Should animals be kept in zoos эссе

The debate of whether or not confining of animals is right in zoos is a popular one that attracts both opponents and proponents. The increased interests in science and natural history saw the introduction of zoos in 1763, which facilitated up close animal studies and would provide a chance for entertaining and educating the public. Nevertheless, confining the animals into small spaces in unnatural habitats, the constant staring from people and loss of their freedom makes zoos the worst homes for animals.

Zoos provide unnatural habitats for the animals. Animals are naturally born and bred to live and die in wilderness habitats. However, despite the numerous efforts and good intentions by zoo management, it is impossible to provide the perfect environment for various animals. For instance, animals like the wilder beasts live in groups that migrate over long distances while elephants on average walk for over 50 km a day in packs. However, zoos can only provide minimal acres of land for the animals to walk about thereby making the environments unnatural and uncomfortable for the animals.

Zoos are a premise of captivity for animals that makes them crazy. Imprisoning of animals in small cages housed in poorly managed zoos that fail to meet the necessary standards, averts them from behaving naturally. As a result, suffer from zoochosis condition, which elicits stress, strange behavior of hurting themselves due to frustration and boredom; they become inactive and increasingly pace around. Moreover, the animals adopt aggressive behavior that results in them lashing out and injuring or killing people.

Zoos are not educational. Zoos operate on the premise that they provide an opportunity for the public to learn about animals. However, this is untrue, as keeping animals in confined and unnatural environments tend to alter their natural behavior, character, and responses. Thus, persons visiting the zoos observe the altered behavior marred by boredom, stress, and loneliness. Moreover, keeping animals in zoos teach people that it is okay to lock up and make animals miserable for their personal gain. Therefore, by gaining pleasure and entertainment from making animals suffer is a horrible lesson to learn.

Proponents of keeping animals in zoos argue that zoos offer the best forms of protection for animals. According to them, animals receive protection from poaching and predators that are out to kill them. Additionally, by engaging in breeding programs, zoos believe they protect various species from becoming extinct, therefore, making them positive institutions to exist. However, this is untrue as some zoos keep the animals in deplorable environments whey they lack food and adequate medical care. Moreover, based on research, endangered animals living in zoos are only about five species and only a few species undergo breeding.

Proponents also believe that zoos provide the opportunity for people to see a wide array of animals while benefiting children with lessons about the environment and animals. Nevertheless, this is not the case as zoos only house few species of animals as compared to those an individual can observe in the wild. Also, zoos expose animals to neglect and stress that alter their behavior hence impeding true learning for children.

In conclusion, animals just as humans enjoy rights to freedom, protection from abuse, stress, neglect and lack of privacy. There is no denying that zoo violates all these rights by introducing them to unnatural habitats and caging the animals. Hence, in promoting health and happiness of the animals, animals should not be kept in zoos.

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Эссе на тему «Преимущества и недостатки содержания животных в зоопарках»


Предварительный просмотр:

Essay  “Should animals live in zoos or not?”

Most people would agree that almost everyone loves watching animals in zoos. But they have, however, not only advantages but disadvantages.  

There are many positive aspects to keep animals in zoos.  To begin with, there we can learn new facts about animals’ lives. Due to quick urbanization and deforestation many species cannot live in their natural habitat anymore. That’s why zoos and reservations exist. Also, a lot of people think that is a perfect place for animals because they are always fed, well-treated and live in  good conditions.

On the other hand,  keeping animals in zoos would have its disadvantages. Firstly, animals have to live as close to their natural habitat as possible . Besides in some zoos aren’t quite spacious cages and animals can just move in a small area of fenced space.

All things considered, although there are a lot of disadvantages to keep animals in zoos, it has more positive points. Workers of  zoos are trying to recreate the most optimal wildlife habitat.    

Предварительный просмотр:

Essay  “Should animals live in zoos or not?”

Most people would agree that almost everyone loves watching animals in zoos. But they have, however, not only advantages but disadvantages.  

There are many positive aspects to keep animals in zoos.  To begin with, there we can learn new facts about animals’ lives. Due to quick urbanization and deforestation many species cannot live in their natural habitat anymore. That’s why zoos and reservations exist. Also, a lot of people think that is a perfect place for animals because they are always fed, well-treated and live in  good conditions.

On the other hand,  keeping animals in zoos would have its disadvantages. Firstly, animals have to live as close to their natural habitat as possible . Besides in some zoos aren’t quite spacious cages and animals can just move in a small area of fenced space.

All things considered, although there are a lot of disadvantages to keep animals in zoos, it has more positive points. Workers of  zoos are trying to recreate the most optimal wildlife habitat.    

