Talent is cheaper than table salt эссе

Обновлено: 31.03.2023

Говорят что для успеха нужно всего две вещи: 1. знать, чего вы хотите; 2. определить цену, которую вы готовы заплатить за достижение цели. Но разве все так просто? Of course not! Еще нужна настойчивость, необходимо сделать ее своей лучшей подругой. Опыт — другом, накапливать его и не терять тетушку надежду. Кроме этого очень важно быть осторожным. Потому что, если жизнь вдруг начнет осыпать вас лепестками роз, скорее взгляните вверх, не летит ли вслед за ними хрустальная ваза. Let’s talk about success!

Essay on A successful person

It’s a fact that every person on the planet desires to be successful. However, what does it mean? To begin with, to be successful means you can go back into time and be completely satisfied with all the things you’ve achieved and done, without any regret. One of the main peculiarity of success is to have a goal, which you should reach no matter what you’ll have to face. For example, some people would like to create a stable family environment and a harmony in their homes. Others tend to get a profitable job and wallow in money. Furthermore, it’s believed that if you want to gain success you only need talent. However, some people reckon that hard work can compensate the lack of it.

In my humble opinion, talent as well as hard work is very important, because of some reasons, presented further. First of all, if you’re not gifted or endowed with necessary skills you won’t be able to become a profound specialist in the certain area or field of the modern world. But at the same time, you have to be a hard-working and industrious individual to have an opportunity to improve yourself. Secondly, it seems to me, that these two things are inseparably linked with each other. You know, they are like sufficient parts of the whole system.

Nonetheless, a talent alone won’t be enough to become a successful human. According to some people’s point of view, if a person is talented, they don’t have to do all their best to achieve something, ’cause that’s not urgent. I disagree with this idea. Without hard work, for each moment of triumph in your life, your skills won’t improve at all. It’s better not to take your talent for granted because there’s nothing without something.

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Сочинение на тему Успешный человек

Это факт, что каждый человек на планете желает быть успешным. Однако, что это значит? Во–первых, быть успешным означает, что вы можете взглянуть на прошлое и при этом полностью быть удовлетворенным всем, чего вы добились и сделали, без каких–либо сожалений. Одна из главных особенностей успеха — достижение цели, которую вы должны достичь независимо от того, с чем вам придется столкнуться. Например, некоторые люди хотели бы создать благополучную семью и гармонию в своем доме. Другие, стремятся получить высокооплачиваемую работу и купаться в деньгах. Кроме того, считается, что если вы хотите добиться успеха, вам нужен только талант. Однако некоторые люди полагают, что усердная работа может компенсировать его отсутствие.

По моему скромному мнению, талант как и усердная работа очень важны исходя из некоторых причин, представленных далее. Прежде всего, если у вас нет выдающихся талантов или вы не обладаете необходимыми навыками, то вы не сможете стать видным специалистом в определенной области или сфере современного мира. Но в то же время вы должны быть трудолюбивым и прилежным человеком, чтобы иметь возможность самосовершенствоваться. Во–вторых, мне кажется, что эти две вещи неразрывно связаны. Знаете, они как важные составляющие целостной системы.

Тем не менее, чтобы стать успешным человеком, одного только таланта недостаточно. По мнению некоторых людей, если человек талантлив, ему не нужно стараться, чтобы чего–то добиться, потому что это неважно. Я не согласен с этой идеей. Без усердной работы за каждый момент триумфа в вашей жизни ваши навыки не улучшатся совсем. Лучше не принимать свой талант как само собой разумеющееся, потому что просто так ничего не бывает.

In any occupation discipline is more important than talent

A secret of a successful person is very simple. You have to be a hardworking person and like your job. It’s not so easy to find an interesting job, that’s why you have to chose what you really like. Think which talent you have and do your job with pleasure. But only talent is not enough to be a professional.

Many people say that in any occupation discipline is more important than talent. And I am completely agree with this statement. Just imagine that you have talent to dance or sing. If you do this thing regularly you will improve yourself everyday. But to do something regularly you have to organize your day and this is discipline. Nice voice or beautiful movements will not help you to make a career, to become famous or the best in your profession. Only hard work and discipline will improve any of your activity.

