea for a new law can come from a variety of sources: bills
may be introduced by any member of either House (a «Private Member’s
Bill»), a Minister of the Crown (a «Government Bill»), by the
general public («Public Bills»), by an individual or small group of
individuals (a «Private Bill»).reading is the first stage of a Bill’s
passage through the House of Commons — usually a formality, it takes place
without debate. The short title of the Bill is read out and then the Bill is
printed. The Bill is published as a House of Commons paper for the first stage is second reading, the first opportunity for MPs to debate the
general principles and themes of the Bill.second reading is completed the Bill
proceeds to committee stage. Committee stage is where detailed examination of
the Bill takes placel, clause by clause,
determining the intent and impact of the bill’s language. This is therefore
often considered the most important step in the parliamentary process for
researchers aiming to determine legislative intent. It is at this stage that
amendments are made. If the Bill has been amended the Bill is reprinted before
its next stage.committee stage is finished, the Bill returns to the floor of
the House of Commons for its report stage, where the amended Bill can be
debated and further amendments proposed. All MPs can suggest amendments to the
Bill or new clauses (parts) they think should be added.stage is normally
followed immediately by debate on the Bill’s third reading. Committee stage is
where detailed examination of the Bill takes place, clause by clause,
determining the intent and impact of the bill’s language. Amendments (proposals
for change) cannot be made to a Bill at third reading in the Commons.process in
the House of Lords is very similar to the process in the House of Commons. The
bill will have a pro forma first reading, then a second reading. After the
second reading the bill will normally be referred to a Committee of the Whole
House. The bill then passes through a consideration stage and a third reading.
In the House of Lords amendments may be made in the Committee of the Whole
House, the consideration stage, and the third reading (this is different from
the House of Commons where no amendments can be made in the third reading).the
Bill started in the Commons it goes to the House of Lords for its first
reading. If the Bill started in the Lords it
returns to the House of Lords for consideration of any amendments the Commons
has made. Both Houses must agree on the exact wording of the Bill. A Bill may
go back and forth between each House (‘Ping Pong’) until both Houses reach agreement.a
Bill has completed all its parliamentary stages in both Houses, it must have
Royal Assent before it can become an Act of Parliament (law). Royal Assent is
the Monarch’s agreement to make the Bill into an Act and is a formality. When
Royal Assent has been given to a Bill, the announcement is usually made in both
Houses by the Lord Speaker in the Lords and the Speaker in the Commons.

1. Закончите предложения согласно содержанию
текста и переведите их на русский язык.

1. The British Parliament consists
of ____________________.

2.      During the first reading the
short title of the Bill __________

3. The second reading is the first
opportunity _______________

.   Committee stage is

5.      Once committee stage is
finished, the Bill returns to the floor of the House of Commons for its report
stage, where __________________________.

.        Report stage is followed by

7. The process in the House of Lords
is ________________.

.   Royal Assent is

9.      When Royal Assent has been
given to a Bill, __________.

3. Просмотрите текст 3 и заполните таблицу,
отражающую этапы принятия закона в Великобритании.

. Используя информацию из текстов 1, 2, 3, а также
дополнительные источники заполните таблицу. Проанализируйте таблицу и сделайте
вывод, что общего и в чем различия законодательного процесса в России, США и

Russian Federation

The United States of America

United Kingdom

The legislative body and its structure

of each House

Requirements for the members of both Houses

Who can introduce the bill?

The number of steps in the legislative process

signs the bill?

. Работа в парах. Используя таблицу, задайте
друг другу вопросы по каждому пункту. Сделайте совместную мини-презентацию

«We are making laws»

Организация игры

. Выберите одного человека на роль Президента.
Его задача: ознакомиться с законопроектом, предложить свои поправки, одобрить,
подписать и огласить закон, или отклонить его (наложить вето). Обосновать свое

. Остальную часть группы поделите на две
подгруппы — Государственная Дума (большая часть группы) и Совет Федерации.

