School classmates make the best friends эссе

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Some people think that school classmates make the best friends, whereas others do not agree.

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In my opinion school friendship is the strongest one. First of all, people that met at schools make the deepest impressions in one’s memory. For example, school friends are those with whom one goes through first relationships like: friendshipbetrayallove and so on. Secondlytime proves school friendships and schoolmates have advantages over others, like university or friends at work. For instance, one can be called a real friend only if he or she remains as a friend in difficult situations. There is a saying, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”

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At the same time there are people who say that first friendship is the strongest. Schoolmates go through the very important life periods together like first love, first success, first disappointment etc. That makes their friendship the strongest.

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In my opinion these people have a point. First things usually make the deepest impressions. “I will never forget my first car”, some people say. Nevertheless, students in university experience the same things but on another level. The last impressions remain in your consciousness stronger.

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In conclusion, I would like to say that if we weigh all the facts that support schoolmate friendship against the university one, we’ll see the facts that support university friendship outweigh those against.

Обновлено: 31.03.2023

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School is an important stage in everyone’s life. Basic knowledge, skills and abilities for later life are laid there.

In addition to training and education at school, everyone interacts with different people. This teachers, school administrators, technical staff, school staff, and of course classmates.

School classmates — this is the person who knows you from 7 to 18 years of your life. He goes through all the difficulties together with you, passes the same exams as you do and has the same range of interests.

School classmates very often become your best friends, because in addition to school they can share other things with you. These are various extracurricular activities, entertainment and outings. More often than not, such people become very close and communicate all their lives.

School classmates make the best friends

Some state that people from the same class in school often become our best friends. Others claim that it is impossible to build true friendship with school classmates. I would like to express my opinion on this issue.

In my opinion, school classmates really make the best friends. I have several reasons to believe so. Firstly, they study together. Doing the same tasks and working on the same problems bonds people. Secondly, school classmates spend most of their time in school together. They talk with each other for several hours every day. All of that significantly helps to become good friends with another person. Thirdly, school classmates grow up together. They struggle with similar difficulties over the years. So, classmates understand each other very well and it helps them to become true

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What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan:
— make an introduction (state the problem)
— express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion
— express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion
— explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
— make a conclusion restating your position



Some people think that school classmates make the best friends, whereas others do not agree.

In my opinion school friendship is the strongest one. First of all , people that met at schools make the deepest impressions in one’s memory. For example , school friends are those with whom one goes through first relationships like: friendship , betrayal , love and so on. Secondly , time proves school friendships and schoolmates have advantages over others, like university or friends at work. For instance , one can be called a real friend only if he or she remains as a friend in difficult situations . There is a saying , “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”

At the same time there are people who say that first friendship is the strongest. Schoolmates go through the very important life periods together like first love, first success, first disappointment etc. That makes their friendship the strongest.

In my opinion these people have a point. First things usually make the deepest impressions. “I will never forget my first car”, some people say. Nevertheless , students in university experience the same things but on another level. The last impressions remain in your consciousness stronger .

In conclusion, I would like to say that if we weigh all the facts that support schoolmate friendship against the university one , we’ll see the facts that support university friendship outweigh those against.

Высказывания с элементами рассуждения (часть С2 ЕГЭ) по теме «Classmates can be the best friends forever»: порассуждать по данной теме было предложено на государственном экзамене выпускникам 2014 года. Почему школьные друзья могут остаться друзьями на всю жизнь? Что думают те, кто не придает серьезного значения школьной дружбе, и почему мы с ними не согласны? Ответы вы найдете в этой работе. Читайте, размышляйте вместе с нами, обучайесь аргументированному письму, совершенствуйте свой английский!

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Classmates can be the best friends forever.

Тема высказывания с элементами рассуждения (часть С2) ЕГЭ 2014.

It goes without saying school friends are real friends. While studying at school young people are used to sharing the same opinions on different subjects as well as relying on their classmates in troubles. Ideally, this friendship will last forever. But it’s not easy to remain it.