But at the same time I hear also that talent plays an important role in our life. A person who has a gift to draw can become an outstanding artist. Somebody who can easily study any foreign language can be a good interpreter. But language changes every day and painting can be different. So you still need to study and learn new methods. With talent you can only start your activity, but to develop it you have to be a disciplined person.

As for me I would like to be more disciplined. In this case I could choose any profession or hobby and develop it every day. And even after 1 year I would have better progress than a person with talent only. I know many gifted people but most of them are busy with the job that is not connected to their talents. Only because one day they didn’t organize their day properly, they couldn’t succeed to do things they like. Otherwise today my family would new good singers, dancers, artists, chefs and actors.

В любой профессии дисциплина важнее таланта

Секрет успешного человека достаточно прост. Вы должны быть трудолюбивым и любить то, чем занимаетесь. Сегодня сложно понять, какая работа более интересна, поэтому, нужно выбрать то занятие, которое вам придётся по душе. Подумайте, каким талантом вы владеете и занимайтесь этим делом с удовольствием. Но одного таланта не достаточно, чтобы стать профессионалом.

Люди часто говорят, что в любом деле скорее важна дисциплина нежели сам талант. И я полностью согласна с этим утверждением. Только представьте, что вы обладаете талантом танцевать или петь. Если вы занимаетесь этим регулярно, вы будете становиться лучше с каждым днём. Но, чтобы заниматься чем-то регулярно, нужно организовать свой день, а это уже дисциплиной называется. Только хороший голос или красивые движения не помогут вам построить карьеру, стать знаменитым или лучшим в своём деле. Только усердная работа и дисциплина сделают вас лучшим.

В тоже время я слышу, что талант тоже играет важную роль в нашей жизни. Человек, у которого есть талант рисовать, может стать выдающимся художником. Тот, кому легко даются иностранные языки, мог бы быть отличным переводчиком. Но язык меняется каждый день и рисование имеет разные приемы. Поэтому вам и нужно тренироваться и постигать новые техники ежедневно. Имея талант, вы можете начать любую деятельность, но чтобы развивать ее, необходимо стать дисциплинированным.

Лично я бы хотела быть более организованной. В этом случае я бы могла выбрать любую профессию или хобби и развивать ее каждый день. И даже через год тренировок у меня будет больший прогресс, чем у просто талантливого человека. Я знаю много одаренных людей, но большинство занимается совершенно не тем, что умеют. Только потому что однажды они не смогли дисциплинировать себя и организовать свой день правильно, они не реализовали свои таланты. Иначе сегодня моя семья была бы знакома со многими певцами, артистами, художниками, поварами и актерами.

Задания Д40 C2 № 1987

Выберите только ОДНО из двух предложенных высказываний и выразите своё мнение по предложенной проблеме согласно данному плану.

Comment on one of the following statements.

1. In any occupation discipline is more important than talent.

2. Some people think that boys and girls should study separately at different schools.

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? Write 200–250 words. Use the following plan:

− make an introduction (state the problem)

− express your personal opinion and give 2–3 reasons for your opinion

− express an opposing opinion and give 1–2 reasons for this opposing opinion

− explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion

− make a conclusion restating your position

Чтобы успешно написать высказывание с элементами рассуждения следует:

— строить высказывания в соответствии с предложенным планом;

— начинать введение с общего представления темы и предложения, отображающего ее проблемный характер;

— во введении необходимо перефразировать тему/проблему, используя синонимичные выражения;

— в основной части сначала высказать свое мнение и аргументировать его, затем представить точки зрения других людей и дать аргументацию, почему с ними не согласны;

— приводя контраргументы, отстаивая свою точку зрения, желательно использовать перифраз, синонимию;

— в заключительном абзаце еще раз указать на проблемный характер темы, показать, что вы способны видеть и другие точки зрения, тем не менее ваша кажется вам более убедительной;

— делить текст на абзацы, которые отражают содержательную и логическую структуру текста;

— сделать введение и заключение приблизительно одинаковыми по объему;

— разбить основную часть как минимум на два абзаца, приблизительно одинаковых по размеру;

-следить за тем, чтобы общий объем основной части был не меньше общего объема введения и заключения;

— особое внимание уделять средствам логической связи текста, как внутри предложения, так и между предложениями.

