My longest journey эссе

For some people there is nothing so exciting as traveling, and I’m not an exception. And I’m happy that I have traveled a lot and I hope that my first journey wasn’t the last one.

First I bought a ticket for plane. Many people think, that nothing can be compared with traveling by air, because it is the most comfortable, and, of course, the quickest way of moving. There is none of the dust and dirt of a railway or car journey, none of the trouble of changing from train of another to streamer and then to another train. But booking tickets in summer is a problem. The air-fare is quite expensive and not all people can afford it.

Then I continued my way by the train. This kind of transport has also many advantages. With a train you have a comfort and speed combined. From a comfortable corner seat of a railway carriage you have a splendid view of countryside. If you are hungry you can have a meal in the dinning-car and if the journey is long one can have a bed in a sleeper.

But I believe that there is no travel so fine as by ship. It’s wonderful to feel the deck of the ship under the feet, to see the rise and fall of the waves, to feel the fresh sea wind blowing in the face, hear the cry of the sea-gulls. Of course, the voyage isn’t exciting for those who are sea-sick when the sea is a little bit rough.

Many people say: If you want to see the place, go on foot. And it is not surprising. The walker leaves the dull, broad highway and goes along little winding lanes where cars can’t go. He takes mountain paths through the heather, he wonders by the side of quiet lakes and through the shades of woods. He sees the real country, the wild flowers, the young birds in their nests, the deer in the forest, he feels the quietness and calm of nature. And besides, you are saving a lot of money by traveling on foot. No one can deny that walking is the cheapest method of traveling.

Мое путешествие

Для некоторых людей нет ничего настолько захватывающего как путешествие, и я не исключение. Я счастлив, что я много путешествовал, и надеюсь, что моя первая поездка не была последней.

Сначала я купил билет за самолет. Много людей считают, что ничто не может быть лучше путешествия воздушным путем, потому что это является самым удобным, и, конечно, самый быстрым способом перемещаться. Нет ни пыли ни грязи железной дороги или автомобильной поездки, нет одной из неприятностей- пересадки из одного поезда на другой. Но заказать билеты летом — тоже проблема. Стоимость авиабилетов весьма высока, и не все люди могут позволить себе это.

Затем я продолжил мой путь поездом. Этот вид транспорта имеет также много преимуществ. В поезде Вы имеете объединенный комфорт и скорость. Со своего удобного места в железнодорожном вагоне Вы имеете прекрасную возможность созерцать красоту природы. Если Вы захотите есть, Вы можете получить пищу в вагоне-ресторане, а если поездка длинная, то спальное место в спальном вагоне.

Но я полагаю, что нет ничего прекраснее путешествия морским судном. Замечательно чувствовать палубу корабля под ногами, видеть возвышение и падение волн, чувствовать, как свежий морской ветер дует в лицо, слышать крик чаек. Конечно, рейс не станет захватывающим для тех, кто страдает морской болезнью, когда море немного штормит.

Много людей говорят: Если хочешь увидеть страну, путешествуй пешком . И это не удивительно. Пешеход оставляет унылое, широкое шоссе и продвигается небольшими вьющимися дорожками, куда на автомобиле не проехать. Он выбирает горные дороги заросшие вереском, он задумывается около тихих озер и в тени лесов. Он видит настоящую страну, где дикие цветы, молодые птицы в своих гнездах, олени в лесу, он ощущает тишину и спокойствие природы. И, кроме того, Вы экономите много денег, путешествуя пешком. Никто не может отрицать, что ходьба — самый дешевый метод путешествия.

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Практичные советы по изучению английского языка

Сочинение о путешествиях на английском языке может многое рассказать об учениках как о личностях, поэтому его часто задают в качестве домашнего задания. Путешествия играют важную роль в нашей жизни, поскольку они насыщают ее эмоциями и воспоминаниями.

Сочинение о путешествиях на английском

Данная статья может помочь пополнить лексический запас школьникам, которые готовят топик о путешествии на английском. Примеры сочинений помогут вам более точно сформулировать свои мысли на предстоящих экзаменах.


  1. Тематическая лексика
  2. Короткие сочинения «О путешествиях»
  3. На озеро
  4. В Нью-Йорк
  5. Cочинение Морское путешествие на английском
  6. Эссе на английском Важность путешествий
  7. Топик «Мое путешествие во Францию» на английском

Тематическая лексика

Для написания эссе про путешествия понадобятся стандартные речевые клише, которые помогут правильно и красиво изложить свою мысль. Поэтому прежде чем переходить к письменным работам, предлагаем изучить выражения и слова, помогающие составить текст о путешествиях на английском языке.

Используемые слова и фразы для сочинения о путешествиях
Английский Русский
to travel путешествовать
travelling, travel путешествие
trip короткая поездка
tourism туризм
resort курорт
vacation, holiday каникулы, отпуск
to buy a package tour покупать туристическую путевку
visa виза
country страна
ticket билет
suitcase чемодан
bag сумка
airport аэропорт
flight рейс
plane самолет
bus автобус
train поезд
cruise круиз
city город
hotel отель
sights, attractions достопримечательности
to get a suntan загорать
beach пляж
sea море
lake озеро
river река
map карта
tent палатка
postcard почтовая открытка
souvenir shops сувенирные лавки
I`d like to tell you about my trip to … Мне хотелось бы рассказать о своей поездке к…
It is my favourite place. Это мое любимое место.
Last summer I went to… Прошлым летом я ездил в …
The journey helped me a lot. Поездка мне очень помогла.
I had a fantastic time. Я фантастически провел время.
It is a very popular hobby. Это очень популярное хобби.

С таким словарным запасом уже можно попробовать написать сочинение на тему «Путешествие» по английскому языку. Кроме того, приведенные ниже примеры топиков про путешествия на английском с переводом также помогут вам в этом деле.

Короткие сочинения «О путешествиях»

Путешествия приносят энтузиазм и учат нас использовать каждый момент наилучшим образом. Кому-то нравится путешествовать в компании, а кому-то нравится путешествовать в одиночку.

На озеро

I`d like to tell you about my trip on foot to the lake. Last weekend my friends and I went to the forest. It is not a large forest with a lake Kruzhok. This lake is very small and almost round shape, that’s why it is called so. We had been going through the forest for two hours, but we were not tired very much.

So, when we’d just arrive, we immediately began to set up our tents. Then we ate a snack and rested a bit. Soon it was getting dark, so we made a fire. We were sitting around the fire and talking to each other. It was fun, cool and a little scary.

The next day I got up early, because I wanted to go fishing. I am very fond of fishing and never miss an opportunity to sit with a fishing rod on the coast. It was a lucky day for me: I caught two big fish and one small. But I let all of them return to the water, because I don’t like to eat fish.

When I returned to our camp my friends were still sleeping. I woke them up and we had breakfast. Then we were swimming in the lake, playing with the ball, joking and laughing all the time. But by Sunday evening we should to be home, so soon we packed our bags and went home. It was a fantastic weekend. I hope that next summer we will repeat this trip.


Мне хотелось бы рассказать о моем пешем походе на озеро. В прошлые выходные я со своими друзьями отправился в лес. Это небольшой лесок с озером Кружок. Озеро это очень маленькое и почти круглой формы, за что и получило свое название.

Мы шли по лесу два часа, но не сильно устали. Поэтому, как только мы пришли, сразу же начали устанавливать палатки. Потом мы перекусили и немного отдохнули. Вскоре стало темнеть, так что мы развели костер. Мы сидели вокруг костра и болтали друг с другом. Это было весело, клево и немного страшновато.

На следующий день я встал рано, потому что хотел пойти порыбачить. Я очень увлекаюсь рыбалкой и не упускаю возможности посидеть с удочкой на берегу. Это был удачный денек для меня: я поймал двух крупных рыб и одну маленькую. Но я позволил всем им вернуться обратно в воду, поскольку не люблю есть рыбу.

Когда я вернулся в наш лагерь, мои друзья все еще спали. Я разбудил их, и мы позавтракали. Потом мы купались в озере, играли в мяч, все время шутили и смеялись. Но к вечеру воскресенья нам следовало уже быть дома, так что вскоре мы собрали сумки и пошли домой. Это были фантастические выходные. Я надеюсь, что следующим летом мы повторим этот поход.

В Нью-Йорк

Travelling gives us an opportunity to meet new interesting people, learn new languages, taste different national dishes and develop our skills. That’s why I’m trying to travel as much as possible.

Last year I visited New-York, USA. I got there by plane. It took me more than 8 hours. The most exciting thing I saw was the Empire State Building. I had a fantastic time and learned a lot about this marvelous and famous landmark.

