My dream school эссе

Представлено сочинение на английском языке Школа моей мечты/ School of My Dream с переводом на русский язык.

School of My Dream Школа моей мечты
My name is Daria Kuznetsova. I’m a 7th form pupil. I’d like to tell you a few words about a school of my dream. The school where I study is also quite good but I think several things could be changed there. Меня зовут Дарья Кузнецова. Я ученица 7-го класса. Я хотела бы сказать вам несколько слов о школе моей мечтой. Школа, в которой я учусь тоже довольно хорошая, но я думаю, что некоторые вещи в ней можно было бы изменить.
First of all, my dream school should be modern and well-equipped with large corridors and light classrooms. If I were a principal of school, I’d buy new chairs and tables. Also the school needs whiteboards with markers or even smart boards. They would look good in classrooms. Smart board is a new technology, which is especially useful for studying. Secondly, I would cancel homework. It would be better if children could do all exercises during school hours and then be free. I also think that schoolchildren shouldn’t carry such heavy rucksacks. They could simply leave their textbooks and workbooks at school library, for example. Прежде всего, школа моей мечты должна быть современной и хорошо оснащенной с большими коридорами и светлыми классами. Если бы я была директором школы, я бы купила новые стулья и столы. Кроме того, школа нуждается в белых досках с маркерами или даже интерактивных досках. Они будут хорошо смотреться в классах. Интерактивная доска является новой технологией, которая особенно полезна в обучении. Во-вторых, я хотела бы отменить домашние задания. Было бы лучше, если бы дети могли делать все упражнения во время школьных занятий, а затем быть свободными. Я также думаю, что школьники не должны носить такие тяжелые рюкзаки. Они могли бы просто оставлять свои учебники и рабочие тетради в школьной библиотеке, например.
My dream school should have a large playground and a swimming-pool. I love swimming and I would be happy to have swimming lessons instead of other physical exercises. As for the dining-room, I would change the food there and would make the breaks a little longer, so that children can eat without running. I would also like to have a more spacious library with lots of interesting books and magazines. In my dream school all teachers are kind, intelligent and friendly. They are in good relationships with pupils. I would like to go to different concerts, exhibitions, picnics more often with my class. В школе моей мечты должны быть большая детская площадка и бассейн. Я люблю плавать, и была бы счастлива ходить на уроки плавания вместо других физических упражнений. Что касается столовой, я изменила бы там еду и сделала бы перемены немного дольше, чтобы дети могли поесть без спешки. Я бы также хотела иметь более просторную библиотеку с множеством интересных книг и журналов. В школе моей мечты все учителя добрые, умные и доброжелательные. Они в хороших отношениях с учениками. Я хотела бы чаще ходить на различные концерты, выставки, пикники с моим классом.
This is the idea of my dream school and I hope that someday schools will become a better place to study. Такова идея школы моей мечты, и я надеюсь, что когда-нибудь школы станут лучше для учебы.

School of my dream


I am 13 years old and my name is Olga and I go to school. The first reason I go to school is my friends. I also like subjects such as physical education, literature and English. But there are days when I go to classes without desire and pleasure. Probably every child in fantasies has a school of his dreams. Many children do not like to go to school for various reasons. Someone does not like to study, and someone does not want to get up early in the morning to go to class. Some are bored and uninteresting, while others simply do not like teachers, because they are strict, put bad grades and ask a lot of homework.

I also have my dream school. Firstly, it should be beautiful and bright. I want the school to be modern and well equipped. It should have air conditioning, comfortable furniture, blinds on the windows, and many colors. I really love the big exotic flowers, palm trees, ferns, bonsai. Each student should have a computer on the table and soft chairs. My dream school should have a large gym, a sports ground, a swimming pool and a huge concert hall with many different musical instruments.