После выполнения задания уделите внимание проверке и подсчету количества слов (должно быть 200—250 слов).

Nowadays it is thought that most of remarkable people became successful in their occupations only thank to their talent. However, some people believe that it is impossible to do something really significant without a lot of hard work.

I strongly support the idea that discipline is necessary if you want to achieve something outstanding. Firstly, a person who is addicted to hard work is more likely to be a perfectionist. Perfectionists try to do their best to get the greatest result. Such people have better chances to become successful in any occupation. Secondly, discipline plays more important role than talent, because every skill requires be developing constantly. If you do not train your skill, you will not be able to do something well, even though you are talented.

At the same time, there are people, who have another opinion. They consider that without talent you have no chances to become remarkable and only talented people can do something incredible.

To sum up, I want to say that discipline plays a significant role in any occupation. Every talented person should always remember about it and try to work hard.

Beginning in 1993, citizens of the country were provided, free of charge, with gas, electricity, water, and table salt.

After promising research, the use of hygroscopic materials, such as table salt, is becoming more popular.

После перспективных исследований использование таких гигроскопичных материалов, как поваренная соль, становится более популярным.

Now, Mrs Tyler, I need as much salt as you can find, rock salt, table salt, fill as many containers as you can.

А теперь, миссис Тайлер, мне нужно столько соли, сколько вы сможете найти, каменная соль, поваренная соль, заполните столько емкостей, сколько сможете.

Spots of mould in boat seats with synthetic leather surface can be removed by wiping them with lemon juice concentrate added with a pinch of table salt.

Пятна плесени на лодочных сидениях, обтянутых искусственной кожей можно удалить, протерев их концентратом лимонного сока с добавлением щепотки поваренной соли.

To get rid of head lice, you must mix a glass of table vinegar diluted to 3% concentration and 43 grams of table salt.

Чтобы избавиться от головных вшей, необходимо смешать стакан разбавленного до З%-й концентрации столового уксуса и 43 грамма поваренной соли.

Got a minor stain, but you’re plumb out of cornmeal and borax? Blend regular table salt with enough white vinegar to create a paste. Scrub, vacuum.

Получил незначительные пятна, но вы отвес из кукурузной муки и буры? Смешайте обычной поваренной соли с достаточно белого уксуса, чтобы создать пасту. Скраб, вакуум.

And what they do here is pump sea water into these lagoons and let it they’re after is this stuff, which is sodium chloride, table salt.

Под жарким солнцем морская вода в этих лагунах испаряется, и остаётся хлористый натрий, обыкновенная поваренная соль.

Generally, normal table salt (NaCl) without additives (e.g. anti-caking agents) can also be used for stimulating mu- cous membrane regrowth.

Вообще говоря, обычная столовая соль (NaCl), не содержащая добавок (например, предотвращаю- щих её слёживание), также может быть примени- ма для стимуляции восстановления слизистой оболочки.

A National Interministerial Committee on Food Fortification was established, which facilitated the universal iodization of all edible table salt produced in the country and the production of iron-fortified flour in seven out of 18 mills.

Создан национальный межведомственный комитет по вопросам обогащения пищевых продуктов, перед которым поставлена задача содействовать повсеместному йодированию всех видов пищевой поваренной соли в стране, и производству обогащенной железом муки на 7 из 18 мукомольных заводов.

The method for reconditioning a household filtering cassette consists in regenerating the cassette ion-exchange filler by filtering a 10 % table salt solution and in disinfecting by boiling water, wherein said reconditioning is regularly repeatable at least one time each two weeks.

В способе обновления бытовой фильтрующей кассеты ионитный наполнитель кассеты регенерируют путем фильтрования 10 % раствора поваренной соли, дезинфицируют кипящей водой и промывают водой, регулярно повторяя обновление не реже, чем через каждые две недели.

Читайте также:


  • Хотели бы вы жить в другой стране сочинение

  • В моей смерти прошу винить клаву к сочинение рассуждение

  • Прошло много дней и я сочинил поэму я рассказал о дворнике напишите сочинение рассуждение

  • Сочинение кого можно назвать человеком с большой буквы сочинение

  • Главное помнить о том что любые падения готовят нас к новым взлетам сочинение

Inspirational Quote:

Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.~Stephen King

What does this quote mean to you in your life?  Let me know in the comments.

