Min max теорема

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In linear algebra and functional analysis, the min-max theorem, or variational theorem, or Courant–Fischer–Weyl min-max principle, is a result that gives a variational characterization of eigenvalues of compact Hermitian operators on Hilbert spaces. It can be viewed as the starting point of many results of similar nature.

This article first discusses the finite-dimensional case and its applications before considering compact operators on infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces.
We will see that for compact operators, the proof of the main theorem uses essentially the same idea from the finite-dimensional argument.

In the case that the operator is non-Hermitian, the theorem provides an equivalent characterization of the associated singular values.
The min-max theorem can be extended to self-adjoint operators that are bounded below.


Let A be a n × n Hermitian matrix. As with many other variational results on eigenvalues, one considers the Rayleigh–Ritz quotient RA : Cn {0} → R defined by

R_{A}(x)={frac  {(Ax,x)}{(x,x)}}

where (⋅, ⋅) denotes the Euclidean inner product on Cn.
Clearly, the Rayleigh quotient of an eigenvector is its associated eigenvalue. Equivalently, the Rayleigh–Ritz quotient can be replaced by


For Hermitian matrices A, the range of the continuous function RA(x), or f(x), is a compact interval [a, b] of the real line. The maximum b and the minimum a are the largest and smallest eigenvalue of A, respectively. The min-max theorem is a refinement of this fact.

Min-max theorem[edit]

Let A be an n × n Hermitian matrix with eigenvalues λ1 ≤ … ≤ λk ≤ … ≤ λn, then

{displaystyle lambda _{k}=min _{U}{max _{x}{R_{A}(x)mid xin U{text{ and }}xneq 0}mid dim(U)=k}}


{displaystyle lambda _{k}=max _{U}{min _{x}{R_{A}(x)mid xin U{text{ and }}xneq 0}mid dim(U)=n-k+1}},

in particular,

{displaystyle forall xin mathbf {C} ^{n}backslash {0}colon lambda _{1}leq R_{A}(x)leq lambda _{n}}

and these bounds are attained when x is an eigenvector of the appropriate eigenvalues.

Also the simpler formulation for the maximal eigenvalue λn is given by:

lambda _{n}=max{R_{A}(x):xneq 0}.

Similarly, the minimal eigenvalue λ1 is given by:

lambda _{1}=min{R_{A}(x):xneq 0}.


Since the matrix A is Hermitian it is diagonalizable and we can choose an orthonormal basis of eigenvectors {u1, …, un} that is, ui is an eigenvector for the eigenvalue λi and such that (ui, ui) = 1 and (ui, uj) = 0 for all ij.

If U is a subspace of dimension k then its intersection with the subspace span{uk, …, un} isn’t zero,
for if it were, then the dimension of the span of the two subspaces would be {displaystyle k+(n-k+1)}, which is impossible. Hence there exists a vector v ≠ 0 in this intersection that we can write as

v=sum _{{i=k}}^{n}alpha _{i}u_{i}

and whose Rayleigh quotient is

{displaystyle R_{A}(v)={frac {sum _{i=k}^{n}lambda _{i}|alpha _{i}|^{2}}{sum _{i=k}^{n}|alpha _{i}|^{2}}}geq lambda _{k}}

(as all lambda _{i}geq lambda _{k} for i=k,..,n)
and hence

max{R_{A}(x)mid xin U}geq lambda _{k}

Since this is true for all U, we can conclude that

min{max{R_{A}(x)mid xin U{text{ and }}xneq 0}mid dim(U)=k}geq lambda _{k}

This is one inequality. To establish the other inequality, choose the specific k-dimensional space
V = span{u1, …, uk} , for which

max{R_{A}(x)mid xin V{text{ and }}xneq 0}leq lambda _{k}

because lambda _{k} is the largest eigenvalue in V. Therefore, also

min{max{R_{A}(x)mid xin U{text{ and }}xneq 0}mid dim(U)=k}leq lambda _{k}

To get the other formula, consider the Hermitian matrix {displaystyle A'=-A}, whose eigenvalues in increasing order are {displaystyle lambda '_{k}=-lambda _{n-k+1}}.
Applying the result just proved,

{displaystyle {begin{aligned}-lambda _{n-k+1}=lambda '_{k}&=min{max{R_{A'}(x)mid xin U}mid dim(U)=k}\&=min{max{-R_{A}(x)mid xin U}mid dim(U)=k}\&=-max{min{R_{A}(x)mid xin U}mid dim(U)=k}end{aligned}}}

The result follows on replacing k with n-k+1.

Counterexample in the non-Hermitian case[edit]

Let N be the nilpotent matrix


Define the Rayleigh quotient R_{N}(x) exactly as above in the Hermitian case. Then it is easy to see that the only eigenvalue of N is zero, while the maximum value of the Rayleigh quotient is 1/2. That is, the maximum value of the Rayleigh quotient is larger than the maximum eigenvalue.


Min-max principle for singular values[edit]

The singular values {σk} of a square matrix M are the square roots of the eigenvalues of M*M (equivalently MM*). An immediate consequence[citation needed] of the first equality in the min-max theorem is:

{displaystyle sigma _{k}^{uparrow }=min _{S:dim(S)=k}max _{xin S,|x|=1}(M^{*}Mx,x)^{frac {1}{2}}=min _{S:dim(S)=k}max _{xin S,|x|=1}|Mx|.}


{displaystyle sigma _{k}^{uparrow }=max _{S:dim(S)=n-k+1}min _{xin S,|x|=1}|Mx|.}

Here {displaystyle sigma _{k}=sigma _{k}^{uparrow }} denotes the kth entry in the increasing sequence of σ’s, so that {displaystyle sigma _{1}leq sigma _{2}leq cdots }.

Cauchy interlacing theorem[edit]

Let A be a symmetric n × n matrix. The m × m matrix B, where mn, is called a compression of A if there exists an orthogonal projection P onto a subspace of dimension m such that PAP* = B. The Cauchy interlacing theorem states:

Theorem. If the eigenvalues of A are α1 ≤ … ≤ αn, and those of B are β1 ≤ … ≤ βj ≤ … ≤ βm, then for all jm,

alpha _{j}leq beta _{j}leq alpha _{{n-m+j}}.

This can be proven using the min-max principle. Let βi have corresponding eigenvector bi and Sj be the j dimensional subspace Sj = span{b1, …, bj}, then

{displaystyle beta _{j}=max _{xin S_{j},|x|=1}(Bx,x)=max _{xin S_{j},|x|=1}(PAP^{*}x,x)geq min _{S_{j}}max _{xin S_{j},|x|=1}(A(P^{*}x),P^{*}x)=alpha _{j}.}

According to first part of min-max, αjβj. On the other hand, if we define Smj+1 = span{bj, …, bm}, then

{displaystyle beta _{j}=min _{xin S_{m-j+1},|x|=1}(Bx,x)=min _{xin S_{m-j+1},|x|=1}(PAP^{*}x,x)=min _{xin S_{m-j+1},|x|=1}(A(P^{*}x),P^{*}x)leq alpha _{n-m+j},}

where the last inequality is given by the second part of min-max.

When nm = 1, we have αjβjαj+1, hence the name interlacing theorem.

Compact operators[edit]

Let A be a compact, Hermitian operator on a Hilbert space H. Recall that the spectrum of such an operator (the set of eigenvalues) is a set of real numbers whose only possible cluster point is zero.
It is thus convenient to list the positive eigenvalues of A as

cdots leq lambda _{k}leq cdots leq lambda _{1},

where entries are repeated with multiplicity, as in the matrix case. (To emphasize that the sequence is decreasing, we may write {displaystyle lambda _{k}=lambda _{k}^{downarrow }}.)
When H is infinite-dimensional, the above sequence of eigenvalues is necessarily infinite.
We now apply the same reasoning as in the matrix case. Letting SkH be a k dimensional subspace, we can obtain the following theorem.

Theorem (Min-Max). Let A be a compact, self-adjoint operator on a Hilbert space H, whose positive eigenvalues are listed in decreasing order … ≤ λk ≤ … ≤ λ1. Then:

{begin{aligned}max _{{S_{k}}}min _{{xin S_{k},|x|=1}}(Ax,x)&=lambda _{k}^{{downarrow }},\min _{{S_{{k-1}}}}max _{{xin S_{{k-1}}^{{perp }},|x|=1}}(Ax,x)&=lambda _{k}^{{downarrow }}.end{aligned}}

A similar pair of equalities hold for negative eigenvalues.


Let S’ be the closure of the linear span S'=operatorname {span}{u_{k},u_{{k+1}},ldots }.
The subspace S’ has codimension k − 1. By the same dimension count argument as in the matrix case, S’ Sk has positive dimension. So there exists xS’ Sk with |x|=1. Since it is an element of S’ , such an x necessarily satisfy

(Ax,x)leq lambda _{k}.