I strongly believe that school friends are forever. Firstly, they had known one another for 11 years. Secondly, they shared exciting, happy moments as well as the minutes of sorrow and disappointments connected with bad marks or some other problems at school. Therefore, they had many chances not only to enjoy their friendship but also to test it — a friend in need is a friend indeed. Thirdly, they learnt to appreciate their friendship, to support one another as well as to put up with one another after quarrels.

However, there are people who think that the life after graduating school can separate school friends and not give them a chance to be together any more. The supporters of this idea believe entering different universities or moving to other cities are the inevitable barriers for school friendship. Besides, they are sure the interests of former classmates are getting different quickly.

From my point of view, this fear to loose school friendship is unreasonable. Firstly, distance cannot prevent the devoted friends from remaining the best ones thanks to different means of communications and ways of gathering. Secondly, school years did a lot to strengthen friendship and to keep it for a long time.

To conclude, school friendship could become the best gift in someone’s life if he could make his best friend at school. (270 слов)

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Classmates can be the best friends forever.

Тема высказывания с элементами рассуждения (часть С2) ЕГЭ 2014.

 Автор: Смирнова И.Р., учитель английского языка МБОУ «Школа №94»

It goes without saying school friends are real friends. While studying at school young people are used to sharing the same opinions on different subjects as well as relying on their classmates in troubles. Ideally, this friendship will last forever. But it’s not easy to remain it.

I strongly believe that school friends are forever. Firstly, they had known one another for 11 years. Secondly, they shared exciting, happy moments as well as the minutes of sorrow and disappointments connected with bad marks or some other problems at school. Therefore, they had many chances not only to enjoy their friendship but also to test it — a friend in need is a friend indeed. Thirdly, they learnt to appreciate their friendship, to support one another as well as to put up with one another after quarrels.

However, there are people who think that the life after graduating school can separate school friends and not give them a chance to be together any more. The supporters of this idea believe entering different universities or moving to other cities are the inevitable barriers for school friendship. Besides, they are sure the interests of former classmates are getting different quickly.

From my point of view, this fear to loose school friendship is unreasonable. Firstly, distance cannot prevent the devoted friends from remaining the best ones thanks to different means of communications and ways of gathering. Secondly, school years did a lot to strengthen friendship and to keep it for a long time.

To conclude, school friendship could become the best gift in someone’s life if he could make his best friend at school. (270 слов)

School plays such a significant role in our life. It is a place where we fall in love for the first time, try to be productive, spend a huge part of our life and make friends with our classmates. And I think that school classmates are the best friends because:
Firstly, we come through all the difficulties together. We “survive” at our exams, we help each other, give a piece of advice and lots of other things that make us strongly connected. It is really important that we had been through a lot of problems and solved it by the help of each other. For example: I have a best friend and we met at school, we went to the same class. He is one of the most important person in my life that knows almost everything about me.
Secondly, we spend that much time that we can be sure for one hundred percent in our friends, because they are always with us and we can see them and their reactions, actions in different situations.
All in all, I’m strongly persuaded that school friends are the best friends. Friendship that began at school can be life changing and for the whole life.


in the same class


in the  neighbourhood


from university




going to school young people are used to sharing the same activities as well
as relying on their classmates in any difficult situation . They often have
the same opinion on different things.


had known one another for a long time.


shared exciting, happy moments as well as the minutes of sorrow and
disappointments connected with bad marks or some other problems at school.


learnt to appreciate their friendship, to support each other. Also they are
able to put up with one another after quarrels.


cannot prevent the devoted friends from remaining the best ones thanks to
different means of communications such as Skype, social networking sites and


years did a lot to strengthen friendship and to keep it for a long time.


years of friendship your close friends will always be there for you.


friends drift apart after school.


different universities or moving to other cities are the inevitable barriers
for school friendship.


interests of former classmates are getting different quickly.


people grow up they may move apart geographically and lose the sense of a
shared interest when they start studying in different university or working
in different fields.

Sometimes friends drift apart
after school.

When people grow up they may move
apart geographically and lose the sense of a shared interest when they start
studying in different university or working in different fields.

    Distance cannot prevent the devoted friends from remaining the best ones thanks to different means of communications such as Skype, social networking sites and   others.

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