The first thing I’ve noticed about this beautiful building is that it looks like a giant pencil, with a tall and pointed top. I caught my breath when I rose my head to see it at first. The architecture of the Empire State Building is gorgeous.

There was so much to see and do inside the tower. There were two observations with spectacular views, lovely coffee shops, and some souvenir shops. I’ve bought several postcards so that I will always remember that day.

I felt a little sad when it was time to live. I had a good time in New-York and I hope to go there again next winter.


Пeшествия дaют вoзмoжнocть видeть c нoвыми интepecными людьми, yчить языки, пpoбaть paзличныe нaциaльныe блюдa и coвepшcтвaть пoзнaния. В пy яapaю пecтвaть как мoжнo чe.

В пpoшл гy я пoceтил гopoд Ньюopk, CШA. Дoбиpaл нa caмe бee 8 чacoв. Caмoe зaхвaтывaющee, чтo я т вид, был Эмпp-cтeйт-билдинг. Я фaнтacтичecки пpoв вpeмя и yзн мнo нo oб эт yдивитeльн и знeнит дocтoпpимeльнocти.

Пepвoe, чтo я зeтил в этoм кpacив здaнии, тo, чтo oнo выглядит как гигaнтcкий кapaнд c выcoкoй и зaocтpeнн вepшин. Koгдa я впepвыe пoднял гy, чтoбы пocмoтpeть нa нo, y мeня пepeхвaтилo дыхaниe. Apхитeктypa Эмпp-cтeйт-билдинг вeликeпнa.

Вн бaшни тaкжe былo, нa чтo пocмpeть и ч зaнять. Taм pacпeны двe нaблюдeльныe плaдки c живoпиcным вид, милыe кoфeйни и cyвeниpныe лaвки. Я кyпил нecкoлькo oткpыт, т чтo тeпepь я вceгдa бy пoмнить т дeнь.

Я чcтв ceбя нeмнo гpycтнo пepeд oтъeзд. Я хopoшo пpoв вpeмя в Ньюopke и н пaтьe paзyющ зимoй.

Cочинение Морское путешествие на английском

Travelling by Sea

Human beings are very inquisitive and like discovering different places. That is why people all over the world like to travel around the globe. It is not so interesting for them to see the world on TV today. It is precious to see it by their own.

And when people come to beautiful beaches and sparkling blue waters, they understand it is really the amazing thing they wanted to see. There are countless adventures within reach on cruise vacation. There are many cruise companies in the world, and each of these companies can provide you a qualified service.

During the cruise people live in comfortable cabins. During sea days when a cruise liner is in the open sea, people can take sunbathes, swim in the swimming pools, play fools in the slide or promenade around the ship visiting different decks. You can rent a cabin for two, four, six persons.

Cruise companies offer different tours during which you can discover the inhabitants of a coral reef on a glass-bottomed boat, go horseback riding on the beach, go mountain biking rain forests, explore ancient civilizations as you climb mysterious pyramids or snorkel with stingrays and dive 800 feet down in a research submarine. Days onboard are casual but full of joy and new impressions. But don’t forget your camera and binoculars, so you don’t miss a thing.

Adventures are endless in this area. People can relax on a cruise surrounded by the white-sand beaches and beautiful turquoise waters of the most beautiful islands on the earth, find and visit tropical places where nature brings striking mountains and pristine beaches.

Such islands are home to rich culture and complex histories. There are archaic ruins, beaches, rain forests and many waterfalls. Here you can find new friends and buy a lot of souvenirs.


Морское путешествие

    Человеческие существа очень любопытны по своей натуре и им нравится открывать новые места. Вот почему людям во всем мире нравится путешествовать по всему миру. Нам не интересно видеть мир по телевизору. Важнее всего увидеть мир своими собственными глазами.

   И когда люди приезжают на красивые пляжи со сверкающими голубыми водами, они понимают, что то, что они хотели увидеть, — это действительно чудо. Круиз — это бессчетное количество приключений. В мире есть много круизных компаний, и каждая компания может обеспечить качественное обслуживание.

   Во время круиза пассажиры живут в комфортабельных каютах. В те дни, когда корабль находится в открытом море, отдыхающие могут загорать, купаться в бассейнах, дурачиться на слайде (водной горке) или прогуливаться по кораблю, посещая разные палубы. Вы можете выбрать каюту на двоих, четверых или шестерых человек.

   Круизные компании предлагают различные туры, во время которых вы сможете увидеть жителей кораллового рифа через сделанное из стекла дно лодки, поездить на лошади по пляжу, покататься в горах на велосипеде, исследовать древние цивилизации, взобравшись на пирамиды, которые до сих пор остаются загадкой, или поплавать под водой с маской и трубкой вместе со скатами и спуститься на глубину 800 футов на исследовательской подводной лодке. Дни, проведенные на борту необычные, но полные радости и новых впечатлений. Но не забудьте взять с собой фотоаппарат и бинокль, чтобы ничего не пропустить.

   Приключения здесь бесконечны. Отдыхающие, окруженные белыми песчаными пляжами и прекрасными бирюзовыми водами самых прекрасных островов на земле, могут отдохнуть во время своего круиза, найти и посетить тропические места там, где природа открывает перед ними поражающие воображение горы и нетронутые пляжи.

   Такие острова имеют давнюю историю и богатую культуру. На них можно найти древние руины, пляжи, тропические леса и много водопадов. Здесь вы можете найти новых друзей и купить много сувениров.

Эссе на английском Важность путешествий

We travel to get away from the monotony of our daily lives. It’s a refreshing diversion from the monotony of everyday life. It allows our minds to relax and gives our inner child the opportunity to play.

Some trip memories are nostalgic and melancholy, while others are daring and exhilarating. A trip to the graveyard, the poet’s corner in London, or one’s ancestral house, for example, is a voyage to nostalgia.

These travels allow them to relive memories and treasure golden memories from a bygone era. People who go on these journeys are frequently depressed and artistically inclined.

Travelling instils a sense of adventure and encourages us to make the most of every opportunity. Some people prefer to travel in groups, whereas others prefer to travel alone.

Trips to amusement parks with massive roller coasters or a deeply wooded forest could be exciting. It’s important to remember that Columbus discovered America due to his travels. The journey becomes much more memorable when things don’t go as planned.

For example, if a car tyre blows out on the highway and it begins to rain heavily, the trip will turn into an adventure, even though it was not intended to be such. A visit to a museum or a gothic structure, on the other hand, is sure to be exciting.


Мы путешествуем, чтобы уйти от монотонности нашей повседневной жизни. Это освежающее отвлечение от монотонности повседневной жизни. Это позволяет нашему уму расслабиться и дает нашему внутреннему ребенку возможность играть.

Некоторые воспоминания о поездках вызывают ностальгию и меланхолию, а другие — смелые и волнующие. Поездка на кладбище, в уголок поэта в Лондоне или в дом предков, например, — это путешествие в ностальгию.

Эти путешествия позволяют им пережить воспоминания и сохранить золотые воспоминания ушедшей эпохи. Люди, которые отправляются в эти путешествия, часто бывают подавлены и склонны к творчеству.

Путешествия пробуждают чувство приключений и побуждают нас максимально использовать каждую возможность. Кто-то предпочитает путешествовать группами, а кто-то предпочитает путешествовать в одиночку.

Поездки в парки развлечений с массивными американскими горками или в густой лес могут быть захватывающими. Важно помнить, что Колумб открыл Америку благодаря своим путешествиям. Путешествие становится гораздо более запоминающимся, когда что-то идет не по плану.

Например, если на трассе лопнет автомобильная шина и начнется сильный дождь, поездка превратится в приключение, хотя оно и не задумывалось таковым. С другой стороны, посещение музея или готического сооружения наверняка будет захватывающим.

Топик «Мое путешествие во Францию» на английском

Travelling is the most exciting thing in the world. First of all, it lets us discover the world and to see different countries, experience their cultures and traditions. Moreover, we enrich our knowledge about life in general and particularly about ourselves.

Travelling also gives us an opportunity to meet new interesting people, learn new languages and develop our skills. That’s why I’m trying to travel as much as possible.

The best trip I’ve ever had in my life was to France. Although it happened two years ago, but I still recall this wonderful time with a great pleasure. I went there with two of my friends and it was really the right decision, because we travelled by coach and the journey took a long time.

We were playing cards on the way, singing songs and joking all the time. As we arrived we checked in a hotel not far from the center. We were exhausted but in a good mood.

