The most important thing in life is work эссе по английскому

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Some people think that the most important thing in life is work, whereas others disagree.

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In my opinion work is the most valuable possession one can have. First of all, work pays people money that they need to live on. For example, in order to buy food, pay the bills or go to have a rest people need money. Secondly, work is a place where people interact sociallyFor instance, going to work one meets other people with whom they communicate and have friendly or rival relationships. 

Moreover, work is a place where people can achieve some results that build self-esteem.

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At the same time there are people who believe that there is nothing more important than work. Work provides financial security and if one has a family one cannot afford to not have it. Work can bring fulfillment and one would enjoy his or her success in it.

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In my opinion these people have a point. Surely, one can find fulfillment in work and obviously there is not a lot one can do without money. However, I believe that nowadays there are many ways how people can earn money. They can set up their own business and not have to spend much time on it. Or they can work online occasionally while spending most of their time on the things they really like. As soon as the money problem is solved, work doesn’t have to be too important.

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In conclusion, I would like to say that although work is important, it is not the most important thing in life. The most important thing is for us to be as happy as we can be. For some it can be work, for others it could be their hobbies and dreams. The path to happiness is different for everybody.

The most important thing in life is work.

Nowadays there are lots of discussions about such a meaningful issue as the importance of work in our life. People share various points of view on this subject: someone claims there is nothing more significant than career in one’s life, while others totally disagree with this notion.

Personally, I believe work is actually the most momentous aspect of human life. First and foremost, it is the main source of getting money. It is commonly known that a person must build the career in order to satisfy the vital requirements.

Secondly, work gives the great opportunity to meet interesting people and make new acquaintances. It is even possible to fell in love with somebody at the business conference and start a family.

Finally, prestigious work makes a human being respected in society. Wealthy people are always honored

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IELTS Essay Topics with sample answer.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample 794 — Some people regard work as the most important thing in life

Last Updated: Friday, 28 April 2017 18:32
Written by IELTS Mentor
Hits: 31341

IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Some people regard work as the most important thing in life and have little interest in anything else. Other people are more enthusiastic about their hobbies and leisure interests than their jobs.

Discuss both these attitudes and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

You should write at least 250 words.

Model Answer 1:
Work-life balance is a concept that emphasises both the professional and personal life and in my opinion, personal interests are as much important as the works are. I believe that we should focus both on our career and hobbies to maintain a balance in our life and to lead a happy and meaningful life.

In regards to work or career, I think that it defines who we are and how we contribute to the society we live in. Perfectly executing our job responsibilities would ensure a steady career growth and a contentment in our life. It is quite reasonable that when we find our works interesting, we can excel in our performance as we work passionately. Undeniably, devotion on our jobs would bring out the best in us and let us reinvent our hidden potentials. To cite an example, many scientists, throughout the history, have completely devoted themselves to their work and have brought marvellous invention for the rest of the humanity. Thus to a certain group of people, work is far more important than any other thing in life.

In contrast, another group of people find their hobbies and leisure activities more interesting and focus more on these activities than their career and work. I believe, to a certain extent, they are prudent to emphasise more on things they feel attracted to as we have got only one life to live and being happy and contented is the mantra of life. However, their priority in life often lead to negligence in professional life and as a consequence, they suffer from economic disaster in later life.

To conclude, we are the ultimate architect of our life and how we lead our life would define our future. An intelligent person would focus both on work and hobby as he knows the work-life balance is the key to a joyful and prosperous life.

