Smoking should be illegal эссе


Essay. Cigarettes should be made illegal.

   More then 5 millions people die over the world each year from smoking related illnesses.Why are they still not banned? Cigarettes should be illegal because they are a powerful and addicting drug that are very harmful to the people who smoke them, the people who inhale second hand smoke, and the environment.
   In my opinion, cigarettes are have to be banned. First of all, they consist of chemical components that make a bad influence on the human body.The most important impact that smoking has on people — it’s lung disease Secondly, passive smoking affects the people around the smoker. We think that it’s OK but it’s not true. Furthermore, smoke that the smoker exhales destroy the ozone layer of the Earth. Do you want to bring the apocalypse?
   Some people say that there is no need to ban cigarettes. They say that they help people to relax and the person must choose what to do by himself.
   I cannot agree with them. Smoking in any case affect the others, so it should be banned.
   To sum up , although my oppinion is not the sollution to all problems and i don’t think cigarettes will be banned at all. Because of that , i think government should do something to solve this problems. Enough to spoil your health and the health of others!

Opinion essay

Topic: Cigarettes should be made illegal

Smoking is one
of the most important problems in our century; it is a reason of a variety of
diseases and premature death in the modern world. Annually in the world smoking
causes direct or indirect deaths of 3 million people. Smoking is responsible
for about one in six deaths. Every year, smoking kills about 100 000 lives in
Russia as a result of (heart disease), and approximately 30,000 as a result of
cerebrovascular disease.

Personally I
think that smoking should be made illegal. The desire to quit smoking sooner or
later occurs in the majority of smokers. Despite this popularity of smoking, it
turns out that it’s not so pleasant experience, and many people, sooner or
later, will have a desire to leave it. In this case, the most critical is the
desire to improve their health. And so the government should help this people.
It is much harder to give up smoking if you can simply buy cigarettes
practically everywhere.  

On the
other hand some people still think that smoking is a good way to relax, forget
their problems and be fashionable. They just can’t understand that it will cause
big problems for them. And these people disagree with that idea of making
smoking illegal. And some of them make big money selling it.

I totally
disagree with that opinion. Smoking- is not a problem for a just a single
person, it is a problem for our nation. If they want a good country they have
to help it be so.

To sum up, Smoking
is a social problem in society, both for his smoking, and non-smoking section.
Smoking burns not only the health and soul, but also a purse — for his life
turns into a smoker toxic smoke large sum of money, not to mention the
additional costs for the treatment of diseases caused by smoking.

Представлено сочинение на английском языке За и против курения/ Smoking: Advantages And Disadvantages с переводом на русский язык.

Smoking: Advantages And Disadvantages За и против курения
Unfortunately more and more people smoke nowadays and the age to start smoking lowers every year. Truly, I can’t think of any advantages of smoking. Some people say it helps to reduce stress, but I suppose it’s not worth it. There are many other healthier ways to deal with stress — sport, hobbies, a cup of tea with mint. So to my mind smoking has only negative effect. К сожалению сегодня все больше и больше людей курят и возраст, в котором они начинают курить с каждым годом снижается. Честно говоря, я не могу назвать ни одного преимущества курения. Некоторые говорят, что это помогает снизить уровень стресса, но я не думаю, что это того стоит. Есть много других более здоровых способов справиться со стрессом – спорт, хобби, чашка чая с мятой. Так что, по-моему, курение оказывает только отрицательный эффект.
Why do people and especially teenagers start smoking? For some of them it is a way to show they are mature enough, they want to seem older than they really are. For other teenagers it’s a way to show they belong to a particular company at school or college. Unfortunately once you start smoking it’s very hard to quit. So many people continue just because it has become their habit. Почему же люди и особенно подростки начинают курить? Для некоторых это способ показать, что они уже достаточно взрослые. Они хотят казаться старше, чем есть на самом деле. Для других подростков это способ быть частью определенной компании в школе или колледже. К сожалению, один раз попробовав, довольно сложно бросить курить. Поэтому многие продолжают курить, потому что это становится привычкой.
Why is smoking harmful? It affects all your body, your lungs, your heart and brain. It can even lead to cancer and many other serious diseases. It affect your appearance, people who smoke a lot have problems with teeth and skin. Smoking makes your addicted and this harms your psychological state. Moreover even if you don’t smoke and someone of your family or friends does you still breathe this poisoned air. Почему курение вредно? Оно влияет на тело, легкие, сердце и мозг. Курение может даже привести к раку и другим серьезным заболеваниям. Оно влияет на внешность, у курящих есть проблемы с зубами и кожей. Курение вызывает привыкание и это отрицательно воздействует на психологическое состояние. Более того, даже если вы не курите, а кто-то из вашей семьи или друзей курит, вы все равно дышите отравленным воздухом.
What can be done to stop people from smoking? Smoking is illness and there should be some special treatment, this is not easy as very little amount of people really want to quit smoking. Что сделать, чтобы оградить людей от курения? Курение – это болезнь и против нее должно быть специальное лечение, это непросто, потому что немногие действительно хотят бросить курить.
Also, we must make it so that smoking was not fashionable. Также мы должны сделать так, чтобы курить было не модно.
We should talk to children at school and home to make them understand how bad it is to smoke and of course we shouldn’t be a bad example for them. Мы должны говорить с детьми в школе и дома, чтобы они поняли, как плохо курить и, конечно, мы не стоит быть плохим примером для них.

