School does not prepare students for the world of work эссе

Обновлено: 31.03.2023

Клековкина Е., Манн
М., Тейлор-Ноулз С.

Comment on the following statement:

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan:
— make an introduction (state the problem)
— express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion
— express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion
— explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
— make a conclusion restating your position



Some people think that university is the place to go after school, whereas others feel it is not for them.

I think that it is very important to go to university after school. First of all , the knowledge one could obtain there can help him or her to get a good job in the future. It helps one get a better understanding of how things work in life and society. Secondly , some of the best friendships start at universities. Some people meet their future husbands and wives there. Oftentimes , as people get older they think of their university years as the best times of their life .

At the same time , there are people who do not believe they are cut out for university. Some of them just can not get there because of their poor performance at school. Others already know what they want to do in life and they do not believe they need university for it.

Well , even though it is great to know what a person wants to do early in life, things may not work out the way he or she plans, and having a university degree would give them more options and a Plan-B. I truly believe everyone could get to university if they really set their mind to it . People should not give up so easily.

In conclusion , I would like to say that one can have a good and happy life regardless of whether they go to university or not. However , I strongly believe that having a university degree might make their lives much easier and interesting. Thus , I am sure that a person should have a higher education whenever possible.


In conclusion , I would like to say that there are opposing views on this issue. At first sight going to university is a big waste of time and money but in actual fact studying in university gives students a lot of opportunities for getting good jobs. Thus , I strongly believe that attending university is worth doing.

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

Essay on the topic: «New School — a modern teacher»

Every person has a dream , to which he aspires. After graduat і ng the school school-leaver determines to choose a profession , with the institution in which he will learn .

Before I set a goal back when I was in school — «Becoming a teacher once and for all .» My dream realized . I wanted to become an English teacher and entered the State Pedagogical University . My future profession sounded so — teacher of Russian language and literature and English language. I became a teacher . My life changed after working with children. To share my experience and warmth to children — this is my life . Working with children, we not only teach them , but they teach us themselves. What? We learn openness , kindness , trusting to the world .

What attracts me to the teaching profession ? Real teacher , in my opinion , is the man who gives not only knowledge and skills, he is a compass by which he check s the direction of his career .

Being a teacher — is a way of constant searching . I n the eyes of a child the t eacher is a man who knows all the answers . This ideal of a successful person sought by each. Teacher — a special profession . Its greatness is that it serves human development future. T eacher l ove br i ght s up the child’s heart , mind, teachers form his mind pets , teacher beliefs define beliefs of his pupils , teachers create the greatest value in the world — Man .

Each of us who has devoted his life to the teaching profession, chose the path of continuous search, working on a path of doubt and anxiety creative, high demands of himself, the way of hard work and everyday. A child who sees a successful example of a favo u rite teacher, strive s to do the same.

Every year time moves faster and faster. We live in an age of difficult but very interesting. In an age of rapid development of science and the latest technology, and sometimes it seems that we just do not have time to follow all the events. And when I start to talk with older peers, often hear that the modern school is not the same as it was before. This is a completely «new» school and work there «new» teacher. And then I ask myself the question: «And what is it this» New School «and what role it plays in a teacher?

New school — positive, smiles, joy, joint discovery and creativity. And what kind of quality it will foster in their students, depends on what will be our life and our society in two or three decades. For example, modern teacher touches eternity, and no one knows where his influence ends.

Modern School requires new teachers. It seems to me that the teacher of the new school , primarily to be professional in the business . It is the teacher who is in a creative search and in search of an answer to the questions » What to teach children? » » How to teach ? » Interest the child learning at school every year it becomes more difficult. Our century – century of technology. TV, internet, enable us to obtain the necessary information without leaving home. And the teacher ceases to be the sole bearer of educational information for their students. What is the solution? First, teachers should radically change the relationship to the student. It is necessary to change the authoritarian model » student-teacher » , to change the course content, teaching methods , to encourage free dialogue , personal initiative , to give the opportunity to seek answers to questions. In a word , the teacher is a versatile person who may listen, suggest , support or help in difficult moments at any time .

I also think that the modern — is not only brand new but primarily to keep in touch with the past. Unaware of his past , and we do not know the future. In a word , the teacher should be — relevant.

It’s no secret that today is very acute question of educating the younger generation , the future of our state. Mainly consider vaccinate children qualities such as patriotism , honesty , compassion , courage and perseverance in achieving their goals . I want to try to pass all the moral values ​​that are passed on to us by our ancestors.

I know how difficu lt my way will be on. But I’m not complaining , just thinking what it means to be a modern master, and thus master of his pedagogical work . I agree with the statement : «You are always responsible for those who tamed «

( Antoine de Saint Exupery ) . If you are drawn to the kids , remember — this is a big responsibility. Much depends on what teachers found their way. And it must be worthy of the chosen path. » Picked up a tug — Do not Say a pound » — an old Russian proverb. For me it means — to be in constant motion and creative search. Do not throw things halfway . And unless you can somehow work with children ?