. Задача обеих палат: выбрать председателя и под
его руководством осуществлять рассмотрение законопроекта и выносить решение о
принятии или отклонении закона.

. Прежде чем вступать в игру, вспомните
содержание текста 1, еще раз проанализируйте процесс принятия закона в России.
Для удобства можно изобразить процесс схематично на доске или воспользоваться
схемой из Упражнения 4. Четко сформулируйте последовательность действий в игре
(какая палата должна обсуждать законопроект первой, что потом происходит с
проектом, как может действовать каждая палата, когда в игру вступает президент
и др.). Помните, что игра интересна только тогда, когда она четко организована.


1. Подумайте
и ответьте на вопросы:

·  Think of several
bad things that a government could do to its citizens. Give examples.

·        How
can citizens prevent a government from doing these things?

·  What is a

·        What basic
principles are contained in a constitution?

·        Why is a
constitution the supreme law of any country?

2. Прочитайте и переведите текст

CONSTITUTION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATIONConstitution of the Russian Federation is
Russia’s supreme law, passed through a national vote. It contains the basic
principles of the Russian constitutional system.Constitution:

·  defines the federative
structure of the Russian Federation;

·        establishes the
principles of sovereignty and independence of the Russian Federation;

·        defines the
principle of separation of powers between legislative, executive and judicial

·        establishes
equality of ideologies and religions;

·        defines the Russian
Federation as a secular state.

The Constitution of the Russian
Federation defines the rights and freedoms of a human and a citizen, sets their
priority when handling any questions, and proclaims the principle of equality
before law and court. As for the federative structure, the Constitution
contains the list of component units of the Russian Federation, covers the
questions that are in the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and those that
are in the joint jurisdiction of federal and local authorities.articles are
devoted to the bodies of federal power: the President of the Russian
Federation, the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, and the Government
of the Russian Federation and also the judicial power of the Russian
Federation. In these articles, the order and the terms of appointed and elected
officials and the limits of their competence are defined according to the
principle of separation of powers.the Constitution accepted on December 12,
1993 at the all-Russia referendum, full authority in the RF belongs to the
President and bodies of legislative (two-chamber parliament — Federal
Assembly), executive (Government of the Russian Federation) and the judicial
authority, which work independently.President of the Russian Federation is the Head
of the State; the duties of the President are listed, including his status of
the Supreme Commander of the military forces of the Russian Federation. The
Constitution also contains the text of the oath taken by the President of the
Russian Federation when entering the post.Federal Assembly of the Russian
Federation (the Federation Council and the State Duma) represents the
legislature. The order of electing representatives for these chambers, their
competence, terms of office are provided by the Constitution.Government of the
Russian Federation is the executive branch. The Constitution determines the
extent of its jurisdiction and also defines the order and the terms of office
of government officials.power is implemented by means of constitutional, civil,
administrative, and criminal legal proceedings. The Constitution establishes
the principles of independence, irremovability and immunity of judges, thus
providing for objectiveness and impartiality of the court.system of courts of
the Russian Federation consists of:

·  the Constitutional Court of the
Russian Federation;

·        the Supreme Court
of the Russian Federation;

·        the Higher
Arbitration Tribunal of the Russian Federation.

Separate articles are devoted to the
office of Public Prosecutions of the Russian Federation with functions of
supervision and control, and to the procedure for adoption of Constitutional
amendments. The Constitution regulates the questions of local self-government,
including its authority and sphere of activity.and Final provisions regulating
the promulgation of the Constitution and its enforcement are included in Part 2
of the Constitution.

3. Переведите на русский язык следующие слова и
словосочетания из текста

1. to establish the
principles of sovereignty and independence

2.      to cover

.        to be devoted to
the bodies of federal power

.        competence

.        legislative authority

.        executive authority

.        judicial authority

.        to list the

.        military forces

.        to represent the

.        to determine the
extent of the jurisdiction

.        immunity of

13. objectiveness and
impartiality of the court.