One of the biggest and most challenging health concerns in our society is smoking. Smoking is not a new activity. This practice has been around for ages in different forms. Smoking is presently the foremost cause of death in the world, due to its damaging and addicting substances, such as nicotine and tobacco. Even though millions die from it each year, smoking is the single most avoidable cause of death as well. Without smoking, a great amount of money and lives will be saved. Bans on items like tobacco are difficult to implement, and usually, do not stop all activity. Illegal selling of cigarettes is likely to follow a ban, if not imposed correctly. Cigarette smoking is the source of several health issues, it also includes lethal cancers.  The habit-forming nature makes it a tough task to stay away from once it has been experienced. This is made particularly testing when smoking is attempted at a young age. Evolving and impressionable minds often form addictions faster.

Currently, a cigarette manufacturing machine can use up to 3.7 miles of paper an hour. Tobacco crop uses additional important nutrients than many other harvests, degrading the soil. Probably the most influence of a cigarette on the environment is the making of them. The land used to grow tobacco crops could be put to healthier use by planting more trees or food production. Huge quantities of pesticides, fertilizer and herbicides are used on tobacco crops. Cigarette butts also do a lot of damage as actually they are often made from a form of plastic. The polymer acetate filters consist of thousands of strands that can take up to 15-25 years to dissolve. The dregs from tobacco in the butts also discharge pollutants into the atmosphere. Trillions of butts are discarded each year. These cigarette butts then make their way inside the stomachs of birds and fishes. It is awful to know that some of the fishes that we have consumed may have been tainted by cigarette butts.

Main reasons why cigarette smoking should be banned
Cigarettes add to pollutions every day as people smoke them and release toxins into the air. Our air is already wanting in good quality. This is only increasing the problem. Global warming has become the main problem because of the solid inflow of toxins into our air. We also want plants to help filter our air and produce purified clean air to breathe. The air around us is also needed by plants to breathe. Crops grown by farmers in contaminated air, do not give the top nourishment for our bodies. Polluted air and soil is the root cause of these issues.

Cancer is the usual result for those that smoke for many long years. Probabilities of escaping cancer are better instantly after giving up the habit. However, the damage to the lungs can be substantial. There are many losses that turn around advanced lung cancer. The lungs of these patients are frequently studied to understand how much damage has happened. They are mostly found to be totally black in colour, like the inside of a fireplace.
The smoking of cigarettes can also lead to cancers of the mouth and throat. The smoke that constantly passes down the lungs harms the delicate tissues of the respiratory tract. There is, therefore, no purpose to permit the usage of a product that is killing people.

The rise of cancer is in many forms. Lung cancer can even happen after the habit of smoking ends. It takes time for the cells to heal themselves once they have been mutilated. Smokers very often regret the decision to try cigarettes when cancer is the diagnosis. Others may be angry after being exposed to unprotected second-hand smoke.

Children are at great danger from cigarette smoking. Those children whose Parents smokes regularly are susceptible to this poison, every day. Young kids that are still growing can be especially vulnerable to the bad effects of cigarette smoke. Children can also without difficulty become hooked when they live in the home with a smoker.