The first day in Paris was fantastic. It was a bus tour around the city called Open Tour. We got on a bus at the nearest stop. It was amazing that it stopped in front of all sights, so we could get off and walk around the most famous places.

We took thousands of photos of Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, Arch of Triumph and other monuments. We were impressed by the number of tourists and the beauty of the places we visited. We spent 4 other days in Paris, but this first time our impressions were thrilling.

The next days we visited plenty of museums and had some time for small shopping to buy souvenirs. Last evening we went on a small excursion by boat. It was amazing to be on board and to see all the sights again as if they were saying goodbye to us.

Thus, it was fantastic time and I hope to come back to Paris one day to get the same marvelous emotions there.


Путешествия — это самая захватывающая вещь в мире. Прежде всего, они позволяют нам познавать мир, а также увидеть различные страны, исследовать их культуру и традиции. Более того, мы обогащаем знания о жизни в целом, а также о нас самих в частности.

Путешествия также дают нам возможность познакомиться с новыми интересными людьми, учить новые языки и развивать наши способности. Поэтому я стараюсь путешествовать как можно чаще.

Лучшее путешествие в моей жизни было во Францию. И хотя это было два года назад, я все еще вспоминаю это чудесное время с огромным удовольствием. Я ездила с двумя друзьями и это было действительно правильное решение, так как мы путешествовали на автобусе и поездка заняла много времени.

В пути мы играли в карты, пели песни и все время шутили. По приезду мы зарегистрировались в отеле неподалеку от центра. Мы были изнурены, но в хорошем расположении духа.

Первый день в Париже был отличный — автобусный тур под название Open Tour. Мы сели в автобус на ближайшей остановке. Было чудесно, что автобус останавливался у всех достопримечательностей, поэтому мы могли выйти и прогуляться по самым известным местам.

Мы сделали тысячи фотографий Эйфелевой башни, Лувра, Триумфальной арки и других памятников. Мы были впечатлены количеством туристов и красотой мест, которые мы посетили. Мы провели еще 4 дня в Париже, но в этот первый день, наши впечатления были просто захватывающими.

В следующие дни мы посетили множество музеев, и у нас было немного времени на походы по магазинам, для покупки сувениров. В последний вечер мы отправились на небольшую экскурсию на корабле. Находится на борту, и увидеть все достопримечательности снова было так чудесно, Они словно бы прощались с нами.

Итак, мы отлично провели время, и я надеюсь однажды снова вернуться в Париж, чтобы испытать те же восхитительные эмоции.

Читайте также: Сочинение о фильмах на английском – примеры с переводом.

Мы путешествуем, чтобы отдохнуть от приземленного и активного образа жизни. Это долгожданный переход от монотонного рутинного существования. Это помогает нашему разуму отдохнуть и дает внутреннему ребенку внутри нас хорошо провести время.

Таким образом, написать сочинение о путешествиях на английском языке частое задание для школьников и студентов. Мы подготовили примеры сочинений «О путешествии» с переводом на русский язык, а также таблицу с тематической лексикой, чтобы ваше эссе коротко и точно раскрывало заданную тему.

Представлена подборка сочинений о Путешествиях на английском языке с переводом на русский язык.