The model answer for Should Animals Be Kept In Zoos Essay.

Write about the following topic:

Should animals be kept in Zoos or are they better living in natural habitat? Discuss and give your opinion?

Complete the topic within 20 minutes. Write a 200-300 word essay.

Model Answer:

Should animals be kept in zoos? Is a debatable topic and people around the globe are divided in their opinions. Some are supporting the zoos as people get to know animals by visiting them in zoos while others are criticizing the practice and demanding total eradication of zoos. I will discuss both sides of view before drawing any conclusion. And I am extremely in favor of the idea.

The reason people give who are against the idea of keeping animals is that the animals have to go through in-human behavior and extreme conditions in the zoos. They are not getting whole nutrition and being mistreated by the humans. Moreover, freedom cannot be compared to anything in the world. And though cannot speak for themselves, everyone deserves to be free in this world.

We can’t overlook the pros of keeping animals in zoos. First of all, the primary purpose of the zoo is to conserve the animals. As we all are aware of the fact that most of the species are already endangered so need of the hour is to conserve them and zoos provide the perfect habitat for them. By bringing them into a safe environment, feeding them with proper food and with breeding process, a lot of species are saved. They even get protection from poachers, hunting, illegal selling, and predators. Moreover, people visiting zoos get to know the animals from close and encourage research which helps in conservation for the wild animals.

In conclusion, both the opinions are supported by strong points, but in my view, there are more pros of zoos than cons. However, there should be some standards set for these zoological garden so to reduce the suffering of animals.

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Model Answer 2:

[Submitted by S Shah]

Whether animals are to be kept in Zoos or let them live in forests is a debatable issue. There are mixed opinions of people around the globe. Some people think that animals should be kept in the zoo for their better living, while on the contrary, some say that animals should not be kept in cages, instead they should be kept free in natural habitat. From my perspective, animals should be kept in the zoo instead of leaving them in natural habitat.

First of all, I would like to put emphasis on the dark sides of leaving animals in natural habitat. I believe, in this contemporary world, animals are safer in Zoos compared to forests. The foremost reason is deforestation. People, to fulfill their needs and luxuries are occupying forest lands for building factories and houses and cut trees for their personal use. Many species of animals are getting extinct because of deforestation. Also, hunting and poaching have become the usual habit of people to satisfy their hunger. In addition to this, in forests, there is no one to take care of animals, if they get sick or injured.

On the contrary, in Zoos, animals can get a hospitable environment. In most of the Zoos, there are vet doctors appointed to take care of animals health. In Zoos, there are also trained people who are specially hired to feed different animals, as responsibilities of different cages are allocated to them. Similar to the natural habitat, the animal can also get the same ambiance in Zoos. Moreover, people visiting Zoos can get to know about the different species and also children learn about their origin and habits.

In conclusion, I would say that to save the wildlife, the best place for animals are Zoos. Animals are more protected and cared in Zoos than anywhere else.

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Essay Sample 23

Музланова Е.С.

Музланова Е.С.

Comment on the following statement:

    Is it fair to keep animals in zoos?

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan:
—    make an introduction (state the problem)
—    express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion
—    express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion
— explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
—    make a conclusion restating your position

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Some people say that it is absolutely unfair to keep animals in zoos, whereas others do not agree. They believe that zoos are not really bad places for animals. 

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I think that it is not unfair to keep animals in zoos. First of all, they are well protected from their natural enemies there. Nobody attacks and kills them as it might be in a wild nature. Second, I guess, they do not really care where they live if they get what they need. Usually they are well-fed and taken care of. Many of them can live as comfortable in zoos as they can in a wild nature.

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At the same time there are people who say that many animals suffer from bad conditions in zoos. Being cut off from wild nature and the possibility to hunt to be themselves, they do not feel happy.

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In my opinion these people have a point. Some animals need more space and some must hunt. Nevertheless, many animals have already been born in zoos so they do not really suffer without hunting in the wild.

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In conclusion, I would like to say that zoos are a good place for keeping animals. To my mind the main point is how well the animals are kept, not where they are kept. Good zoos provide animals with everything they need so they will live happily there. Bad zoos violate many living condition needs of their animals and make the lives of these poor creatures miserable. The situation in such bad zoos should be changed as soon as possible.


In conclusionI would like to say that there are opposing views on this issue. At first sight keeping animals in zoos looks cruel but in actual fact the main point is how well the animals are kept, not where they are kept. Thus, I support the idea of zoos and good conditions for animals there. 

Read by George William Dole

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Some people believe that it is normal to keep animals in zoos, whereas others think that it is one of the worst things that we can do to animals.