Therefore, for all Sk

inf _{{xin S_{k},|x|=1}}(Ax,x)leq lambda _{k}

But A is compact, therefore the function f(x) = (Ax, x) is weakly continuous. Furthermore, any bounded set in H is weakly compact. This lets us replace the infimum by minimum:

min _{{xin S_{k},|x|=1}}(Ax,x)leq lambda _{k}.


sup _{{S_{k}}}min _{{xin S_{k},|x|=1}}(Ax,x)leq lambda _{k}.

Because equality is achieved when S_{k}=operatorname {span}{u_{1},ldots ,u_{k}},

max _{{S_{k}}}min _{{xin S_{k},|x|=1}}(Ax,x)=lambda _{k}.

This is the first part of min-max theorem for compact self-adjoint operators.

Analogously, consider now a (k − 1)-dimensional subspace Sk−1, whose the orthogonal complement is denoted by Sk−1. If S’ = span{u1uk},

S'cap S_{{k-1}}^{{perp }}neq {0}.


exists xin S_{{k-1}}^{{perp }},|x|=1,(Ax,x)geq lambda _{k}.

This implies

max _{{xin S_{{k-1}}^{{perp }},|x|=1}}(Ax,x)geq lambda _{k}

where the compactness of A was applied. Index the above by the collection of k-1-dimensional subspaces gives

inf _{{S_{{k-1}}}}max _{{xin S_{{k-1}}^{{perp }},|x|=1}}(Ax,x)geq lambda _{k}.

Pick Sk−1 = span{u1, …, uk−1} and we deduce

min _{{S_{{k-1}}}}max _{{xin S_{{k-1}}^{{perp }},|x|=1}}(Ax,x)=lambda _{k}.

Self-adjoint operators[edit]

The min-max theorem also applies to (possibly unbounded) self-adjoint operators.[1][2] Recall the essential spectrum is the spectrum without isolated eigenvalues of finite multiplicity.
Sometimes we have some eigenvalues below the essential spectrum, and we would like to approximate the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions.

Theorem (Min-Max). Let A be self-adjoint, and let E_{1}leq E_{2}leq E_{3}leq cdots be the eigenvalues of A below the essential spectrum. Then

{displaystyle E_{n}=min _{psi _{1},ldots ,psi _{n}}max{langle psi ,Apsi rangle :psi in operatorname {span} (psi _{1},ldots ,psi _{n}),,|psi |=1}}.

If we only have N eigenvalues and hence run out of eigenvalues, then we let E_{n}:=inf sigma _{{ess}}(A) (the bottom of the essential spectrum) for n>N, and the above statement holds after replacing min-max with inf-sup.

Theorem (Max-Min). Let A be self-adjoint, and let E_{1}leq E_{2}leq E_{3}leq cdots be the eigenvalues of A below the essential spectrum. Then

{displaystyle E_{n}=max _{psi _{1},ldots ,psi _{n-1}}min{langle psi ,Apsi rangle :psi perp psi _{1},ldots ,psi _{n-1},,|psi |=1}}.

If we only have N eigenvalues and hence run out of eigenvalues, then we let E_{n}:=inf sigma _{{ess}}(A) (the bottom of the essential spectrum) for n > N, and the above statement holds after replacing max-min with sup-inf.

The proofs[1][2] use the following results about self-adjoint operators:

Theorem. Let A be self-adjoint. Then (A-E)geq 0 for Ein {mathbb  {R}} if and only if sigma (A)subseteq [E,infty ).[1]: 77 
Theorem. If A is self-adjoint, then

inf sigma (A)=inf _{{psi in {mathfrak  {D}}(A),|psi |=1}}langle psi ,Apsi rangle


sup sigma (A)=sup _{{psi in {mathfrak  {D}}(A),|psi |=1}}langle psi ,Apsi rangle .[1]: 77 

See also[edit]

  • Courant minimax principle
  • Max–min inequality


  1. ^ a b c d G. Teschl, Mathematical Methods in Quantum Mechanics (GSM 99) https://www.mat.univie.ac.at/~gerald/ftp/book-schroe/schroe.pdf
  2. ^ a b Lieb; Loss (2001). Analysis. GSM. Vol. 14 (2nd ed.). Providence: American Mathematical Society. ISBN 0-8218-2783-9.

External links and citations to related work[edit]

  • Fisk, Steve (2005). «A very short proof of Cauchy’s interlace theorem for eigenvalues of Hermitian matrices». arXiv:math/0502408.
  • Hwang, Suk-Geun (2004). «Cauchy’s Interlace Theorem for Eigenvalues of Hermitian Matrices». The American Mathematical Monthly. 111 (2): 157–159. doi:10.2307/4145217. JSTOR 4145217.
  • Kline, Jeffery (2020). «Bordered Hermitian matrices and sums of the Möbius function». Linear Algebra and Its Applications. 588: 224–237. doi:10.1016/j.laa.2019.12.004.
  • Reed, Michael; Simon, Barry (1978). Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics IV: Analysis of Operators. Academic Press. ISBN 978-0-08-057045-7.

В линейной алгебре и функциональном анализе мин- теорема максимума, или вариационная теорема, или принцип мин-макс Куранта – Фишера – Вейля, является результатом, который дает вариационную характеристику собственных значений компактные эрмитовы операторы в гильбертовых пространствах. Его можно рассматривать как отправную точку для многих результатов аналогичного характера.

В этой статье сначала обсуждается конечномерный случай и его приложения, а затем рассматриваются компактные операторы в бесконечномерных гильбертовых пространствах. Мы увидим, что для компактных операторов доказательство основной теоремы по существу использует ту же идею из конечномерного аргумента.

В случае, если оператор неэрмитов, теорема обеспечивает эквивалентную характеристику связанных сингулярных значений. Теорема min-max может быть расширена до самосопряженных операторов, ограниченных снизу.


  • 1 Матрицы
    • 1.1 Теорема о минимуме и максимуме
    • 1.2 Контрпример в неэрмитовском случае
  • 2 Приложения
    • 2.1 Принцип минимума и максимума для сингулярных значений
    • 2.2 Чередование Коши теорема
  • 3 Компактные операторы
  • 4 Самосопряженные операторы
  • 5 См. также
  • 6 Ссылки


Пусть A будет × n эрмитовой матрицей. Как и во многих других вариационных результатах для собственных значений, рассматривается фактор Рэлея – Ритца RA: C {0} → R, определяемый как

RA (x) = (A x, x) (x, x) { displaystyle R_ {A} (x) = { frac {(Ax, x)} {(x, x)}}}R_ {A} (x) = { frac {(Ax, x) } {(x, x)}}

где (⋅, ⋅) обозначает евклидово внутреннее произведение на С . Ясно, что фактор Рэлея собственного вектора — это соответствующее собственное значение. Эквивалентно, частное Рэлея – Ритца можно заменить на

f (x) = (A x, x), ‖ x ‖ = 1. { displaystyle f (x) = (Ax, x), ; | x | = 1.}f (x) = ( Ax, x), ;  | x  | = 1.

Для эрмитовых матриц область значений непрерывной функции R A (x) или f (x) является компактным подмножеством [a, b] вещественного линия. Максимум b и минимум a — это наибольшее и наименьшее собственное значение A соответственно. Теорема о мин-макс является уточнением этого факта.

Теорема о минимуме и максимуме

Пусть A будет n × n эрмитовой матрицей с собственными значениями λ 1 ≤… ≤ λ k ≤… ≤ λ n, тогда

λ k = min U {max x {RA (x) ∣ x ∈ U и x ≠ 0} ∣ dim ⁡ (U) = k} { displaystyle lambda _ {k} = min _ {U} { max _ {x} {R_ {A} (x) mid x in U { text {and}} x neq 0 } mid dim (U) = k }}{ displaystyle  lambda _ {k} =  min _ {U}  { max _ {x}  {R_ {A} (x)  mid x  in U { text {and}} x  neq 0 }  mid  dim (U) = k }}


λ k = max U {min x {RA (x) ∣ x ∈ U и x ≠ 0} ∣ dim ⁡ (U) = N — К + 1} { Displaystyle lambda _ {k} = max _ {U} { min _ {x} {R_ {A} (x) mid x in U { text {and}} x neq 0 } mid dim (U) = n-k + 1 }}{ displaystyle  lambda _ {k} =  max _ {U}  { min _ {x}  {R_ {A} (x)  mid x  in U { text {and}} x  neq 0 }  mid  dim (U) = n -k + 1 }}

, в частности,

λ 1 ≤ RA (x) ≤ λ n ∀ x ∈ C n ∖ {0} { displaystyle lambda _ {1} leq R_ {A} (x) leq lambda _ {n} quad forall x in mathbf {C} ^ {n} backslash { 0 }} lambda _ {1}  leq R_ {A} (x)  leq  lambda _ {n}  quad  forall x  in { mathbf {C}} ^ {n}  backslash  {0 }

, и эти границы достигаются, когда x является собственным вектором соответствующих собственных значений.

Также более простая формулировка для максимального собственного значения λ n дается формулой

λ n = max {R A (x): x ≠ 0}. { displaystyle lambda _ {n} = max {R_ {A} (x): x neq 0 }.} lambda _ {n} =  max  {R_ {A} (x): x  neq 0 }.