14. supervision and

promulgation of the Constitution and its

4. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты
следующим русским словам и словосочетаниям

1.   суверенитет

2.      принимать закон

.        независимость

.        светский

.        разбирать вопрос

.        провозглашать

.        равенство

.        судопроизводство

.        сроки полномочий

.        вступать в должность

.        исполнять

.        чиновник (должностное лицо)

.        несменяемость (постоянство)

.        предусматривать

.        беспристрастность

16.    приносить присягу

5. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту

1. What does the Constitution of the
RF define and establish?

2.      What provisions does the
Constitution have regarding the federative structure?

.        What are the bodies of
federal power?

.        Who does the full authority
belong to under the current Constitution?

.        What provisions concerning
the legislature are provided by the Constitution?

.        What is the executive
branch of the RF?

.        How is judicial power
implemented in the RF?

8.      What does the system of
courts consist of?

6. Подберите синонимы из правой колонки к словам
в левой колонке

1. fundamental 2. power 3. independently 4.
establish 5. duty 6. solemn promise 7. term 8. elect 9. objective 10. belong

a) impartial b) period of time c) be vested in
d) choose e) obligation f) basic g) separately h) oath i) set up j) authority

7. Подберите антонимы из правой колонки к словам
в левой колонке

1. competence 2. enter 3. sovereignty 4.
accept 5. secular

a) dependence b) reject c) ignorance d) vacate
e) religious

. Закончите предложения согласно содержанию

1) Constitution
establishes …

·  the principles of independence
and partial sovereignty of the RF

·        equalities of
ideologies but not religions

·        the principle of
separation of powers

2) As for the federative structure,
the Constitution …

·  covers the questions that are
exclusively in the jurisdiction of the RF leaving out the competence of federal
and local authorities

·        contains the list
of component units of the RF

·        covers only those
questions that are in the joint jurisdiction of federal and local authorities

3) The bodies of federal power are…

·  the Federal Assembly of the RF
and the judiciary of the RF

·        the President of
the RF and the Government of the RF

·        all the bodies
mentioned above in a) and b)

4) The Federal Assembly of the RF

·  the legislature

·        the judiciary

·        the executive

5) The Constitution determines…

·  the extent of the jurisdiction
of the executive branch

·        the order and the
terms of office of the governmental officials

·        both

6) Judicial power is implemented by
means of …

·  civil and criminal legal

·        constitutional and
administrative legal proceedings

·        all the proceedings
mentioned in a) and b)


грамматики: система времен английских глаголов в пассивном залоге

9. Замените глагольные формы в активном залоге в
предложениях на пассивные, как указано в примерах и дайте их русские эквиваленты.

Examples:1The constitution defines the
federative structure of the Russian Federation.federative structure of the
Russian Federation is defined in the.2 The
constitution defined the federative structure of the
Russian Federation.federative structure of the Russian Federation was defined
in the. (several years ago, yesterday, two
days ago, the day before).3 The constitution will define the
federative structure of the Russian Federation.federative
structure of the Russian Federation will be defined in the

Constitution (one
of these days, tomorrow, in a week, in several months).

1. The Constitution of the Russian
Federation defines the rights and freedoms of a human and a citizen.

2.      The Constitution defined the
Russian Federation as a secular state in 1993.

.        The Constitution contains
the text of the oath taken by the President of the Russian Federation.

.        The Constitution determines
the extent of the jurisdiction of the Russian Government.

.        The Constitution
established the principles of independence, irremovability and immunity of
judges when it was adopted.

.        The Constitution will
regulate the questions of local self-government in a year.

.        Part 2 of the Constitution
includes Transitional and Final provisions.