And in my miracle school, I want a bright and spacious dining room, where you can always take any treat for free. Teachers should be kind and not ask a lot of homework. I wish that the lessons lasted 30 minutes and there were big changes. But during breaks, usually the children shout and run around, so I want small sofas in the corridors and you can sit quietly. At breaks you always want silence. I wanted pleasant music to sound, or there were TVs in the corridors and  pupils could watch interesting and entertaining programs.


Мне 13 лет и меня зовут Ольга и я хожу в школу. Первая причина по которой я хожу в школу, это мои друзья. Ещё мне нравятся такие предметы как, физкультура, литература и английский. Но бывают дни, когда я иду на занятия без желания и удовольствия. Наверное у каждого ребёнка в  фантазиях есть школа его мечты. Многие дети не любят ходить в школу по разным причинам. Кому-то не нравится учиться, а кто то не хочет вставать рано по утрам, чтобы идти на занятия. Одним скучно и неинтересно, а другие просто не любят учителей, потому что они строгие, ставят плохие отметки и задают много домашнего задания.

У меня тоже есть школа моей мечты. Во-первых она должна быть красивой и светлой. Хочется, чтобы школа была современной и хорошо оборудованной. В ней должны быть кондиционеры, удобная мягкая мебель, жалюзи на окнах, и много цветов. Я очень люблю большие экзотическтие цветы, пальмы, папоротники, карликовые деревья. У каждого ученика должен быть компьютер на столе и мягкие стулья. В моей школе мечты должен быть большой спортзал, спортивная площадка, плавательный бассейн и огромный концертный зал со множеством разных музыкальных инструментов.

А ещё в моей чудо школе я хочу светлую и просторную столовую, где всегда бесплатно можно взять любое лакомство. Учителя должны быть добрые и не задавать много домашнего задания. Хотелось бы, чтобы уроки длились 30 минут и были большие перемены. Но на переменах обычно дети шумят кричат и бегают, поэтому мне хочется, чтобы в коридорах стояли небольшие диваны и можно было спокойно посидеть. На переменах всегда хочется тишины. Хотелось, чтобы звучала приятная музыка, или в коридорах стояли телевизоры и ученики могли смотреть интересные и развлекательные программы. 

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Топик по английскому School of my dream (Школа моей мечты) позволит вам немного помечтать об идеальной школе. School of my dream (Школа моей мечты) топик на английском, который является прекрасным образцом для написания сочинения или устного ответа. После изучения темы по английскому School of my dream (Школа моей мечты) вы сможете поделиться с вашими друзьями своими мыслями о том, что бы вы хотели изменить в своей школе.

Текст топика «School of my dream»

My name is Mary. I live in Moscow and study at the 8th grade. I like my school, but I believe some things can be changed. Some of the lessons are boring and there is too much homework.

So if I were the principal of my school, my first step would be cancelling homework. I hate spending my evenings solving mathematical problems and reading textbooks. After that, I would make the breaks between the lessons longer. We don’t always have enough time to relax or to have a snack. The school canteen menu also needs improvement, the food here is not healthy. There are mostly pies and chocolates. We want to eat soups, vegetables and fruits.

The autumn and spring holidays aren’t long enough for us to enjoy them. If they were longer we would be able to travel abroad or, for example, visit our grandparents in another city.

My favourite lesson is Literature. My friends like maths, biology and chemistry. So I would let every student decide what subjects to study. This way we would have more practice for our future professions. And the lessons should be more interactive. We should use new technologies, make projects, have discussions and play educational games.

Now there are 30 students in my class, that is why we don’t always get the teacher’s attention. In my perfect school, there would be not more than 10 students in the lesson. The teachers would be friendly, kind and experienced.

In my ideal school, we would also celebrate holidays together, have excursions, attend exhibitions, theatre and places of interest. It is important to study the history of our city, broaden the mind of the students. Having these events is good for building a friendly atmosphere in the class.

Перевод топика «Школа моей мечты»

Меня зовут Маша. Я живу в Москве и учусь в 8 классе. Мне нравится моя школа, но я считаю, что есть вещи, которые нужно изменить. Некоторые уроки скучные, а еще у нас слишком много домашних заданий.