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“Talent is cheaper than table salt.  What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.” –– Stephen King

Talent is defined as :”a natural aptitude or skill.” (Thank you Google)

Yet many of us experience the feeling of fear that we don’t have what it takes to achieve our goals.  We are worried that we don’t have some illusive, “talent.”

Fear not.

It may not matter anyway.  In the end, talent is useless unless applied.  And those without natural talent can achieve just as much or more by obeying principles of (1) persistence and (2) hard work (effort).

My conclusion:

Persistence and hard work can make up for what you lack in talent. — Ben Balden

Talent, however, is important.  I don’t think Stephen King is saying it’s worthless.  It just (1) needs to be refined through practice and experience, and (2) needs to be leveraged through work – lots of work.  So, when you’re developing your knowledge, skills, and your abilities don’t be afraid that you are somehow less capable or worthy than another because heaven didn’t bestow the talent on you.  Furthermore, don’t be afraid to lay into it with a bunch of diligent effort to both increase your abilities and your productive output.

What did you get from this quote?  What role does talent play in your life?  Have you ever felt that, perhaps, you might be left out because you didn’t possess the illusive talent?

How can these principles help you live a happier, fuller life?

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William Goldman said: “It is not writing, it is re-writing.” 

Hemingway said: “There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down to a typewriter and bleed.”

Trying to pull words out of the ethos is fraught with so many subtle complexities. Each pass at writing copy or any kind of written content requires a review in multiple states of mind. In each of these states of mind, one finds oneself in a different perspective, and with each change in perspective, comes a new slant in copy.

Having written content for so many decades, I think the joy that I discovered in taking a tiny slice of my morning to communicate about one particular theme is a great departure from everything that I am espousing above.  Setting a deadline to have one of these produced every day and keeping it brief, relevant, and hopefully informational, allows me to ignore the perpetual rewrite syndrome and try my best to make one single thought come to fruition in the shortest amount of words.

But, to create any kind of significant writing (which these morning musings most certainly are not), the continuous reshaping, reimagining, rethinking is both a trial and tribulation for the writer.

One of my favorite quotations from Stephen King showed up on a poster when books on tape were brand new. I’ve never forgotten it.

“ I have the mind of a small child. 

I keep it in a jar on my desk.”

Stephen King

As someone who has written the tag phrase on more movie posters than I can count, I really loved this particular one because of the double entendre and because it is so on brand for Stephen King.

I hope your Tuesday is off to a magical start🌟

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Written by Brian Weiner

When I was 5 years old, I discovered that the lemon tree in the backyard + dixie cups + water and sugar and I was in business. I have been hooked on that ever since. In 1979, I borrowed $14,000 to create a brand new product… photographic greeting cards with no text on the inside, called Paradise Photography. That was the start of The Illusion Factory.

Since then, The Illusion Factory has been entrusted by all of the major studios and broadcasters with the advertising and marketing of over $7 billion in filmed, live, broadcast, gaming, AR, VR and regulated gaming forms of entertainment, generating more than $100 Billion in revenue and 265 awards for creativity and technology for our clients.

When I took a break from film school at UCLA to move to Hawaii, my mother did not lecture me. Instead, she took 150 of her favorite aphorisms and in her beautiful calligraphy, wrote them artistically throughout a blank journal. That is the origin of the Lessons from the Mountain series. Since then, on my journeys to the top of a mountain to watch the sunrise, I have spent countless hours contemplating words of wisdom from the sages of all races, genders and political persuasions, constantly accumulating the thoughts to guide me on my life path. I hope you enjoy my books. Please let me know your thoughts, as I highly value your feedback!


Как можно скорее выполните задание.

Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.

Stephen King

Write 200–250 words.

Use the following plan:

make an introduction, explaining how you understand the author’s point of view;
express your personal opinion and give reasons to support it;
give examples from literature or history to illustrate your reasons;
make a conclusion restating your position.

Остались вопросы?

Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык

I’ve been thinking a ton about determination and hard work the last few weeks, wrestling with whether or not today’s kids are as gritty as they need to be.  Maybe I’m a curmudgeon, but it seems like gumption isn’t as common as it once was in our classrooms — and that’s got me worried.

