Means of communication эссе

People use various means of communication to get from one place to another. In the old days people had to travel several days, weeks and months to get to the place they needed. They either went on foot, by coaches driven by horses or on horseback or by. boats and ships. Then trams, cars, buses, planes, underground and other means appeared.

Many people like to travel by air as it is the fastest way of traveling. A lot of people like to travel by train because they can look at passing villages, forests and fields through windows. Some people like to travel by car. There they can go as slowly or as fast as they like. They can stop when and where they want.

People who live in big cities use various means of communication to get from one place to another. Londoners use the underground railway. They call it «the tube». London’s underground is the oldest in the world. It was opened in 1863. There was one route at that time, four miles long. Now London’s underground has 277 stations and it is 244 miles long. Londoners use buses. The first bus route was opened in London in 1904 Today there are hundreds of routes there. The interesting thing is that some of the routes are the same as many years ago.

London’s buses are double-decked buses. Londoners do not use trams, though London was the first city where trams appeared. And now it is one of the biggest cities in the world where there are no trams. The last tram left the streets of London many years ago. Londoners use cars. One can see a lot of cars in London streets. When Londoners leave the town, they use trains, ships or planes.

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Обновлено: 31.03.2023

What does the phrase ‘nonverbal communication’ mean? Does it help us to understand people of other cultures?

First of all I’d like to give the definition of ‘nonverbal communication’. It is communication without words. People ‘talk’ with the help of their bodies. We should remember that one and the same gesture can be interpreted in different ways. It depends on the culture. For example in Greece and Turkey one shouldn’t show two fingers to the waiter, pointing at two cups of coffee. In these countries it is considered as offensive as spitting in someone’s face.

So, we have discovered that it is important and useful to know the national peculiarities in order not to get into trouble at work and in day to day life. Furthermore, gestures can expose the true feelings or desires of our opponent, because people strike a pose without paying attention to its meaning. For instance when during a conversation somebody’s feet are turned in the direction of exit, it could mean that he or she wants to leave the place of discussion because of boredom.

As you can see, we should consider gestures and poses equally with situations of their usage.

Now I’d like to speak about certain cases of nonverbal communication.

The positional relationship of the pupils(their constriction or broadening), the position of eyebrows, eyelids, forehead is also important.

When a thought is starting to form in the mind, one doesn’t look in their partner’s eyes. The situation is different, when everything has already been determined, and there is something worth saying. In this case the listener is in the active position. He shows the speaker that he is eager to listen, and he is interested in what is being said. If the connection between the speaker and listener isn’t completed, there is reason to question whether or not both partners are interested in the conversation.

As it was mentioned above, the direction of look is also important. There are three types of look: business, social and intimate. The business look is concentrated on the imaginary triangle on the forehead of the partner and creates a business atmosphere. When a person focuses on the triangle on your face in the area of the eyes and mouth, it is a social look. The intimate look is expressed by looking someone in the eyes only. One shouldn’t use this look in solving business problems because of the risk to be misunderstood.

Another source of information is the pose of a person, either dynamic orstatic. There are more than one thousand such poses, depending on nationality, sex, age, and cultural and religious peculiarities of people. When we talk about ‘closed’ poses, the non communicative partner covers the most vulnerable parts of the body: the stomach and chest. In this case it is not difficult to understand that the conversation wouldn’t be constructive.

If a person shows his ‘open’ hands, stands straight, looks at you, he is showing that he is eager to speak.

What can I add about gestures? First of all they can be glaring and very expressive. It is necessary to mention that Mexicans use gestures one hundred eighty times, Frenchmen – one hundred twenty times, Italians – eighty times, Finns – only one gesture during a conversation. Russian people, on the other hand, are very restrained, and lively gesticulation is a sign of bad manners.

Again speaking about two fingers: in Australia, New Zealand and Great Britain this gesture is regarded as an insult if the palm is turned towards the speaker. But with the palm turned towards the listener, it means victory. In Europe these two gestures are not distinguished and serve to show victory or the number of items.

One more interesting fact concerns personal space. It can differ with nationality. Scientists, dealing with the investigation of people, singled out five personal space areas: the hidden intimate, intimate, personal zones, the zone of communication, and the open zone. These zones have an influence on people’s emotions and actions.