Аналогично, минимальное собственное значение λ 1 задается следующим образом:

λ 1 = min {RA (x): x ≠ 0}. { displaystyle lambda _ {1} = min {R_ {A} (x): x neq 0 }.} lambda _ {1} =  min  {R_ {A} (x): x  neq 0 }.

Доказательство —

Поскольку матрица A эрмитова, она диагонализуема и мы можем выбрать ортонормированный базис собственных векторов {u 1,…, u n }, то есть u i является собственным вектором для собственного значения λ i и такие, что (u i, u i) = 1 и (u i, u j) = 0 для всех i ≠ j.

Если U — подпространство размерности k, то его пересечение с подпространством span {u k,…, u n } не равно нулю (по просто проверяя размеры), и, следовательно, существует вектор v ≠ 0 на этом пересечении, который мы можем записать как

v = ∑ i = kn α iui { displaystyle v = sum _ {i = k} ^ {n} альфа _ {i} u_ {i}}v =  сумма _ {{я = k}} ^ {n}  alpha _ {i} u_ {i}

и коэффициент Рэлея которого равен

RA (v) = ∑ i = kn λ i α i 2 ∑ i = kn α i 2 ≥ λ k { displaystyle R_ { A} (v) = { frac { sum _ {i = k} ^ {n} lambda _ {i} alpha _ {i} ^ {2}} { sum _ {i = k} ^ { n} alpha _ {i} ^ {2}}} geq lambda _ {k}}R_ {A } (v) = { frac { sum _ {{i = k}} ^ {n}  lambda _ {i}  alpha _ {i} ^ {2}} { sum _ {{i = k} } ^ {n}  альфа _ {я} ^ {2}}}  geq  lambda _ {k}

(как и все λ я ≥ λ k { displaystyle lambda _ {i} geq lambda _ {k}} lambda _ {i}  geq  lambda _ {k} для i = k,.., n) и, следовательно,

max {RA (x) ∣ x ∈ U} ≥ λ k { displaystyle max {R_ {A } (x) mid x in U } geq lambda _ {k}} max  {R_ {A} (x)  mid x  in U }  geq  lambda _ {k}

Поскольку это верно для всех U, мы можем заключить, что

min {max {RA (x) ∣ x ∈ U и Икс ≠ 0} ∣ тусклый ⁡ (U) = k} ≥ λ К { Displaystyle min { max {R_ {A} (x) mid x in U { text {and}} x neq 0 } mid dim (U) = k } geq lambda _ {k}} min  { max  {R_ {A} (x)  mid x  in U { text {and}} x  neq 0 }  mid  dim (U) = k }  geq  lambda _ {k}

Это один в равенство. Чтобы установить другое неравенство, выберите конкретное k-мерное пространство V = span {u 1,…, u k }, для которого

max {RA (x) ∣ Икс ∈ В и Икс ≠ 0} ≤ λ К { Displaystyle max {R_ {A} (x) mid x in V { text {and}} x neq 0 } leq lambda _ {k}} max  {R_ {A} (x)  mid x  in V { text {and}} x  neq 0 }  leq  lambda _ {k}

, поскольку λ k { displaystyle lambda _ {k}} lambda _ {k} является наибольшим собственным значением в V. Следовательно, также

min {max {RA (x) ∣ x ∈ U и x 0} ∣ dim ⁡ (U) = k} ≤ λ k { displaystyle min { max {R_ {A} (x) mid x in U { text { и}} x neq 0 } mid dim (U) = k } leq lambda _ {k}} min  { max  {R_ {A} (x)  mid x  in U { text {and}} x  neq 0 }  mid  dim (U) = k }  leq  lambda _ {k}

. В случае, когда U — подпространство размерности n-k + 1, мы продолжаем аналогичным образом: рассмотрим подпространство размерности k, span {u 1,…, u k }. Его пересечение с подпространством U не равно нулю (просто проверяя размеры), и, следовательно, существует вектор v в этом пересечении, который мы можем записать как

v = ∑ i = 1 k α iui { displaystyle v = sum _ {i = 1} ^ {k} alpha _ {i} u_ {i}}v =  sum _ {{i = 1}} ^ {k}  alpha _ {i} u_ {i}

и коэффициент Рэлея которого равен

RA (v) = ∑ i = 1 k λ i α i 2 ∑ i = 1 К α я 2 ≤ λ К { Displaystyle R_ {A} (v) = { гидроразрыва { sum _ {i = 1} ^ {k} lambda _ {i} alpha _ {i} ^ {2 }} { sum _ {i = 1} ^ {k} alpha _ {i} ^ {2}}} leq lambda _ {k}}R_ {A} (v) = { frac { sum _ {{i = 1}} ^ {k}  lambda _ {i}  alpha _ {i} ^ {2}} { sum _ { {я = 1}} ^ {k}  alpha _ {i} ^ {2}}}  leq  lambda _ {k}

и, следовательно,

min {RA (x) ∣ Икс ∈ U} ≤ λ К { Displaystyle min {R_ {A} (x) mid x in U } leq lambda _ {k}} min  {R_ {A} (x)  mid Икс  в U }  Leq  лямбда _ {k}

Поскольку это верно для всех U, мы можем заключить, что

max {min {RA (x) ∣ x ∈ U и x ≠ 0} ∣ dim ⁡ (U) = n — k + 1} ≤ λ k { displaystyle max { min {R_ {A} (x) mid x in U { text {and}} x neq 0 } mid dim (U) = n-k + 1 } leq lambda _ {k} } max  { min  {R_ {A} ( x)  mid x  in U { text {and}} x  neq 0 }  mid  dim (U) = n-k + 1 }  leq  lambda _ {k}

Опять же, это одна часть уравнения. Чтобы получить другое неравенство, отметим еще раз, что собственный вектор u для λ k { displaystyle lambda _ {k}} lambda _ {k} содержится в U = span {u k,…, u n }, так что мы можем заключить равенство.

Контрпример в неэрмитовом случае

Пусть N — нильпотентная матрица

[0 1 0 0]. { displaystyle { begin {bmatrix} 0 1 \ 0 0 end {bmatrix}}.}{ begin {bmatrix} 0 1 \ 0 0  end {bmatrix}}.

Определите частное Рэлея RN (x) { displaystyle R_ {N} (x)}R_ {N} (x) точно так же, как в эрмитовом случае. Тогда легко увидеть, что единственное собственное значение N равно нулю, в то время как максимальное значение отношения Рэлея равно 1/2. То есть максимальное значение отношения Рэлея больше максимального собственного значения.


Принцип минимума-максимума для сингулярных значений

Особые значения {σk} квадратной матрицы M являются квадратными корнями из собственных значений матрицы M * M (эквивалентно MM *). Непосредственным следствием первого равенства в теореме min-max является:

σ k ↑ = min S: dim ⁡ (S) = k max x ∈ S, ‖ x ‖ = 1 (M ∗ M x, x) 1 2 = min S: dim ⁡ (S) = k max x ∈ S, ‖ x ‖ = 1 ‖ M x ‖. { displaystyle sigma _ {k} ^ { uparrow} = min _ {S: dim (S) = k} max _ {x in S, | x | = 1} (M ^ { *} Mx, x) ^ { frac {1} {2}} = min _ {S: dim (S) = k} max _ {x in S, | x | = 1} | Mx |.}{ displaystyle  sigma _ {k} ^ { uparrow} =  min _ {S:  dim (S) = k}  max _ {x  in S,  | x  | = 1} (M ^ {*} Mx, x) ^ { fra c {1} {2}} =  min _ {S:  dim (S) = k}  max _ {x  in S,  | x  | = 1}  | Mx  |.}


σ k ↑ = max S: dim ⁡ (S) = n — k + 1 min x ∈ S, ‖ x ‖ = 1 ‖ M x ‖. { displaystyle sigma _ {k} ^ { uparrow} = max _ {S: dim (S) = n-k + 1} min _ {x in S, | x | = 1} | Mx |.}{ displaystyle  sigma _ {k} ^ { uparrow} =  max _ {S:  dim (S) = n-k +1}  min _ {x  in S,  | x  | = 1}  | Mx  |.}

Здесь σ k = σ k ↑ { displaystyle sigma _ {k} = sigma _ {k} ^ { uparrow}}{ displaystyle  sigma _ {k} =  sigma _ {k} ^ { uparrow}} обозначает k запись в возрастающей последовательности σ, так что σ 1 ≤ σ 2 ≤ ⋯ { displaystyle sigma _ {1} leq sigma _ {2} leq cdots}{ displaystyle  sigma _ {1}  leq  sigma _ {2}  leq  cdots} .

теорема Коши о чересстрочной развертке

Пусть A — симметричная матрица размера n × n. Матрица B размером m × m, где m ≤ n, называется сжатием матрицы A, если существует ортогональная проекция P на подпространство размерности m, такое как что PAP * = B. Теорема Коши утверждает:

Теорема. Если собственные значения A равны α 1 ≤… ≤ α n, и те из B равны β 1 ≤… ≤ β j ≤… ≤ β m, тогда для всех j ≤ m

α j ≤ β j ≤ α n — m + j. { displaystyle alpha _ {j} leq beta _ {j} leq alpha _ {n-m + j}.} alpha _ {j}  leq  beta _ {j}  leq  alpha _ {{n-m + j}}.

