Sports benefit teenagers in many ways эссе на тему

Английский язык дистанционно по скайпу

Почему изучение языка, поход в спортзал или бассейн и другие полезные начинания часто откладываются нами «на понедельник»? Потому что собраться с духом и приступить к новому занятию сложно, ведь мы догадываемся: придется куда-то ездить, покупать инвентарь или учебные пособия, от чего-то отказываться и менять привычный график. Если ваш выбор — иностранный язык, то попробовать изучать английский язык дистанционно в нашей онлайн-школе — значит понять, насколько просто и приятно получение знаний по Скайпу — бесплатному приложению, которое легко установить на любой компьютер или планшет.

Плюсы обучения английскому по Скайпу

Самым большим преимуществом изучения английского онлайн по Скайпу вместе с проектом HelloSkype является постоянное общение с носителями языка и преподавателями, находящимися в англоязычных странах — то, чего так не хватает на обычных курсах и лекциях. Преподаватели поделятся с вами и вашими детьми не только материалами по грамматике и другим базовым аспектам изучения языка, но и интереснейшей информацией по диалектам и различным англоязычным культурам. Английский по Skype с такими дополнениями позволит не только освоить язык, но и глубже погрузиться в среду и лучше понимать людей, говорящих на нем большую часть жизни.

Мы — за изучение английского языка по Скайпу без отрыва от реального общения

Преподаватель английского языка по скайпу
Квалификация: <
Курсы: General English
Личные данные: национальность: British , страна: London

Преподаватель английского языка по скайпу
Квалификация: TEFL certified<
Курсы: General English
Личные данные: национальность: American , страна: the USA

Преподаватель английского языка по скайпу
Квалификация: TEFL certified<
Курсы: General, Exams
Личные данные: национальность: , страна: Russia

Преподаватель английского языка по скайпу
Квалификация: Master’s Degree in TEFL<
Курсы: General English, Grammar, Exam preparation courses
Личные данные: национальность: Russian , страна: Russia

Преподаватель английского языка по скайпу
Квалификация: Master’s Degree in teaching EFL<
Курсы: Conversation, Business
Личные данные: национальность: Russian , страна: Russian

Преподаватель английского языка по скайпу
Квалификация: TEFL-certified<
Курсы: General English, Conversation
Личные данные: национальность: British , страна: England

Преподаватель английского языка по скайпу
Квалификация: TEFL-certified<
Курсы: General English, Conversation
Личные данные: национальность: American , страна: Panama

Преподаватель английского языка по скайпу
Квалификация: TEFL-certified, and attended various TESOL courses<
Курсы: Conversation, Business English, English Reading Comprehension, Public Speaking and Language Improvement
Личные данные: национальность: British , страна: Bulgaria

Преподаватель английского языка по скайпу
Квалификация: CELTA <
Курсы: IELTS, CAE, CPE, Conversation
Личные данные: национальность: British , страна: UK

Преподаватель английского языка по скайпу
Квалификация: диплом преподавателя английского языка<
Курсы: Общеразговрный английский, подготовка к ОГЭ и ЕГЭ
Личные данные: национальность: , страна: Россия

Преподаватель английского языка по скайпу
Квалификация: TEFL-certified<
Курсы: Converstion
Личные данные: национальность: British , страна: England

Преподаватель английского языка по скайпу
Квалификация: TEFL-certified<
Курсы: Conversation
Личные данные: национальность: American , страна: Ecuador

Преподаватель английского языка по скайпу
Квалификация: TEFL-certified<
Курсы: Conversation, Business
Личные данные: национальность: American , страна: the USA

Преподаватель английского языка по скайпу
Квалификация: TEFL-certified<
Курсы: Conversation, Business
Личные данные: национальность: Australian , страна: Australia

Преподаватель английского языка по скайпу
Квалификация: TEFL-certified<
Курсы: Conversation
Личные данные: национальность: Canadian , страна: Canada

Преподаватель английского языка по скайпу
Квалификация: TEFL-certified<
Курсы: Converstion, Exam preparation
Личные данные: национальность: American , страна: the USA

Преподаватель английского языка по скайпу
Квалификация: TEFL-certified<
Курсы: Conversation, Business
Личные данные: национальность: American , страна: theUSA

Преподаватель английского языка по скайпу
Квалификация: TEFL-certified<
Курсы: Conversation, Business, Exam preparation
Личные данные: национальность: American , страна: the USA

Преподаватель английского языка по скайпу
Квалификация: TEFL-certified<
Курсы: Conversation, Business, Exam preparation
Личные данные: национальность: American , страна: Ecuador

Преподаватель английского языка по скайпу
Квалификация: TEFL-certified<
Курсы: Conversation, Business
Личные данные: национальность: American , страна: the USA

Преподаватель английского языка по скайпу
Квалификация: TEFL-certified<
Курсы: Conversation, Business, Exam preparation courses
Личные данные: национальность: British , страна: Egypt

Преподаватель английского языка по скайпу
Квалификация: Диплом преподавателя английского языка<
Курсы: Разговорный, Общеразговорный, подготовка к ГИА и ЕГЭ
Личные данные: национальность: Russian , страна: Россия

Преподаватель английского языка по скайпу
Квалификация: диплом филолога и преподавателя английского языка<
Курсы: General, Conversation, Business, Exams
Личные данные: национальность: , страна: Россия

Преподаватель английского языка по скайпу
Квалификация: сертификат ТКТ, диплом преподавателя английского и немецкого языков<
Курсы: Conversation, Business, Exams
Личные данные: национальность: , страна: Украина

Преподаватель английского языка по скайпу
Квалификация: диплом преподавателя английского и немецкого языков<
Курсы: General, Business, Exams
Личные данные: национальность: , страна: Россия

Преподаватель английского языка по скайпу
Квалификация: специалист по деловому и общественно-политическому английскому<
Курсы: Conversational English, Business, Exams
Личные данные: национальность: , страна: Россия

Преподаватель английского языка по скайпу
Квалификация: CELTA<
Курсы: Conversational English, Business, Exams
Личные данные: национальность: British , страна: GERMANY

Преподаватель английского языка по скайпу
Квалификация: CELTA<
Курсы: Conversational English, Business, Exams
Личные данные: национальность: British , страна: England

Разнообразие программ и учеба в удобном темпе

Чтобы освоить английский дистанционно, вам придется приложить усилия и быть терпеливым учеником: чудес не бывает, не верьте тем, кто обещает «научить общаться за неделю». Но благодаря опыту наших учителей, их внимательному отношению к каждому ученику, личному обаянию и грамотно выстроенной программе, процесс понимания даже тех аспектов языка, которые кажутся скучноватыми или сложными, будет увлекательным для любого человека. Кстати, программы, по которым у нас преподается английский онлайн по Скайпу, рассчитаны на разный возраст и разную подготовку: школе есть что предложить новичкам, желающим освоить бизнес-английский, пожилым людям, школьникам и учащимся ВУЗов, людям, часто выезжающим за рубеж и всем остальным.

Мы — за постепенное, но результативное погружение в английский.

Не потребуется закупать учебники.