Children that are wide open to cigarette smoke before they are even born can have many problems right away. Pregnant women, who smoke cigarettes, put their newborn babies at danger for prematurity and low birth weight. Pregnant women smoking during and after pregnancy are at risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Smoking can expose a baby to harmful substances like nicotine, carbon monoxide and tar. Children with smoking parents are often ignorant of the concerns until they start school and learn about the dangers.

The recent laws forbid smoking in the car with children. This is a gigantic step towards shielding children from grown-ups with bad habits. Children that are open to cigarette smoke at an early stage in their life, often suffer from respiratory problems. This can include chronic disease like asthma. The pollutants from smoke settle down into the hair, clothes, and furniture of smokers. Even if a smoker selects to smoke only outside and away from children, the toxins from the cigarettes still make their way to children in the home.

Smoking is a nauseating habit that puts people’s lives at risk. The health concerns have been identified for many years, yet the habit-forming nature of cigarettes has stayed put. It may benefit to ban cigarettes since some people do not have the willpower to fight the problem on their own. A ban holds people responsible for their actions when it comes to illegal substances. Nicotine may not damage cognitive skills in the same way that drugs and alcohol do. However, they do affect vast long-term health matters. Smokers also suffer publicly, socially and not just physically. Cigarette smoking culminates to governing the lives of those who become addicted. Many residential complexes do not want smokers, as the cleaning is difficult when they move out. It is very difficult to totally eliminate the smell as the smell penetrates the walls and carpets deeply.

Unfortunately, smokers are at danger of losing their lives from huge health concerns. Smaller illnesses, like asthma, can also be challenging on the person. Lung cancer is often terminal and can lead to a heart-breaking loss for family and friends. Many people may try to support smoker mend, without any positive result. A ban on smoking may assist to curb pollution, keep children safe and healthy, and leave fewer people lonely. Any kind of addiction can inflict destruction in the lives of the addicts and those close to them.

Should smoking be banned? What are the pros and cons of banning cigarettes in public places? If you’re writing an argumentative essay or persuasive speech on why smoking should be banned, check out this sample.

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Table of Contents

  1. Smoking Should Be Banned: Essay Introduction

  2. Reasons Why Smoking Should Be Banned

  3. Why Smoking Should Not Be Banned: Essay Arguments

  4. Why Smoking Should Be Banned Essay Conclusion

Smoking Should Be Banned: Essay Introduction

Smoking involves an act of burning a substance for the purpose of taking in its smoke into the lungs. These substances are commonly tobacco or cannabis. Combustion releases the active substances in them like nicotine, which are absorbed through the lungs.

A widespread technique through which this is done is via smoking manufactured cigarettes or hand-rolling the tobacco ready for smoking. Almost 1 billion people in the majority of all human societies practice smoking. Complications directly associated with smoking claim the lives of half of all the persons who have been involved in smoking tobacco or marijuana for a long time.

Smoking is an addiction because tobacco contains nicotine, which is very addictive. The nicotine, therefore, makes it difficult for a smoker to quit. A person will, therefore, become used to nicotine such that he/she has to smoke so as to feel normal. I, therefore, think that smoking should be banned because of some reason.

Reasons Why Smoking Should Be Banned

One reason why smoking should be banned is that it has got several health effects. It harms almost every organ of the body. Cigarette smoking causes 87% of lung cancer deaths and is also responsible for many other cancer and health problems.

Apart from this, Infant deaths that occur in pregnant women are attributed to smoking. Similarly, people who stay near smokers become secondary smokers where they may breathe in the smoke and get the same health problems as smokers do. Although not widely smoked, cannabis also has health problems, and the symptoms of withdrawal include depression, insomnia, frustration, anger, anxiety, difficulty in concentration, and restlessness.

Apart from causing emphysema, smoking also affects the digestive organs as well as the blood circulatory systems, especially heart arteries. Women have a higher risk of heart attack than men, which exacerbates with time as one continues to smoke. The mouth is also affected by smoking, whereby the teeth will become discolored, the lips will blacken and will always stay dry and also causes bad breath.

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Let`s start

Cigarette and tobacco products are very expensive. People who smoke are therefore forced to spend their money on these products which badly waste their income which they would have otherwise spent on other things. I, therefore, think that smoking should be forbidden in order to reduce the costs of treating diseases related to smoking as well as the number of deaths caused by smoking-related illnesses.