Travelling Путешествия Travelling to new and interesting countries has always attracted people. It’s like a part of routine. People work for some time and then they travel during their holidays. The choice of a place depends on their interests and wishes, on their finances and the length of the holidays. Поездка в новые и интересные страны всегда привлекала людей. Это как часть рутины. Люди работают в течение некоторого времени, а затем они путешествуют во время каникул. Выбор места зависит от их интересов и пожеланий, их финансов и длительности отпуска. Читать полностью >>> Travelling Of My Dream Путешествие моей мечты Travelling is one of the best activities a person can do. When you travel you get new experience, learn about the cultures of other countries and visit unique places around the whole world. Travelling is learning foreign languages, tasting local dishes and meeting new friends. Путешествия – это одно из самых лучших занятий для человека. Когда вы путешествуете, вы получаете новый опыт, узнаете культуру других стран и посещаете уникальные места по всему миру. Путешествие – это изучение иностранного языка, дегустация местных блюд и новые знакомства. Читать полностью >>> My Travel Моё путешествие Millions of people in the world spend their holidays travelling. Luckily, there are many companies today, which can organize your tour and leisure time whenever or wherever you like. As for me, I am curious to know more about new places and countries, to explore their sights and to learn about other people’s culture. Миллионы людей в мире проводят свой отпуск в путешествиях. К счастью, сегодня есть множество компаний, которые могут организовать ваш тур и досуг, куда угодно и когда угодно. Что касается меня, мне любопытно узнать больше о новых местах и странах, исследовать их достопримечательности и узнать о культуре других людей. Читать полностью >>> I Love Travelling Я люблю путешествовать Millions of people throughout the world spend their holidays travelling and I’m no exception. Travelling is my passion. Luckily, my parents are of the same opinion. So, each time we have a holiday, we try to go somewhere new. It can be either a new city, or a new country. Миллионы людей во всем мире проводят отпуск, путешествуя, и я не исключение. Путешествия – это моя страсть. К счастью, мои родители того же мнения. Поэтому, каждый раз, когда наступает отпуск, мы стараемся посетить какое-нибудь новое место. Это может быть либо новый город, либо новая страна. Читать полностью >>> Travelling By Sea Путешествие по морю There are numerous means of travelling, but many people choose to travel by sea. I’m sure they have a number of reasons for that. First of all, it is a pleasant feeling to be in boundless expanse of the sea or ocean. Secondly, travelling by sea is comfortable and speedy. Существует много способов путешествия, но многие люди предпочитают путешествовать по морю. Я уверена, что у них есть на это ряд причин. Прежде всего, приятно плыть по бескрайним просторам моря или океана. Во-вторых, путешествие по морю удобно и быстро. Читать полностью >>> Cruise Морское путешествие A year ago, I had an opportunity to take a short cruise with my parents. It was just my second trip abroad. The first time I flew to Turkey with my mother. By the way, there was also a boat trip, but I can’t call it a cruise. Год назад, я с родителями смогла совершить небольшое морское путешествие. Это был всего лишь мой второй выезд за границу. Первый раз я летала в Турцию с мамой. Там, кстати, тоже была морская прогулка, но назвать её морским путешествием, думаю, нельзя. Читать полностью >>> Travelling By Car Путешествие на машине Travelling is one of the most pleasant pastimes for me. I love seeing new places, meeting new people and learning about other cultures. There are many ways to travel, for example, by train, by plane, by bus, by car, by ship. Путешествия – это одно из самых приятных видов времяпровождения для меня. Я люблю осматривать новые места, знакомиться с новыми людьми и узнавать о других культурах. Существует много способов путешествовать, например, на поезде, на самолете, на автобусе, на машине, на корабле. Читать полностью >>> Travelling By Plane Путешествие на самолёте Travelling to another city or even a country is always an exciting adventure. A lot of interesting things await you ahead: new acquaintances, amazing events, visits to unusual places, beautiful nature. But in order to get to your destination, you need to take a train trip or flight. Путешествие в другой город или даже страну — это всегда захватывающее приключение. Впереди тебя ждёт много интересного: новые знакомства, удивительные события, посещение необычных мест, прекрасная природа. Но чтобы добраться до места назначения, нужно совершить поездку на поезде или перелёт. Читать полностью >>> Why Do People Travel? Почему люди путешествуют? I can’t remember any person in my life who ever said “I don’t like travelling”. To my mind travelling is one of the best activities a person can do. And there are many reasons to travel. Я не помню, чтобы хоть один человек сказал мне «Я не люблю путешествовать». По-моему путешествия – это одно из самых замечательных занятий для человека. И существует множество причин, почему мы должны путешествовать. Читать полностью >>> Travelling Abroad Путешествие заграницу Travelling is a very nice activity. You can travel in your own country or abroad, you will anyway get lots of impression. It’s not only a lot of fun, but it’s also quite useful for a person. As for me I prefer traveling abroad, because I like seeing people from other countries and learning about their culture. Путешествие – это замечательное занятие. Вы можете путешествовать по своей стране или заграницу, в любом случае вы получите массу впечатлений. Это не только весело, но еще и полезно. Лично я предпочитаю путешествовать заграницу, потому что я люблю встречать людей из других стран, изучать их культуру. Читать полностью >>> I Want to Travel Я хочу путешествовать There are over two hundred and fifty countries on our planet, and it is unlikely that there is at least one person, who managed to visit each of them. На нашей планете насчитывается более двухсот пятидесяти стран, и вряд ли существует хоть один человек, который успел посетить каждую из них. Читать полностью >>> We Like Traveling Мы любим путешествовать My family likes traveling. Dad has already been to almost 50 countries, my mother has several countries less, and I have only 8. I’m not discouraged, my time is still ahead, I will have enough time to catch up and overtake my parents. The last country we visited was China. Наша семья очень любит путешествовать. Папа посетил уже почти 50 стран, мама на несколько стран меньше, ну а я, пока только 8. Я не унываю, моё время всё ещё впереди, я успею нагнать и перегнать родителей. Последняя страна, которую мы посетили, это Китай. Читать полностью >>> Tourism Туризм Tourism is becoming more and more popular. It’s one of the best ways to spend a holiday. It’s also a well-developed business nowadays. There are so many means of travelling around the world, such as jet-planes, express trains, cruise liners, comfortable buses, personal cars and else. Туризм становится все более и более популярным. Это один из лучших способов проведения каникул. В настоящее время это также хорошо-развитый бизнес. Существует так много способов путешествовать по миру, например, реактивные самолеты, экспресс поезда, круизные лайнеры, комфортабельные автобусы, легковые автомобили и т.д. Читать полностью >>> Tourists Туристы Tourists are those people who love and travel around their country and the world. Now there are a lot of them, the vast majority of people are tourists. Tourists can be divided into several different groups which, however, have some similarities. Туристами называют людей, кто любит и путешествует по своей стране и миру. В настоящее время их очень много, подавляющее количество людей — туристы. Туристов можно поделить на несколько схожих, но всё же различных групп. Читать полностью >>> The Place I Will Never Forget Место, которое я никогда не забуду Last summer my mother and I visited Florence, one of the most beautiful cities in Italy. This place made a big impression on me which I would never forget. Прошлым летом, я с мамой побывал во Флоренции, одном из самых красивых городов Италии. Это место произвело на меня большое впечатление, я его никогда не забуду. Читать полностью >>> Where I Was In Summer Где я был летом My name is Julia and I’m fourteen years old. Summer is my favourite season as it is full of activities and exciting adventures. It’s not a secret that we have the longest holiday season at this time of the year. Меня зовут Юля и мне четырнадцать лет. Лето мой любимый сезон, так как оно изобилует активной деятельностью и увлекательными приключениями. Не секрет, что самый длинный курортный сезон бывает в это время года. Читать полностью >>> Where I Went This Summer? Куда я ездила летом? My name is Anita and I’m 14 years old. I’m a high school student now at the school number 125. I live in Yekaterinburg with my parents and my younger brother. My grandparents live far from us. It takes an hour and a half to reach them by car. Our city is large and beautiful. I like living there. However during the holidays we often travel. Меня зовут Анита и мне 14 лет. В настоящее время учусь в старших классах школы № 125. Я живу в Екатеринбурге со своими родителями и младшим братом. Мои бабушка и дедушка живут далеко от нас. Для того чтобы добраться до них на машине нужно ехать полтора часа. Наш город большой и красивый. Мне нравится жить в нем. Однако во время каникул мы часто путешествуем. Читать полностью >>> Seaside Vacation Каникулы на морском побережье Last year in June when summer vacation just started, my parents and I went to Cypress. My father got lucky and bought last-minute tickets. We were going to stay at the seaside for 10 days, that was the best start of my summer vacation! В прошлом году, в июне, как только начались летние каникулы, я с родителями отправился на остров Кипр. Моему папе повезло, и он смог купить горящую путёвку. Целых десять дней нам предстояло прожить на морском побережье, отличное начало каникул! Читать полностью >>> Seaside Vacation Каникулы на море Summer vacation is the best time for every schoolchild. It’s so great if you can spend it at the sea! Warm sun, salty water, hot sand and, of course, a lot of fun activities, nothing can beat that! Летние каникулы — это самая долгожданная пора в жизни каждого школьника. А как же здорово провести их не где-нибудь, а на море! Жаркое солнце, соленая вода, горячий, обжигающий ноги песок и, конечно, множество веселых развлечений — ничего не может быть лучше такого отдыха! Читать полностью >>> The Country Of My Dreams Страна моей мечты I have not visited many countries yet, but I hope that this list will only increase. My greatest dream is to visit the UK. I can surely say that this is the country of my dreams. Я побывал пока не во многих странах, но надеюсь, что этот список будет только увеличиваться. Самая моя большая мечта — это побывать в Великобритании. Можно сказать, что это страна моей мечты. Читать полностью >>> I Want To Visit All Countries In The World Я хочу посетить все страны мира I have thought that it is impossible to visit all countries of the world recently, but once I heard the news that one of the famous bloggers had visited all countries in the world. I realized that it was real and I wanted to repeat his success. Ещё недавно, я думал, что посетить все страны мира невозможно, но тут в новостях я услышал новость, что один из известных блогеров посетил все страны мира. Я понял, что это возможно и мне захотелось повторить его успех. Читать полностью >>> The Country I Want To Visit Страна, которую я хочу посетить I really want to visit one of the most unusual and mysterious countries in the world, Japan. Everyone has undoubtedly heard the words, that were unclear not long ago but now entirely entered the Russian language — samurai, geisha, sakura, ikebana, sumo, origami, sushi and others. Я очень хочу посетить одну из самых необычных и загадочных стран мира — Японию. Все, конечно же, слышали, ещё недавно малопонятные слова, а сейчас плотно вошедшие в русский язык — самурай, гейша, сакура, икебана, сумо, оригами, суши и другие. Читать полностью >>> Where I Want To Go Куда я хочу поехать “The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page”. I absolutely agree with this quotation. I have always wanted to know more about the world, to see new places, to discover new sights, to learn more about different cultures. «Мир – это книга, и тот, кто не путешествует, читает только одну страницу». Я полностью согласна с этим высказыванием. Я всегда хотела знать больше о мире, посещать новые места, открывать для себя новые достопримечательности, узнавать больше о различных культурах. Читать полностью >>> The Place Where I Want To Go Место, куда я хочу поехать I really want to go to Lake Baikal. It is not only a lake, but also one of the most interesting and unusual water bodies in the world. Firstly, it is the deepest lake in the world, its depth is 1642 meters! Я очень хочу поехать на озеро Байкал. Это не просто озеро, а одно из самых интересных и необычных водных объектов в мире. Во-первых, это самое глубокое озеро в мире, наибольшая его глубина 1642 метра! Читать полностью >>> Where I Want To Travel Где бы я хотел побывать I am lucky to have parents who are interested in travelling. Each year we go somewhere new and exciting. I’m only 14, but I’ve already been in several neighboring countries and even in Thailand, which is 9 hours away by plane. Мне повезло, что мои родители интересуются путешествиями. Каждый год мы ездим в какое-нибудь новое и интересное место. Мне только 14, а я уже побывал в нескольких близлежащих странах, и даже в Таиланде, до которого лететь 9 часов. Читать полностью >>> I Want To Visit The USA Я хочу посетить США I really want to visit such a beautiful country as the USA. This desire I have had for a long time, I do not even remember when it started. Perhaps this dream appeared when I was playing computer games, where the action often took place in American cities. Я очень хочу посетить такую прекрасную страну, как США. Это желание у меня появилось очень давно, даже не помню когда. Возможно, эта мечта появилась тогда, когда я играл в компьютерные игры, где часто действие происходит в американских городах. Читать полностью >>> I want To Visit Italy Я хочу посетить Италию My name is Alina and I really want to visit Italy. It all started in 6th grade, when I watched some programs of a famous blogger about Italy. I liked what I had seen so much that I began to look for additional information about this country and even learnt a little Italian. Меня зовут Алина и я очень хочу посетить Италию. Всё началось в 6 классе, когда я посмотрела несколько передач известного блогера об Италии. Мне так понравилось увиденное, что я начала искать различную информацию об этой стране и даже немного учить итальянский язык. Читать полностью >>> I Want To Visit France Я хочу посетить Францию I have been looking forward to visiting France for a long time, because I fell in love with it when I was 10 years old. This is probably due to the fact that I study French in school and our teacher, who also likes France, talks about it a lot. I am now 14 years old and my dream has recently become more realistic. Я уже давно хочу посетить Францию, так как влюбилась в неё, когда ещё мне было лет 10. Наверное, это из-за того, что я в школе изучаю французский язык, а наша учительница тоже любит Францию, поэтому много и интересно о ней рассказывает. Сейчас мне уже 14 лет и моя мечта совершенно недавно стала более осуществимой. Читать полностью >>> The City of my Dream Город моей мечты Since young age, I have always wondered what the perfect place for living would be like. Now, I can say that I have a clear vision of the city of my dreams. First of all, it should be situated in a sunny part of our planet and have great weather conditions all year round. С ранних лет мне всегда было интересно, каким было бы идеальное место для проживания. Сейчас я могу сказать, что у меня есть своё чёткое видение города моей мечты. В первую очередь, он должен быть расположен в южной части нашей планеты и иметь отличные погодные условия круглый год. Читать полностью >>> The City I Want To Visit Город, который я хочу посетить There are many wonderful cities in the world that I’d like to see. However, my long time dream is to visit the British capital. In my opinion, London is one of the most diverse and interesting cities on our planet. I have a to-do list for this place, which consists of six important points. В мире множество замечательных городов, которые я хотел бы осмотреть. Однако моя давняя мечта посетить британскую столицу. На мой взгляд, Лондон один из самых многоликих и интересных городов на нашей планете. Для этого места я приготовил список дел, состоящий из шести важных пунктов. Читать полностью >>> At The Airport В аэропорту Travelling by plane is one of the easiest ways to see other countries. I love travelling and being at the airport. This place has a special atmosphere. For me the journey starts once I get there. Путешествия на самолете – один из самых лёгких способов увидеть другие страны. Я люблю путешествовать и бывать в аэропорту. В этом месте особая атмосфера. Для меня путешествие начинается, как только я туда попадаю. Читать полностью >>> Hotel Отель Now a lot of people like travelling, and I also like it. There are millions of places to go and see. Some people like staying with their friends when they travel, some rent a flat or a house, but most of people book a hotel. Сейчас многие люди любят путешествовать, и я тоже. Существуют миллионы мест, куда можно поехать и что-то посмотреть. Некоторые любят останавливаться у друзей во время путешествия, некоторые снимают квартиру или дом, но большинство людей бронируют отель. Читать полностью >>> Should You Visit Russia? Стоит ли посещать Россию? Should you visit Russia? I think every foreigner asks himself this question before they come to Russia. All these doubts are caused by some old negative stereotypes that all the Russians are unfriendly, inhospitable people with criminal mind and uncontrollable drinking habits and low culture. Стоит ли посещать Россию? Наверно, этот вопрос задает себе каждый иностранец перед своим первым визитом в нашу страну. Такие сомнения во многом могут быть вызваны устоявшимися негативными стереотипами, согласно которым русские — это недружелюбные и негостеприимные люди с криминальным мировоззрением, неконтролируемой склонностью к употреблению алкогольных напитков и низким уровнем культуры. Читать полностью >>> My Dream Моя мечта Every person has imagination, which can enter our thoughts. Thanks to that we can dream. At first, they are small and simple. For example, every kid’s dream is to have a candy or to get a small toy as a present. When people grow up, their priorities change so their dreams change with them. У каждого человека есть воображение, которое может проникать в мысли. Благодаря этому, у нас появляются мечты. Вначале они маленькие и простые. Например, мечта каждого ребенка получить конфетку или небольшую игрушку в подарок. Когда люди вырастают, их приоритеты меняются, и их мечты меняются вместе с ними. Читать полностью >>>