The hidden intimate zone includes from one to fifteen centimeters of distance between the speakers. It is evident that only relatives, good friends and loved ones are allowed to stay this close, because they want to touch or to hug you. In the case of sudden invasion by someone else into this zone, a person can react with rudeness and hostility. The second area is the intimate. It includes the distance in the next thirty centimeters. People find it necessary to protect this zone from strangers, as an intrusion can make us feel lack of comfort and safety. If a person doesn’t like someone to be close during communication, it is better to stop bothering him in order not to put a strain on him. The next is the personal zone, including from forty six up to one hundred twenty centimeters. Western people prefer this distance during public occasions and events. The zone of communication is measured from one hundred twenty centimeters to three hundred sixty centimeters. The communication within the scope of this area can be observed in the street, shops and even at home, or when a client or a customer talks with a shop assistant or messenger. Some types of discussions on business matters are also fulfilled within the radius of this area. The open zone is when an orator, for instance, speaks with the audience at a distance of three hundred sixty centimeters.

However, as it was mentionedabove, one and the same gesture may have completely different meaning in different cultures.

The gesture which Russian people use to demonstrate loss, Croatians use to show success and delight. A European, speaking about himself, points to his chest and the Japanese – to the nose. In several African countries the laugh symbolizes amazement and embarrassment. People from Malta touch their chin with fingertips instead of saying ‘no’. In France and Italy it means that a part of the body aches. During communication we don’t pay much attention to our hands. In the Middle East one shouldn’t give money or a present with the left hand. People who profess Islam consider it as the ‘evil’ one.

People from different cultures have different ideas of personal space. The workrooms in America are organized in a way that every person, working there, is able to see his colleagues, while they are working. This is why their offices are large, and the walls are very often made of glass.It makes the office workers feel that all without exception do one and the same job together and they are part of a single organization. The arrangement of workrooms in Germany is quite different. Their offices have solid walls and an opened door is considered to be a symbol of extreme disorder.

Nonverbal communication is one of the means of representation by a person of his ‘I’, interpersonal influence, and relationship control. It creates the character of the listeners and speakers. Nonverbal communication is characterized by lack of words. Australian specialist Allan Pease states, that a person processes about seven percent of information with the help of words, and fifty five percent is understood through mimicry, gestures and pose. This is why ‘listen to the interlocutor’ also means to ‘know and understand the tongue of gestures’.

Как можно заметить, жесты и позы следует рассматривать в контексте их использования.

Теперь мне хотелось бы рассказать об определённых случаях невербального общения.

Расположение зрачков (сужение или расширение), бровей, век, лба – имеют большое значение. Когда мысль только формируется в сознании, человек не смотрит в глаза собеседнику. Другое дело, когда всё уже определено, и есть что сказать. В этом случае слушающий находится в активной позиции. Он показывает говорящему, что готов слушать и заинтересован в предмете разговора. Если связь между говорящим и слушающим не возникла, то закономерен вопрос, оба ли партнёра заинтересованы в разговоре.

Как уже упоминалось выше, направление взгляда так же важно. Есть три типа взгляда: деловой, социальный и интимный. Деловой взгляд сфокусирован на воображаемом треугольнике на лбу собеседника и создаёт деловую атмосферу. Когда человек смотрит на треугольник на лице партнёра, сконцентрировавшись на зоне глаз и рта, это социальный взгляд. Интимный взгляд выражается прямой направленностью в глаза собеседника. Его не стоит использовать в решении деловых проблем, из-за риска быть истолкованным неверно.

Что можно добавить о жестах? Они могут быть яркими и выразительными. Необходимо упомянуть, что мексиканцы в процессе разговора используют жесты около ста восьмидесяти раз, французы – сто двадцать раз, итальянцы – восемьдесят, финны – только один. С другой стороны русские очень сдержанны и оживлённая жестикуляция для них – признак плохих манер.

Вернёмся к жесту двух пальцев: в Австралии, Новой Зеландии и Великобритании этот жестрассматривается как оскорбление, если ладонь повёрнута к говорящему. Если же ладонь повёрнута в сторону слушающего, то это означает победу. В Европе эти жесты не различаются и служат для обозначения победы или как указание на количество предметов.