Не покупать учебники — какая, вроде бы, мелочь! Однако для эффективных занятий на курсах, комфортного выполнения домашних заданий и скорейшего запоминания большого количества новой непривычной информации вам понадобится целая кипа книг, которые придется где-то хранить и регулярно брать с собой. Дистанционное обучение английскому в школе HelloSkype предполагает использование БЕСПЛАТНЫХ, как правило, видеоматериалов и пособий с образовательных сайтов, которые вообще не занимают места и не превращаются в бремя дополнительных расходов. Все, что вам понадобится — подключение к интернету и установленный Skype.

Мы — за английский язык по Скайпу с минимальными затратами и максимальной отдачей.

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6 Amazing Benefits Of Playing Sports For Teens

The benefits of playing sports for teens are plenty. If you wonder why it is essential for teenagers to play sports, you would be surprised at the number of benefits it holds for good health and the promotion of social and interpersonal skills. As parents, with teens spending more time indoors, glued to their screens, it’s crucial to nudge and inspire them to take up regular exercise as part of their daily routine.

And introducing sports to teens early on is a fun way to help them understand why it’s essential to be physically active and its role in their academic performance and mental well-being. Here is how you can help them enjoy playing a sport or any physical activity.

What Are The Benefits Of Playing A Sport For Teens?

Playing sports helps in staying fit. But this is not the only benefit your teen will have if he engages in sports. Here is a quick look at how playing sports can benefit your teen (1):

1. Social Development:

Playing sports will first and foremost help your teen grow socially. As your teen spends more time with his peers, he will learn to come out of his shell and interact better. Your teen may be shy or self-conscious but as he meets other sports enthusiasts he will gain self-confidence (2).

2. Leadership Qualities:

They learn how to coordinate.

Image: Shutterstock

Sports are an excellent exercise to build team spirit and leadership skills. He will learn how to coordinate and cooperate with his team members. He will also learn to keep the interest of the entire team on top priority instead of thinking about his individual performance only (3).

3. Long Lasting Friendships:

Many adults will vouch for not only striking goals but also friendship on the playground! Your teen will form some of his closest bonds during these growing up years, right on the playground. As your teen shares his fears and his secrets with these youngsters, he is sure to form some very strong bonds that may last a lifetime (4).

4. Coach As A Role Model:

Most trainers and coaches act as role models for teens. Your teen may not listen to you, but chances are, he will not say no to his coach. Your teen’s coach will mentor him and teach him about the importance of discipline in life (5).

Do remember

Not just as their coaches, your children may also look up to you as their role models. They realize how much you are doing for them, from waking up early for daily practice to handling their emotional roller coaster whenever the game isn’t satisfactory.

5. Stamina:

They can steadily build stamina

Image: Shutterstock

As your teen trains to play sports, he will slowly and steadily build his stamina. Sports will help your teen stay healthy by being physically active. Your teen will soon start enjoying these workout sessions. Real sports are also a great way to increase your teen’s mental health and strength (6).

6. Time Management:

When your teen gets involved in sports, he will also start managing his time better. Your teen will try to strike a balance between studies and sports, and this will mean he will start following a routine and utilizing his time productively. In addition to this, he will also develop a competitive spirit.

Sports Your Teen Can Get Involved In

Benefits of playing sports for teens

Image: Shutterstock

Your teen will highly benefit from playing one or more of the following sports:

  • Basketball
  • Cricket
  • Football
  • Athletics
  • Tennis
  • Badminton
  • Volleyball

A Few Health Tips To Remember

Your teen will need more nutrition when he plays a sport. Here are a few things you should keep in mind:

  • Your teen should drink more fluids while playing a sport in the sun to avoid dehydration or heat strokes.
  • Find out the right sports drink that is safe for your teen to drink.
  • Ensure your teen wears the right sports gear and appropriate clothing.
  • Ensure your teen eats a well-balanced diet in order to keep up with the high energy demands of the sports activity.
  • Before your teen goes for the sports, give him something to eat that will be light yet nutritious and filling.

Quick tip

Protecting your teen’s skin from harmful UV rays when playing outside is equally important. Get them into a habit of applying and reapplying sunscreen to protect the skin from sun exposure.

Nourishing diet is important for sports enthusiasts

Image: Shutterstock

1. How do sports affect my teen’s health?

Being involved in sports has several benefits for teens, including (7):

  • Physical development
  • Personality development
  • Psychosocial development
  • Reduced risk of addiction

2. What is the purpose of sports?

The primary purpose of involving teens in sports is to teach them healthy ways of overcoming challenges, how to win, and build focus and self-confidence. Additionally, it also helps them release frustration and temper in a positive way (3).

3. How do sports benefit the body and brain?

Playing sports helps maintain a healthy physique and boosts the blood supply and oxygen to the brain, improving the brain’s functioning.

Playing sports imbibes leadership qualities and boosts self-confidence. It also tests your teen’s comfort zone boundaries and pushes them beyond their cocoon, leading to overall personality development. A few more benefits of playing sports for teens include improving their attention span and time management skills. Furthermore, participation in vigorous activities is good for their health, improving their stamina. So, if these benefits have influenced you, encourage your teen to participate in sports. Once they have enrolled, ensure that they receive proper nutritional support to meet their physical needs.


MomJunction’s articles are written after analyzing the research works of expert authors and institutions. Our references consist of resources established by authorities in their respective fields. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in our editorial policy.

  1. The Benefits of Participating in Sports.
  2. Young teens who play sports feel healthier and happier about life.
  3. Rakesh Ghildiyal; (2015); Role of Sports in the Development of an Individual and Role of Psychology in Sports.
  4. Why Exercise May Do A Teenage Mind Good.
  5. Study Says Kids Emulate Athletes.
  6. Ashish Sharma et al; (2006); Exercise for Mental Health.
  7. Christer Malm et al.; (2019); Physical Activity and Sports—Real Health Benefits: A Review with Insight into the Public Health of Sweden.

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Benefits of sports

People have always had a negative perception regarding sports which has resulted in the reduced participation of teenagers in sports. Many factors at are present which result in the reduced participation of the youth in sports. It is indeed disturbing to realize that while the teenagers are of good health, they are not participating in sports as the youths in the past were. Technology could be a suspect that has resulted in the reduced number. The young generation of this period has become over-dependent on technology (Taylor et al. 2016). For instance, children today, instead of playing physical games that were there traditionally, they engage in playing computer games and play station. Teenagers should re-engage in sports once again. The essence of this article is to discuss some of these reasons why teenagers need to re-engage themselves in sports.

Sports promotes the health of the individual participating in it. The reason why this should be reason enough to encourage the youth to start participating in sports once again is that the lifestyle diseases are much more prevalent than ever. These are diseases that come from having poor lifestyles (Seungmo, Jing Dong and Love 2016, p183). One such poor lifestyle is lacking sports in one’s life. Fatty foods result in weight gain which can cause diseases like blood pressure. These diseases also occur in comorbidity with other diseases such as heart attack and heart failure. Luckily, the best way to stay clear of these lifestyle diseases is by re-engaging in sports. That will ensure that the body can break down extra glucose before it is transformed into fats.

Does participation in sports keep teens out of trouble

Sports increases the sharpness of an individual. Parents are always happier when their children are performing better. Sports can be the key to smart children. By participating in sports, there is increased blood flow to the brain. That results in the brain receiving more oxygen and glucose increasing the functionality of the brain cells (Sukys, Lisinskiene and Tilendiene 2015). With the increased functionality in the brain, the brain cells are operating faster and much better thereby promoting the sharpness of the individual. Therefore, by participating in sports, the teenager can perform better in class.