Это можно доказать, используя принцип минимума-максимума. Пусть β i имеет соответствующий собственный вектор b i, а S j будет j-мерным подпространством S j = span {b 1,…, b j }, тогда

β j = max x ∈ S j, ‖ x ‖ = 1 (B x, x) = max x ∈ S j, ‖ x ‖ = 1 (PAP ∗ x, x) ≥ min S j max x ∈ S j, ‖ x ‖ = 1 (A (P ∗ x), P ∗ x) = α j. { displaystyle beta _ {j} = max _ {x in S_ {j}, | x | = 1} (Bx, x) = max _ {x in S_ {j}, | x | = 1} (PAP ^ {*} x, x) geq min _ {S_ {j}} max _ {x in S_ {j}, | x | = 1} (A ( P ^ {*} x), P ^ {*} x) = alpha _ {j}.}{ displaystyle  beta _ {j} =  max _ {x  in S_ {j},  | x  | = 1} (Bx, x) =  max _ {x  in S_ {j},  | x  | = 1} (PAP ^ {*} x, x)  geq  min _ {S_ {j}}  max _ {x  in S_ {j},  | x  | = 1} (A (P ^ {*} x), P ^ {*} x) =  alpha _ {j}.}

Согласно первой части min-max, α j ≤ β j. С другой стороны, если мы определим S m − j + 1 = span {b j,…, b m }, то

β j = min x ∈ S m — j + 1, ‖ x ‖ = 1 (B x, x) = min x ∈ S m — j + 1, ‖ x ‖ = 1 (PAP ∗ x, x) = min x ∈ S м — J + 1, ‖ Икс ‖ знак равно 1 (A (P ∗ x), P ∗ x) ≤ α N — m + j, { displaystyle beta _ {j} = min _ {x in S_ {m-j + 1}, | x | = 1} (Bx, x) = min _ {x in S_ {m-j + 1}, | x | = 1} (PAP ^ {*} x, x) = min _ {x in S_ {m-j + 1}, | x | = 1} (A (P ^ {*} x), P ^ {*} x) leq alpha _ {n-m + j},}{ displaystyle  beta _ {j} =  min _ {x  in S_ {m-j + 1},  | x  | = 1} (Bx, x) =  min _ {x  in S_ {m-j + 1},  | x  | = 1} (PAP ^ {*} x, x) =  min _ {x  in S_ {m-j + 1},  | x  | = 1 } (A (P ^ {*} x), P ^ {*} x)  leq  alpha _ {n-m + j},}

где последнее неравенство дается второй частью min-max.

Когда n — m = 1, мы имеем α j ≤ β j ≤ α j + 1, отсюда и название теоремы о чередовании.

Компактные операторы

Пусть A компактный, эрмитов оператор в гильбертовом пространстве H. Напомним, что спектр такого оператора (набор собственных значений) представляет собой набор действительных чисел, единственная возможная точка кластера которого равна нулю. Таким образом, удобно перечислить положительные собственные значения A как

⋯ ≤ λ k ≤ ⋯ ≤ λ 1, { displaystyle cdots leq lambda _ {k} leq cdots leq lambda _ {1},} cdots  leq  lambda _ {k}  leq  cdots  leq  lambda _ {1},

, где элементы повторяются с кратностью, как в матричном случае. (Чтобы подчеркнуть, что последовательность убывает, мы можем написать λ k = λ k ↓ { displaystyle lambda _ {k} = lambda _ {k} ^ { downarrow}}{ displaystyle  lambda _ {k} =  lambda _ {k} ^ {  downarrow}} .) Когда H бесконечномерно, указанная выше последовательность собственных значений обязательно бесконечна. Теперь применим те же рассуждения, что и в матричном случае. Если S k ⊂ H — k-мерное подпространство, мы можем получить следующую теорему.

Теорема (Мин-Макс). Пусть A — компактный самосопряженный оператор в гильбертовом пространстве H, положительные собственные значения которого перечислены в порядке убывания… ≤ λ k ≤… ≤ λ 1. Тогда:

max S k min x ∈ S k, ‖ x ‖ = 1 (A x, x) = λ k ↓, min S k — 1 max x ∈ S k — 1 ⊥, ‖ x ‖ = 1 ( A x, x) = λ k ↓. { displaystyle { begin {align} max _ {S_ {k}} min _ {x in S_ {k}, | x | = 1} (Ax, x) = lambda _ {k } ^ { downarrow}, \ min _ {S_ {k-1}} max _ {x in S_ {k-1} ^ { perp}, | x | = 1} (Ax, x) = lambda _ {k} ^ { downarrow}. end {align}}}{ begin {align}  max _ {{S_ {k}}}  min _ {{x  in S_ {k},  | x  | = 1 }} (Ax, x) =  lambda _ {k} ^ {{ downarrow}}, \ min _ {{S _ {{k-1}}}}}  max _ {{x  in S_ { {k-1}} ^ {{ perp}},  | x  | = 1}} (Ax, x) =  lambda _ {k} ^ {{ downarrow}}.  end {выравнивается}}

Аналогичная пара равенств верна для отрицательных собственных значений.

Доказательство —

Пусть S ‘будет замыканием линейного промежутка S’ = span ⁡ {uk, uk + 1,…} { displaystyle S ‘= operatorname {span} {u_ {k}, u_ {k + 1}, ldots }}S'=operatorname {span}{u_{k},u_{{k+1}},ldots }. Подпространство S ‘имеет коразмерность k — 1. По тому же аргументу, что и в случае матрицы, S’ ∩ S k непусто. Итак, существует x ∈ S ‘∩ S k с ‖ x ‖ = 1 { displaystyle | x | = 1} | x  | = 1 . Поскольку он является элементом S ‘, такой x обязательно удовлетворяет

(A x, x) ≤ λ k. { displaystyle (Ax, x) leq lambda _ {k}.}(Ax, x)  leq  lambda _ {k}.

Следовательно, для всех S k

inf x ∈ S k, ‖ x ‖ = 1 (A x, x) ≤ λ k { displaystyle inf _ {x in S_ {k}, | x | = 1} (Ax, x) leq lambda _ {k}} inf _ {{x  in S_ {k},  | x  | = 1}} (Ax, x)  leq  lambda _ {k}

Но A компактно, поэтому функция f (x) = (Ax, x) слабо непрерывно. Более того, любое ограниченное множество в H слабо компактно. Это позволяет заменить нижнюю грань на минимум:

min x ∈ S k, ‖ x ‖ = 1 (A x, x) ≤ λ k. { displaystyle min _ {x in S_ {k}, | x | = 1} (Ax, x) leq lambda _ {k}.} min _ {{x  in S_ {k},  | x  | = 1}} (Ax, x)  leq  lambda _ {k}.


sup S k min x ∈ S k, ‖ x ‖ = 1 (A x, x) ≤ λ k. { displaystyle sup _ {S_ {k}} min _ {x in S_ {k}, | x | = 1} (Ax, x) leq lambda _ {k}.} sup _ {{S_ {k}}}  min _ {{x  in S_ {k},  | x  | = 1}} (Ax, x)  leq  lambda _ {k}.

Поскольку равенство достигается, когда S k = span ⁡ {u 1,…, uk} { displaystyle S_ {k} = operatorname {span} {u_ {1}, ldots, u_ {k} } }S_ {k} =  operatorname {span}  {u_ {1 },  ldots, u_ {k} } ,

max S k min x ∈ S k, ‖ x ‖ = 1 (A x, x) = λ k. { displaystyle max _ {S_ {k}} min _ {x in S_ {k}, | x | = 1} (Ax, x) = lambda _ {k}.} max _ {{S_ {k}}}  min _ { {x  in S_ {k},  | x  | = 1}} (Ax, x) =  lambda _ {k}.

Это является первой частью теоремы о минимуме и максимуме для компактных самосопряженных операторов.

Аналогично, рассмотрим теперь (k — 1) -мерное подпространство S k − 1, ортогональное дополнение которого обозначается S k − 1. Если S ‘= span {u 1… u k },

S ′ ∩ S k — 1 ⊥ ≠ 0. { Displaystyle S ‘ cap S_ {k-1} ^ { perp} neq {0}.}S'cap S_{{k-1}}^{{perp }}neq {0}.


∃ x ∈ S k — 1 ⊥ ‖ x ‖ = 1, (A x, х) ≥ λ k. { displaystyle существует x in S_ {k-1} ^ { perp} , | x | = 1, (Ax, x) geq lambda _ {k}.} существует x  in S _ {{k-1}} ^ {{ perp}} ,  | x  | = 1, (Ax, x)  geq  lambda _ {k}.