10. Соотнесите слова из правой колонки с их
определениями из левой колонки.

an official 2. the legislative power  3.
immunity  4. supervision  5. the executive power  6.
competence  7.
enforcement   8. the
judicial power  9.
legal proceeding  10. impartiality

freedom from favoritism, disinterestedness, fairness 12.
the quality or condition of being legally qualified to perform an act 13. a
giving force to, authority, or effect to 14. one who holds an office or
position, especially one who acts in a subordinate capacity for an institution
such as a corporation or governmental agency 15. the system of courts that
interprets and applies the law in the name of the state 16.
the part of government that has sole authority and responsibility for the
daily administration of the state affairs 17. all actions that are authorized
or sanctioned by law and instituted in a court or a tribunal for the
acquisition of rights or the enforcement of remedies 18. authority belonging
to an officially elected body of people vested with the responsibility to make
laws 19. authoritative control over the affairs of others 20. exemption from
normal legal duties, penalties, or liabilities, granted to a special group of

11. Переведите предложения, используя слова и
словосочетания из текста

1. Конституция Российской федерации — главный
нормативный акт, имеющий высшую юридическую силу.

2.      Конституция устанавливает основы
социального, экономического и политического устройства России.

.        Конституция провозглашает идею
приоритета прав и свобод человека.

.        Носителем суверенитета и единственным
источником власти в РФ является ее многонациональный народ.

.        Все граждане России равны перед законом
и судом.

.        Статья 10 Конституции Российской
Федерации предусматривает принцип разделения государственной власти на
законодательную, исполнительную и судебную.

.        Судебная власть осуществляется
посредством конституционного, гражданского, административного и уголовного

.        Согласно Конституции судьи обладают
независимостью, несменяемостью и неприкосновенностью.

.        Компетенция Прокуратуры включает надзор
за исполнением законов всеми учреждениями, должностными лицами и гражданами.

10.  При вступлении в должность Президент
Российской Федерации приносит присягу.


1. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы:

1. When was the US Constitution

2.      What does the US
Constitution consist of?

.        How are the first 10
amendments to the US Constitution called?

.        What rights and liberties
are protected under the Bill of Rights?

.        What is required in federal
criminal cases?

.        What kind of trial is
guaranteed by the Bill of Rights?

.        What are key features of
the US Constitution?

.        What are the three branches
of power according to the Constitution?

.        Is there a strict
separation of powers?

.        Does any branch have more
power than the others?

.        What duties does every
branch have regarding the other branches under the principle of checks and

.        What are the composition
and powers of the judicial branch according to the US Constitution?

US CONSTITUTIONform of the US government is based on the Constitution of 1787
which was adopted after the War of Independence. The US Constitution consists
of 7 articles and 27 amendments. The first 10 amendments are called the Bill of
Rights and were adopted in 1791 under popular pressure.

The Bill of Rights is a series of
limitations on the power of the United States federal government, protecting
the natural rights and liberties, property including freedom of religion,
freedom of speech, a free press, free assembly, and free association, as well
as the right to keep and carry arms. In federal criminal cases, it requires
indictment by a grand jury for any capital crime, guarantees a speedy, public
trial with an impartial jury composed of members of the state in which the
crime occurred.key feature of the US Constitution is federalism — the division
of power between the national government and the states. Another major feature
of the Constitution is the principle of the separation of powers within the
national government. According to this principle the executive, legislative and
judicial branches exercise powers that are largely separate and distinct. There
is not a strict and complete separation of powers, the powers of the three
branches overlap. Each branch has its own responsibilities, but no branch has
more power than the other branches. There is the system of checks and balances,
that is each branch has certain duties to check the powers of the other
branches. This system was meant to protect against the extremes since it makes
compromise and consensus necessary.legislative branch is called the Congress
which consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives. It is the
responsibility of the Congress to propose and pass laws. In the system of
checks and balances, Congress can refuse to approve Presidential appointments
and can override presidential veto.executive branch consists of the President,
the Vice President, the Cabinet and the 13 Departments, and also of the
independent agencies. Its responsibility is to enforce laws. According to the
principle of checks and balances, the President has the power of veto to reject
the bill of the Congress. He also appoints all Supreme Court Justices.judicial
branch consists of the Supreme Court, 11 Circuit Courts of Appeals and 94
District Courts. This branch explains and interprets laws and makes decisions
in lawsuits. It has the power over the other two branches and according to the
principle of checks and balances can declare their actions and laws
unconstitutional in case they violate the principles of the Constitution.