The question of whether only success in work makes life become meaning remains a resource of controversy in these days. While a number of people pursuing their line of work which is considered as the most important thing in their life, I would argue that career is just the one of many aspects that together could have effects on our life’s fulfillment.
Firstly, our planet has various kinds of people with different strengths as well as weaknesses. Some of them fortunately could realize happiness in working, that make they feel work just like their hobbies but not responsibilities. For instance, almost of doctors who devote their whole life to save others have to experience a long term of continuous study, research as well as practices. I believe their achievements in career are greatly significant in this case. However, by contrast, some others recognize that working is nothing but a way to earn money, used to facilitate for upgrading living quality. Thus, many rich people, who succeed in their profession are not always happy with their life, still find themselves lonely in a crowd.
In addition, according to Maslow demand chart, five aspects that make people feel satisfied, including orderly physiological demand (food, water, sex, home, rest), safety, social and relative relationships, esteem and last but not least self- actualization. Self-actualization occurs when you maximize your potential, doing the best that you are capable of doing, which may be your job, favorite activities such as volunteer, travel, painting, or even something ambiguous. Success in career definitely makes us joyful, but to meet human’s fulfillment, we need more than that. It is when people can accept themselves, together with all their flaws, prioritize and enjoy the journey, not just the destination. For example, a housewife who sets focus on raising her children, cook meals for her family completely could have a meaningful life and no need to be a powerful business woman.
In sum, working may be a method for us to have money and high social status. However, without success in career, people’s life still could be meaningful by a variety of activities which depend on our choice and attitude toward life.

Сочинение о работе на английском языке помогает осмыслить важность труда для реализации каждой личности, поэтому данную тему часто задают в качестве домашнего задания. Работа является важным инструментом, с помощью которого люди могут достигать своих целей, процветать и вести осмысленную жизнь.

Мы предоставили ниже эссе о работе, чтобы помочь учащимся в выполнении их задания. Примеры сочинений помогут вам более точно сформулировать свои мысли на предстоящих экзаменах.


  1. Тематическая лексика
  2. Cочинение на тему «Работа» на английском
  3. Эссе на английском «Моя работа – копирайтер»
  4. Топик «О моей карьре (юрист)» на английском

Тематическая лексика

Когда вы пишете эссе на какую-либо тему, например, на тему «работа», вы должны сначала узнать о различных словах или выражениях, которые люди используют, говоря на эту тему. Затем вы должны попытаться использовать их в своем сочинении. Вот некоторые слова, которые часто используются, чтобы рассказать о работе английском языке:

Используемые слова и фразы для сочинения о работе
Английский Русский
Apply for a job подавать заявку на работу
Look for a job искать работу
CV резюме
Interview собеседование
Salary expectation ожидаемая заработная плата
Hard-working трудолюбивый
Well-organized организованный
Creative креативный, творческий
Initiative инициативный
Dynamic активный, энергичный
Full of new ideas полон новых идей
Experienced опытный
A day shift дневная смена
A night shift ночная смена
I work in an office. У меня офисная работа.
I work from home. Я работаю из дома.
I telework. Я работаю удаленно.
I have regular working hours. У меня постоянный график.
I work nine-to-five. Я работаю с 9 до 6.
I work flexible hours. У меня гибкий график.
I have a permanent job. Я меня постоянная работа.
I have a temporary job. У меня временная работа.
My responsibilities include … Мои обязанности включают …
I work for myself. Я работаю на себя.
I work for P&G. Я работаю в/на P&G.
I work as a manager. Я работаю менеджером.
I work as a secretary. Я работаю секретарем.

С таким словарным запасом уже можно попробовать написать сочинение о работе по английскому языку. Кроме того, приведенные ниже примеры топиков про работу на английском с переводом также помогут вам в этом деле.

Cочинение на тему «Работа» на английском


Work is an integral part of our life. Without work people get bored and insecure. Money is not the only reason why people work. Many professions need to be developed and justified over a period of time.

For example, when teachers, doctors, artists, composers don’t work for a long time they start losing their skills. When they do work, they develop their creative abilities and establish themselves in society.

To be honest for many people work means only a source of income. People work to fend for themselves and to support their families. They work long hours and endure tight schedules. It is certainly bad. When someone doesn’t like what he is doing, sooner or later he gets stressed or depressed.

I don’t think that someone can be successful at work without taking pride in what he does. People who really enjoy their occupation seem to be always happy. They can work all day long spending hours to explore new ideas.

To be out of work for a long time makes such people sad and lonesome. They lose not only mass attention and respect but also their self-esteem. Basically, unemployment for these people is devastating.