Это означает

макс Икс ∈ S К — 1 ⊥, ‖ Икс ‖ знак равно 1 (А Икс, Икс) ≥ λ К { Displaystyle макс _ {х в S_ {к-1} ^ { perp}, | х | = 1} (Ax, x) geq lambda _ {k}} max _ {{ x  in S _ {{k-1}} ^ {{ perp}},  | x  | = 1}} (Ax, x)  geq  lambda _ {k}

, где применялась компактность A. Индексирование указанного выше набора k-1-мерных подпространств дает

inf S k — 1 max x ∈ S k — 1 ⊥, ‖ x ‖ = 1 (A x, x) ≥ λ k. { displaystyle inf _ {S_ {k-1}} max _ {x in S_ {k-1} ^ { perp}, | x | = 1} (Ax, x) geq lambda _ {k}.} inf _ {{S _ {{k- 1}}}}  max _ {{x  in S _ {{k-1}} ^ {{ perp}},  | x  | = 1}} (Ax, x)  geq  lambda _ {k }.

Выбираем S k − 1 = span {u 1,…, u k − 1 }, и мы выводим

min S k — 1 max x ∈ S k — 1 ⊥, ‖ x ‖ = 1 (A x, x) = λ k. { displaystyle min _ {S_ {k-1}} max _ {x in S_ {k-1} ^ { perp}, | x | = 1} (Ax, x) = lambda _ {k}.} min _ {{S _ {{k-1}}}}  max _ {{x  in S _ {{k-1}} ^ {{ perp}},  | x  | = 1}} (Ax, x) =  lambda _ {k}.

Самосопряженные операторы

Теорема о минимуме и максимуме также применима к (возможно, неограниченным) самосопряженным операторам. Напомним, существенный спектр — это спектр без изолированных конечнократных собственных значений. Иногда у нас есть собственные значения ниже существенного спектра, и мы хотели бы аппроксимировать собственные значения и собственные функции.

Теорема (Мин-Макс). Пусть A самосопряжен, и пусть E 1 ≤ E 2 ≤ E 3 ≤ ⋯ { displaystyle E_ {1} leq E_ {2} leq E_ {3} leq cdots}E_ {1}  leq E_ {2}  leq E_ {3}  leq  cdots — собственные значения A ниже существенного спектра. Тогда

E n = min ψ 1,…, ψ n max {⟨ψ, A ψ⟩: ψ ∈ span ⁡ (ψ 1,…, ψ n), ‖ ψ ‖ = 1} { displaystyle E_ {n } = min _ { psi _ {1}, ldots, psi _ {n}} max { langle psi, A psi rangle: psi in operatorname {span} ( psi _ {1}, ldots, psi _ {n}), , | psi | = 1 }}{ displaystyle E_ {n} =  min _ { psi _ {1},  ldots,  psi _ {n}}  max  { langle  psi, A  psi  rangle:  psi  in  operatorname {span} ( psi _ {1},  ldots,  psi _ {n}), ,  |  psi  | = 1 }} .

Если у нас есть только N собственных значений и, следовательно, они исчерпываются, то мы полагаем E n: = inf σ ess (A) { displaystyle E_ {n}: = inf sigma _ {ess} (A)}E_ {n}: =  inf  sigma _ {{ess}} (A) (нижняя часть основного спектра) для n>N, и приведенное выше утверждение остается в силе после замены min-max на inf-sup.

Теорема (Max-Min). Пусть A самосопряженный, и пусть E 1 ≤ E 2 ≤ E 3 ≤ ⋯ { displaystyle E_ {1} leq E_ {2} leq E_ {3} leq cdots}E_ {1}  leq E_ {2}  leq E_ {3}  leq  cdots — собственные значения A ниже существенного спектра. Тогда

E n = max ψ 1,…, ψ n — 1 min {⟨ψ, A ψ⟩: ψ ⊥ ψ 1,…, ψ n — 1, ‖ ψ ‖ = 1} { displaystyle E_ {n } = max _ { psi _ {1}, ldots, psi _ {n-1}} min { langle psi, A psi rangle: psi perp psi _ {1}, ldots, psi _ {n-1}, , | psi | = 1 }}{ displaystyle E_ {n} =  max _ { psi _ {1},  ldots,  psi _ {n-1}}  min  { langle  psi, A  psi  rangle:  psi  perp  psi _ {1},  ldots,  psi _ {n-1}, ,  |  psi  | = 1 }} .

Если у нас есть только N собственных значений и, следовательно, они исчерпаны, то мы позволяем E n : = inf σ ess (A) { displaystyle E_ {n}: = inf sigma _ {ess} (A)}E_ {n}: =  inf  sigma _ {{ess}} (A) (нижняя часть основного спектра) для n>N, и Приведенное выше утверждение остается в силе после замены max-min на sup-inf.

В доказательствах используются следующие результаты о самосопряженных операторах:

Теорема. Пусть A самосопряженный. Тогда (A — E) ≥ 0 { displaystyle (AE) geq 0}(AE)  geq 0 для E ∈ R { displaystyle E in mathbb {R}}E  in { mathbb {R}} тогда и только тогда, когда σ (A) ⊆ [E, ∞) { displaystyle sigma (A) substeq [E, infty)} sigma (A)  substeq [E,  infty) .
Теорема. Если A самосопряженный, то

inf σ (A) = inf ψ ∈ D (A), ‖ ψ ‖ = 1 ⟨ψ, A ψ⟩ { displaystyle inf sigma (A) = inf _ { psi in { mathfrak {D}} (A), | psi | = 1} langle psi, A psi rangle} inf  sigma (A) =  inf _ {{ psi  in { mathfrak {D}} (A),  |  psi  | = 1}}  langle  psi, A  psi  rangle


sup σ (A) = sup ψ ∈ D (A) ‖ Ψ ‖ знак равно 1 ⟨ψ, A ψ⟩ { Displaystyle sup sigma (A) = sup _ { psi in { mathfrak {D}} (A), | psi | = 1 } langle psi, A psi rangle} sup  sigma (A) =  sup _ {{ psi  in { mathfrak { D}} (A),  |  psi  | = 1}}  langle  psi, A  psi  rangle .

См. также

  • Принцип минимакса Куранта
  • Неравенство Max – min


  • M. Рид и Б. Саймон, Методы современной математической физики IV: Анализ операторов, Academic Press, 1978.

In linear algebra and functional analysis, the min-max theorem, or variational theorem, or Courant–Fischer–Weyl min-max principle, is a result that gives a variational characterization of eigenvalues of compact Hermitian operators on Hilbert spaces. It can be viewed as the starting point of many results of similar nature.

This article first discusses the finite-dimensional case and its applications before considering compact operators on infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces.
We will see that for compact operators, the proof of the main theorem uses essentially the same idea from the finite-dimensional argument.

In the case that the operator is non-Hermitian, the theorem provides an equivalent characterization of the associated singular values.
The min-max theorem can be extended to self-adjoint operators that are bounded below.


Let A be a n × n Hermitian matrix. As with many other variational results on eigenvalues, one considers the Rayleigh–Ritz quotient RA : Cn {0} → R defined by


where (⋅, ⋅) denotes the Euclidean inner product on Cn.
Clearly, the Rayleigh quotient of an eigenvector is its associated eigenvalue. Equivalently, the Rayleigh–Ritz quotient can be replaced by


For Hermitian matrices A, the range of the continuous function RA(x), or f(x), is a compact interval [a, b] of the real line. The maximum b and the minimum a are the largest and smallest eigenvalue of A, respectively. The min-max theorem is a refinement of this fact.

Min-max theoremEdit

Let A be an n × n Hermitian matrix with eigenvalues λ1 ≤ … ≤ λk ≤ … ≤ λn, then




in particular,


and these bounds are attained when x is an eigenvector of the appropriate eigenvalues.

Also the simpler formulation for the maximal eigenvalue λn is given by:


Similarly, the minimal eigenvalue λ1 is given by:



Since the matrix A is Hermitian it is diagonalizable and we can choose an orthonormal basis of eigenvectors {u1, …, un} that is, ui is an eigenvector for the eigenvalue λi and such that (ui, ui) = 1 and (ui, uj) = 0 for all ij.

If U is a subspace of dimension k then its intersection with the subspace span{uk, …, un} isn’t zero,
for if it were, then the dimension of the span of the two subspaces would be  , which is impossible. Hence there exists a vector v ≠ 0 in this intersection that we can write as


and whose Rayleigh quotient is


(as all   for i=k,..,n)
and hence


Since this is true for all U, we can conclude that


This is one inequality. To establish the other inequality, choose the specific k-dimensional space
V = span{u1, …, uk} , for which


because   is the largest eigenvalue in V. Therefore, also


To get the other formula, consider the Hermitian matrix  , whose eigenvalues in increasing order are  .
Applying the result just proved,


The result follows on replacing   with  .

Counterexample in the non-Hermitian caseEdit

Let N be the nilpotent matrix


Define the Rayleigh quotient   exactly as above in the Hermitian case. Then it is easy to see that the only eigenvalue of N is zero, while the maximum value of the Rayleigh quotient is 1/2. That is, the maximum value of the Rayleigh quotient is larger than the maximum eigenvalue.