(click to enlarge)


Download: Slide_TalentCheaper (ppt)

Don’t get me wrong:  My students are as intellectually talented as ever.  In fact, I’d argue that they know more than I ever did when I was rolling my way through middle school.

My struggle is convincing them that talent alone isn’t enough to guarantee that they will be successful in life — and that being persistent in a world where the reset button has always been an easy lean away is still worth doing.

Anyone else worried about this stuff?


Related Radical Reads:

How Gritty Are Today’s Learners?

Have We Made Things Too Easy for Today’s Kids?

Giving Zeros Just Doesn’t Work

Original Image Credit: Salt-(sea)_B130623 by Dubravko Soric

Licensed Creative Commons Attribution on November 1, 2013


things that require zero talent

10 Things That Require Zero Talent But Can Still Lead To Success

“Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.” – Stephen King

If you think you need talent for your success, you’re wrong.

Everyone is created equal. But not everyone puts in their ten-thousand hours to succeed. The Roman philosopher Seneca said that, “luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity”. And it’s absolutely true.

Everyone has certain potential, a particular skillset. And in that particular field, they can accomplish anything if they put their head down and do the work.

So here are the top ten things that require zero talent and still determine your success.

1. Being On Time

Many people have a habit of being late to meetings, to work, to appointments with mentors and important clients.

Being on times takes zero talent and shows that you are sincere and trustworthy. It also shows that you value the little things in life. Most of the big opportunities that we get in life come as a result of the little choices we make every day. Make small choices wisely to increase the odds of your success.

And finally, for most people, time is money. So if you’re late to a business negotiation, you’ve just wasted the other person’s precious time, and potentially done harm to your own future success. Every second counts, every decision counts.  

2. Making An Effort

“It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.” – Leonardo Da Vinci

Many people have the habit of cutting corners in life. This applies to work, relationships, finances, and so on. For example, many people never take the time to build financial skills and they end up owing their bank tens of thousands of bucks in credit card debt.

When it comes to work, some people just watch the clock waiting for their workday to end, without any regard for the quality of the work they’re doing. Invest your mind and spirit fully in your work as your effort determines your success.

3. Being ‘High Energy’

Being high energy takes no hidden talent and yet it determines your success. Eat, sleep, exercise – get these three basic elements right and you’ll have high energy throughout the day.

As Tony Robbins says, most people live in a box 24×7. Their home is a box, they travel in a box-like car, they work on a box-like computer, they go to have drinks in a box-like bar. And they never leave the box. So it’s important to move your body, exercise, and bring energy to your humdrum life.

4. Having A Positive Attitude

Having a positive attitude is essential to do creative work and largely determines your success. When you’re negative, you not only sabotage your own efforts, you also act as a roadblock in the path of success of others.

When you have a positive attitude, you feel positive emotions. And studies have shown that bringing positive emotions to work is essential to succeed.

5. Being Passionate

It takes zero talent to bring out the child in you and get excited about things. It’s as easy as keeping a positive attitude. Remember when you were a child and it was so easy to get excited for the most mundane of things.

Bring that enthusiasm back, don’t let the noise from the world kill your inner child, your passion, your love for life. Harness the childlike enthusiasm is to increase the odds of your success.

6. Using Good Body Language

Body language is not only important in business and determines the chances of your success to a large extent. But it also determines the quality of your relationships, your mental health, your physical health, and so on.

So if you’re having a conversation with someone, hold eye contact to show interest. Similarly, a firm handshake shows trust and sincerity. An important thing to note is how you walk. Confident people walk with their stomach in, chest out, shoulders back, and head up.

things that require zero talent

7. Being Coachable

It is important to believe that you can do it. But it’s equally important to listen to feedback and learn from it. So if an expert in your field says you are doing it wrong, seek their feedback instead of taking it as a personal attack. Feedback is a great tool for your success. Use it.

Many people have fragile egos and they can’t take criticism. Be open to criticism and be willing to learn, that’s the only way you will ever grow.