Итак, если бы я была директором своей школы, моим правым шагом было бы отменить домашнюю работу. Я ненавижу проводить вечера решая задачи по математике и читая учебники. После этого, я бы сделала перерывы между уроками длиннее. У нас не всегда есть время отдохнуть или перекусить. Меню школьной столовой тоже нуждается в улучшении, еда в ней нездоровая. В основном там пирожки и конфеты. Мы хотим есть супы, овощи и фрукты.

Осенние и весенние каникулы недостаточно длинные для того, чтобы мы ими успели насладиться. Если бы они были длиннее, мы бы смогли путешествовать или, например, навестить. бабушку с дедушкой в другом городе.

Мой любимый урок — литература. Мои друзья любят математику, биологию и химию. Поэтому я бы разрешила бы каждому ученику выбирать, какие предметы изучать. Таким образом у нас было бы больше практики для наших будущих профессий. И уроки должны стать более интерактивными. Мы должны использовать новые технологии, создавать проекты, участвовать в обсуждениях и играть в развивающие игры.

Сейчас в моем классе 30 учеников, поэтому мы не всегда получаем внимание учителя. В моей идеальной школе будет не более 10 учеников на уроке. Учителя будут дружелюбными, добрыми и опытными.

В моей идеальной школе мы будем вместе отмечать праздники, ходить на экскурсии, посещать выставки, театр и достопримечательности. Очень важно изучать историю города, развивать кругозор учеников. Эти события помогут создать хорошую атмосферу в классе.

    My dream school is first of all a school where life begins with the teacher who is full of passion and liveliness. The teacher not only grabs the students attention but keeps them on the edge of their seats wanting to know more. His or her enthusiasm ignites that spark of excitement that opens receiving minds to wider fields of knowledge. Such a teacher asks more questions from the students, explores with the students and is a friend to them. 

My dream school is a school where teaching methods vary from the use of contemporary technologies like robotics to out-of-class experiences.  Those experiences are important because they do not confine students to the four walls of a classroom. 

There would also be integrated learning of subjects both in the Arts and Sciences so that the education received would not be about confining but expanding. Given choices, students get a sense of freedom, can express opinions and will be more sociable. All these make them better persons in society, possessing a wide range of skills. 

My dream school would be complete with amazing facilities like classroom labs, pools, and gyms. A library and counselling centre would be at hand to enable students to be more familiar with their subjects and themselves. Studying in a hands-on environment allows students to use their five senses to gain knowledge. It moulds them to be excited about their abilities and excel with them. Also at hand would be a canteen stocked with healthy food. A balanced diet is vital for students who spend many hours in school. Clean, non-processed, nutritious food is a key feeding requirement for students. 

Foreign exchange programs in my dream school would create understanding and respect. They would satisfy curiosities and instil intercultural awareness. They would be open to all students, rich and poor. Including students from all parts of the world would make this education truly global. 

Sports would be given equal emphasis with academics. After all, education is not only for the mind but for the whole self – mentally and physically. Sporting activities instil a healthy lifestyle by encouraging students to be physically fit, emotionally strong, and have good self-esteem. They build team spirit, and at the same time encourage individuality. Through sports, people from different backgrounds meet and learn to respect each other. 

Academic subjects must be relevant. The syllabus would include significant impact fields like environmental studies, political views, and economic struggles. It would grab the attention of students and lead them to action. 

Improving schools would require international collaboration. Such cooperation would encourage dialogue and lead to common standards. Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the great engine of development. It is through education that the daughter of a peasant can become a doctor, that the son of a mineworker can become the head of the mine, that the child of farm workers can become the president of a great nation”.  

Education can bring a change in someone’s future as Mr. Mandela observed. The struggle to keep fulfilling that observation must be made by us. Students need to be inspired, amazed and be aware of endless opportunities. 

While school is the best thing that ever happened to mankind, there is still yet more to do.