Min-max principle for singular valuesEdit

The singular values {σk} of a square matrix M are the square roots of the eigenvalues of M*M (equivalently MM*). An immediate consequence[citation needed] of the first equality in the min-max theorem is:




Here   denotes the kth entry in the increasing sequence of σ’s, so that  .

Cauchy interlacing theoremEdit

Let A be a symmetric n × n matrix. The m × m matrix B, where mn, is called a compression of A if there exists an orthogonal projection P onto a subspace of dimension m such that PAP* = B. The Cauchy interlacing theorem states:

Theorem. If the eigenvalues of A are α1 ≤ … ≤ αn, and those of B are β1 ≤ … ≤ βj ≤ … ≤ βm, then for all jm,


This can be proven using the min-max principle. Let βi have corresponding eigenvector bi and Sj be the j dimensional subspace Sj = span{b1, …, bj}, then


According to first part of min-max, αjβj. On the other hand, if we define Smj+1 = span{bj, …, bm}, then


where the last inequality is given by the second part of min-max.

When nm = 1, we have αjβjαj+1, hence the name interlacing theorem.

Compact operatorsEdit

Let A be a compact, Hermitian operator on a Hilbert space H. Recall that the spectrum of such an operator (the set of eigenvalues) is a set of real numbers whose only possible cluster point is zero.
It is thus convenient to list the positive eigenvalues of A as


where entries are repeated with multiplicity, as in the matrix case. (To emphasize that the sequence is decreasing, we may write  .)
When H is infinite-dimensional, the above sequence of eigenvalues is necessarily infinite.
We now apply the same reasoning as in the matrix case. Letting SkH be a k dimensional subspace, we can obtain the following theorem.

Theorem (Min-Max). Let A be a compact, self-adjoint operator on a Hilbert space H, whose positive eigenvalues are listed in decreasing order … ≤ λk ≤ … ≤ λ1. Then:


A similar pair of equalities hold for negative eigenvalues.


Let S’ be the closure of the linear span  .
The subspace S’ has codimension k − 1. By the same dimension count argument as in the matrix case, S’ Sk has positive dimension. So there exists xS’ Sk with  . Since it is an element of S’ , such an x necessarily satisfy


Therefore, for all Sk


But A is compact, therefore the function f(x) = (Ax, x) is weakly continuous. Furthermore, any bounded set in H is weakly compact. This lets us replace the infimum by minimum:




Because equality is achieved when  ,


This is the first part of min-max theorem for compact self-adjoint operators.

Analogously, consider now a (k − 1)-dimensional subspace Sk−1, whose the orthogonal complement is denoted by Sk−1. If S’ = span{u1uk},




This implies


where the compactness of A was applied. Index the above by the collection of k-1-dimensional subspaces gives


Pick Sk−1 = span{u1, …, uk−1} and we deduce


Self-adjoint operatorsEdit

The min-max theorem also applies to (possibly unbounded) self-adjoint operators.[1][2] Recall the essential spectrum is the spectrum without isolated eigenvalues of finite multiplicity.
Sometimes we have some eigenvalues below the essential spectrum, and we would like to approximate the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions.

Theorem (Min-Max). Let A be self-adjoint, and let   be the eigenvalues of A below the essential spectrum. Then


If we only have N eigenvalues and hence run out of eigenvalues, then we let   (the bottom of the essential spectrum) for n>N, and the above statement holds after replacing min-max with inf-sup.

Theorem (Max-Min). Let A be self-adjoint, and let   be the eigenvalues of A below the essential spectrum. Then


If we only have N eigenvalues and hence run out of eigenvalues, then we let   (the bottom of the essential spectrum) for n > N, and the above statement holds after replacing max-min with sup-inf.

The proofs[1][2] use the following results about self-adjoint operators:

Theorem. Let A be self-adjoint. Then   for   if and only if  .[1]: 77 
Theorem. If A is self-adjoint, then


 .[1]: 77 

See alsoEdit

  • Courant minimax principle
  • Max–min inequality


  1. ^ a b c d G. Teschl, Mathematical Methods in Quantum Mechanics (GSM 99) https://www.mat.univie.ac.at/~gerald/ftp/book-schroe/schroe.pdf
  2. ^ a b Lieb; Loss (2001). Analysis. GSM. Vol. 14 (2nd ed.). Providence: American Mathematical Society. ISBN 0-8218-2783-9.

External links and citations to related workEdit

  • Fisk, Steve (2005). «A very short proof of Cauchy’s interlace theorem for eigenvalues of Hermitian matrices». arXiv:math/0502408.
  • Hwang, Suk-Geun (2004). «Cauchy’s Interlace Theorem for Eigenvalues of Hermitian Matrices». The American Mathematical Monthly. 111 (2): 157–159. doi:10.2307/4145217. JSTOR 4145217.
  • Kline, Jeffery (2020). «Bordered Hermitian matrices and sums of the Möbius function». Linear Algebra and Its Applications. 588: 224–237. doi:10.1016/j.laa.2019.12.004.
  • Reed, Michael; Simon, Barry (1978). Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics IV: Analysis of Operators. Academic Press. ISBN 978-0-08-057045-7.

I’m currently studying a paper which uses extensively the term ‘min-max theorems‘ in graph theory, and claims to present a tool allowing to generalize these theorems. (here is the link to the paper if needed)

Among those, we can find for example :

  • The max-flow-min cut theorem.
  • Edmond’s disjoint arborescences theorem (link).

I have some intuition about what a min-max theorem would be, but I can’t come with a concise and precise definition.

My question is : what would be a definition of such a family of theorems ?

And a second question along : is this min-max theorem concept always linked to the strong duality theorem, meaning that they mainly state that one problem is actually the dual of the other, like the max-flow-min-cut is ?

Теорема мин-макс

В линейной алгебре и функциональный анализе , в теореме минимакса , или вариационной теореме или Куранта-Фишер-Вейль минимакса принципе , является результатом , который дает вариационную характеристику собственному от компактных эрмитовых операторов в гильбертовых пространствах . Его можно рассматривать как отправную точку для многих результатов аналогичного характера.

В этой статье сначала обсуждается конечномерный случай и его приложения, а затем рассматриваются компактные операторы в бесконечномерных гильбертовых пространствах. Мы увидим, что для компактных операторов доказательство основной теоремы по существу использует ту же идею из конечномерного аргумента.

В случае, когда оператор неэрмитов, теорема обеспечивает эквивалентную характеризацию связанных сингулярных значений . Теорема min-max может быть распространена на самосопряженные операторы , ограниченные снизу.

Пусть Aэрмитова матрица размера n × n . Как и во многих других вариационных результатах о собственных значениях, рассматривается фактор Рэлея – Ритца R A  : C n {0} → R, определяемый формулой

где (⋅, ⋅) обозначает евклидов скалярное произведение на C n . Ясно, что фактор Рэлея собственного вектора — это связанное с ним собственное значение. Эквивалентно фактор Рэлея – Ритца можно заменить на

Для эрмитовых матриц A образ непрерывной функции R A ( x ) или f ( x ) является компактным подмножеством [ a , b ] вещественной прямой. Максимум b и минимум a — это наибольшее и наименьшее собственное значение A соответственно. Теорема о минимуме и максимуме является уточнением этого факта.

«Variational theorem» redirects here. The term is also sometimes applied to the variational principle.

In linear algebra and functional analysis, the min-max theorem, or variational theorem, or Courant–Fischer–Weyl min-max principle, is a result that gives a variational characterization of eigenvalues of compact Hermitian operators on Hilbert spaces. It can be viewed as the starting point of many results of similar nature.

This article first discusses the finite dimensional case and its applications before considering compact operators on infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces. We will see that for compact operators, the proof of the main theorem uses essentially the same idea from the finite dimensional argument.

The min-max theorem can be extended to self adjoint operators that are bounded below.


  • 1 Matrices
  • 2 Applications
    • 2.1 Min-max principle for singular values
    • 2.2 Cauchy interlacing theorem
  • 3 Compact operators
  • 4 References
    • 4.1 See also


Let A be a n × n Hermitian matrix. As with many other variational results on eigenvalues, one considers the Rayleigh–Ritz quotient R: CnR defined by

R(x) = frac{(Ax, x)}{|x|^2}

where (·, ·) denotes the Euclidean inner product on Cn. Equivalently, the Rayleigh–Ritz quotient can be replaced by

f(x) = (Ax, x), ; |x| = 1.

For Hermitian matrices, the range of the continuous function R(x), or f(x), is a compact subset [a, b] of the real line. The maximum b and the minimum a are the largest and smallest eigenvalue of A, respectively. The min-max theorem is a refinement of this fact.

Lemma Let Sk be a k dimensional subspace.

  1. If the eigenvalues of A are listed in increasing order λ1 ≤ … ≤ λk ≤ … ≤ λn, then there exists xSk, ||x|| = 1 such that (Ax, x) ≥ λk.
  2. Similarly, if the eigenvalues of A are listed in decreasing order λ1 ≥ … ≥ λk ≥ … ≥ λn, then there exists ySk, ||y|| = 1 such that (Ay, y) ≤ λk.


