Mobile phone should be banned at the school эссе

The smart phone revolution has changed the world works. More than that, it has changed the way students are educated, and how students interact with one another. Importantly, this presents many questions. While mobile phones have the power to make human beings safer and more knowledgeable, they are also distracting and come with a series of negatives. In schools, administrators are having to make a choice on whether the upside outweighs the downside or whether they should go ahead and ban these phones from existing in their space. While there are arguments to be made on both sides, schools should ban students from having mobile phones while at school because these phones are distracting and provide the ability for students to cheat.
Smart phones today have access to a host of games, to social media sites on the Internet, and to the ability to send texts within an instant. This gives them the ultimate power to serve as a distraction for students. The goal of any school is to ensure that students are getting the best education possible. That goal can only be achieved when students are listening to teachers and actually engaging with the material in the class. To the extent that students are only able to focus on a small number of things at one time, they will often be focusing on the many things they can do with their phones rather than focusing on the many opportunities in front of them with their schooling (Gilroy, 2004). If teachers want to retain the full attention of their students, then banning mobile phones is class is the right decision. It takes away one more thing that students could be doing in class in lieu of listening to what teachers have to say, which is a good thing on the whole for the school system.

While the distraction factor is quite high, the ability of students to use phones to cheat is another reason why phones should be banned. With the technology in today’s phones, there are many different ways they can be used for cheating (Strom & Strom, 2007). First, students can access the Internet in order to look up material for their tests. While students sneaking cheat sheets into tests has always been a problem, it is an even bigger problem when students can actually look up answers once they are in class. In addition to that, those students who have phones can put answers and other information in the phones. They can also send text messages to one another in order to share information. Schools exist to provide a significant platform for academic integrity. When they fail to provide this environment, the entire purpose of the school is compromised. While there may be some positive to allowing students to have their cell phones in school, the ability of students to cheat is a major problem that should cause some pause for school administrators today.

Schools administrators who are trying to make good decisions should understand that cell phones have no place in schools. They are distracting tools that make it even more difficult for students to learn. Learning is already difficult enough for students even without the difficulty of these distractions. In addition to that, the opportunity to cheat is ever present when cell phones are present. Schools should make the difficult decision to ban cell phones until technology comes around that can make it less likely that students will be distracted or be able to cheat. This will ensure that schools remain a positive environment and one in which academic integrity is valued above all else. Students can survive without their phones, and the school experience will be enhanced. We owe it to the future generations and society to make sure school is as efficient as it can be.


  • Gilroy, M. (2004). Invasion of the classroom cell phones. The Education Digest, 69(6), 56.
  • Strom, P. S., & Strom, R. D. (2007, June). Cheating in middle school and high school. In The Educational Forum (Vol. 71, No. 2, pp. 104-116). Taylor & Francis Group.

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Mobile phones should be banned at school premises at all times.

There is no doubt that the problem of banning phones has always been the subject of heated debate. Some people think that people should ban cell phones at school buildings at all times, while others disagree with the m.

I am convinced that phones should be prohibited at schools at any times. Firstly, mobile phones distract you during a lesson, because they always make annoying sounds, for example, vibration, notifications and rings. Secondly, studying has become not effective, because students can find any information in their phones. Boys and girls do not improve their brai ns.

However, there are people who think differently. They claim that people should allow mobile phones at school premises at any times, because there are some exercises in the textbooks which

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Mobile phones. There are different points of view on this matter. Some people say electronic devices should not be allowed at school whereas others believe mobile phones do not distract children.

As far as I am concerned, mobile phones are not needed at school. To begin with, they do distract students from studying as chatting is surely more attractive to young people. Moreover, mobile phone may be dangerous if one uses it all day long. In addition, using mobile phones at the moment when teacher is speaking is at least demonstration of disrespect to them.

In contrast, there is an opinion that mobile phones can be useful when studying because sometimes students demand a little break from studying as it can lead to stress.

Then, such people also admit that school breaks allow children to rest for some time so that is when mobile phones can be used.

In fact, I cannot agree with them because a school day is only seven hours so children have more time to use theur phones when they are at home. Actually, there devices give an opportunity for students to cheat.

In conclusion, I would like to state that mobile phones should be prohibited at school since nowadays people are becoming more and more addicted to the gadgets so school can distract them from mobile phones.

К1 (решение коммуникативной задачи) – 0 баллов

1) Грамматически неполное первое предложение первого абзаца не содержит никакой информации по проблеме сочинения, лишь приблизительно задавая его тему. Следующее предложение также содержательно выхолощено, поскольку сообщает, что по данному вопросу есть различные мнения, но не уточняет, по какому именно вопросу. В третьем предложении, которое наконец всё-таки даёт нам конкретную информацию, эта информация преподносится несколько искажённо – в первой части предложения автор говорит об электронных устройствах в целом, т.е. слишком широко толкует тему, а во второй его части упоминает мобильные телефоны и отрицает их способность отвлекать детей, т.е., напротив, чрезмерно сужает тему.