2. Выразите согласие/несогласие со следующими
утверждениями, используя ту или иную речевую модель


c) I think it is true. The text
tells us that ………

d)      To my mind, it is false
because …………

1. The US Constitution was adopted
in 1918 after the World War I.

2.      The first 10 amendments are
called the Bill of Rights.

.        The Bill of Rights sets
forth the structure of the Federal Government.

.        The key features of the US
Constitution are federalism, the separation of powers and the system of checks
and balances.

.        The legislative branch has
more powers then the others.

.        The powers of the three
branches don’t overlap.

.        The system of checks and
balances was meant to protect against the

8.      The responsibilities of the
Congress are to protect the rights of citizens and enforce laws.

9. The executive branch consists of
the President, the Vice President, the Cabinet and the 13 Departments, and also
of the independent agencies.

10.    The judicial branch explains
and interprets laws and makes decisions in lawsuits.

3. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы

1. What makes the UK Constitution
different from other constitutions?

2.      What are the sources of the
UK Constitution?

.        What is the core principle
of the UK Constitution?

.        What bodies represent the
three branches of power (executive, legislative and judiciary)?

BRITISH CONSTITUTIONBritish Constitution is unwritten unlike the constitution
in America or the proposed European Constitution, and as such, is referred to
as an uncodified constitution in the sense that there is no single document
that can be identified as Britain’s constitution. The British Constitution can
be found in a variety of documents. The main ones are: Statutes (the Magna
Carta of 1215 and the Act of Settlement of 1701), Acts of Parliament; customs
and traditions, political conventions, case law; constitutional matters decided
in a court of law.

Since the English Civil War, the
core principle of the British constitution has traditionally been the doctrine
of parliamentary sovereignty, according to which the statutes passed by
Parliament are the UK’s supreme and final source of law. It follows that
Parliament can change the constitution simply by passing new Acts of Parliamentto
to be followed by the Royal Assent. There is some
debate about whether this principle remains entirely valid today, in part due
to the UK’s European Union membership.

According to
the doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty, Parliament may pass any legislation
that it wishes. There are many Acts of Parliament which themselves have
constitutional significance. For example, Parliament has the power to determine
the length of its own term. However, the Sovereign retains the power to
dissolve parliament at any time on the advice of the Prime Minister. Parliament
also has the power to change the structure of its constituent houses and the
relation between them.consists of the Sovereign, the House of Commons and the
House of Lords. All the legislation must receive the approval of the Sovereign
(Royal Assent). Following the accession of the UK to European Economic
Community (now the European Union) in 1972, the UK became bound by European law
and more importantly, the principle of the supremacy of European Union
law.House of Commons alone possesses the power to pass a motion of no
confidence in the Government, which requires the Government either to resign or
seek fresh elections. Such a motion does not require passage by the Lords, or
Royal Assent. Parliament traditionally also has the power to remove individual
members of the government by impeachment. By the Constitutional Reform Act 2005
it has the power to remove individual judges from office for
misconduct.executive power in the United Kingdom is exercised by the Sovereign
through Her Majesty’s Government. The monarch appoints a Prime Minister as the
head of Her Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom. The Prime Minister then
selects the other Ministers which make up the Government. As in some other
parliamentary systems of government, the executive is answerable to
Parliament.Courts of the United Kingdom are separated into three separate
jurisidictions serving England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, as the
United Kingdom does not have a single unified judicial system.Constitutional
Reform Act 2005 created a new Supreme Court of the United Kingdom to take over
the judicial functions of the House of Lords and devolution cases from the
Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. The Supreme Court began work in 2009,
and serves as the highest court of appeal in England and Wales and in Northern
Ireland, and for civil cases in Scotland. The High Court of Justiciary will
remain the court of last resort in Scotland for criminal cases.