Nowadays, it isn’t easy to find a good job. Many companies look for highly-experienced and professional staff. Thus, young specialists, who have just graduated from universities, stay without work. They lack knowledge and experience, that’s why their chances to find a proper job are low.

However, they should not get upset. Instead they should try to volunteer or to participate in internship programs. This way they can gain necessary skills and experience.


Работа является неотъемлемой частью нашей жизни. Без работы людям становится скучно и безнадежно. Деньги не являются единственной причиной, почему люди работают. Многие профессии должны развиваться и обосноваться с течением времени.

Например, когда учителя, врачи, художники, композиторы не работают в течение длительного времени, они начинают терять свои навыки. Когда они работают, они развивают свои творческие способности и занимают свое место в обществе.

Честно говоря, для многих людей работа означает только источник дохода. Люди работают, чтобы содержать себя и чтобы прокормить свои семьи. Они много работают, и терпят плотный график. Это, конечно, плохо. Если кому-то не нравится то, что он делает, рано или поздно у него начинается стресс или депрессия.

Я не думаю, что кто-то может быть успешным на работе, если не будет гордиться тем, что делает. Люди, которым действительно нравится их занятие, кажутся всегда счастливыми. Они могут работать в течение всего дня, тратя время на исследование новых идей.

Оставаясь без работы в течение долгого времени, такие люди становятся грустными и одинокими. Они теряют не только массовое внимание и уважение, но и свою самооценку. В принципе, безработица для этих людей является разрушительной.

В настоящее время, нелегко найти хорошую работу. Многие компании ищут довольно опытных и профессиональных сотрудников. Таким образом, молодые специалисты, которые только что закончили вузы, остаются без работы. Им не хватает знаний и опыта, поэтому их шансы найти подходящую работу низки.

Тем не менее, они не должны расстраиваться. Вместо этого они должны пытаться делать добровольческую работу или участвовать в программах стажировок. Таким образом, они могут получить необходимые навыки и опыт.

Эссе на английском «Моя работа – копирайтер»

I’m a freelance copywriter. My job is to write texts for websites, come up with names and slogans for business. It is very interesting work. A variety of customers, different business areas.

So last week Monday I wrote the text for the booklet of the construction company.

Tuesday carried out the order on drawing up ideas for posts on social networks.

On Wednesday in one of the advertising agencies we were up with the name for the pizzeria, and in the evening I received the order to come up with brilliant headlines for the campaign in the contextual advertising.

On Thursday I rested. Advantages of working freelance is that you yourself do with my time.

Friday and Saturday I wrote versions of the script for an ad of a clothing store is a very good and expensive order.

To be a good specialist, I have to learn all the novelties of advertising market: read books on marketing, be aware of the trends of social networking (now one of the leading platforms for advertising).

In addition to the humanitarian component, it is important to master the technical aspects, understand the technical features of the advertising sites. And to understand all of this – need to practice.

I read a lot of classic Russian literature. This is the best teacher, it is a way to increase your vocabulary, the clearer and more diverse.


Я фрилансер – копирайтер. Моё дело – писать тексты для сайтов, придумывать названия и слоганы для бизнеса.

Это очень интересная работа. Разнообразные заказчики, разные сферы бизнеса.

Так на прошлой неделе в понедельник я писал текст для буклета строительной компании.

Во вторник выполнял заказ по составлению идей для постов в социальных сетях.

В среду в одном из рекламных агентств мы придумывали название для пиццерии, а вечером я получил заказ придумать яркие заголовки для кампании в контекстной рекламе.

В четверг я отдыхал. Преимущества работы фрилансером – в том, что ты сам распоряжаешься своим временем.

В пятницу и субботу я писал варианты сценария для рекламного ролика магазина одежды – это очень хороший и дорогой заказ.

Чтобы быть хорошим специалистом, мне приходится изучать все новинки рекламного рынка: читать книги по маркетингу, быть вкурсе трендов социальных сетей (сейчас это одна из ведущих площадок для рекламы).

Помимо гуманитарной составляющей, важно освоить технические моменты, понимать технические особенности рекламных площадок. А чтобы понимать всё это – надо практиковаться.