Why Smoking Should Not Be Banned: Essay Arguments

However, tobacco and cigarette manufacturing nations will lose a lot if smoking was to be banned. I, therefore, think that it should not be banned. Some nations largely depend on exporting cigarettes and tobacco products to get revenue.

This revenue normally boosts the economy of such nations. If smoking was to be banned, it means that they will incur great losses since tobacco companies are multi-billion organizations. Apart from these, millions of people will be rendered jobless as a result of the ban.

The process in which tobacco and cigarette products reach consumers is very complex, and it involves a chain process with several people involved in it. Banning smoking, therefore, means these people will lose their jobs for which most of them may be depending upon for their livelihoods.

Why Smoking Should Be Banned Essay Conclusion

In conclusion, the ban on smoking is a very hard step to be undertaken, especially when the number of worldwide users is in billions. Although it places a large burden on nations in treating diseases associated with smoking, it may take a very long time before a ban can work. Attempts by some nations to do this have often been met with failures.

Tobacco is known worldwide since time immemorial. It was discovered in America 6000 years before Christ, it was originally used in religious ceremonies as a medicine and until 5000 years later they did not discover that it could be inhaled. That was when people started smoking. 

The aim of our essay is to find important facts for which smoking should be prohibited in restaurants. We focus mainly on health-related problems, which means that it not only involved active smokers but also passive smokers that is more important in this area. There are three very important facts for us: The smoke of other people’s tobacco causes lung cancer, heart disease and infections in the lungs and bronchial tubes. Anti-tobacco laws protect employees and customers from this smoke at work. These laws reduce the number of smokers by giving them free spaces from the temptation to smoke.

Active Smokers

There is no doubt that smoking is unhealthy for our bodies. But, what are the big inconveniences that smokers suffer? Carcinogenic nicotine in cigarettes causes two immediate effects: an increase in our heartbeat and also in blood flow. This continues affects the heart. It is difficult for our heart because it has to pump more blood to have enough oxygen. Throughout it will increase blood cholesterol. As a consequence, the risk of having a heart attack is greater. A smoker can increase his risk of having lung cancer by 900% (10 times more).

There is an effect of tobacco that is not well known and is that it is connected to fertility. Studies have shown that 38% of non-smokers had a child at the first attempt, compared to only 28% of smokers. In addition, tobacco is the cause of impotence in men. Miscarriage occurs more in women smokers. There is no evidence that passive smoking is worse than active smoking. It is clear that the two types are harmful, but now let’s look a little more at the passive smoker. Passive smokers suffer without wanting the consequences that active smokers choose knowingly. Let’s focus on the liabilities because this is one of the problems that causes more discussions about whether tobacco should be abolished in restaurants and public places.

Pasive Smokers

‘Don’t smoke, smoking causes cancer.’ This phrase appears everywhere but we must focus but we focus on the passive part since, as we have said before it is the key to accepting the smoking ban. Secondhand smoke is divided into two classes: indirect and direct smoke.

The first is the smoke that comes out of the end of a cigarette, pipe or cigar. The second is the smoke that has been exhaled by the smoker. Sometimes we think they have no difference but without a doubt the indirect one has more carcinogenic compounds. Even if it seems more unlikely.

People who are not smokers and only absorb cigarette smoke take the same amount of nicotine and toxic products as people who are currently smokers.

The action of smoking involuntarily is known as a human carcinogen because it is true that it causes cancer. It was tested by the US Environmental Protection Agency and by many other organizations. Tobacco contains more than 250 harmful chemicals and 69 of them cause lung cancer. There is also a connection between passive smoking and the development of lymphoma, leukemia, brain tumors, and other types of cancer such as breast cancer. This problem is being studied since it is true that breast cancer does not develop in both active and passive smokers. The United States is informed that there is a relationship with this second class smoke. There is an increase in deaths from heart disease and lung cancers in non-smokers. Also asthma problems are getting worse every year that passes. 


Throughout this long history, tobacco prohibition has been one of the most controversial and discussed issues worldwide. Regarding this, society is divided into several groups: non-smokers, addicted smokers, people who do not care about the subject and the rest. All of them together create an environment full of debates, arguments and opinions where everyone wants to defend their opinion and their rights.