Sports will strengthen the college resume of the individual. Sportsmanship is a valued aspect of an individual. Colleges will prefer an individual who is participative in sports because sports instills certain admired traits in an individual. A sport-person knows how to focus and manage his or her time thereby resulting in a more focused individual (Spruit et al. 2016). Sports also teaches an individual the meaning and significance of teamwork. A sportsperson will be a team player in the college which ultimately results in people who are better equipped to face the outside world. Moreover, a sportsperson can compete in sports competition which may earn the individual certificates, medals, and even sponsorships (Wagnsson, Lindwall and Gustafsson 2014). That will ensure that the individual’s resume is very powerful. It will make the individual a model student in any college or university.

There is a need for teenagers to become participative in sports once again. Sports promotes the health of an individual which will result in healthy teenagers. Sports will also ensure that the teenagers are sharp and participative in class. Sports will also strengthen the resume of the teenagers. Thus, parents and older members of the society should encourage the young people to become more participative. They can use incentives such as rewards which will encourage the teenagers to be more willing to participate in sports.


Seungmo, K, Jing Dong, L, & Love, A 2016, ‘The Impact of Event Prestige on Intent to Continue Sport Participation’, Journal Of Sport Behavior, 39, 2, pp. 180-201.

Spruit, A, Vugt, E, Put, C, Stouwe, T, & Stams, G 2016, ‘Sports Participation and Juvenile Delinquency: A Meta-Analytic Review’, Journal Of Youth & Adolescence, 45, 4, pp. 655-67.

SUKYS, S, LISINSKIENE, A, & TILINDIENE, I 2015, ‘ADOLESCENTS’ PARTICIPATION IN SPORT ACTIVITIES AND ATTACHMENT TO PARENTS AND PEERS’, Social Behavior & Personality: An International Journal, 43, 9, pp. 1507-1517.

Taylor, M, Nanney, J, Welch, D, & Wamser-Nanney, R 2016, ‘The Impact of Sports Participation on Female Gang Involvement and Delinquency’, Journal Of Sport Behavior, 39, 3, pp. 317-343.

Wagnsson, S, Lindwall, M, & Gustafsson, H 2014, ‘Participation in Organized Sport and Self-Esteem Across Adolescence: The Mediating Role of Perceived Sport Competence’, Journal Of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 36, 6, pp. 584-594.

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Today doing sports is very popular. Some people say that only the youth needs doing sports, whereas others do not agree. They state that sports should be an integral part of adults’ life.

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To my mind, doing sports is necessary for adults. First of all, a sedentary lifestyle leads to health problems. For example, there are a lot of office workers who suffer from different diseases because they spend a large part of their day in front of a computer screen. As a result, they can have problems with their legs or hearts. Secondly, there are adults who are overweight. Obesity prevents people from performing even simple tasks. It undoubtedly makes their life inconvenient. Consequently, doing sports is essential mainly for adults in order to avoid health problems.

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Nevertheless, there are some people who believe that sport is a necessity only for youngsters. They say that sport helps young people to look great. Since young people are really concerned about their look, they should do sports. Also, physical endurance is formed only when people are young.

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I cannot agree with the opinion mentioned above. Not only young people want to look attractive. Adults pay much attention to their appearance as well. Physical endurance is equally important for both adults and young people, but because youngsters are more active by nature, adults need sports more.

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In conclusion, I would like to say there are opposing views on this issue. At first sight doing sports is really important for youngsters, but in actual fact it is even more important for adults. Thus, I strongly believe that doing sports is essential for young people.

Nowadays there is a wide range of sports to choose. There are many kinds of sports that are available for children to attend. Parents have to take into consideration the importance that sport has and the opportunities it gives. Parents definitely have to involve their children in sports, especially team sports. It has been proven by many experts and professionals that team sports develop different qualities in children and help them to adapt in the society. This is a considerable advantage and has to be taken into consideration by parents and teachers.

Today, any health organization and each doctor will recommend a child to get involved in some kind of sports that he is interested in. There are safe and dangerous sports that parents have to distinguish and to recommend to their children. In the era of multiculturalism sport has become an area of a great choice, when a person in any country can experience the culture of any other country with the help of sport.

In the modern society sport has become an indispensable component in people’s lives, as it offers many perspectives and gives many advantages to people. Children that do sports are several times healthier than their friends who do not do any sports. Those parents who take care of their children, always offer them doing different kinds of sports, to be able in the future to choose something peculiar for a child that will realize his potential, according to Jordan D. Metzl, M.D., Carol Shookhoff, Ph.D (2010).

Sport is very essential for children and has obvious benefits. It can be seen especially these days, when children spend more and more time in front of the computer and become lazier. Making sport almost obligatory will help to improve the situation and to make the entire nation healthier. There are a great percentage of children who have obesity in the young age and who already need specific treatment. That is why it is important to ensure that children are involved in sports, that they have their interests, that they are active and healthy.

Doing sports is easy and each person has to find time for it. Children, of course, have a very busy life nowadays, but despite that they manage to stay online hours a day and to become fatter and less healthy. Mind and body of children have to be healthy and that is why it is important to ensure the direction for them to move forward and to succeed.

Considering the article, “co-founder and medical director of The Sports Medicine Institute for Young Athletes and one of America’s premier pediatric sports physicians Jordan D. Metzl, M.D., explains: how to keep your child athlete healthy in mind and body, deal with the coach and other parents and help your child handle team pressure, to recognize and prevent injuries such as fractures, ligament tears, and repetitive stress injuries, and to recognize when your child is doing “too much””. These advices will be helpful for the parents and will help them to decide considering the choice of the sports for their children.

According to The benefits of team sports (2011), the benefits of the team sports are: social, physical and psychological. Pediatrics also recommends team sports for the children. Social skills of children become stronger, they start to cooperate with their teammates, they try to understand people and communicate with them. Sport educates children and teaches them to show their appreciation and respect. Is should be understood that the success is not the goal in sport, as the participation and the whole process means much more. Coping with the competition in a healthy way is also essential for children. As well, there are benefits of critical thinking, developing patience, solving problems, self-discipline and persistence. And moreover, children, with the help of sports can learn how to cope with disappointment. As well, considering the research, the girls who participate in team sports are less likely to have teenage pregnancies.

According to What are the benefits of team sports for kids? (2010), “the Centers for Disease Control indicates childhood obesity tripled between 1980 and 2010.” The cuts in education also influenced the physical education of children. As well, “The American Academy of Pediatrics notes that children who participate in regular physical activity have reduced risks of “many adult health problems, including diabetes, obesity, and heart disease”, according to What are the benefits of team sports for kids? (2010).

All in all, it can be said that there are many benefits of team sports for children nowadays. It has been proven by many experts and professionals that team sports develop different qualities in children and help them to adapt in the society. Communication is one of the factors that is extremely useful in life and indispensable in many life situations.