2) Мнение автора сформулировано с отклонением от темы, поскольку речь должна идти не о нужности/ненужности мобильных телефонов в школе, а о необходимости запретить использование мобильных телефонов в школе или отсутствии такой необходимости.

3) Аргумент о большей привлекательности общения для детей по сравнению с учёбой сомнителен. Во-первых, телефоны могут использоваться далеко не только для общения – ещё, например, для прослушивания музыки, просмотра видеороликов, перевода текстов с одного языка на другой, поиска готовых домашних заданий и т.п. Во-вторых, всё-таки не все ученики заинтересованы в переписке с друзьями больше, чем в уроке – есть множество ответственных ребят, серьёзно относящихся к учёбе. Далее выпускник заявляет об опасности длительного использования телефонов, но никак не аргументирует своё заявление.

4) Противоположная точка зрения выстроена не вполне корректно – согласно изложенной позиции, телефоны позволяют детям отдохнуть от учёбы, но в то же время могут использоваться только во время перемен. Но на переменах дети и так по определению отдыхают от учебного процесса.

5) Опровержение противоположной точки зрения, приведённое в четвёртом абзаце, не соотносится напрямую с оспариваемыми аргументами – автор рассуждает не о телефонах как способе отдыха от учебного процесса, а о том, что дети могут удовлетворить свою потребность в общении с данной техникой и дома. Кроме того, сомнительным видится утверждение о том, что учебный день длится именно семь часов, ведь его продолжительность зависит от класса и от расписания и может значительно отклоняться от семи часов в любую сторону.

6) Наконец, заключение у выпускника тоже получилось странное, т.к. он обосновывает необходимость запрета мобильных телефонов в школе тем, что школа может таким способом бороться с зависимостью людей от различных гаджетов.

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There is no doubt that more and more people are using mobile phones nowadays. It is impossible to imagine the modern life without these gadgets. However, there are lots of people who believe that the use of cell phones must be limited. 42

In my opinion, there is no need in restricting the use of mobile phones. Firstly, we need our mobiles to solve everyday problems. For example, we make appointments or cancel them, make reservations, book tickets. Also, a mobile allows us to stay in touch almost anywhere and exchange photos instantly. Besides, if the mobile is logged on to the Internet, you can pay bills, keep track of your income.

However, there are many people who do not share the above given view. They believe that mobile phones have an extremely negative effect on human’s body. They are concerned that phone radiation might cause cancer or brain tumor. In addition, a lot of useful time is wasted chatting on the phone. Moreover, using a mobile phone interferes with students’ studies. Students do not pay attention in class while texting their friends or playing a game. Finally, due to mobile phones students can cheat in tests, exams.

To some extent it is true, but on the whole, these concerns are groundless, because modern mobiles are quite safe and have a very low level of radiation.

In conclusion, I want to say that mobile phones have become an integral part of modern society and it is up to us to decide how to benefit from using them.

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Listening «mobile phones» BBC

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Mobile phones. There are different points of view on this matter. Some people say electronic devices should not be allowed at school whereas others believe mobile phones do not distract children.

As far as I am concerned, mobile phones are not needed at school. To begin with, they do distract students from studying as chatting is surely more attractive to young people. Moreover, mobile phone may be dangerous if one uses it all day long. In addition, using mobile phones at the moment when teacher is speaking is at least demonstration of disrespect to them.

In contrast, there is an opinion that mobile phones can be useful when studying because sometimes students demand a little break from studying as it can lead to stress.

Then, such people also admit that school breaks allow children to rest for some time so that is when mobile phones can be used.

In fact, I cannot agree with them because a school day is only seven hours so children have more time to use theur phones when they are at home. Actually, there devices give an opportunity for students to cheat.

In conclusion, I would like to state that mobile phones should be prohibited at school since nowadays people are becoming more and more addicted to the gadgets so school can distract them from mobile phones.

Мобильный телефон в школе.
Нужен ли ученику в школе мобильный телефон? Есть очень много различных мнений, лично я считаю, что мобильный телефон нужен.
В первую очередь, мобильный телефон дает нам возможность поддерживать связь с друзьями и родственниками в любое время. Это особенно важно для детей, так как родители должны знать, что с их ребенком все хорошо.
Кроме того, современные мобильные телефоны многофункциональны: они обеспечивают доступ к интернету, что тоже необходимо в некоторых ситуациях. Так же они могут служить для хранения какой либо нужной информации, тем более, когда под рукой нет ручки и бумаги.
Но с другой стороны, мобильные телефоны вызывают ряд проблем. Они очень сильно отвлекают учителей и учеников от работы. К тому же телефон очень вреден для здоровья.
На мой взгляд, в настоящее время мобильный телефон является неотъемлемой частью жизни любого человека. Мне лично телефон нужен каждый день, хотя я знаю о его вредном влиянии на мое здоровье. Нужно пытаться найти золотую середину.