You should say:

  • where and when you had it
  • how you got there and how long it took
  • who you went with

and explain why you enjoyed this journey so much.

Model Answer 1:
Not sure, how one would define “long journeys”, but, as far as I am concerned, a journey is considered to be a long journey to me if it lasts more than 10 hours. But, the journey, I want to talk about, lasted for 14 hours when I visited the capital city of my country about 14 years ago for the first time as a young boy.

However, when I, together with my uncle and cousin, started my journey, I wasn’t exactly told about the duration of our journey. All I was told that it was going to be a long but exciting journey since it did not only involve travelling by bus but also by a big ferry.

By the way, back in 14 years, the city, in which I used to live, didn’t have any direct communication facility, either by bus or train since, with the capital city since our region was separated by a very big river from the rest of the country. So, our only option was to first travel by bus almost half of the distance and then use the ferry to travel the rest of it.  

So, we started our journey in the early morning, and as our bus was cruising along nicely, my uncle and cousin (both were considerably older than me) were introducing me to the places and cities that we were passing through. After, finishing our bus journey after almost 6 hours, we finally began our journey on a huge ferry boat. We travelled almost 8 hours on that ferry but it felt like only a few hours since it was one of the most wonderful and comfortable journeys of my life till then.

Anyway, I enjoyed this long journey, mainly because it allowed me to see some new and cool places for the first time outside of my own city. I enjoyed it also because it is during this journey that I was treated like an adult for the first time by the people who were travelling with me and around me.

Sample Answer 2:
I love to travel and explore new places and that is why I would be very glad to talk about a long journey that I enjoyed. I also thank you for this great topic and time to let me talk about a journey that was long and I liked it.

Back in 2009, I had a really long tour in different European countries and this the journey I enjoyed thoroughly. It took us 28 days to finish this tour and I had three classmates and a cousin with me on this journey. We went to Berlin, Paris, Transylvania, London, Vienna, Lisbon and Munich. This was completely a road trip and we never once travelled on an aeroplane during this journey.

This was a fascinating expedition and the best one I ever had. As a fresh graduate, I had been struggling to find a decent job here in my country. After I had this journey, something changed inside me. I realised that having a job in a large company is not the only ambition in life. This journey revealed so much different cultural and traditional aspects in front of us. We explored many new cities where we have never been to. Many of these cities were historically significant and we enjoyed our time there a lot.  The journey also helped me have a better relationship with my friends. I discovered some of my interests that I never bothered about before. If I never had this journey, I would not take up keeping a journal or photography as my passions.

Every city we visited has historic significance and we  visited several museums  in these cities. We mostly travelled by trains and enjoyed the views of the roadsides. We met some of the foreigners and enjoyed our conversations. Visiting museums and several other historic places have enhanced my knowledge of history and broaden my thinking pattern. Being away from home for a long time also helped me realise for the first time in my life how much my family and home mean to me! I would say that I liked almost everything about this journey. The timing could not have been more perfect, my companions were great, I explored some of the most beautiful places in the world, I reinvented myself, learned history, traditions and came back revived from this journey. It would not have been any better than this!

Sample Answer 3:
Travelling is a hobby for me. I love to travel to different countries and have already travelled to some of the European countries. Recently I made a trip to Italy from France. I am happy to discuss the topic here and would like to thank you for the opportunity to describe it.

 Being a French, I have already visited almost all the notable places in the country. So, it was my time to visit the other countries in my region, Europe. So, I made the plan to visit Italy and it was a random selection. Besides, the communication between France and Italy is also convenient and fast. The train is one of the fastest ways to reach Italy from France. Accordingly, I made the plan to visit Italy on the first day of November in yesteryear.  

I live in Paris with my family. In fact, I was born in Paris. So, this is the familiar city for me and I started my journey from this city. Actually, I started the trip from Paris station and it ended at Ventimiglia in Italy. It was interesting for me to travel in another country and alone. As it was a long-distance and took around night to reach Italy, I booked a sleeping car with attached bathroom facility. It took around over six hours to reach in Italy from France by train. The train ran at a great speed indeed. The speed was around 180 kilometres per hour. But it was really hard for me to manage the ticket. Usually, sleeper cars are a bit expensive and it is difficult to manage the ticket without any pre-booking. Fortunately, my uncle, working in the railway managed the ticket for me after enduring lots of troubles.  

I made the journey by myself. Though my younger brother wanted to accompany me, I did not allow him for some reasons. If he came with me, I had to look after him and this is really filled with difficulties to look at another individual on such trips. I had a plan to visit the notable parts of the country and accordingly made the arrangements. I made the hotel reservation and even reserved a car as well to take at the interesting places in Italy. But the most impressive part was the train journey. I never made such a long journey in train. I passed the night sleepless and watched a movie on my laptop. I think I took the right decision that I did not bring my sibling on this journey. If he was with me, I could not have enjoyed myself so much as I did it alone.

I liked the speed of the train most. It appears that this is a fast route between France and Italy. It takes about six and a half hours to reach in Ventimiglia from Paris station. Besides, the facilities on the train were excellent. I visited different parts of the country and stayed there for about a week. In this time, I have enjoyed the natural views, golden beaches, met with a large number of people and knew about their cultures, took part in different activities and more. The most important thing in Italy that attracted me was the traditional food items. I enjoyed them greatly. After passing the week, I returned by the same train in Paris. It was a great journey for me indeed.