Jordan D. Metzl, M.D., Carol Shookhoff, Ph.D (2010). The Benefits of Youth Sports. Retrieved February 21, 2011 from
The benefits of team sports (2011). Retrieved February 21, 2011 from
What are the benefits of team sports for kids? (2010). Retrieved February 21, 2011 from

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Уметь писать эссе (сочинение) на английском языке – это чрезвычайно важное и сложное умение. Здесь в полной мере проявляется ваше знание английского языка – богатство и разнообразие лексического запаса, а также виртуозное владение грамматическими структурами.

Сегодня умению писать эссе (сочинение) придается большое значение, так как оно является важной составляющей частью экзаменов по английскому языку, в частности ЕГЭ. Часто одно слово, оборот или структурный элемент эссе (сочинения) может решить судьбу участника экзамена.

В данном разделе вы сможете найти чрезвычайно полезное руководство к тому, как вообще написать классное эссе (сочинение), которое может принести вам максимальное количество баллов. Следуя предложенным рекомендациям, ваше эссе (сочинение) будет выглядеть очень достойно.

Также вашему вниманию предлагается ряд образцовых эссе (сочинений), которые обязательно помогут вам научиться писать свои собственные.

Темы и образцы сочиненийЭто важно!Полезные клише и фразы

Travelling in your own country is the best way to learn about it.
There are different ways to get to know your country, and travelling is one of them. Some people believe that trips throughout your homeland is the best method to become acquainted with its geographical and other peculiarities, while others opt for alternative approaches. In this essay I am going to detail my own view on this issue.

Education is the most valuable thing for a teenager
Some people believe that teenagers should study all the time because it is one of the most important things for them at their age. Others tend to think that education is not such a valuable aspect of teenagers’ life as it may seem. In this essay I am going to detail my own view on this issue.

Volunteering is essential for teenagers
Many modern teenagers are involved in volunteering, and their involvement appears to be controversial. Some people appreciate teenagers’ participation in social projects while others would prefer teenagers to pay more attention to themselves. In this essay I am going to detail my position on this issue.

Studying knows no holidays
Some people believe that studying is a continuous proccess while others tend to think that there is no necessity to spend every hour of your life on acquiring knowledge and developing skills. In this essay I am going to express myself on this issue.

An early choice of a career path is the key to success
All people want to be successful in life and they expect their career to give them all the good things of life. The question is when it is better to make a career choice. Some people believe that career decisions should be made at an early age, while others are sure that one should take some time and think it out.

Fast food is the food of the future
It is difficult to imagine our life without fast food. It is gradually forcing out the traditional cuisine, and many people are sure that fast food will dominate in the future.

New information technologies cannot make one smarter
As a matter of fact, we live in the age of information technologies, varying in complexity, size, and purpose. Personal computers, computer nets, laptops, smartphones are great inventions used by people every day. The question is whether these gadgets make mankind smarter.

Studying online is better than going to a regular class
The modern world is experiencing great changes in almost every sphere of life including education. Nowadays, young people have a variety of educational systems. Online classes are becoming more and more popular.

Exams motivate students to study harder
If you go to school or university, you are faced with a number of exams. Basically, these exams are supposed to test your knowledge and skills. Also, they may motivate you to study harder.

Sport is the best way to reduce stress
Our life is full of stress. Many people live under the press of economic, social and other problems. These people find different ways to get rid of stress, and one of them is sport.

Chinese will replace English as an international language
At any age there are languages that dominate all over the world. These languages are spoken and understood by the majority of people. Nowadays, English enjoys the most popularity, yet Chinese seems to have better perspectives.

Fast food outlets should be closed
Fast food is a flourishing modern industry conquering the whole world. It is not top-secret that this kind of food is far from being healthy. It causes serious diseases like obesity, cancer, diabetes, and, for that matter, many people want fast food outlets to be closed everywhere.

Honesty is the best policy
From an early age we have been taught to be honest with people around us. Our parents and teachers always make us tell the truth and disapprove of a lie. Yet many of us consider honesty not to be the best policy.

Family is the most important thing in life
People put much value upon different things, for example, money, freedom, friends, etc. But it is often stated that family has to be on top of all things.

It is difficult to understand jokes from other countries
Everybody likes to laugh that is why he/she often watches comedies and humorous shows, reads funny stories. Some people consume all this content no matter where it comes from, others ignore foreign humour because they find it difficult to understand.

Money cannot make one happy
Everyone wants to be rich and happy. Some people see the direct connection between money and happiness, others consider them to be two different things.

The best way to lose weight is following a diet
There are many ways to loose weight, and following a diet is one of the most popular ones. But is being on a diet the best strategy to grow thin?

It is better to read a book than to watch its film version
Nowadays, more and more people neglect books and prefer watching their film versions. The question is whether it is a positive tendency or not.

Clothes people are wearing can influence their behaviour
We cannot imagine our life without clothes, the main function of which is protective. Clothes protect us from cold and hot weather, from rain and snow and from other negative effects of the environment. Also, clothes are considered to influence people’s behaviour.

Clothes people are wearing can influence their behaviour (вариант 2)
The connection between people’s clothes and behavior has always been supposed to exist. Some people insist on a doubtless correlation between our clothes and our actions and manners. Others refute such dependence. In this essay I am going to detail my own view on the issue.

A person who is fluent in a foreign language can easily teach it
Nowadays, learning foregn languages is becoming more and more popular. Thus language teachers are in great demand everywhere. Many people, who are fluent in languages but are not educational specialists, are tempted to tackle the teaching.

Virtual Internet communication results in losing real-life social skills
New technologies are developing at high speed these days, and their development is unstoppable. One of the most influential technologies is the Internet penetrating into every aspect of people’s life and endangering their real-life social skills.

It is better to be a leader of a group than to be a simple member
All members of our society can be divided into two categories – leaders and ordinary members. Their functions, levels of responsibility and rewards are different. While leaders usually have high standards of living, ordinary people do with limited amenities of life.

Children should be able to choose which subjects to learn at school
At school children are supposed to learn many subjects. Most of them are compulsory, that is why boys and girls often make a stand against them and say they want to choose subjects on their own.

It is better to learn distantly than to go to traditional school
Technological progress has caused an argument about education. The thing is that some people believe that distant learning is better, and other people stick to the point that going to school is the only way to get good education.

Some people think that extreme sports help to build character
Nowadays more and more people go in for extreme sports like skateboarding, base jumping, parachute jumping, mountaineering and others. They believe that extreme sports help to build character.

Good books are those books that all people like and understand
Nowadays there is a great variety of literary writings varying in genre, volume, conceptual meaning, and so on. Some of them are recognized as good and worth reading without fail. But the question is how people manage to grade books and select good ones.

Virtual travelling is better than the real thing
Nowadays the virtual world is gradually becoming an essential part of our life. On the Internet, there are a lot of photos and video presentations of different countries and cities so that you do not need to go and see them with your own eyes.

Life is becoming more and more dangerous
Life is not fixed, and our living conditions are constantly changing. The question is whether they are changing for the better or the worse.

Some people think that to get a good education one should go abroad
If you want to be a successful person, you have to get a good education abroad or in this country. What option is the best?

Public libraries are becoming less popular and they will soon disappear
Public libraries are supposed to store paper books and lend them to everyone who wants to borrow them. But modern technologies allow you to get a book you need without going to libraries.

In any occupation discipline is more important than talent
Everyone wants to be successful in his or her occupation. The question is what the person needs more – discipline or talent.