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Personally, I think that there is nothing bad in keeping animals in zoos. First of all, there are a lot of people in zoos who take care of the wild animals. For example, there are many veterinarian doctors and medical workers who can help animals if they get sick. Secondly, in such places animals do not have natural enemies that can eat them. Animals such as rabbits and deer feel more comfortable and protected there. The conditions of keeping animals are really good nowadays. They have everything they need to feel protected and safe.

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At the same time there are people who say that keeping wild animals in cages is unfair and horrible. They are convinced that these animals must live in forests and fields where they really belong.

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I cannot agree with the opinion mentioned above for a particular reason. In my opinion, there are a lot of animals that are born in zoos and are used to living with people. They would die “in the wild” because they do not know how to hunt and take care of themselves.

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In conclusion, I would like to say that there are many ways of protecting wild animals and zoos are not the last one in this list. They appear happy to live in zoos or natural parks that is why it is quite a fair way of treating animals, I guess. 

Read by George William Dole



esse edit

4 pages, 1652 words

They tend to live longer in zoos

Animals live longer in zoos than they do in the wild they get the necessary care and food they need to live a very healthy lifestyle. Lets say if an animal was sick in the wild nine times out of ten they would die or be killed by a predator but if an animal got sick in the zoo it will have a more likely chance of survival because of vetinarians on standby.

Posted by: Anonymous

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Extinct in Wild

There are many animals who are only alive because of zoos. The zoos keep the population of wild and almost extinct animals growing instead. There are very many animals that you can see today only because of zoos. Animal live much longer in a zoo than they do in the wild. Zoos should keep their animals and keep them alive.

Posted by: Anonymous

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Animals live longer

When they’re in good zoos. If they are out in the wild, they can dye from lack of food, droughts, predators, diseases, and natural disasters. At zoos there are veterinarians on hand, constant food, and there are no predators. A good zoo will prolong the life of an animal. So long as they’re taken proper care of, animals should be kept in zoos.

Posted by: Anonymous

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Why animals should not be kept in zoos.

It is cruel to be locked up in a cage seeing the same thing every single day. Should we let the zookeepers continue they’re cruelty or should we stop this at once. Would u like to be locked up in a cage with people staring at u and invading your privacy.

2 pages, 632 words

The Report on Zoo Animal Versus Wild Animals

Zoo animals Versus Wild animals Almost all of us grow up with fond memories of visiting the zoo with our parents or friends. Where else do you get to see those amazing, elephants or those giraffes with their long, long, necks? The zoo is the only place where you can see these amazing animals up close. Do zoo animals live longer than wild one or wild animals live longer than zoo one. Zoo animals …

Posted by: Ishi

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They can not live in the wild

Yes, under certain circumstances. In the state in which I live, all of the animals that have come to the zoo here are because they cannot be in the wild for whatever reason. Perhaps they were injured at one point and it is believed that they would not make it in the wild, or because they were treated as a domestic animal early in life and do not have the skills to survive in the wild. There are also a few animals that would prove threatening to human life if they were allowed to roam. Still, I see frighteningly relate-able anxiety in the eyes of the larger primates trapped in their glass cages, and this does make me question the role of the zoo.

Posted by: Anonymous

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ANIMALS should be kept in zoos

Animals should be kept in captivity because of many reasons, they have less predators and so on. That is why animals should be kept in zoos and they have more food! I think I am right so think about it animals should be kept in captivity.

Posted by: Anonymous

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They should! YES

If animals are not kept in zoos we will not be here now…..Animals are not well trained and it could cause danger and harm. Furthermore, the animals might roam the world and it would be crazy….(I think)…..Animals have friends like their own type and the zookeepers too! So animals should be kept in zoos.

Posted by: Anonymous

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It isn’t cruel if the animal needs help

Yes, but only if the animal is endangered or injured, so they are safe. Also, the zoo should make sure they have a big enough enclosure and the right diet like most 1st world zoos. Just remember NOT all zoos keep the animals in cages and force them to do tricks.

Posted by: Anonymous

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For the education of children

Zoos provide education and conservation. Children are taught about the value of endangered animals so that they understand the importance of conservation when they visit.They learn by having a close encounter with animals.They can see,listen,smell or even touch the animals.This cannot be done by watching television. So zoos are great place for children to learn about conservation of wild animals

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Please type the answers of the following questions: 1. What function, other than hearing, do the African Elephant’s ears serve? Answer: The African elephant uses its ears as signaling organs. Ears are also used to regulate body temperature and are used as a protective feature in the African elephant to ward off potential threats. 2. What color is the rump of a Hamadryas Baboon? Answer: The rump of …

Posted by: ajaa

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Animals should be kept in zoos I agree?