4. Согласитесь или опровергните следующие

1.   The British Constitution is
unwritten like the Constitutions of the USA and the Proposed European

2.      The British Constitution can
be found in a variety of documents.

.        Amendments to the British
Constitution need the approval of the both Houses of Parliament, but they do
not need the Royal Assent.

.        The parliamentary
sovereignty has always been the core principle of the British Constitution.

.        The Sovereign has no power
to dissolve parliament.

.        Parliament has no power to
change the structure of its houses.

.        The British Parliament
consists only of the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

.        The European law has
priority over the UK law.

.        The executive power in the
United Kingdom is exercised by the Sovereign.

10.    The Constitutional Reform Act
2005 created a new Supreme Court of the United Kingdom.

5. Прочитайте текст о разных видах конституции и
переведите его письменно.

Types of ConstitutionsConstitution
is a system which establishes the fundamental rules and principles which a
state will use to govern and regulate.are several types of constitutions:
written/unwritten constitution, rigid/flexible constitution, federal/unitary
constitution.term written constitution is used to describe a constitution that
is entirely written, that is codified in one single document. Written
constitutions normally consist of a ceremonial preamble, which sets forth the
goals of the state and the motivation for the constitution, and several
articles containing the substantive provisions.term unwritten constitution is
used to describe a based on series of laws over time. Unwritten constitutions
could contain written sources: e.g. constitutional statutes enacted by the
Parliament; and also unwritten sources: constitutional conventions, customs and
traditions.historians use the term “rigid” to describe the Constitution because
the provisions are in a written document that cannot be legally changed with
the same ease and in the same manner as ordinary laws. On the other hand, the
Constitution is called “flexible” because it is an unwritten document that can
be changed by an act of Parliament or through a process of amendment.federal
constitution establishes the division of authority between the Federal
Government and the component units of the
government. In a federal constitution,
sovereignty is invested in the central government. It allows a limited amount
of government among units.unitary constitution relates to the parliament. It
follows parliamentary system of power. The unitary constitution establishes a
unitary system of government where a central government does exist. Although
units are associated with that government, sovereignty is controlled by the
central government.

6. Используя текст, охарактеризуйте конституции
Российской Федерации, США и Великобритании


1. Подумайте и ответьте на вопросы:

1. What is email?

2.      What do you think about this
way of communication?

.        How often do you write

.        How does email differ from
a letter?

.        Do you know any rules of
writing an email?

Каждое письмо E-mail
содержит две основные части: заголовок и тело.

Заголовок письма содержится в следующих полях:

·  В поле To: (Куда) записывается адрес получателя
сообщения. В зависимости от используемого сервера или почтовой клиент-программы
это поле может называться Message To: или Mail To:.

·        Поле From: (Ваш адрес E-mail) Обычно
этот адрес автоматически записывается и поэтому может отсутствовать на экране.

·        В поле Subject: (Тема) указывается
краткая аннотация содержания сообщения (не более 20-30 знаков)

·        В поле Сс (carbone copy): (Копия)
при необходимости записываются адреса корреспондентов, которым рассылаются
копии сообщений.

·        В поле Всс (blind carbone copy):
(Скрытая копия) указываются адреса корреспондентов, которым копии сообщений
рассылаются в тайне от первого адресата.

Структура тела электронного письма:

1. Salutation
(приветствие). Выбор приветственной фразы зависит того, насколько хорошо вы
знаете адресата.

2. Opening
sentence (вступительное
предложение). Объясняет причину создания письма,всегда начинается с заглавной

3. Main
part (основная часть).
Содержание письма.

4. Conclusion
(заключение). Часть, в которой вы сообщаете о том, что ждете (или не ждете)
ответа от адресата.

Close (прощание).