  1. Let ui be the eigenvector corresponding to λi. Consider the subspace S’ = span{ukun}. Simply by counting dimensions, we see that the subspace S’Sk is not equal to {0}. So there exists xS’Sk with ||x|| = 1. But for all xS’ , (Ax, x) ≥ λk. So the claim holds.
  2. Exactly the same as 1. above.

From the above lemma follows readily the min-max theorem.

Theorem (Min-max) If the eigenvalues of A are listed in increasing order λ1 ≤ … ≤ λk ≤ … ≤ λn, then for all k dimensional subspace Sk,

max_{x in S_k, |x| = 1} (Ax, x) geq lambda_k.

This implies

inf_{S_k} max_{x in S_k, |x| = 1} (Ax, x) geq lambda_k.

The min-max theorem consists of the above two equalities.

Equality is achieved when Sk is span{u1uk}. Therefore

lambda_k ^{uparrow} = min_{S_k} max_{x in S_k, |x| = 1} (Ax, x),

where the ↑ indicates it is the kth eigenvalue in the increasing order. Similarly, the second part of lemma gives

lambda_k ^{downarrow} = max_{S_k} min_{x in S_k, |x| = 1} (Ax, x).


Min-max principle for singular values

The singular values {σk} of a square matrix M are the square roots of eigenvalues of M*M (equivalently MM*). An immediate consequence of the first equality from min-max theorem is

sigma_k ^{uparrow} = min_{S_k} max_{x in S_k, |x| = 1} (M^* Mx, x)^{frac{1}{2}}=
min_{S_k} max_{x in S_k, |x| = 1} | Mx |.


sigma_k ^{downarrow} = max_{S_k} min_{x in S_k, |x| = 1} | Mx |.

Cauchy interlacing theorem

Let A be a n × n matrix. The m × m matrix B, where mn, is called a compression of A if there exists an orthogonal projection P onto a subspace of dimension m such that PAP = B. The Cauchy interlacing theorem states:

Theorem If the eigenvalues of A are α1 ≤ … ≤ αn, and those of B are β1 ≤ … βj … ≤ βm, then for all j < m+1,

alpha_j leq beta_j leq alpha_{n-m+j}.

This can be proven using the min-max principle. Let βi have corresponding eigenvector bi and Sj be the j dimensional subspace Sj = span{b1bj}, then

beta_j = max_{x in S_j, |x| = 1} (Bx, x) = max_{x in S_j, |x| = 1} (PAPx, x)= max_{x in S_j, |x| = 1} (Ax, x).

According to first part of min-max,

alpha_j leq beta_j.

On the other hand, if we define Smj+1 = span{bjbm}, then

beta_j = min_{x in S_{m-j+1}, |x| = 1} (Bx, x) = min_{x in S_{m-j+1}, |x| = 1} (PAPx, x)= min_{x in S_{m-j+1}, |x| = 1} (Ax, x) leq alpha_{n-m+j},

where the last inequality is given by the second part of min-max.

Notice that, when n − m = 1, we have

alpha_j leq beta_j leq alpha_{j+1}.

Hence the name interlacing theorem.

Compact operators

Let A be a compact, Hermitian operator on a Hilbert space H. Recall that the spectrum of such an operator form a sequence of real numbers whose only possible cluster point is zero. Every nonzero number in the spectrum is an eigenvalue. It no longer makes sense here to list the positive eigenvalues in increasing order. Let the positive eigenvalues of A be

cdots le lambda_k le cdots le lambda_1,

where multiplicity is taken into account as in the matrix case. When H is infinite dimensional, the above sequence of eigenvalues is necessarily infinite. We now apply the same reasoning as in the matrix case. Let SkH be a k dimensional subspace, and S’ be the closure of the linear span S’ = span{ukuk + 1, …}. The subspace S’ has codimension k − 1. By the same dimension count argument as in the matrix case, S’Sk is non empty. So there exists x ∈ S’  ∩ Sk with ||x|| = 1. Since it is an element of S’ , such an x necessarily satisfy

(Ax, x) le lambda_k.

Therefore, for all Sk

inf_{x in S_k, |x| = 1}(Ax,x) le lambda_k

But A is compact, therefore the function f(x) = (Ax, x) is weakly continuous. Furthermore, any bounded set in H is weakly compact. This lets us replace the infimum by minimum:

min_{x in S_k, |x| = 1}(Ax,x) le lambda_k.


sup_{S_k} min_{x in S_k, |x| = 1}(Ax,x) le lambda_k.

Because equality is achieved when Sk = span{&u;1&u;k},

max_{S_k} min_{x in S_k, |x| = 1}(Ax,x) = lambda_k.

This is the first part of min-max theorem for compact self-adjoint operators.

Analogously, consider now a k − 1 dimensional subspace Sk−1, whose the orthogonal compliment is denoted by Sk−1. If S’ = span{u1uk},

S' cap S_{k-1}^{perp} ne {0}.


exists x in S_{k-1}^{perp} , |x| = 1, (Ax, x) ge lambda_k.

This implies

max_{x in S_{k-1}^{perp}, |x| = 1} (Ax, x) ge lambda_k

where the compactness of A was applied. Index the above by the collection of (k − 1)-dimensional subspaces gives

inf_{S_{k-1}} max_{x in S_{k-1}^{perp}, |x|=1} (Ax, x) ge lambda_k.

Pick Sk−1 = span{u1uk−1} and we deduce

min_{S_{k-1}} max_{x in S_{k-1}^{perp}, |x|=1} (Ax, x) = lambda_k.

In summary,

Theorem (Min-Max) Let A be a compact, self-adjoint operator on a Hilbert space H, whose positive eigenvalues are listed in decreasing order:

cdots le lambda_k le cdots le lambda_1.


max_{S_k} min_{x in S_k, |x| = 1}(Ax,x) = lambda_k ^{downarrow},
min_{S_{k-1}} max_{x in S_{k-1}^{perp}, |x|=1} (Ax, x) = lambda_k^{downarrow}.

A similar pair of equalities hold for negative eigenvalues.


  • M. Reed and B. Simon, Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics IV: Analysis of Operators, Academic Press, 1978.

See also

  • Courant minimax principle

«Variational theorem» redirects here. It is not to be confused with variational principle.

In linear algebra and functional analysis, the min-max theorem, or variational theorem, or Courant–Fischer–Weyl min-max principle, is a result that gives a variational characterization of eigenvalues of compact Hermitian operators on Hilbert spaces. It can be viewed as the starting point of many results of similar nature.

This article first discusses the finite-dimensional case and its applications before considering compact operators on infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces. We will see that for compact operators, the proof of the main theorem uses essentially the same idea from the finite-dimensional argument.

In the case that the operator is non-Hermitian, the theorem provides an equivalent characterization of the associated singular values. The min-max theorem can be extended to self-adjoint operators that are bounded below.


  • 1 Matrices
    • 1.1 Min-max Theorem
    • 1.2 Proof
    • 1.3 Counterexample in the non-Hermitian case
  • 2 Applications
    • 2.1 Min-max principle for singular values
    • 2.2 Cauchy interlacing theorem
  • 3 Compact operators
  • 4 Self-adjoint operators
  • 5 See also
  • 6 References


Let A be a n × n Hermitian matrix. As with many other variational results on eigenvalues, one considers the Rayleigh–Ritz quotient RA : Cn {0} → R defined by

R_A(x) = frac{(Ax, x)}{(x,x)}

where (⋅, ⋅) denotes the Euclidean inner product on Cn. Clearly, the Rayleigh quotient of an eigenvector is its associated eigenvalue. Equivalently, the Rayleigh–Ritz quotient can be replaced by

f(x) = (Ax, x), ; |x| = 1.

For Hermitian matrices, the range of the continuous function RA(x), or f(x), is a compact subset [a, b] of the real line. The maximum b and the minimum a are the largest and smallest eigenvalue of A, respectively. The min-max theorem is a refinement of this fact.

Min-max Theorem

Let A be a n × n Hermitian matrix with eigenvalues λ1 ≤ … ≤ λk ≤ … ≤ λn then

lambda_k = min { max { R_A(x) mid x in U text{ and } x neq 0 } mid dim(U)=k }


lambda_k = max { min { R_A(x) mid x in U text{ and } x neq 0 } mid dim(U)=n-k+1 }

in particular,

lambda_1 leq R_A(x) leq lambda_n quadforall x in mathbf{C}^nbackslash{0}

and these bounds are attained when x is an eigenvector of the appropriate eigenvalues.

Also note that the simpler formulation for the maximal eigenvalue λn is given by:

 lambda_n = max {R_A(x) : x neq 0 }.

Similarly, the minimal eigenvalue λ1 is given by:

 lambda_1 = min {R_A(x) : x neq 0 }.


Since the matrix A is Hermitian it is diagonalizable and we can choose an orthonormal basis of eigenvectors {u1, …, un} that is, ui is an eigenvector for the eigenvalue λi and such that (ui, ui) = 1 and (ui, uj) = 0 for all ij.