Some people think that to get a good education one should go abroad
If you want to be a successful person, you have to get a good education abroad or in this country. What option is the best?

Only people who earn a lot of money can be successful
All people in the world want to be successful. Most of them are convinced that success means much money.

Every city and every town should have a zoo
It is always fun to visit a zoo. Both children and grown-ups like to watch different animals: mammals, reptiles and others. The problem is that not every city and every town has a zoo.

Fast food kills national culinary traditions
Fast food is a fast-growing industry including thousands of restaurants and cafes throughout the country. It may seem that fast food is killing national culinary traditions.

Some people think that you can have only one true friend
Friendship is one of the greatest phenomena of people’s life. The true friend is always ready to help and support us in any situation. Is it possible to have many true friends?

Some people think that young people should follow in their parents’ footsteps when choosing a profession
Choosing a profession is a great problem because its solution affects almost every aspects of a person’s future life. To be on the safe side, many young people follow in their parents’ footsteps. Are they right or not?

Some people think that learning foreign languages is a waste of time and money
Learning foreign languages is becoming more and more popular nowadays. A number of language schools and teachers is constantly growing up. But there are some people think that learning foreign languages is a waste of time and money.

A pupil cannot study effectively without a computer
The computer is one of the greatest inventions of all times. It helps us to work, relax, and study. Computer technologies are widely used in education by both teachers and pupils. It is believed that computers help them to be more effective.

Does love at first sight really exist? Is it a charming romantic fiction or a reality?
Love is a nice feeling that is the reason of durable family ties. If two persons love each other they are much more likely to reach mutual understanding and overcome difficulties of life.

The Internet is one of the greatest inventions of mankind. Still, it is considered to be dangerous to many people.
Nowadays, almost every home has access to the Internet. We use the Internet for various purposes: gaining necessary information, taking part in communities, and even making money.

More and more people are choosing to live in cities. But some people take up residence in the country.
Nowadays, there’s a tendency for active young people to leave rural areas for towns and cities. That is the reason why the population of the villages is thinning down now.

Some people prefer to have big families, but the others come to nothing more than only one child
Family is a basic constituent of any nation. The well-being of the nation depends on the well-being of each family. A lot of factors make a family happy, and children are among of them. But how many children does a family need to be perfectly happy?

Well-developed industry ensures the well-being of the whole country and its citizens. But industrial growth is often followed by aggravation of environmental problems.
Industrial development plays a large role in prosperity of any country. I doubt whether the country could do without leading industries, such as: heavy and light industry, power engineering, extractive industry, heavy engineering, chemical industry, etc.

As is well known, going in for sport is extremely health-giving. However, many professional athletes suffer from diseases caused by intense exercises.
Nice shape, great stamina, bulging muscles are the dreams of most people. These dreams may come true thanks to sport.

Fast food is perhaps the quickest way to satisfy your hunger. But according to many experts, fast food can cause serious illnesses: obesity, gastritis, indigestion, pancreatitis, etc.
You can hardly find a person who never heard about global fast food chains, such as McDonald’s, Subways, Burger King and so on. Nowadays, fast food industry is one of the most flourishing businesses all over the world.

Not anyone who knows a foreign language can be an interpreter
Nowadays, being an interpreter is one of the most prestigious occupations. A lot of young people dream of becoming an interpreter, that’s why they study foreign languages very actively. Many of them achieve a good level of competence.

School leavers should take a gap year before entering university
Many high school students take a gap year before entering university. This is a year in which they usually travel abroad and see the world to broaden their horizons. However, some people believe it’s better for them to go straight to university.

Team sports help people develop a stronger character than individual sports do
There are many benefits to playing both team and individual sports. Apart from getting some exercise and improving your physical abilities, you can learn about your strengths and weakness and feel great about your accomplishments on the track or field. However, some people believe that team sports help develop a person’s character better.

People have become too dependent on technology
These days, people use technology to do many things. They use computers at work, mobile phones for communication, and television to watch programmes. These devices are useful, but have people become too dependent on them?

Governments should limit the size of sugary drink containers in order to improve public health
Whenever you visit a supermarket, there is always a huge selection of soft drinks. These drinks are popular because they’re full of sugar, which makes them taste great. It’s become a problem for some people who have gained weight from drinking them. So, should governments limit the size of the containers these drinks are sold in?

People shouldn’t be allowed to work from home because it’s less productive than being in the office
More and more people are working from home rather than in an office. It has become easier to work at home because your work can be done on a computer and emailed into the office. But is this good for productivity?

The production and sale of genetically-modified food should be banned
In an effort to improve our food supply, scientists have discovered ways to genetically modify food so that it grows faster and is less susceptible to disease. But should the production and sale of genetically-modified food be banned?

Filmgoers should rely on reviews when choosing a film to see
Going to the cinema is a popular pastime that nearly everyone loves doing. It seems that every week, a dozen new films are released, and filmgoers are curious about which ones are worth seeing. Should filmgoers rely on reviews when choosing a film to see?

Pushing children to achieve robs them of their childhood
Our world has become very competitive, and many parents want to do their best to prepare their children for success in life. Do parents push their children too hard when they’re young, taking away a happy childhood in the process?

Just as teachers assess their students, so students should assess their teachers
It is a teacher’s job to assess students’ performance in class. They must mark students’ work and give them feedback on their progress. Should students also be allowed to assess their teachers on their performance?

It’s always best to wear a business suit when you have an interview for a job
Getting a job takes a lot of effort, as you have to prepare yourself to answer a lot of questions about your skills and your history. You also have to look your best at the interview. Should you always wear a business suit to an interview?


• Sport benefits teenagers in many ways.
• Teenagers’ main responsibility is to help their parents with house chores.
• Physical training is the most important school subject.
• It is better to travel alone.
• Audiobooks will never substitute parents’ reading books for children.
• Learning more than one foreign language is a waste of time
• In the near future robots will replace people in most jobs.
• Learning English is much easier for teenagers than for elderly people.
• Today more and more people prefer shopping online to shopping in real shops
• People should always dress up when they go to a theatre to maintain the atmosphere of a holiday.
• Travelling makes us wish to study languages.
• Waking up before the sun rises, is a very good way of staying healthy.
• It is better to travel if you have a package tour.
• In the future traditional shops will disappear and all shopping will be on line with home delivery.
• Eating out is often noisy and crowded, it’s far better to be with family and friends.
• Public transport should be free for everyone.
• It’s a pity that people don’t write real letters anymore.
• Getting married and having children is the key to one’s happiness.
• The generation gap will always exist.
• It’s possible to stay safe on the internet
• Vegetarianism is the only way of healthy eating.
• Cloning people will break the normal life.
• Feng Shui makes people more successful.
• In 100 years, all the countries will be at peace.
• New technologies will make crime impossible.
• It is insane to live in a densely packed block of flats.
• Man should come back to nature and enjoy healthy pleasures of rural life.
• For the younger generation there is nothing in seclusion of a countryside.
• Joys of life in the country could be fully appreciated only by local people.
• It is necessary to build blocks of flats nowadays.
• Films can tell us a lot about the country where they were made.
• It is strange that some movie stars earn millions of dollars a year.
• Watching violence in movies is bad for children.
• Technology has made the cinema a better thing.
• There is no future without the Internet.
• The growth of the Hollywood film industry has replaced quality with quantity.
• Cosmetic surgery can improve the quality of life.
• International sport is war without shooting.
• Telepathetic communication would lead to constant conflicts.
• President of a country is the most important person.
• Education opens the doors to happiness and success.
• University students should pay for their education.
• Earning money is more important than getting a good education.
• Your work is your identity.
• Happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance.
• Fashion is a pure commerce.
• Marriage should be banned before a certain age.
• New technologies boost unemployment.
• Taking a gap year between school and university is a waste of time.
• Life in the countryside is not for young people.