Я читаю много классической русской литературы. Это лучший учитель, это способ увеличить свой словарный запас, выражаться яснее и разнообразнее.

Топик «О моей карьре (юрист)» на английском

About My Career (Legal Career)

I originally became interested in the law during my 9th form when I realised that my skills as a writer, speaker, and leader — as well as my powers of logic — would probably serve me well in a legal career. That is why I entered an optional class where I could have lessons on law twice a week.

All that I have done and experienced in my studying of the basic aspects of the law has further stimulated and reinforced my interest in the law, especially international obligations and public law, and my determination to pursue a legal career.

Studying to be a lawyer represents the fulfilment of one of my longest held dreams.

Whatever I could do as a lawyer to help people who are victimised by unscrupulous businessmen, as well as their own ignorance of the law, would give me a great satisfaction.

The duty of the lawyer is not only to punish people for various crimes: from espionage to serial murder and terrorism, but they must do their best to prevent crimes, to fight against evil in our society.

They should help those people, who committed an error (broke the law) to find the right road in their life. The lawyers protect the rights and legal interests of citizens, institutions and organisations. I want to help people, businesses to solve their problems, I want to help everybody to know the rules that we all have to get along.

I think that the profession of a lawyer is one of the most important in the law-governed state, which we are creating now.


О моей карьере (карьера юриста)

   Сначала я заинтересовался юриспруденцией в 9-ом классе, когда я понял, что мои навыки как писателя, оратора, и лидера — а также владение логикой — вероятно, пригодятся мне в юридической карьере. Именно поэтому я стал ходить на факультативные занятия по праву два раза в неделю.

   Все мои наработки и приобретение опыта в изучении базисных аспектов юриспруденции далее стимулировали и укрепили мой интерес к правоведению, особенно международные обязательства и общественное право, и мое намерение получить профессию юриста.

   Учеба на юриста — это выполнение одного из моих самых давних замыслов.

   Чтобы я ни сделал как юрист, чтобы помочь людям, которые стали жертвой неразборчивых в средствах бизнесменов, также как и своего собственного незнания закона, все это доставит мне большое удовлетворение.

   Долг юристов — не только наказывать людей за различные преступления: от шпионажа до серийного убийства и терроризма, но и стараться предотвращать преступления, бороться против зла в нашем обществе.

   Они должны помочь тем людям, которые совершили ошибку (нарушили закон) найти правильную дорогу в жизни. Юристы защищают права и законные интересы граждан, учреждений и организаций. Я хочу помочь людям, предпринимателям решать их проблемы, я хочу помочь каждому знать правила, по которым все мы должны жить.

   Я думаю, что профессия юриста — одна из наиболее важных в правовом государстве, которое мы создаем теперь.

Читайте также: Сочинение об учителе на английском – примеры с переводом.

Таким образом, написать сочинение о работе на английском языке частое задание для школьников и студентов. Мы подготовили примеры сочинений о работе с переводом на русский язык, а также таблицу с тематической лексикой, чтобы ваше эссе коротко и точно раскрывало заданную тему.


The most important thing in life is work.
Work is the most essential part of our life.
In my opinion, there much more important things in life than just work. For example, health. If you are healthy you can fully feel joys of life: enjoy beautiful views of nature, go for walks and have fun with your friends, travel around the world, do various kinds of sport and work as well. The next thing is family. Family is your support forever. Relatives are those of people who will always be there for you whatever happens. And as you grow up you create your own social unit called family which is not less important because it is where a birth to new generations of your family is given.
But a lot of people express quite another point of view on the inportance of work in one’s life. In their opinion, work gives money and sometimes even much money. It means you can have high quality lifestyle, provide your family with everything they need including exelent education, good living conditions, various entertainments, opportunity to travel as much as possible and what not.
Actually, money is not the most important thing, it is not what always makes you happy because today you have the best work and high salary and tomorrow you can have nothing at all. And there you remember your family that support and help you every time.
To sum up, I would like to say that everybody think differently and it is up to people themselves to choose what is the most important in their lives.


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