MY DREAM SCHOOL. Nina MK, Ph.D. We have been engaged in “My Dream School” international project with International Education and Resource Network since the 1990’s., with all levels and ages. The European Schoolnet also offers similar topics. They are great for class discussions, essay writing, extra-curricular activities, and sites creation. Needless to say, any such project stimulates children’s imagination, and gives us teachers valuable insights into their wishes. • Primary school. The kids’ vocabulary is not too big, but their enthusiasm is enormous, and their energy is limitless. My pupils, ages 8-9, always began with drawings which they accompanied with short captions. Their whole word-stock can be activated this way. They would envision bigger rooms, spacious hallways “to run along in during the breaks”, play areas, roomy cafeteria with very good food, huge computer classes, and regular email correspondence with their peers from other countries. Among their recommendations is this rather sad one: teach teachers not to yell at children. • Middle school. By the time they became teenagers, all my pupils would have taken part in a few international projects. Their computer skills would be quite solid, and their vocabulary sufficient for writing short essays and exchanging messages with their partners. We moved from large drawings with short captions to occasional drawings, class-created web pages, and longer essays. At this stage, using English as a means of communication gradually becomes the key element of any project. • High school. At age 16-17, pupils are interested in real face to face meetings and contacts. They still talk about larger and lighter classrooms, bigger, more modern ICT classes, and the painful topic of enormous home tasks becomes a constant. They wish to have specially assigned rooms for after-school studies and activities, better equipped gyms, and cafeteria with breakfast, lunch and dinner served all day long. They universally express the desire for teachers’ salaries to be raised “to sportsmen’s level”. • The teacher. Listening to children of all ages and reading their essays, I learned to formulate my own ideas. When we come to work at any school, we take it as is, and do what we can. My own nebulous thoughts stem from my experience with the Manhattan School for Children in New York, USA, which my children had attended in the 1990’s. It was organized largely thanks to the efforts of several neighbourhood parents who wanted to open up a safe school for their young children, and to the tireless work of wonderful teachers. Together we took up an empty wing of a large school, wrote fund-raising letters to every organization we could think of, held fairs and sales to raise money, involved parents and children into our work, and thus this amazing school started. • Staff. There is a saying in my country: Personnel determines everything. Meaning, it is possible to erect a great school building and cram it full of all the facilities and equipment imaginable. However, if the teachers are not up to par, if pupils dislike them and parents have no respect for them, no good will come out of it. • Language learning in the future. Ideally, any teacher and any pupil who wish to visit another country to learn more about it, and to improve their foreign language skills, should be able to do so. Several schools in my town have ongoing exchange programs with English-speaking schools in Germany, for instance. Only a few students can afford to attend language courses in the UK. • Good salaries, reasonable amount of paper work, sensible hours, flexible curriculum, affordable travel, regular refresher courses. Children of all ages who are willing and able to learn. Teachers who are willing and able to teach. Parents who work with, not against, educators. And world peace. Ah, the stuff that dreams are made of…My dream school is one which strives to develop literate and numerate students who harness the power of digital technology to become ‘self-regulated learners’. Students would do this through learning opportunities which provide them with greater choice of subject matter, learning methods and pace of study. Furthermore, I dream of a school where students are granted the autonomy to challenge themselves and take risks to collaborate, co-create and think critically through learning experiences which are relevant to the real world.

As such, my Dream School acknowledges every student with the dignity and respect they deserve through the provision of student voice and student agency. The school supports of parents as the primary educators, enables children to become young adults who can recognise, have access to, and take up opportunities that will grow them as compassionate people with integrity and moral strength to make right and just decisions.