Ещё один интересный факт, касающийся индивидуального пространства. Он зависит от национальности. Учёные выделили пять персональных зон : скрытая интимная, интимная, персональная, зона общения и открытая зона. Эти зоны общения влияют на эмоции и действия людей.

Скрытая интимная зона включает от одного до пятнадцати сантиметров между говорящими. Очевидно, что только родственникам, друзьям и любимым позволено подходить так близко, потому что они хотят дотронуться или обнять. В случае внезапного вторжения в эту зону кем-то чужим, человек может отреагировать на это действие грубо и враждебно. Вторая зона – интимная. Она включает дистанцию в следующие тридцать сантиметров. Людям необходимо защищать эту зону, в противном случае,они ощущают недостаток комфорта и безопасности. Если человеку в процессе коммуникации не нравится, чтобы кто-то подходил ближе, лучше не беспокоить его, чтобы не ввести в состояние стресса. Следующая зона, включающая от сорока шести до ста двадцати сантиметров – персональная. Западные люди предпочитают эту дистанцию во время общественных событий и мероприятий. Следующая зона коммуникации — от ста двадцати сантиметров до трёхсот шестидесяти. Общение в пределах этой зоны наблюдается на улице, в магазинах и даже дома, когда клиент разговаривает с курьером. Некоторые виды деловых разговоров также осуществляются в пределах этой зоны. Коммуникация в рамках открытой зоны происходит, когда, например, оратор общается с аудиторией на расстоянии трёхсот шестидесяти сантиметров. Тем не менее, как упоминалось выше, один и тот же жест может иметь различное значение.

Люди разных культур имеют различное представление о личном пространстве. Рабочие места в Америке организованы таким образом, что человек, работающий там, может видеть своих коллег. Поэтому их офисы большие, и стены чаще всего сделаны из стекла. Это помогает офисным работникам ощущать, что все они без исключения делают одну работу вместе, и что они являются единой организацией.

Организация рабочих мест в Германии другая. Офисы имеют прочные стены и открытая дверь- признак беспорядка.

Every day we communicate with scores of people; we talk about politics, work, life, money and so on. After all, do we know what communication is?

Communication is one of the most important necessities of every human being. Besides exchanging the information, we exchange our feelings, emotions.

There are different methods of communication and the most common one is direct speech between humans. Other facilities can also make communication possible. In modern times the primary types of communications equipment include television, telephone and the computer.

Television: Television sets and television programming opened the way for a new way of communication for future generations. People could have access to news from around the world, pretty much as is happened.

Internet: Internet use became more prevalent at the beginning of the XXI century. E-mail began to develop and it became easy to search for information. Often, we know the latest news before it appears on broadcast television or can be included in hard print newspapers.

Mobile phones: As this technology developed, our personal communication habits changed with the ability to communicate at will with very few limitations. The most popular means of communication nowadays is the mobile phone. Advanced models of mobile phones enable users to access the internet, send and receive e-mail and text messages, watch TV, listen to music, take photos, and phone.

New words.

using a phone – пользоваться телефоном

writing a letter — написать письмо

using the Internet – пользоваться Интернетом

to change – изменять

to include – включать

Read the dialogue.

Ann: Look. They have a lot of mobiles here. Let’s buy one.

Материал по английскому языку Means of communication

Mike: I don’t think it’s a good idea. They can be very expensive and mobiles are dangerous:radiation from mobiles causes a cancer.

Ann: Oh, Mike, You can’t think so. They are not so dangerous. We can interact each othervery easily.

Mike: Well, I understand that you may use a mobile when you need help but…

Ann: If you buy a mobile for me you’ll be less worried about me, and soon it will be mybirthday.

Mike:OK, I’ll buy it if you promise…

Ann: Of course, thank you, Mike. Let’s choose this one.

Read the text and translate.

Every day we communicate with scores of people; we talk about politics, work, life, money and so on. After all, do we know what communication is?

Communication is one of the most important necessities of every human being. Besides exchanging the information, we exchange our feelings, emotions.

There are different methods of communication and the most common one is direct speech between humans.

Other facilities can also make communication possible. In modern times the primary types of communications equipment include television, telephone and the computer.

Television: Television sets and television programming opened the way for a new way of communication for future generations. People could have access to news from around the world, pretty much as is happened.