2. Посмотрите
на фразы, приведенные в упражнении, и распределите их по соответствующим

Dear Sir or Madam [no name or no
close]wishesfree to get in touch* if you have any questionsall’m writing to
thank you…sincerely*a short email to inform you…the bestMr, Mrs, Msforward
to* your replywhom it may concern*me know if you need anything elseeveryoneregards*not
hesitate* to contact us if you need any assistanceyou (soon)look forward to
hearing from you:get in touch — связаться с к-либоsincerely — искренне вашlook
forward to — с нетерпением ждать concern
— касаться, иметь отношение к ч-либо

regards — с уважением, с
наилучшими пожеланиями.


Opening sentence


Close salutation

3. Посмотрите на образец письма и соедините
цифры с соответствующими английскими названиями частей электронного письма

the heading of the email, opening
sentence, the body of the email, addressee, conclusion, sender, Carbone copy
(Cc), salutation, close, blind сarbone
copy (Bcc), main part

NOTE: Все электронные письма можно разделить на
две группы: деловые, официальные и личные, неофициальные. В зависимости от
того, кому адресовано письмо (работодателю, начальнику, коллеге по бизнесу или
другу, приятелю, хорошо знакомому коллеге по работе) выбираются соответствующие
фразы и выражения. Изучите список фраз, которые используются в деловых и личных



Salutation: When you don’t know the name: Dear
Sir or Madam To whom it may concern  When you know the name: Dear Mr, Mrs,
Ms*  When writing to a group: Dear all  Opening sentence: I’m writing to
inform confirm request update you This is to let you know to thank you Main
part: I would like to Please find the requested information attached We hope
you I do apologize for We regret to information Could/Can you please send
me…? We are working on your request Conclusion: I look forward to/ Looking
forward to Do not hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance I’d
appreciate a reply asap Close: Your sincerely Best regards Regards Best

Salutation: When you don’t know the name:
Hello [no salutation]  When you know the name: John/Mary etc. [no salutation]
When writing to a group: Hi everyone Opening sentence: How are you? How’s it
going? Just a quick note to tell Just a short email to get in touch Writing
to help Main part: Re your email, I… I’m sorry, but Thanks for… Here’s
the low-down on… You’ll be happy to hear Conclusion: Please answer asap
Feel free to get in touch with any questions Have a nice day/weekend Hope to
hear from you soon Close: All the best Best See you Take care Buy [just the
name or initials] [no close]

*Mr — господин- госпожа (обращение к замужней
женщине)- госпожа (обращение к женщине, семейное положение которой не имеет

. Посмотрите на электронные письма и определите,
какие из них являются официальными, а какие неофициальными. Почему?

. Для современных электронных писем характерны
различные аббревиатуры и сокращения:

отдельные слова- appointment-

некоторые фразыthe mo — at the
moment- in other words- by the way — for
your information

. Посмотрите на приведенные примеры и
расшифруйте сокращения.

1.  appt
2. asap 3. eg 4. etc 5. info 6. pls 7. wk 8. Mon 9. Fri 10. Apr 11. Dec 12. thx
13. CU
14.LOL 15. IMO

7. Напишите два электронных письма: деловое,
официальное и личное, неофициальное. Тему выберете самостоятельно или
используйте предложенные варианты



напишите письмо коллеге по работе и подтвердите свое участие в деловой
встрече, уточните время и дату встречи. 2. напишите письмо организаторам
конференции и сообщите тему своего выступления. 3. напишите письмо в отель и
забронируйте номер на определенную дату и попросите подтвердить возможность
резервирования, а также цену номера. 4. напишите письмо своему клиенту и
отмените запланированную встречу, объясните причину, извинитесь и назначьте
новую встречу.

· напишите
письмо одногруппнику и узнайте расписание занятий. · напишите
письмо маме, расскажите что-нибудь о себе. · напишите
письмо другу или подруге и договоритесь о вечеринке. · напишите
письмо хорошо знакомому коллеге и расскажите о предстоящей командировке.