Mobile phones in schools.
Do I need a student at the school cell phone? There are so many different opinions, I personally believe that the mobile phone is necessary.
First of all cell phones give us an opportunity to keep in touch with friends and family in any time. It is especially important for children, as parents need to know that their baby is fine.
Besides, modern mobile phones are multi-function: they provide access to the Internet, which is also necessary in some situations. They also can be used to store any relevant information, especially when you do not pen and paper.
On the other hand, mobile phones provoke a range of problems. They are very distracting teachers and students from work. In addition, the phone is very harmful to health.
In my opinion at the present time mobile phones are an integral part of life of any person. I personally need it every day, though I’m aware of its deleterious influence on my health. I try to find the happy mean.

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Autor:   •  September 19, 2012  •  Essay  •  567 Words (3 Pages)  •  7,461 Views

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Mobile Phones Should Be Banned In Schools

Since mobile phones were invented almost 70 years ago, they have become very important and, at times essential, to our lives. Their weight and size enables us to carry then and communicate with others very easily. But they are often misused, especially in a learning environment. Not only are students distracted from learning, cheating during exams is common, as is, text bullying.

The purpose of schools is to provide students with a positive learning environment. Although many schools have a rule «..cell phones should be switched off and not used for texting or phones calls..», silent ringtones have made it possible for students to browse the web, text friends and listen to music with their phones hidden under the desk, unnoticed by teachers. Research shows that students are using mobile phones for antisocial activities such as cheating in tests, arranging drug deals, organizing fights and harassing teachers as wells as students. Apart form showing disrespect, this practise means that instead of paying 100% attention, students are focusing more on their screens. By banning and confiscating any mobile phones seen, students will be able too concentrate moor on their lessons. After all, out of sight, out of mind.

With todays technology, mobile phones can easily be used to cheat in exams. Although there are many other ways of cheating, mobiles phones make it extremely simple. All the students have to do is to access the internet, type in the questions and within seconds, the answers appear on the screens. Police conducted an investigation in Korea in 2005 after obtaining evidence which proved that about 100 students had used mobile phones to cheat in the National College Entrance Exams and 46 students in Thailand were banned from the army for life after they had tried to cheat in an Army Entrance Exam by concealing their mobile phones in their

phones should be banned at school premises at all times.

There is no doubt that the problem of banning phones has always been the subject of heated debate. Some people think that people should ban cell phones at school buildings at all times, while others disagree with them.

I am convinced that phones should be prohibited at schools at any times.  Firstly, mobile phones distract you during a lesson, because they always make annoying sounds, for example, vibration, notifications and rings. Secondly, studying has become not effective, because students can find any information in their phones. Boys and girls do not improve their brains.

However, there are people who think differently. They claim that people should allow mobile phones at school premises at any times, because there are some exercises in the textbooks which

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With the blooming development of science and technology, mobile phones have become an indispensable part of life. The increasing number of teenagers who use a cell phone in schools which disrupts classrooms orders has become a major concern. However, mobile phones should not be banned in schools. Actually, it is not necessary to ban mobile phones in schools. Additionally, using mobile phones in schools has some positive influences. Furthermore, it is likewise a human right for students. 
Firstly, through implementing some campus rules and some technological means, the negative impresses of using mobile phones will be eliminated properly. Why people think that mobile phones should be banned in school? The reasons are that using mobile in …show more content… 
In addition, some effective technological means should be used in the classes. Using shielding facility to screen cell phone signals is a significant way to face the chatting problems during the exam. Considering all these ways, use mobile phones in schools should be allowed. There is no reason to neglect benefits of mobile phones by possible potential problems. 

Are mobile phones useful or harmful objects for students at school? Should they be banned to use at school or allowed? There are so many points of view about this question. Ket us start by considering the facts.

Many people think that phones must be prohibited at school. First of all, if students don’t turn off their phones during the lesson and at that moment teacher explains new theme or task or all students do test, of course, all phone sounds such as calls, sound of messages or chart, will irritate other people. What is more even bother or take mind off lesson and teacher’s explanation.
Secondly, some pupils have a not good manner like listening to music or playing games on the phone. So such children don’t pay attention to teacher. Moreover, it’s unlikely they’ll get a good mark for their final exam.
Finally, it’s not allowed to use calculator on the Maths lesson. Because final exam’s rule prohibetes using any gadgets. Besides our modern teenagers lost habit of using their mind solving tasks and got used to use their phones.

But there is different view on this problem and some people don’t agree with opinion about uselessness of phones. They consider having phones keeps our children safe in dangerous reality.

I have opposite point of view. To my mind, we didn’t have phones in my childhood and our parents couldn’t keep us in touch anytime. But using phones during the lesson is brazen inpudence attitude to surrounding people.

So it’s up to everybody to decide whether the mobile phones can be permitted or not be made possible at school.

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