Internet: Internet use became more prevalent at the beginning of the XXI century. E-mail began to develop and it became easy to search for information.

Often, we know the latest news before it appears on broadcast television or can be included in hard print newspapers.

Mobile phones: As this technology developed, our personal communication habits changed with the ability to communicate at will with very few limitations.

The most popular means of communication nowadays is the mobile phone.

Advanced models of mobile phones enable users to access the internet, send and receive e-mail and text messages, watch TV, listen to music, take photos, and phone.


usingtheInternet — пользоваться Интернетом

to change – изменять

Весь материал — в документе.

Содержимое разработки

Read the text and translate

Every day we communicate with scores of people; we talk about politics, work, life, money and so on. After all, do we know what communication is?

Communication is one of the most important necessities of every human being. Besides exchanging the information, we exchange our feelings, emotions.

There are different methods of communication and the most common one is direct speech between humans. Other facilities can also make communication possible. In modern times the primary types of communications equipment include television, telephone and the computer.

Television: Television sets and television programming opened the way for a new way of communication for future generations. People could have access to news from around the world, pretty much as is happened.

Internet: Internet use became more prevalent at the beginning of the XXI century. E-mail began to develop and it became easy to search for information. Often, we know the latest news before it appears on broadcast television or can be included in hard print newspapers.

Mobile phones: As this technology developed, our personal communication habits changed with the ability to communicate at will with very few limitations. The most popular means of communication nowadays is the mobile phone. Advanced models of mobile phones enable users to access the internet, send and receive e-mail and text messages, watch TV, listen to music, take photos, and phone.

To begin with I’d like to point out that means of communication have changed greatly .When we think of it we cannot understand how people who lived 50 years ago were able to keep in touch. Nowadays we cannot imagine human contact without modern technology devices such as mobile phones, smartphones, i-Pods, i-Pads, Tablets, laptops and so on.

Thanks to the new technologies people are communicating more than ever before. Modern means of communication have made the distance between people unimportant. Unlike 20 years ago we usually call someone, not visit. Mobile phones are portable and let us contact others wherever they and we are. Furthermore, mobile phones offer the possibility of texting. Text messaging is the most convenient and the cheapest form of communication when we need to pass a quick note containing only a few words.

Emails have replaced letters and postcards almost completely. People prefer emails, which are quicker to write and send and more sure to reach the addressee.

Video conferences are often used by business people and scientists and they don’t need to travel to remote places.

To keep in touch with our families and friends that live abroad we use the Internet and such programs as Skype or Messenger, we use video chats or instant messaging. Thanks to them we can talk with our relatives for free and without time limits.

A lot of people especially teenagers communicate in social networks such as vkontacte, facebook, twitter, odnoklasniki. They share the news, pictures, funny videos, jokes, songs and so on.

The Internet is very helpful for those who have a hobby. You can communicate with those who share the same passion from all over the world. You can learn the news and discuss your favourite pop star, or a movie actor, a tv show , sport competitions and what not. On forums people share their experiences and help each other to solve the problems they have run into.

To sum it up I’d like to point out that modern means of communication have changed our life , they influence our social life, politics, commerce, everything.

I would like to tell you about telecommunications and their developing.
We can not deny the role of telecommunications in our life. The Internet, phones, telegraph, cell phones, radio, television are all the means of communication or telecommunication. Nowadays we live in information era, when information is the key and engine of progress. Our society needs perfect means of information exchange that is why all types of telecommunication are under the permanent developing.
Currently hundreds of millions of people use wireless communication means. Cell phone is no longer a symbol of prestige but a tool, which lets to use working time more effectively. Considering that the main service of a mobile connection operator is providing high quality connection, much attention in the telecommunication market is paid to the spectrum of services that cell network subscriber may receive.
Today we can easily connect to the Internet using our cell phone or to take a picture or to take a short movie, using our video cell phone.
Late in the nineteenth century, communication facilities were augmented by a new invention — telephone. In the USA its use expanded slowly and by 1900 the American Telephone and Telegraph Company controlled 855,000 telephones.
After 1900, telephone installations extended much more rapidly in all the wealthier countries. The number of telephones in use in the world grew at almost 100 per cent per decade. But long-distance telephone services gradually developed and began to compete with telegraphic business. A greater contribution to long-range communication came with the development of wireless technology.
Before the outbreak of the First World War wireless telegraphy was established as a means of regular communication with ships at sea and provided a valuable supplement to existing telegraph lines. In the next few years the telephone systems of all the chief countries were connected with each other by radio. Far more immediate was the influence that radio had through broadcasting and by television, which followed it at an interval of about twenty-five years.
Telephones are as much a part of infrastructure of our society as roads or electricity, and competition will make them cheaper. Losses from lower prices will be countered by higher usage. Most important of all, by cutting out the need to install costly cables and microwave transmitters, the new telephones could be a boon to the remote and poor regions of the earth. Even today, half the world’s population lives more than two hours away from a telephone.
Satellite phones are not going to deliver all their benefits at once.
Lots of other new communication services — on-line film libraries, personal computers that can send video-clips and sound-bites as easily as they can be used for writing letters, terrestrial mobile-telephone systems cheap enough to replace old sets — are already technically possible.