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Smoking in public places should be illegal, and today, we the affirmative team, will give you many reasons to prove why. People have been smoking cigarettes for hundreds of years, but it wasn’t until recently that people started to realize exactly how bad cigarette smoking is. It can have a number of negative effects on the smoker, such as – Lung Cancer, Emphysema, Heart Disease etc Not only can it have these effects on the smoker, but a person who is simply being exposed to the smoke can contract the same illnesses, which hardly seems fair.

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“ Smoking in Public Places Should Be Illegal ”

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Smoking in public places is actually endangering people’s lives. Secondhand smoking is proven to cause lung cancer. Many reputable groups that have inspected the evidence have reached the same conclusion, such as the US Surgeon general’s office, National Research Council, National institute of occupational safety and health, international agency for research on cancer, and the US occupational safety and health administration. Studies conducted show that people who breathe secondhand smoke are 150% more likely to get lung cancer later.

Exposure to second hand smoke causes about 47,000 deaths from heart disease and 3,000 lung cancer deaths, making Secondhand Smoke the third leading cause of preventable death in the country. Not only that, but Secondhand smoke causes up to 300,000 cases of lower respiratory tract infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia in infants and young children. These children and adults are totally innocent, and have made the choice to keep their bodies healthy by NOT smoking, yet their results are just as bad, if not worse, then the smokers! Americans should have the right to be healthy if they so choose, and to do that, we need to create a smoke-free environment in all public places.

Cigarette smoke contains about 300 dangerous chemicals. In order to contain these chemicals to just the smoking sections, ventilation rates would have to be increased more than a thousand-fold to reduce cancer risk. Even if we had the money to do that, it would be impractical, because it would crease a virtual windstorm! Many places in the US already do ban smoking and the results have all been positive. 85% of the nations shopping malls are now smoke free. Princeton borough and township are doing things that hopefully many other towns and cities will follow–they are the first localities in the New York metropolitan region to outlaw smoking in almost all public places, including bars and restaurants. The Law states that smoking should be allowed only in private homes, outdoors and in the borough’s single smoke shop. This is exactly the kind of law we need throughout the United States. Many restaurants across the Nation have banned smoking and it has not hurt business at all. Even smoke-free ordinances in North Carolina, the number one tobacco producing state in the US, have brought on a positive effect.

The vast majority of studies shown have proved the same thing. Studies in California and Arizona had similar results. Massachusetts’s smoke free restaurants increased sales by 4%. In New York City, eating out has increased since the city’s clean indoor air law took effect. The year 2000 the target date to make all enclosed public areas smoke free. New York started by limiting the smoking sections in existing restaurants and making all new restaurants completely smoke-free. In all my research, I only found one article on how clean indoor air regulations had a negative effect, and it turned out those places were getting paid off by the tobacco company! Not only does the new law not affect the restaurants and other public places, but it doesn’t affect the people negatively either! In a recent pole, 2.8 million of the 46 million smokers said they’d quit if there were a national ban. Fifty thousand others would decide not to start each year the law is in effect! This may not sound like a lot, but it is. Cigarette consumption would decline at least 10%, which is about 2.5 million packs a year! Before, about one half of the non-smokers were avoiding certain restaurants b/c of the smoke.

Now, 17% of non-smokers eat out more, and are making up greatly for the 33% of smokers who refuse to eat in these restaurants. This may seem like a lot, but in fact, it isn’t! Only 30% of Americans smoke, so actually only 10% aren’t eating out b/c of the law, while about 30% more people are! In total, 86% of the American population is not only fine with the Clean Indoor Air Act, but actually like it. Smoking kills people; it’s a fact. But the people who choose to smoke already know that. They make the choice to risk their lives because they choose to smoke cigarettes. There is nothing we can do about that, it’s their life, and it’s their right However, nonsmokers have rights too. They have the right to not be subjected to a harmful environment. They chose not to smoke, mostly b/c of the damaging effects. We have to help to give nonsmokers their rights as well. Millions of lives are lost because of secondhand smoke in public places. Banning smoking in all public places is and would be extremely beneficial to everyone and save millions of innocent lives. It’s stupid to let so many people die from something that can be stopped so easily.

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