1. according
to smth — согласно ч-либо

2. adopt
a decree
— принимать указ

3. approve
a bill
— одобрять законопроект

4. be
in charge
of smth/doing
smth — возглавлять
ч-либо, нести ответственность за ч-либо

5. bring
charges against
smb — выдвигать
обвинения против к-либо

6. by
— по средствам ч-либо, с помощью ч-либо

consider a law — рассматривать

8. cover
the questions — охватывать вопросы

create legislation — создавать закон

10.define basic
principles of the constitution — определять основные принципы конституции

— вступать в должность

— устанавливать принцип независимости, несменяемости и неприкосновенности

— функции

questions — решать вопросы

— осуществлять судебную власть
body — законодательный

amendments — вносить поправки

the veto
— отменять вето

a law
— принять закон

20.reach a
compromise — прийти к компромиссу

a bill
-отклонять законопроект

22.rights and
freedoms of a human and a citizen — права и свободы человека и гражданина

— принимать

principle of equality before law — принцип равенства перед законом

25.the supreme
law — высший закон
on a
draft law
— голосовать по законопроекту



Для правильного перевода очень
важно выяснить функцию английского слова и каким членом предложения оно
является. Этому в значительной мере помогает так называемый твердый порядок
слов английского предложения.

В отличие от русского языка в
английском языке подлежащее, сказуемое, дополнение обычно стоят в строгой
последовательности одно за другим, как бы являются «костяком» предложения ПСД
(Подлежащее, Сказуемое, Дополнение). Обстоятельства, как правило, стоят до или
после «костяка». Определение не имеет постоянного места в предложении и может
находиться рядом с любым членом предложения, который требует определения.

Исходя из вышеизложенного,
можем себе представить следующую схему расположения членов предложения в
английском языке:



Положительная прилагательным, наречием

степень в положительной степени- сильный, -ая,
-ое- поздно

для односложных

Сравнительная + er

степень прилагательным, наречием

для многосложных с суффиксом — ее

more + stronger
— сильнее, later- позднее,

less more (less) useful — более


Превосходная + для односложных

степень + est

для многосложных прилагательным с суффиксом

(the) most + -ейший, наречием с суффиксом-ее +
всего (всех)

(the) strongest — сильнейший,самый

сильный,(the) latest — позднее всего,

самый (наименее) + прилагательноеmost (least)
useful — самый (на-

именее) полезный.


V V2f











Usually, always, sometimes, seldom, every

 V or V+s (he, she, it)

is + V(3f) are


Yesterday, last…., ….ago, in 1997, the
other day…

ed (2f)

5were + V(3f)


Tomorrow, next…., in some time, one of these

will + V

shall, will + be + V(3f)



at this moment

is + Ving are

am is being + V(3f) are


Yesterday at 3 o’ clock, all day long, when,

were + Ving

was were + being + V(3f)


Tomorrow at 3 o’clock, all day tomorrow,

will + be + Ving




Already, just, yet, ever, this week, year,
month, lately, recently…

has + V(3f)

have has + been + V(3f)


Before, after, by the end of last year,hardly.
. .when

+ V(3f)

been + V(3f)


next week…

shall will + have + V(3f)

shall +have + been will +V(3f)


Perfect Progressive

Since, for a year.., how long?

has + been + Ving


Perfect Progressive

For some time before … when (as)

 had + been + Ving


Perfect Progressive

For some time by next May…

shall have + been will + Ving



Marcel Berlins,
Clare Dyer.
The Law Machine, London, Penguin books, Fifth
Edition, 2000

Geoffrey Rivlin. Understanding the Law, Oxford, Oxford University Press, Fourth
Edition, 2006

Richard Powell. Law Today. Longman Group UK Ltd.,1993

Электронные ресурсы:

<> of American Law









— энциклопедия

— lesson plan “Crazy Laws: There Must Have Been a Good Reason?”

<> —
Loony Laws (outrageous city ordinances and silly state statutes).

— President of Russia (official website). The Constitution of Russia.

— the White House website.

— UK Parliament website.
<> — Понятие об
электронной почте.

Rebecca Chapman. Oxford Business
English. English for Emails. Express Series.

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