We can’t image our life without travelling. Thousands of people travel every day either on business or for pleasure. And I’m sure that it’s great to feel a million miles away from your problems and daily routine.

Speaking about my first journey I should say that it was the longest journey I had ever undertaken — it lasted 31 hours. It was a trip from the Ukraine to Bulgaria five years ago. That was a remarkable journey during which I crossed the borders of three countries. My mother and I were travelling together to a seaside resort.

That was a coach journey and to our delight, the coach was fitted with certain comforts, such as: air condition (conditioning), self-reclining seats, TV entertainment and etc. On the way we had to pass passport and customs control several times which required at least an hour in each case.

In Bulgaria we stopped in a wonderful five-star hotel. Our room was tidy and very comfortable! From the balcony we had a magnificent view of the sea. Speaking about the food, it was delicious and variable (diverse). But most of all I loved our warm and clean pool. It was big, with sea water. The sea was also warm. I made sandcastles at the seaside and collected shells.

One more thing that I really liked was the picturesque mountains. Their view was breathtaking.

In fact it’s rather difficult to speak about my impressions, because they are too numerous. But I hope that in future I’ll visit the most famous and beautiful places.


Мы не можем представить себе нашу жизнь без путешествий. Тысячи людей путешествуют каждый день ради бизнеса или удовольствия. И мне кажется, это очень здорово чувствовать себя за тысячи миль от проблем и каждодневной рутины.

Говоря о своем первом путешествии, я должна сказать, что это было одно из самых длинных путешествий в моей жизни и длилось 31 час. Это была поездка из Украины в Болгарию пять лет назад. Это было незабываемое путешествие, в течение которого мы пересекли границы трех государств. Мы ехали вместе с моей мамой на морское побережье.

Автобус был пассажирский, и к нашему счастью был оборудован всем необходимым: кондиционером, регулируемыми сиденьями, телевизором и др. На пути следования мы проходили таможенный и паспортный контроль несколько раз, что занимало около часа в каждом случае.

В Болгарии мы остановились в чудесном пятизвездочном отеле. Наш номер оказался уютным и удобным. С нашего балкона открывался потрясающий вид на море. Говоря о еде в отеле, она была вкусная и разнообразная. Но больше всего мне нравился теплый и чистый бассейн. Он был большой, с морской водой. Море тоже было теплое. Я строила замки из песка и собирала ракушки.


Previously essays on Journeys and Travels were generally asked in the high school exams question papers but in recently days these topics are frequently included in the college and competitive level exam papers. Thus for any student learning the proper way to write mark-fetching essays, paragraphs and article on Journey and Travel is very important

Useful Travel Hacks - Wavenue

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Yesterday, I was reading some good essays on the same topic. Let me take the opportunity to share the same with my fellow brothers and sisters here at RB.

1. A Journey by Boat – Essay

Essay Introduction

Last summer vacation was a period of joys and delights. I traveled through many cities, made many friends and enjoyed sights and scenes. A journey by boat upon the Ganga is a very wonderful experience. It is impossible to forget it. It is equally impossible to remember it without sense of pleasure.

From where to where:

We were three friend sat Allahabad. We decided very early in the morning to go to Beneras by boat. All the necessary arrangements were quickly made. We were soon moving on the sacred water.

How the boat was propelled:

The current and the wind were very favorable. Our boat went on by itself without help of oars. They were smoking and laughing. They were perfectly at ease.

Night rest:

My two friends had paid a visit to a theatre the previous night. They felt very sleepy. As the gentle breeze was blowing, they were soon asleep.

Description of Surrounding Scenery:

I was quite refreshed after a whole night of full rest and sleep. I began to look about. I observed and enjoyed what I saw. I feasted my eyes on the sights along the banks of the river. At regular intervals, there were ghats where men, women and children were bathing. I saw, at some places, the village women washing clothes. Here and there children were playing about. They were shouting at one another. Some women came to the river to fill their earthen pots.

I had often heard and read that Indians were lazy. I was struck with the busy and active habits of the villagers. One must go into a village to see the real Indian nation. This was my feeling during the journey.

Enjoyments of the Journey:

It was afternoon. The cattle were grazing on the grassy fields on either side of the river. It was a very hot. The small calves and little lambs were resting under the shady trees.

The boat moved on very gentle and noiselessly. My heart was filled with great pleasure when I saw the reflection of the setting sun in the water. The yellow rays turned the river into a bright sheet of gold. The scene around was glorious. The sky was dyed red. I enjoyed the sight of the surface of river.

Night came on. It was perfect silence all around. In the silence, the Lord of day gave his throne to the Queen of night. I looked up and saw the moon and the numberless starts. They were adding to the beauty of the night.

My Thoughts:

I fell into deep thoughts. I asked myself, “Where were the moon and the starts during the day? I could not see them when the sun was bright”. I soon found the answer. The light of the sun hide from me the moon and the starts. Perhaps the light of my life hides from me many new and wonderful worlds. Night presents a most lovely sight in the sky. Perhaps, death will open out new truth!


So thinking I too feel asleep with my friends. I was aroused from the sleep next morning by a boatman, who cried, “Sir, it is Benaras”.

2. A Railway Journey – Essay

Essay Introduction

How pleasant is the memory of my last journey! It is still fresh in my mind. There is special reason why this train journey is a source of joy for me.

An Invitation:

During the last summer vacation, I received an invitation from my friend to spend the vacation at Allahabad. The idea of journey is filled my heart with pleasure.

Preparation before the start:

I at once started preparation for the journey. At last the day came when I was to leave for Allahabad. I got up early in the morning and packed up my luggage. At about 10 am I hired a rickshaw and reached the station.

Scene on the Platform before the arrival of the train:

I was to leave for Allahabad at 11 am I bought a ticket and reached the platform. There was a great rush of passengers on the platform. It was full of stir and activity. All were anxious waiting for the train.

Scene inside the Compartment:

When the train arrived all rushed towards it. With the help of a collie I got into a compartment which was over-crowded. However, an old gentleman took pity on me. He allowed me to sit near the window. I took a sight of relief.

A View of scenery from the running train:

After a few minutes the guard waved a green flat. The engine whistled. The train began to move slowly. Out of station yard it gained a good speed.

I was traveling alone for the first time. So I had a good chance to enjoy everything. I looked out. I felt as if the earth was moving very fast. After five minutes the train was passing through fields and gardens. A few cattle were grazing here and there. I saw farmers ploughing their fields. Some were watering them. The passenger inside were talking loudly with one another. Some were playing at cards. Some children were standing near the rails in a filed. As our train passed by they ran in pell mell.


The trained stopped at Khuja. Here no passenger got down. After two or three minutes the train moved further. The train had hardly gathered speed when one of the men on the footboard fell down. His companions cried with one voice “Babuji pull the chain”. I at once did so and the train stopped with heavy jerk. Fortunately, the man’s life was safe. He received severe injuries. The accident killed my joy. At Aligarh I got a full bench. Having my food I fell asleep.

Ticket examiner:

I woke in the morning between Kanpur and Allahabad. After Fatepur the ticket examiner entered our compartment. He was wearing a khaki uniform and a khaki that. The voice “your ticket please, made the passengers alert. They took out their tickets from the pockets or suit cases. A young man entered the lavatory at the sight of the S.T.E. but the S.T.E. was too clever to give the Youngman an opportunity to slip. The Youngman appealed to him for mercy, but all in vain. He asked him to pay the fare along with penalty. He had no money to pay. He was handed over to the police at the next station.


Near the holy city of Allahabad I packed up my luggage. When the train stopped under the roof of the station I got down. Fortunately, I happened to my friend on the platform. He clasped me in his arms. Both of us took tea on the platform. Gladly we came out of the station building. We hired a rickshaw and started towards his home.

3. A Journey by Bus – Essay

Essay Introduction

It was a fine day. I decided to spend the evening at Connaught place. The weather for the last few days was very hot. So I did not move out of my house. I got ten rupees from my father. I left my house at 6 pm to catch bus from the Red Fort for Odean.

Scene at Bus Stop:

The bus stop is quite near from my house I reached there. It was about 6 pm buses were running crowded because it was the time for offices to close. I stood in a long queue. A number of buses passed us. They did not stop at all. Fortunately there came a bus. The queue moved towards the door of the bus. Though there was plenty of room in the bus, yet some people became restless. They broke the queue. They ran towards the bus out of the queue. A row followed. The conductor asked the people to be orderly as there was enough room in the bus. But there was none to listen to him.