Сейчас мы остановимся на самых важных моментах при написании развернутого высказывания, т.е. эссе (сочинения). Эти заметки основаны на рекомендациях ФИПИ (федерального института педагогических измерений) и на реальной практике оценивания сочинений экспертами региональных комиссий. Для разбора всех нюансов воспользуемся реальной экзаменационной темой: “An early choice of a career path is the key to success”.

1) Правильное понимание темы. Прежде всего, во время проверки сочинения эксперт должен выставить баллы по главному критерию – “решение коммуникативной задачи”, а проще говоря, эксперт должен оценить содержание вашей работы. Оно должно полностью соответствовать заданной теме. По этому критерию вы можете получить от нуля до трех баллов. Если вы не попали в тему, то получаете ноль баллов по данному критерию и тогда вообще все сочинение оценивается в ноль (хотя в идеале можно на нем заработать 14 баллов). Промахнуться мимо темы гораздо проще, чем вам представляется. Так, рассматриваемая нами тема “An early choice of a career path is the key to success” отправила в абсолютный ноль треть всех сочинений, потому что речь в них шла в основном про плюсы и минусы (преимущества и недостатки) раннего выбора карьеры, хотя надо было посмотреть на зависимость раннего выбора карьеры и успеха. Проще говоря, надо было ответить на вопрос: Правда ли, что чем раньше определился с профессией, тем больше шансов на успех в жизни, или нет? Гарантирует ли ранний выбор профессии успех в жизни или нет? Является ли ранний выбор профессии причиной (фактором) успеха в жизни или нет?

2) План. В КИМах, т.е. в контрольно-измерительных материалах с заданиями, после темы сочинения следует его план, состоящий из пяти пунктов. Первый пункт – введение, второй – собственное мнение с двумя-тремя аргументами, третий – противоположная точка зрения с одним-двумя аргументами, четвертый – несогласие с противоположной точкой зрения и контраргументация, пятый – заключение. Запомните: менять последовательность пунктов нельзя. Бывает так, что уже во введении ученик заявляет о своей точки зрения, чего делать нельзя, так как выражение своего мнения – это второй пункт, а не первый.

3) Введение. В плане самый первый пункт звучит так: “Make an introduction (state the problem)”. Ключевым словом здесь является problem. Многие совершенно не понимают этого момента, пишут непонятно что и допускают критическую содержательную ошибку. Что такое “проблема”? Это разногласие, несовпадение позиций, разные взгляды, противоречие по поводу какого-либо вопроса. Так вот во введении вы должны заявить о существующем противоречии. Касательно темы “An early choice of a career path is the key to success” сделать это можно, например, так: Some people regard an early career choice as the key to success, while others tend to think that success does not depend on early career decisions. Если во введении не представлена оппозиция мнений, то это большой минус для содержания. Часто у многих введение представляет собой общие слова по теме типа: “All people want to be successful in life and most of them tend to make career decisions as early as possible. They regard early decisions as the key to success. Are they right or not?” Подобное введение, несмотря на его языковую правильность и логичность, абсолютно не годится. В нем нет констатации проблемы, не заявлено никакое противоречие, не обозначено никакого разногласия. И более того, в нем присутствует риторический вопрос, который недопустим в этом типе заданий. Подчеркнем: никаких риторических вопросов! Они свойственны какому угодно стилю, но только не нейтральному, которым должно быть написано ваше сочинение. О стиле мы поговорим в отдельном пункте.

4) Собственное мнение и аргументация. Второй пункт плана формулируется: “Express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion”. Начните второй абзац сочинения с прямого выражения собственного мнения, например: I believe that you get more chances to succeed if you choose your professional path as early as possible. Здесь имеется очень важный момент, который стоит обговорить отдельно.

Что такое “мое мнение”? Это чисто техническое название вашего сочинения. Как уже было сказано, тема сочинения распадается на две позиции, и ваша задача – присоединиться к одной из них. Ваше так называемое “мнение” ограничено только этими двумя точками зрения. Возможно, на самом деле вы не можете поддержать ни одну из них, – это ваше право как человека. Но ваши реальные взгляды на проблему, насколько глубоки и серьезны они не были бы, никого на экзамене не интересуют. Просто разложите тему на две позиции и присоединитесь к одной из них.

Также при выражении мнения избегайте дословного повторения темы. Скажем, следующая формулировка мнения не пойдет: “I believe that an early choice of a career path is the key to success”. Вы просто дословно повторили тему. Строго говоря, вам никто не запрещает делать это, но не удивляйтесь тогда сниженным баллам за то, что ваши языковые способности не отличаются богатством и разнообразием.

Итак, позиция выбрана, далее следует ее аргументация. Обратите внимание, от вас требуется два-три аргумента, а это значит не один и не четыре. Пожалуй, выразим общее мнение экспертов, если скажем, что следует ограничиться двумя сильными, полноценно раскрытыми аргументами. Следите за тем, чтобы ваши аргументы действительно подтверждали выбранную позицию и не были общими, размытыми рассуждениями на поставленную тему. В нашем случае хорошая аргументация может выглядеть, например, так: “First of all, an early career decisions mean saved time, which can be spent on better education and practice. The more theoretical knowledge and practical skills you acquire the better you are at a chosen professional activity. Good professionals are always in great demand in every sphere and they are highly rated and well-paid. These people are successful because high professional rating and substantial earnings are an important part of success. Moreover, the younger you are the more energy and health you have. As a matter of fact, trying to be successful requires a lot of psychophysical efforts, so young people are more advantaged than older ones.”

5) Противоположное мнение. Третий пункт плана звучит: “Express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion”. Снова обратите внимание на количество аргументов – один-два и не больше. Эксперты в общем рекомендуют ограничиться одним достойным аргументом. Вот каким он может быть: “But there are people who consider that there is no interdependence of an early choice of a career path and success. They say that success is achievable at any age, and it is strong will that is the key to it.”

6) Несогласие с противоположным мнением и контраргументация. В четвертом пункте плана говорится: “Explain why you do not agree with the opposing opinion”. Несогласие выразить легко, для этого достаточно сказать: Nevertheless I do not agree with the above mentioned position. А вот доказать свое несогласие бывает очень затруднительно. Вам надо доказать несостоятельность аргумента противоположной точки зрения. Еще раз: вам надо доказать не ложность самой противоположной позиции, а разбить ее аргумент. В нашем случае мы указали сильную волю как ключ к успеху, значит именно этот момент и будем опровергать: “Nowadays many older people, no matter how strong-willed they are, cannot even get a chance for a job because of their age. Almost every company expects their employees to be not older than a certain age. If you are over, you are not invited to the job interview, which means you fail even on the first step to success. Your strong will is of no help.”