They tend to live longer in zoos

Animals live longer in zoos than they do in the wild they get the necessary care and food they need to live a very healthy lifestyle. Lets say if an animal was sick in the wild nine times out of ten they would die or be killed by a predator but if an animal got sick in the zoo it will have a more likely chance of survival because of vetinarians on standby.

Posted by: Anonymous

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Extinct in Wild

There are many animals who are only alive because of zoos. The zoos keep the population of wild and almost extinct animals growing instead. There are very many animals that you can see today only because of zoos. Animal live much longer in a zoo than they do in the wild. Zoos should keep their animals and keep them alive.

Posted by: Anonymous

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Animals live longer

When they’re in good zoos. If they are out in the wild, they can dye from lack of food, droughts, predators, diseases, and natural disasters. At zoos there are veterinarians on hand, constant food, and there are no predators. A good zoo will prolong the life of an animal. So long as they’re taken proper care of, animals should be kept in zoos.

Posted by: Anonymous

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Why animals should not be kept in zoos.

It is cruel to be locked up in a cage seeing the same thing every single day. Should we let the zookeepers continue they’re cruelty or should we stop this at once. Would u like to be locked up in a cage with people staring at u and invading your privacy.

Posted by: Ishi

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They can not live in the wild

Yes, under certain circumstances. In the state in which I live, all of the animals that have come to the zoo here are because they cannot be in the wild for whatever reason. Perhaps they were injured at one point and it is believed that they would not make it in the wild, or because they were treated as a domestic animal early in life and do not have the skills to survive in the wild. There are also a few animals that would prove threatening to human life if they were allowed to roam. Still, I see frighteningly relate-able anxiety in the eyes of the larger primates trapped in their glass cages, and this does make me question the role of the zoo.

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The Zoo and Its Benefits Zoos bring human kind closer to wild life. Though, sometimes that means taking the animal out of its natural habitat. Some animals have lost most of their habitat and are on the verge of extinction. In this way, the zoo helps the animals rather than using them as a form of human entertainment. Zoos also allow humans to study different kinds of animals more closely. Some …

Posted by: Anonymous

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ANIMALS should be kept in zoos

Animals should be kept in captivity because of many reasons, they have less predators and so on. That is why animals should be kept in zoos and they have more food! I think I am right so think about it animals should be kept in captivity.

Posted by: Anonymous

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They should! YES

If animals are not kept in zoos we will not be here now…..Animals are not well trained and it could cause danger and harm. Furthermore, the animals might roam the world and it would be crazy….(I think)…..Animals have friends like their own type and the zookeepers too! So animals should be kept in zoos.

Posted by: Anonymous

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It isn’t cruel if the animal needs help

Yes, but only if the animal is endangered or injured, so they are safe. Also, the zoo should make sure they have a big enough enclosure and the right diet like most 1st world zoos. Just remember NOT all zoos keep the animals in cages and force them to do tricks.

Posted by: Anonymous

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For the education of children

Zoos provide education and conservation. Children are taught about the value of endangered animals so that they understand the importance of conservation when they visit.They learn by having a close encounter with animals.They can see,listen,smell or even touch the animals.This cannot be done by watching television. So zoos are great place for children to learn about conservation of wild animals

1 page, 398 words

The Essay on Are our zoos cruel to wild animals

Zoos are places that often visited by the people for recreation, moreover for the family who has child. They can find many kinds of animal, without going to the wild forest. Zoos can make the visitors happy, but it might not be the same condition as the wild animal’s feeling. I trust that zoos are cruel to the faunas. Numeruous people think that zoos are good for the wild animals. Keeping …

Posted by: ajaa

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Animals should be kept in zoos I agree?

Animals should be kept in zoo because in the wild they have hunt and find food. In the zoos they get daily food and are cared for. Animals should be kept in zoos because all the animals would be extinct by now if it wasn’t for zoos. Animals should be treated with great respect. If they are kept in zoos in order to educate society, then efforts must be put forth guarantee their comfort. For example, they should receive a natural, wild setting and should be given the same type of food they would normally eat. Zoos are a trade off, but it is possible to operate them to integrity.

Animals should be kept in zoo because in the wild they have hunt and find food. In the zoos they get daily food and are cared for. Animals should be kept in zoos because all the animals would be extinct by now if it wasn’t for zoos. Animals should be treated with great respect. If they are kept in zoos in order to educate society, then efforts must be put forth guarantee their comfort. For example, they should receive a natural, wild setting and should be given the same type of food they would normally eat. Zoos are a trade off, but it is possible to operate them to integrity.

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