An incident inside the bus:

I waited anxiously for my turn but in vain. I also joined those who were struggling on door of the bus. With a great difficulty I also got my chance to get into the bus. I got a seat. Hardly had I sat on the seat when I saw a very old man standing near me. He looked very sad. I looked at him. I got up out of respect to offer my seat to him. But to my great surprise I saw a fashionable young lady rushing towards me. She pressed herself into the seat. The poor old man looked at he helplessly. He had to keep standing near the seat. The lady felt no shame. She kept on looking at the old man shamelessly. I feel very annoyed at her strange behavior.

Passenger in the Bus:

The passengers inside the bus were talking loudly. Some were talking about politics. Some were talking of soaring prices of things. Others were discussion their personal problems. The ladies were discussing their domestic problems. The family quarrels were the subject of their talk. I was looking outside to forget the incident.

Scene at next bus-stop:

The journey was not long. It was quite short. By now our bus had reached the stop at Panth Hospital. Here many people got down, while many others boarded the bus. As usual the bus moved on. An old lady began to feel giddy. She requested a collegiate to giver her seat he was sitting on. The proud student refused flatly. This was bad enough. Ladies should be shown respect. But then young ladies should also be considerate to old and sick men.

Conductor’s Dishonesty:

At the Ajmeri gate three passengers got down. They paid the bus fare. The dishonest conductor did not issue tickets to them. I got the chance to rebuke the conductor. I said, “Conductor, you have not given tickets to the villagers”. With these words I rang the bell. The bus stopped. I called the villagers to come back. The conductor was perplexed. Some other people rebuked him for his dishonesty. He felt shame. He issued the tickets at once.

The Destination:

The bus was now running in New Delhi. My destination was not very far. At Minto Road the driver applied the brake suddenly. He wanted to avoid a cyclist. All the passengers received a jolt. My head struck against a lady’s who cursed me. I said nothing and kept quite. When the conductor announced ‘Odeon’. I got down.

4. A Journey through a Forest – Essay

Essay Introduction

Once, we, a party of four friends decided to pay a visit to a famous temple of ‘Alakh Nanda’. It was a distance of sixteen kilometer from our town.


We knew that our way lay through thick forest. Hence it was not safe to pass through it. But we were all determined to face any danger. We carried with us bamboo stick and a rifle to guard ourselves against wild animals.

Natural scene on the way:

We set out on our journey in the very clear hours of the morning. A cool breeze was blowing. The trees and bushes looked very green. They looked refreshed. The songs of the birds were very pleasing. They filled our hearts with joy. The nature was at its very best. We were enjoying the different scenes and sights of nature. Everything on the way attracted our attention. We were telling the tales of adventure to one another. Thus we walked five kilometers of our journey.

Meeting a lion and a lioness:

Now we found ourselves in a thickly grown forest. It was quite dark here. The sun’s rays could not reach there. The sunlight had been cut of by the leaves of the trees. The wild bushes and wild plants had covered the ground.

We had to move slowly. The long branches of trees and the thorn bushes blocked our way on all sides. It was difficult for us to find out way. We began to grope in the dark forest.

We had hardly gone two kilometers in the forest when we hard a loud roar. We began to tremble with fear. When we saw the ferocious lion coming out from behind the trees, we gave up the hope of life. He was at a distance of 300 meters from us. Death started his dance before our eyes. We prayed to God for our safety. The Almighty heard our prayers. Fortunately, the messenger of death (lion) was looking in the opposite direction. He did not take notice of us. We forget all about our sticks and rifles. We threw down them and climbed up the trees to save our lives from the coming danger. We keep sitting there for about half an hour. At last the lion disappeared into the forest. At once we got down and started on our journey without losing any time.

Meeting with Wood-cutters:

It was now a day brake. We felt some relief when we saw some wood-cutters coming towards us. We told them about our meeting with a lion and a lioness. Having heard our report, they said that the forest was free from the wild beasts. The lion and lioness were seldom seen in the morning hours. During the day they remained in their dens. They came out only a night.


By now we had reached the edge of forest. We thanked Got that we were all safe. We decided never to take such a dangerous journey.

5. A Journey to a Hill – Essay

Essay Introduction

A pilgrimage to Amarnath is usually made in the summer near Raksha bandhan. It was in October last that we went on a trek to this famous temple. We were a party of five friends. We started from Pahalgam, 90 kilometers from Srinagar, early in the morning.


We hired two ponies to carry our luggage for the journey. We had also a good company of two more travelers. They, like us, were going for the holy cave.

Our Journey upto cave of Amarnath:

We walked through thick forest upto Pisso Ghati which is fifteen kilometers from Pahalgam. We had to walk over the roots of trees. They proved great obstacles to our progress. Beyond the forest the journey became less difficult. Now and then we had to climb slippery hills. When we reached the Shisha Nag Lake we stayed for the night there. Here it snowed hard for three hours. It brought temperature down to freezing point. We passed the night in a rest house which was quite near the road. The night was very unpleasant. We prayed for the fine morning. The morning brought the warn sun which provided us a great relief.

We started from Shisha Nag Lake. We found ourselves in knee deep snow. We found it difficult to make any progress. The owners of the ponies grew anxious about their animals. They wanted to go back. We removed their fears with great difficulty.

At Panchtarni:

We moved on and reached Pachtarni at noon. Here we found the sky covered with clouds. We lost our courage. Fear of coming rain made us nervous. But we took courage and moved on.

At our Destination:

Courage gave us wings. We crossed the narrow passes. We climbed the snow covered hills which were very dangerous. At last we reached our destination.

The cave of Amarnath looked very magnificent. Its grandeur had a great influence on us. We admired its beauty and magnificent. We visited all the places where Lord Shiva did his penance. What a grand place the cave was!


The return journey was equally dangerous. Sometimes we found it difficult to find the right way. The ponies traveled by instinct. At last after five days wakl we reached Pahalgam.

6. My Pleasure Trip – Essay

Essay Introduction

One day Trip:

It was a one-day pleasure trip. We knowingly did not fix the destination of our trip. We started in the noon. We did not know by what means we had to travel. ‘Be ready’ was our motto. So we went on walking. Like Hercules or Don Quixote we believed that we would meet some adventure on our way. At last we reached Dadar. ‘Be ready’ said one of us and we boarded the train.

Train Adventures:

At Jogeshwari the train stopped. We had to get down catching another train. We did not wait for another train. We decided to visit the caves at Jogeshwari. They are small but good caves. I saw them for the first time. I wished to pass some time there. We reached Borivli. It was nearly 5 pm. A thought passed through our mind to visit the Fort of Bassein. But on second thought we decided to visit the Conary Caves.

On Our Way to Conary Caves:

When we made inquiry about the caves people laughed at us. We did not care for their laughter. We walked, we strode, and we ran. We crossed a steam. After some time we reached the foot of the caves. Some of us were separated at the fork of two roads. Now the romance began. We lost our way. It was all a big forest which had no paths. We climbed up and up. There was no end to our climbing. We shouted the names of our friends. But there was no response. There were some rocks. I caught hold of a big stone and climbed with its help. The moment I left it, down it went. You can think how lucky I was. After half an hour I heard the cry of my friends. At last we all met at the caves.

Bird’s eye view of the Caves:

We hastily went round the caves. Just them it grew dark. However, we saw the big cave with a great idol in it. We could not see the small caves. We also saw a hollow place. It was not yet very dark, some of us entered it. We found that water was falling from the top. We went to the right side. There we found a very big open cave. Once it was the place where the preachers preached the public.

Romance on Return:

We took our food and had a few minutes rest. We started on our return journey. This was the most romantic. It also proved adventurous. It was now night. We could not clearly see our away. No sooner did we cross the steam than we were confused and lost the path. We walked hand in hand. We were caught in a knotty thicket. We struggle to get out of it. The idea of death overpowered us. A lion, a tiger, a wolf, a serpent all danced before our eyes. Any of them would come at any time.

All of a suddent we heard some one singing. We cried loudly for help. But the man at once stopped singing. We again lost help of life. Lo! We saw a fire at a distance. We dashed towards the fire. On nearer approach we saw the huts. But the dogs began to bark at us. We entered one of the huts. The ownder of the hut showed the way to Borivil.


After one hour we were in Bombay. It was nearly mid night. Even today I enjoy the memory of that pleasure.

7. An Essay on the different modes of Traveling

Essay Introduction

Man is social being. He is always eager to meet his relatives, friends, and fellow-being. For this purpose he has to travel. In olden days people did not like to take long journeys because there were no good roads and quick means of traveling.