7) Заключение. Пятый пункт задания предполагает следующее: “Make a conclusion restating your position”. То есть от вас требуется подвести общий итог сказанному, но при этом еще раз утвердив свою точку зрения. Если в заключении не будет просматриваться еще раз ваша позиция, то вы непременно потеряете в оценке. Переутверждение должно быть таким, чтобы не повторяло в точности формулировку своего мнения во втором абзаце (и вообще избегайте повторения формулировок где бы то ни было). Скажите, например: “In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that there are no shortcuts to success in life. It usually takes much time to make money, to achieve a high social status, etc. So, the earlier you take the first step on your career path, the more prospects of success you have”.

8) Стиль. Ваше рассуждение должно проходить в нейтральном стиле. Это значит, что не должны употребляться языковые средства, имеющие эмоционально-стилистическую окраску. К наиболее частым нарушением стиля можно отнести: а) уже упомянутый риторический вопрос, б) слитные формы слов (can’t, don’t, I’d like и т.п.), что характерно для разговорной речи, в) идиомы, т.е. фразеологизмы, так как они характерны для художественной или разговорной речи, например: Extreme sports are not my cup of tea (Экстремальные виды спорта – это не мой конек); That will be the icing on the cake (Это будет приятной изюминкой). г) метафоры, т.е. слова и фразы с переносным значением, например: in the eye of the law – в глазах закона и т.п. В общем и целом, употребляйте слова в их прямом значении, и если у вас появилось желание приукрасить какое-либо предложение, то лучше откажитесь от такого намерения, так как при этом увеличивается вероятность промахнуться мимо нейтрального стиля.

Итак, подводя итого сказанному, написание эссе является чрезвычайно сложным делом и, по задумке разработчиков экзамена, должно стать радикальным инструментом разделения максимально подготовленных, талантливых знатоков английского языка и середнячков. Поэтому если хотите попасть в первую категорию, то пишите ваше сочинение с учетом всех тех нюансов, которые мы представили.


The problem of … is quite topical nowadays. – Проблема … весьма актуальна сегодня.
Nowadays, many people discuss the problem of … . – Сегодня многие люди обсуждают проблему … .
Nowadays, the problem of … receives considerable attention. – Сегодня проблема … приковывает к себе значительное внимание.
Nowadays, the problem of … appears to be controversial. – Сегодня проблема … кажется весьма противоречивой (вызывает много споров).
It is difficult to imagine our life without … . – Сложно представить нашу жизнь без … .

Some people believe that … , while others tend to think that … . – Некоторые люди считают, что … , в то время как другие склонны думать, что … .
Many people are convinced that … , while others believe that … . – Многие люди убеждены, что … , в то время как другие полагают, что … .
Many people are sure that … , while others claim that … . – Многие люди уверены, что … , в то время как другие заявляют, что … .


In my opinion, … . – По моему мнению, … .
Personally, I am convinced that … . – Лично я убежден в том, что … .
I strongly believe that … . – Я действительно считаю, что … .

First of all, … . – Прежде всего, … .
To begin with, … . – Прежде всего, … .
First and foremost, … . – Прежде всего, … .

In addition, … . – Кроме того, … .
Moreover, … . – Более того, … .
Besides, … . – Кроме того, … .
Furthermore, … . – Кроме того, … .


The different point of view is that … . – Иная точка зрения заключается в том, что … .
The essence of the different point of view is that … . – Сущность иной точки зрения заключается в том, что … .
On the contrary, many people tend to think that … . – Наоборот, многие люди склонны думать, что … .

Their belief is based on the fact that … . – Их убеждение основано на том факте, что … .
The main reason of their belief is that … . – Главная причина их убеждения заключается в том, что … .
They have the right to think so because … . – У них есть право так думать, потому что … .


Nevertheless, I cannot agree with my opponents. – Тем не менее, я не могу согласиться с моими оппонентами.
Nevertheless, I cannot support my opponents’ position. – Тем не менее, я не могу поддержать позицию моих оппонентов.

The fact is that … . – Дело в том, что … .
The point is that … . – Дело в том, что … .


In conclusion, I would like to emphasize the fact that … . – В заключение, я хотел бы подчеркнуть тот факт, что … .
To sum up, I would like to stress the fact that … . – В заключение, я хотел бы подчеркнуть тот факт, что … .

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize the actuality of the matter under discussion. – В заключение, я бы хотел подчеркнуть актуальность обсуждаемой проблемы.
It is really the fact that … . – Действительно, … .
However that may be, I hold the opinion that… . – Как бы то ни было, я придерживаюсь мнения, что … .

To sum up, the problem under discussion appears to be very important. – В заключение, я бы хотел сказать что обсуждаемая проблема представляется весьма важной.
Notwithstanding all the conflicting views, I stick to the point that … . – Несмотря на противоречивость взглядов, я придерживаюсь мнения, что … .
The contradictory essence of the matter is obvious. However that may be, I hold the opinion that… . – Противоречивость этого вопроса очевидна. Но как бы то ни было, я придерживаюсь мнения, что … .
The problematical character of the matter under discussion is obvious. However, I do believe that … . – Проблематичность обсуждаемого вопроса очевидна. Однако, я все-таки считаю, что … .

Considering the above-mentioned fact, I would like to reaffirm my adherence to the position that … . – Принимая во внимание упомянутый факт, я бы хотел еще раз подтвердить свое мнение, заключающееся в том, что … .
Taking the above-mentioned fact into account, I would like express my commitment to … . – Принимая во внимание упомянутый факт, я бы хотел выразить свою приверженность к … .


Sports is very important in our life. It can make our life comfortable and happy. If we can play sports we can learn time management and responsibility and brotherhood and etc. I always try to play sports like criket and in this winter badminton. For playing sports I feel better.

It’s generally known that people who do pysical exercises keep fit andr healthy. Sports and games can be of great value to people who work with their brains;to people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. More over taking up a sport has also many psychological benefits. Firstly,it relieves the stresses of everyday life and secondly,it helps individuals identify with a group and replace their loneliness with the security of belonging

Besides,practising a sport is very useful for character-training. It helps yopung people to gain such virtues as discipline,perservance and courage. But sport is not only a popular past time and contest of human abilities but also a school of life. It’s an excellent lesson of winning and losing and is what life is. We lose and win. If you can easily accept your losses,analyse their causes and go on working, next time there is a chance for you to be a winner.

Sport is very important in our life. It is popular among people of all ages because it helps them to keep fit. There are a lot of enthusiasts in our country who jog in the morning or in the evening and train themselves in clubs and take part in sport competitions. Many people who go in for sports have a lot of advantages in comparison with those who don’t like sport. First of all, all sportsmen become healthy and strong, sport helps them to keep fit, not to catch a cold.

There are many popular sports. Football, ice–hockey, gymnastics and figure skating etc. Figure–skating and gymnastic competitions are attended by thousands of spectators in our country. Our country has achieved brilliant results in these kinds of sport. It is no wonder that there is a great number of football, ice–hockey and figure –skating fans in every town of our country.

Besides, I can’t but mention such kind of sport as lawn –tennis. It is the most popular individual game. One of the most famous tournaments is held in Wimbledon for two weeks in the end of June and the beginning of July, in England. It is the most important event of the lawn –tennis season in Britain. I’m trying to follow the exciting matches with interest over TV, too.