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Devices used to talk, or to send message from one end to other; or from one person to other are called means of communication. Means of Communication are the necessary part of present life. Students should know about the importance of these communication devices. In this article we have provided details and importance of these devices with some attractive images.

Importance of Means of Communications

What is Communication?
The communication is the way of expressing our thoughts. In other words, communication means sending or receiving message from one end to other. We can express our feelings to other by speaking, writing or silent indications. All living beings communicate to each other in different ways. They have different types of voices and they understand meaning of voice of their species. Human has also developed his dialect to communicate with others. We learn different languages to understand meaning of other’s dialects.
Pigeon image

What are Means of Communication?

Devices used to talk, or to send message one end to other, or from one person to other are called means of communication. Means of Communication are the most necessary part of modern lifestyle. In modern age, there are many types of means of communications like News Paper, Telephone, Mobile, TV, Internet etc. They play very important role in our daily life activities. There is great Importance of Means of Communications in everyone’s life, in this age.

Means of Communication in Ancient age
In ancient age pigeons were used for sending letters. This was the slow and unreliable mean of communication. Horsemen were also used for sending royal messages in early ages.

Means of communication in Modern age

Telephone and Mobiles
Telephones and mobiles are most commonly used means of communication. They are not only very fast but also link far distant location within no time. They link not only the major cities but also villages of the whole world. STD (Subscriber Trunk Dialing) services are used to link with people in one country and ISD (International Subscriber Dialing) services for linking people of different countries.

Telephones are static whereas Mobile phones can be carried anywhere, so, are very popular now a days. They help anyone to talk to others anytime and from anywhere.
Telephone communication device image

Letters are most common means of communication. Postcards, inland letters, envelops, postage stamps, etc., are used for writing letters. Money order can be used to send money and speed-post and courier services can be used to send urgent messages by post. For quick and very urgent messages telegram can be sent through the telegraph office.
Letter image
Means of Mass communication
When we want to give a message to a very large number of people at different locations we can use any one of newspapers, magazines, cinema, radio and television etc. This is called Mass Communication. News Paper and Magazines
Newspapers are used to carry news of all that is happening all over the world. The news paper and magazines are printed in different languages.Internet
Email image
In modern age, Internet is very cheap and reliable mean of not only for communication but also useful for employment and education. Internet has brought the whole world to a very small workplace. We can surf for any information on internet. Search engines help to search that information within no time. E-mail can be used to send small or bulk of information to any part of the world.

Radio and Television
News and entertainment programmes are broadcasted on radio and television. Radio can be used only for broadcasting the audio whereas television can broadcast both audio and video for communication.
Radio communication device image

Radar and Artificial Satellite

Radar image, Satellite Communication Image
Radars are mostly used by armed forces for receiving enemy information. They can be used to get the position of enemy’s aircrafts in air. They are very useful for air-traffic control in airports.

Artificial Satellites are used to communicate with very distant locations. They are used to live-telecast matches and other programmes to all over the world.

For coloring pages on Means of Communication, please visit Means of Communication Coloring Page

Some important information about means of communication is specified below:

• Alexender Grahm Bell invented the telephone while working with deaf in 1874.
• India’s first satellite was ‘Aryabhatta’.
• Charles Babbage is called the Father of Computer

For more information about inventions, please visit Great Inventions Coloring page

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