Old Means of Traveling:

In the beginning man took the help of his legs. But they could not carry him far. He was never satisfied with his legs. Next to legs came animals. He used them as a means of traveling. Horse, camel, elephant, ox, donkey, pony and yak, all have been serving us since time immemorial. In plains we can travel in foot or on horse back or in a bullock cart. But in desert camel is the only means of traveling. On mountains, we travel with the help of pony.

Bullock Cart, horse and Pony:

In the villages there are no roads. People make use of bullock cart in moving from place to place. In the same way people use horse and pony when the travel on plateau. In Tibet yak is the only animal that is serving us. Upto 19th century these animals were the chief means of traveling.

No Importance of Animal at Present:

Animals have lost their importance at present. We do not use them as the means of traveling. We like travel of motor car. Why is it so? The reason is that old means of traveling were full of dangers. Wild animals or thieves or robbers would attack our forefathers. Traveling with women and money was out of question. Hence when steam engine came to help us we welcomed it. It brought a great change in traveling on land and sea.

Modern Means of Traveling:

Training and Motor Car: At present the railway train and motor cars have taken the place of animals and carts. They are safest means of traveling. They are also quick. We can cover long distances within a short time. We can travel in a train or bus with all comforts. We have no danger of losing life of property now.

Aeroplane: The aeroplane has made traveling much faster. Day after day the air route is becoming shorter, safer and quicker. Now we can fly in the air like birds. We can travel in the air at the speed of eight hundred kilometers per hour. But the traveling by air is very costly. Only the rich people can make use of this means.

No doubt, the

Cycle and Rickshaw: No doubt, the modern means have made the world smaller, yet cycle and rickshaw have their own charms. They are cheapest means of traveling. Young boys and girls love traveling on cycles. Rickshaw is doing services in places where other means fail to reach. Motor rickshaw has come forward to save our time and energy.


Thus our vast country has all modes of traveling. We can see the rich traveling in the air and the poor walking long distances on foot. Today a potter still feels proud of his donkey. He considers its back the seat of rich man’s car. In this mechanical age a zamindar prefers to travel on his horse rather than to travel in an aeroplane.

Essays about journeys require recounting the events of your travel. Discover our guide with examples and prompts to help you write your essay.

No two journeys are the same, and various factors will always be at play. It’s the reason many documents their expedition through different mediums. Writing about journeys is similar to telling a real-life story that influenced your character or perspective. 

Writing essays about journeys helps to develop your writing and observation skills as you recall and pick the highlights of your travel. Sharing your experiences can entice readers to take on a journey themselves. So, aim to inspire with this exciting essay topic.


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  • 1. The Best Journey in My Life by Suzanne Pittman
  • 2. Road Trips: Everything You Need for a Comfortable Journey by Car by Anonymous on GradesFixer.Com
  • 3. The First Day of My Journey to Adulthood by Anonymous on PapersOwl.Com
  • 4. Life Is a Journey Essay by Anonymous on PaperWritings.Com
  • 5. Long Essay on Train Journey by Prasanna
  • 7 Prompts for Essays About Journeys 
  • Author

5 Essay Examples

1. The Best Journey in My Life by Suzanne Pittman

“I had to save a lot of money because I wanted very much to go on this journey with my friends. We planned our trip to take us around Europe. We were going to stop in various parts of Europe with family members and friends.”

The essay mimics Pittman’s travel itinerary during her journey in Europe. She includes all the trip details from the first to the last day and makes the readers feel as if they’re traveling with them. Pittman also offers some travel tips to help anyone who wants to visit Europe on a budget. These tips include staying with friends and relatives and taking comfortable train rides despite long distances.

2. Road Trips: Everything You Need for a Comfortable Journey by Car by Anonymous on GradesFixer.Com

“With proper planning, everything else seems effortless. You need to consider all factors when planning in order for you to enjoy a successful, stress-free adventure.”

The author believes that the primary purpose of traveling is to relax and have fun. They use the essay to teach how to plan car trips properly. Travelers must learn to budget and estimate expenses, including accommodation, gas, activities, and food. Picking a transportation means is also crucial as one needs to consider factors such as capacity, range, and utility. 

3. The First Day of My Journey to Adulthood by Anonymous on PapersOwl.Com

“Although things didn’t go how I planned I’m still in college bettering myself and furthering my education. Anything is possible with a good support system and positive mindset.”

The essay narrates how the author’s journey into adulthood becomes a mini-vacation in Georgia after their top university rejects their enrollment. This rejection offers the opportunity to understand many great life lessons. Despite having five other universities to choose from, the writer realizes they only provide free tuition for the first semester. Ultimately, the author receives a full scholarship to a university closer to home.

4. Life Is a Journey Essay by Anonymous on PaperWritings.Com

“All people have the same journey to take – their life. As well as in the other journeys, there may be some inconveniences, disappointments and joys, and a lot depends on how we plan this particular journey and what attitude we develop towards it.”

In this essay, the writer shares that the best way to go on a life journey is with the most joy and minor damage you can endure. It’s constant work to continuously improve one’s life while developing positive qualities and thinking. But in doing so, you’ll have a solid foundation to achieve what you want out of life. However, the author still reminds the readers that they should always be ready to face unexpected events and deal with them in the best way possible.

5. Long Essay on Train Journey by Prasanna

“These days, people prefer traveling via airplanes because it is time-saving. But going by plane gets boring and monotonous. Train journeys are a relief from the monotony.”

For Prasanna, whether it’s a short or extended tour, a train journey offers an exciting travel experience. She talks about the local and regional trains in India, which are often overcrowded but still used by many as they are the cheapest, safest, and fastest mode of transport in the country. She also mentions that you’ll never get hungry when riding their local trains because of the vendors who sell Indian delicacies. 

1. Reasons To Go On A Journey

Essays About Journeys: Reasons to go on a journey

For this prompt, research and discuss the common reasons to travel

Everyone has different motives for traveling. Some go on a journey to appreciate beautiful sceneries, while some move to attend family or work-related gatherings. Some do so to run away from problems. For this prompt, research the common reasons to travel. You can also interview people on why they go on a journey and add any personal experiences. 

2. Trip Vs. Journey

It’s a trip when a person travels from one point to another without any transfers. Meanwhile, a journey is a more extended voyage that includes transfers and several trips. Compare and contrast trips and journeys to make your readers understand their similarities and differences. You can also have the advantages and disadvantages of each in your paper.

If writing an essay sounds like a lot of work, simplify it. Write a simple 5 paragraph essay instead.

3. How to Enjoy Long Journeys

The idea of having a long journey and discovering new things is exciting. However, the excitement can disappear when you’re far away from home. This is especially true for longer and farther travels. This prompt will help readers have a safer, more affordable, and more enjoyable trip by discussing the best long-distance travel tips. You can present an imaginary itinerary with estimated costs to make the essay more digestible.

4. My Most Memorable Journey

Write about an unforgettable journey you’ve had through this prompt. Include the purpose of your travel, how you planned it, and if your timetable was followed. Share what you’ll improve on next time to make your journey even better; you can also talk about your companions and the activities that make the adventure worthwhile.

5. What Makes a Journey Meaningful

Journeys become meaningful when they enrich lives. It can be because of the destination, the people you are with, or the travel’s goal. Use this prompt to suggest how journeys improve us as humans. You can section your piece based on an individual’s objectives. For example, someone who wants to recharge and get away from the city will find meaning in going to a location far from technology.

6. My Dream Journey

Essays About Journeys: My dream journey

Think of journeys you desire to be in and add your reasons

Although traveling can be tiring, 43% of travelers appreciate the experience they gain. Think of journeys you desire to be in and add your reasons. Then, you can share your plan on how to make it happen. For instance, you want to tour Southeast Asia and visit countries like the Philippines, Vietnam, and Thailand. To make this dream journey come true, you’ll save for an entire year and work around a tight budget.

7. A Hero’s Journey

It’s normal to see the main character in a movie or novel go through a character arc before they become a true hero. Use this prompt to explain a hero’s journey and why the character must go through it. To give you an idea, Peter Parker was a shy and introverted kid who lived an everyday life before becoming Spider-Man. This makes him relatable to the audience and lets them understand his decisions in the following scenes.

For more examples, check out our guide to movies that follow the hero’s journey.

You can also talk about real-life heroes, such as doctors and firefighters. Interview someone with that profession and ask them why they decided to have their current career.

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  • Maria Caballero is a freelance writer who has been writing since high school. She believes that to be a writer doesn’t only refer to excellent syntax and semantics but also knowing how to weave words together to communicate to any reader effectively.

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