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Школа моей мечты

I am Sophia Kuzinkova from Stary Oskol. I study at school in the 7th form. My school is OK but sometimes I find it is a bit boring and tiring because of lots of homework. Я Софья Кузинкова из Старого Оскола. Я учусь в седьмом классе. Моя школа хорошая, но иногда она мне кажется немного скучной и утомительной из-за большого количества домашнего задания.
So I would like to make some changes. If I were a principal of the school I would cancel homework — I think it is wasting time! Then, I would make the breaks between lessons longer. Next, I would also improve the menu in school canteen — most of food is absolutely disgusting. I think students need more salads, fruit, and vegetables. Поэтому мне хотелось бы изменить кое-что. Если бы я была директором школы, я бы отменила домашние задания — я думаю, что это напрасная трата времени. Затем, я бы сделала длиннее перемены между уроками. Я бы также улучшила меню в школьной столовой — большая часть еды просто отвратительная. Думаю, школьникам нужно больше салатов, овощей, и фруктов.
The next step is holidays. Summer holidays are long enough but I would make autumn, winter and spring holidays longer to let pupils to spend more time out or to travel. Следующий шаг — школьные каникулы. Летние каникулы достаточно длинные, но я бы удлинила осенние, зимние и весенние каникулы, чтобы позволить школьникам проводить больше времени вне дома или путешествуя.
My favourite school subject is Biology so in my ideal school I would like to have the subject every day. It is a good idea to have more practice and different researches or projects. Мой любимый предмет в школе — биология, поэтому в моей идеальной школе я бы хотела иметь этот предмет каждый день. Хорошо было бы иметь больше практических занятий, разных исследований или проектов.
Sports, Music, Arts and Crafts should be main subjects and the teachers have to be friendly, happy and experienced. So they have to be well paid! Спортивные, и музыкальные занятия, изобразительное искусство следует сделать основными предметами и преподаватели должны быть дружелюбными, веселыми и опытными. Следовательно, их работа должна хорошо оплачиваться.
In the school of my dream I would also include more excursions and school trips in the schedule. I think it is very important to travel with classmates and to share impressions. В расписание школы моей мечты я бы включила больше экскурсий и путешествий. Я думаю очень важно путешествовать со своими одноклассниками и делиться впечатлениями.
This is the idea of the school of my dream. Вот идея школы моей мечты.

Моя идеальная школа

The school I would like would have a swimming pool. В школе, которая бы мне понравилась, был бы плавательный бассейн.
I’d have one for the first and second years and also for the third and fourth years. The playgrounds would be separate, one for the young children and the other for the senior forms. A wall would be separating them and there would be a door from one playground to the other. Я бы занимался там в первый и второй годы обучения, а также в третьем и четвертом классах. Площадки были бы отдельными: одна — для младших школьников, а другая — для старшеклассников. Их бы разделяла стена с дверью.
The classrooms would have carpets instead of lino. The desks would be painted and the chairs would have cushions. The chairs would also be painted. В классных комнатах вместо линолеума лежали бы ковры. Парты были бы разукрашены, а на стульях были бы подушки. Стулья тоже были бы разукрашенными.
There would be a computer for every table in the classroom. There would be at least 12 videos for each classroom. The hall would be very big, about 40 metres long and 30 metres wide. На каждом столе был бы компьютер. В каждой классной комнате было бы, по меньшей мере, двенадцать видеомагнитофонов. Коридор был бы очень большой: около 40 м в длину и 30 м в ширину.
The lessons would be interesting. There would be lots of French and German and English. Уроки были бы интересными. Проводилось бы много уроков французского, немецкого и английского.
There would be four floors at the school. There would be a lift to take us up. The staffroom would be much bigger than the one we have now. Школа была бы четырехэтажной. В ней был бы лифт, чтобы подниматься вверх. Учительская была бы намного больше, чем сейчас.
It would be light and cosy. There would also be a big library. There would be a lot of instruments: flutes, guitars, drums, etc. Она была бы светлой и уютной. В школе была бы большая библиотека, много музыкальных инструментов: флейты, гитары, барабаны и т. д.
The school meals would have different food every day. There would be lots of visits to concerts and parks. Питание в школе было бы разнообразным. Организовывались бы посещения концертов, парков.
The tests would be easier for children. Контрольные были бы легче.



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