8. Going the Extra Mile

“There are no traffic jams on the extra mile.” – Zig Ziglar

One of the most renowned personal development coach, Steve Pavlina, says that in life, there is a lot of churn at the bottom. It means millions of people compete for the low hanging fruit, for jobs that barely keep you above water. But at the top, the competition is not so hard. Because few ever dare to compete to that level.

Therefore, if you want to succeed, go the extra mile. Because few will ever go that route and it will make a world of difference for you.

9. Being Prepared

The irony of life is that it there is no secret to success, yet few people ever make it to the top. Why? Because most people are okay with being mediocre. Most people are passive and don’t want to create a life on their own terms. Most people never prepare for the game of life.

So whatever it is you want to conquer – your career, relationships, fitness, or spirituality – put in thousands of hours in preparation before you expect the rewards.

10. Having A Strong Work Ethic

“Doubt is only removed by action, if you’re not working then that’s when doubt comes in” – Conor McGregor

You can be smart or talented, but you can never be successful without cultivating discipline and consistency. The core tool you need to have in your arsenal is an impeccable work ethic. The most successful people often work 12-15 hours a day – and that’s no coincidence.

Elon Musk used to work 100 hour weeks in his early days. And now he has “toned it down” to 80 to 90 hours per week. Mark Cuban says that you gotta “work like someone is trying to take it all away from you”

All successful people – Mark Cuban, Beyonce, Michael Jordan, Gary Vaynerchuk, Michael Phelps, Will Smith, Marco Pierre White, Conor McGregor, Shah Rukh Khan – everyone says that there is only one way to succeed – create an unbeatable work ethic.

Stephen King? Apocryphal?

Dear Quote Investigator: Years ago the famous horror writer Stephen King was discussing how to become a successful artist, and he employed vivid figurative language that I can still recall. He indicated that talent was as common and cheap as table salt. His bracing insight was that success required great effort combined with talent. Would you please help me to find a citation?

Quote Investigator: In 1981 Stephen King published his analysis of the horror genre emphasizing the years from 1950 to 1980 in the book “Stephen King’s Danse Macabre”. Within the chapter “An Annoying Autobiographical Pause” he discussed the inability of talent by itself to guarantee triumph. Boldface added to excepts by QI:[1] 1981, Stephen King’s Danse Macabre by Stephen King, Chapter 4: An Annoying Autobiographical Pause, Quote Page 92, Everest House, New York. (Verified with scans)

I think that writers are made, not born or created out of dreams or childhood trauma—that becoming a writer (or a painter, actor, director, dancer, and so on) is a direct result of conscious will. Of course there has to be some talent involved, but talent is a dreadfully cheap commodity, cheaper than table salt.

King underscored the need for sustained thought and effort:

What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work and study; a constant process of honing. Talent is a dull knife . . .

Discipline and constant work are the whetstones upon which the dull knife of talent is honed until it becomes sharp enough, hopefully, to cut through even the toughest meat and gristle.

Below are additional selected citations in chronological order.

In 1996 a profile of Stephen King in “The Independent” of London attributed a streamlined version of the quotation to him:[2] 1996 March 10, The Independent, A career written in blood by Andy Beckett, Quote Page 19, London, England. (ProQuest)

The production line for what King calls his “literary equivalent of a Big Mac and large fries” has run at peak capacity ever since. King writes enough words for seven normal-length novels a year. “Talent is cheaper than table salt,” he said once. “What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.”

In 2003 an instance appeared in “The Big Book of Business Quotations”, and the accompanying citation pointed to “The Independent”:[3] 2003, The Big Book of Business Quotations, Topic: Talent, Quote Page 347, Column 2, Basic Books: A Member of the Perseus Books Group, New York. (Verified with scans)

Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.

Stephen King (b. 1947) U.S. writer. Quoted in Independent on Sunday (London) (March 10, 1996)

In conclusion, Stephen King should receive credit for the words he wrote in “Danse Macabre” in 1981. Perhaps he also said the words in the 1996 profile. Alternatively, the latter version of the quotation may have been derived via compression from the 1981 remarks.

Image Notes: Public domain illustration of a salt shaker from a 1912 U.S. Government Printing Office Official Gazette. Image has been resized and retouched.

(Great thanks to the anonymous Stephen King fan whose inquiry led QI to formulate this question and perform this exploration.)

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