If U is a subspace of dimension k then its intersection with the subspace span{uk, …, un} isn’t zero (by simply checking dimensions) and hence there exists a vector v ≠ 0 in this intersection that we can write as

v = sum_{i=k}^n alpha_i u_i

and whose Rayleigh quotient is

R_A(v) = frac{sum_{i=k}^n lambda_i alpha_i^2}{sum_{i=k}^n alpha_i^2} geq lambda_k

(as all lambda_i geq lambda_k for i=k,..,n) and hence

max { R_A(x) mid x in U } geq lambda_k

Since this is true for all U, we can conclude that

min { max { R_A(x) mid x in U text{ and } x neq 0 } mid dim(U)=k } geq lambda_k

This is one inequality. To establish the other inequality, chose the specific k-dimensional space V = span{u1, …, uk} , for which

 max { R_A(x) mid x in V text{ and } x neq 0 } leq lambda_k

because lambda_k is the largest eigenvalue in V. Therefore, also

min { max { R_A(x) mid x in U text{ and } x neq 0 } mid dim(U)=k } leq lambda_k

In the case where U is a subspace of dimension n-k+1, we proceed in a similar fashion: Consider the subspace of dimension k, span{u1, …, uk}. Its intersection with the subspace U isn’t zero (by simply checking dimensions) and hence there exists a vector v in this intersection that we can write as

v = sum_{i=1}^k alpha_i u_i

and whose Rayleigh quotient is

R_A(v) = frac{sum_{i=1}^k lambda_i alpha_i^2}{sum_{i=1}^k alpha_i^2} leq lambda_k

and hence

min { R_A(x) mid x in U } leq lambda_k

Since this is true for all U, we can conclude that

max { min { R_A(x) mid x in U text{ and } x neq 0 } mid dim(U)=n-k+1 } leq lambda_k

Again, this is one part of the equation. To get the other inequality, note again that the eigenvector u of lambda_k is contained in U = span{uk, …, un} so that we can conclude the equality.

Counterexample in the non-Hermitian case

Let N be the nilpotent matrix

begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 \ 0 & 0 end{bmatrix}.

Define the Rayleigh quotient  R_N(x) exactly as above in the Hermitian case. Then it is easy to see that the only eigenvalue of N is zero, while the maximum value of the Rayleigh ratio is <templatestyles src=»Sfrac/styles.css» />1/2. That is, the maximum value of the Rayleigh quotient is larger than the maximum eigenvalue.


Min-max principle for singular values

The singular values {σk} of a square matrix M are the square roots of eigenvalues of M*M (equivalently MM*). An immediate consequence[citation needed] of the first equality from min-max theorem is

sigma_k ^{uparrow} = min_{S:dim(S)=k} max_{x in S, |x| = 1} (M^* Mx, x)^{frac{1}{2}}=min_{S:dim(S)=k} max_{x in S, |x| = 1} | Mx |.


sigma_k ^{downarrow} = max_{S:dim(S)=n-k+1} min_{x in S, |x| = 1} | Mx |.

Cauchy interlacing theorem

Let A be a symmetric n × n matrix. The m × m matrix B, where mn, is called a compression of A if there exists an orthogonal projection P onto a subspace of dimension m such that P*AP = B. The Cauchy interlacing theorem states:

Theorem. If the eigenvalues of A are α1 ≤ … ≤ αn, and those of B are β1 ≤ … ≤ βj ≤ … ≤ βm, then for all j < m + 1,

alpha_j leq beta_j leq alpha_{n-m+j}.

This can be proven using the min-max principle. Let βi have corresponding eigenvector bi and Sj be the j dimensional subspace Sj = span{b1, …, bj}, then

beta_j = max_{x in S_j, |x| = 1} (Bx, x) = max_{x in S_j, |x| = 1} (P^*APx, x) geq min_{S_j} max_{x in S_j, |x| = 1} (Ax, x) = alpha_j.

According to first part of min-max, αjβj. On the other hand, if we define Smj+1 = span{bj, …, bm}, then

beta_j = min_{x in S_{m-j+1}, |x| = 1} (Bx, x) = min_{x in S_{m-j+1}, |x| = 1} (P^*APx, x)= min_{x in S_{m-j+1}, |x| = 1} (Ax, x) leq alpha_{n-m+j},

where the last inequality is given by the second part of min-max.

Notice that, when nm = 1, we have αjβjαj+1, hence the name interlacing theorem.

Compact operators

Let A be a compact, Hermitian operator on a Hilbert space H. Recall that the spectrum of such an operator form a sequence of real numbers whose only possible cluster point is zero. Every nonzero number in the spectrum is an eigenvalue. It no longer makes sense here to list the positive eigenvalues in increasing order. Let the positive eigenvalues of A be

cdots le lambda_k le cdots le lambda_1,

where multiplicity is taken into account as in the matrix case. When H is infinite-dimensional, the above sequence of eigenvalues is necessarily infinite. We now apply the same reasoning as in the matrix case. Letting SkH be a k dimensional subspace, we can obtain the following theorem.

Theorem (Min-Max). Let A be a compact, self-adjoint operator on a Hilbert space H, whose positive eigenvalues are listed in decreasing order … ≤ λk ≤ … ≤ λ1. Then:

max_{S_k} min_{x in S_k, |x| = 1} (Ax,x) &= lambda_k ^{downarrow}, \
min_{S_{k-1}} max_{x in S_{k-1}^{perp}, |x|=1} (Ax, x) &= lambda_k^{downarrow}.

A similar pair of equalities hold for negative eigenvalues.


(Click «show» at right to see the proof of this theorem or «hide» to hide it.) 

Let S’ be the closure of the linear span S' =operatorname{span}{u_k,u_{k+1},ldots}. The subspace S’ has codimension k − 1. By the same dimension count argument as in the matrix case, S’Sk is non empty. So there exists xS’ Sk with |x|=1. Since it is an element of S’ , such an x necessarily satisfy

(Ax, x) le lambda_k.

Therefore, for all Sk

inf_{x in S_k, |x| = 1}(Ax,x) le lambda_k

But A is compact, therefore the function f(x) = (Ax, x) is weakly continuous. Furthermore, any bounded set in H is weakly compact. This lets us replace the infimum by minimum:

min_{x in S_k, |x| = 1}(Ax,x) le lambda_k.


sup_{S_k} min_{x in S_k, |x| = 1}(Ax,x) le lambda_k.

Because equality is achieved when S_k=operatorname{span}{u_1,ldots,u_k},

max_{S_k} min_{x in S_k, |x| = 1}(Ax,x) = lambda_k.

This is the first part of min-max theorem for compact self-adjoint operators.

Analogously, consider now a (k − 1)-dimensional subspace Sk−1, whose the orthogonal compliment is denoted by Sk−1. If S’ = span{u1uk},

S' cap S_{k-1}^{perp} ne {0}.


exists x in S_{k-1}^{perp} , |x| = 1, (Ax, x) ge lambda_k.

This implies

max_{x in S_{k-1}^{perp}, |x| = 1} (Ax, x) ge lambda_k

where the compactness of A was applied. Index the above by the collection of k-1-dimensional subspaces gives

inf_{S_{k-1}} max_{x in S_{k-1}^{perp}, |x|=1} (Ax, x) ge lambda_k.

Pick Sk−1 = span{u1, …, uk−1} and we deduce

min_{S_{k-1}} max_{x in S_{k-1}^{perp}, |x|=1} (Ax, x) = lambda_k.

Self-adjoint operators

The min-max theorem also applies to (possibly unbounded) self-adjoint operators.[1] [2] Recall the essential spectrum is the spectrum without isolated eigenvalues of finite multiplicity. Sometimes we have some eigenvalues below the bottom of the essential spectrum, and we would like to approximate the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions.

Theorem (Min-Max). Let A be self-adjoint, and let E_1le E_2le E_3lecdots be the eigenvalues of A below the essential spectrum. Then


If we only have N eigenvalues and hence run out of eigenvalues, then we let E_n:=infsigma_{ess}(A) (the bottom of the essential spectrum) for n>N, and the above statement holds after replacing min-max with inf-sup.

Theorem (Max-Min). Let A be self-adjoint, and let E_1le E_2le E_3lecdots be the eigenvalues of A below the essential spectrum. Then


If we only have N eigenvalues and hence run out of eigenvalues, then we let E_n:=infsigma_{ess}(A) (the bottom of the essential spectrum) for n>N, and the above statement holds after replacing max-min with sup-inf.

The proofs[1][2] use the following results about self-adjoint operators:

Theorem. Let A be self-adjoint. Then (A-E)ge0 for Einmathbb{R} if and only if sigma(A)subseteq[E,infty).

Theorem. If A is self-adjoint, then




See also

  • Courant minimax principle
  • Max–min inequality


  1. 1.0 1.1 G. Teschl, Mathematical Methods in Quantum Mechanics (GSM 99) http://www.mat.univie.ac.at/~gerald/ftp/book-schroe/schroe.pdf
  2. 2.0 2.1 Lieb-Loss, Analysis 2nd ed. (GSM 14)
  • M. Reed and B. Simon, Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics IV: Analysis of Operators, Academic Press, 1978.

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