To my mind the best tennis –player in our country is Eugenie Kafelnikov. Those tennis fans who attend the games like to show their particular interest in their favorite players. They

cheer them up with shouts of encouragement and applause during the match. Many sport fans wait patiently for their best players after the competitions, trying to get their autographs.

Sport is very popular among people in our country, too.

Such modern kinds of sport as shaping and bodybuilding are very popular among teenagers. But nevertheless it is a well –known fact that a great number of teenagers are fond of sitting in front of computers, playing computer games and refusing to go for a walk.

Recently it has been discovered that many pupils between the ages of twelve and sixteen and even over are not strong enough to do physical exercises, necessary in their life; they can’t run for long distances and many of them can’t swim. Young people, who join the army, are often not fit enough and they can’t serve in the army and fulfill their duty.

That’s why much attention is paid to physical education as an important subject at school.

In our school we have got physical education lessons twice a week. Boys and girls play volley –ball and basketball at the lessons. There is a sports ground near our school and we go in for sports in the open air. A lot of different competitions are held at school; a great number of pupils take part in them. All these events play an important role in our physical development.

Sometimes it is very difficult to find time for going in for sports regularly. It is too difficult especially if you study at an English school, where you must spend much more time preparing lessons. Besides, I must confess that it is very difficult to go in for sports nowadays, because almost all sport clubs are not free of charge, and the equipment is very expensive. So, it is difficult for most boys and girls to go in for sports.

But “where there’s a will, there’s a way». As for me, I plan my day properly and find 20-30 minutes a day to train myself.

I must confess that it is not very easy for me, because I am usually very tired after school and have some rest, walking after school. Then I do some physical exercises at home. That’s why I feel fit and healthy.

To draw the conclusion, I should say that sport helps as to keep fit and every boy and girl should be encouraged to participate in sports and games.

Since I was a little kid, sports really have been important to me and my happiness. I am not going to lie, I am not a natural athlete, but that never stopped me from having a good time. Then again, I had a good mentality that made me work, just so I would improve in whatever I was doing. I must say, that has brought me to an acceptable level in a lot of sports. Okay, it

still makes me a pretty modest sportsmen, but passion and determination does a great deal in that case. It really made me wonder how I got to a point where I didn’t sport at all.

For all those who do not know me that well, no I never actually quit sporting. I have been playing football all my life and until this moment I still am. A life without would be unimaginable and so I am still on the pitch three nights a week. Both giving training and do some training myself. What I am really trying to say is that I am not as sporty as I used to be. Back in elementary and high school I used to sport any day of the week. I had two days where I needed to train for football and Saturday was our match day. Apart from that, I used to play a lot of football with my friends and other kids around the neighborhood. The rest of the week I filled with cycling or playing tennis in the backyard. The fence has suffered quite a bit from that, but hé, kids need to play right? Besides, there were classes in gymnastics at least two times a week. During the summertime I also played a lot of beach volley with my brother and father on the beach. So I guess it is fair to say I was pretty sporty kid anyway.

Baring this in the back of my mind, I really start to wonder how I ended up only playing football a couple of times a week. For one work has to do with that I guess. I mean, playing football in the afternoon is kind a heart when you’re working in an office. Then again, this kind a feels like a lame excuse to explain why I am not sporting as much as I used to. The fact that I dropped a lot of sports when I suffered for a knee injury might explain it all a little better. Especially since I got to college at that time and my life did change rapidly. A year before I used to play football with my friends and during college, we just had a few beers together. All of you will understand that it’s quite hard to sport when you have a serious blood alcohol level. That’s never going to work out. At least, not for me. Again, it feels like I am really looking for an excuse to tell you all what turned me in the lazy guy I seem to be these days. Something I want to get rid of as soon as possible and so I am looking for another change in my life.

Soon as I get rid of the current cold that I am suffering from, I am going to be more active when it comes to sporting. For what I can recall it always made me happy and there is nothing wrong with getting into shape again. As I am looking to step up my football game in the upcoming season I need to be fit again. So the best way to start with that is by making sure that I am 100% fit and ready for it. It means that I have to train even harder during the sessions I have with my own team and maybe find one or two other moments to do so. Apart from that, I am looking to get back on my bike and start making kilometers. For the simple fact that is helps me to train the muscles that have to cope with the damage my knee injury left me with. It is not as bad as it all might sound, but what I do know is that it would be

foolish to ignore it. I haven’t really felt it for years now, but the chances of suffering another one have improved. That is, if the other muscles aren’t fully ready to cope with it.

I know I have a long way to go before I actually pull through with this plan, because saying I will is one thing, but actually doing it is something else. Then again, if I am serious about stepping up my football game and maybe picking up some others sports as well, I have to. The same goes of picking up sports that I have left on the sideline for way too long. So the first step to get back to that passion is getting back into shape. Otherwise it will turn out be one big fiasco, that only leads to injuries.

Significance Of Sports In Our Life

Health Is Supreme

No matter what sport you play, you are bound to have better health than people who avoid sports. No other activity is as productive in gaining endurance, strengthening of muscles and overall physical fitness as sports. To attain a fit body and pleasing and attractive personality, you need to play sports.

Productive Time Utilization

When we are playing, we actually utilize our free time in doing something good. In fact, parents who scold their kids for playing, instead of mugging up books in afternoons, must realize that the kid gains nothing from disinterested studying, while they gain good health and better psyche from games.

Super Brain

Playing increases sharpness of mind and mental strength. Sport teaches you how to handle failures with dignity, while enjoying victories to the maximum. Also, it trains people to handle crunch situations, where stress can try and pull them down. All positive traits for a healthy mind and a healthy persona can be gained from sports.

Improves Alertness

Sports teach you to be completely alert all the time. It also gives you the ability to make split second decisions, when you are required to do so. Playing games actually increases your brain activity; never letting your attention wander and also making you understand things in more detail. The knowledge, thus, achieved is not limited to the ground or the court and can be used in making spilt-second decisions in tough situations posed by life as well.


Sports are the healthiest way to de-stress yourself. Playing a game relaxes you and also gives a fresh positive feeling to life. A hard day at work can be really taxing and strenuous

both for the mind and the soul. In such circumstances, what can be the best way to deal with the parched nerves than to jump into a pool of warm water and swim your way out of it!

Instills Confidence & Discipline

Self confidence is boosted by excelling in sports and while trying to excel, discipline becomes a part of life. Anyone who takes sports seriously knows the importance of discipline and the determination to succeed. He also becomes dedicated and responsible, in turn, becoming more successful and confident.

Team Player

Most of the popular games are team events and those played individually also have team versions. Playing team games makes a person more comfortable with others. It improves the interpersonal skills and makes a person efficient as a team player. He generates positive vibes that help him to work in any scenario with different people, who have different senses and sensibilities.

Career Path

Sports can also be chosen as a career. Sportspersons are heroes of national and regional importance who are looked up to. They are role models for many and are imperative people who do the nation proud throughout the world. As far as monetary benefits are concerned, playing sports is today a booming career, given the kind of money involved. Sportspersons make lots of money through endorsements and other activities, apart from the money generated through sports.

Finally each youth people should do sport. It’s very important for their life, for their soul, for their imagine, for healty, for happiness, for everything.

Take care yourself guys!!! Have enjoy your sports!!!

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