Many high school students take a gap year before entering university. This is a year in which they usually travel abroad and see the world to broaden their horizons. However, some people believe it’s better for them to go straight to university.

In my opinion, a gap year is a perfect opportunity for a young person to learn new things about life. Our educational system teaches students many useful subjects, but some things are only learnt by the experiences you face in life, such as doing things on your own and finding your way around a new place. Also, the cultural experience of visiting somewhere different from your home country is very valuable. You can learn phrases from a foreign language and try out new customs and traditions.

Some people believe you should start university directly after finishing school. I imagine this is because the sooner you start university, the faster you’ll finish and be able to find a job. Also, there may be a fear that your gap year will turn into two, or that you will never attend university.

While those are important things to consider, I don’t agree with this view. The lessons you learn on a gap year can prepare you for life in a way that university cannot. Also, with some discipline, you should be able to do a gap year, then go to university.

In conclusion, a gap year can provide young people with unique experiences, which they will remember and appreciate for life.

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  3. School does not prepare students for the world of work. Do you agree?

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Думаете, что скачать готовую работу — это хороший вариант? Лучше закажите уникальную и сдайте её с первого раза!

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Congratulations! You’re out in the real world, living on your own, holding down your own job, building your career one day at a time. You made it through high school, through college, through the job hunt, and now you’re here: at work!

But you’re not entirely comfortable, are you? Something is slightly wrong with the world, but you can’t put your finger on it. You like your job, more or less. You like your company and coworkers, more or less. Your career seems to be on track. And yet you feel anxious, out of place, rudderless.

I think I know what’s bothering you.

The Past

The first twenty years of your life have almost no similarity to the rest of your life, and the rest of your life can be a very long time. The crucial difference is that for the first twenty years of your life, your existence is highly structured, more than you ever realized.

Every year, you move up a grade in school. Every year, you get a “promotion” complete with a new job title: Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior. You get a new set of classes with new teachers, with new classmates. You get to choose some or all of your classes, every semester. You receive individual grades for each class, for each paper and test!

Middle school, high school, college, grad school. You know the whole process from an early age, and there’s little question about your future. You can look ahead five, ten, fifteen years and know exactly where you’ll be. And there is a profound security in that kind of knowledge.

The Present

You’re at work. You were hired for a particular job for a particular boss at a particular company…and nothing’s changing.


You have the same job title, year after year. If you are just starting out as a Junior Researcher or Assistant Developer, then maybe after one or two years you’ll get to be a regular Researcher or Developer. But then what? You may go five or ten years before you get another change in job title: Senior Researcher, Special Developer, etc.

In school, your “title” changed every year, and that change carried with it a sense of progress, a sense of change and growth and importance. Now, you have no idea when you might be promoted, and it depends on the economy, on your coworkers, on your boss or clients or a hundred other things you can’t control. This can be frustrating.


In school, you got grades on everything. Gold stars, check marks, letter grades, numerical grades, report cards, SAT scores. Constant, measurable feedback on how well you were doing on every little thing. You can develop a very clear picture of yourself with that much feedback. Good or bad, the knowledge is reassuring.

But now, there are no grades. You submit reports and hear nothing back. You write drafts and get minor editorial notes. You develop software applications and just get tasks crossed off your To-Do list. At most, your boss says, “Good work” in passing.

An entire year passes in this manner, during which time you feel adrift, nervous, uncertain. Hoping that you’re doing well, hoping your contributions are being noticed and will be rewarded. Finally, you have a performance review, an awkward and semi-formal meeting in which your one little mistake is blown out of proportion and you’re too nervous to remember all of your accomplishments.


Your life in school prepared you in just the wrong way for your life at work. In early school, your classes are chosen for you, the class material is outlined by the government (of all things). In later schools, you have some say in which classes you take, and what sports or arts you’re involved in.

Then in college, a world a freedom! Of choice! You can pick all of your classes, pick your major, even invent a major! Study abroad, switch from economics to veterinary science just by filling out a form, play sports, start clubs, join a fraternity, take summer and winter classes. You’re in charge of everything!

Then you get a job, and suddenly, all of that freedom is gone. At work, you do what you are told to do, on someone else’s schedule, to someone else’s standards, regardless of whether you think it’s the right thing in the right way. You have just fallen from the pinnacle of being in control to the depths of being controlled.

The Future

As I said, back in school you knew the shape of your future: where you would be, and when. But now, who knows?

You can hope for a cost-of-living raise, you can hope for a performance bonus, you can hope for a promotion, but the bottom line is that you don’t know if they will ever happen, not for certain.

Sometimes at interviews, you’re asked, “Where do you see yourself in five years?” This is one of the most ridiculous questions imaginable in our day and age. When you consider the unpredictable nature of our global economy, and the radical impacts of new technologies, it becomes more and more impossible to predict the future. Whole industries are springing into existence every day, and whole industries are becoming obsolete, albeit a bit more slowly.

Unless you work in the military or the government, there is a high likelihood that you will work for many different companies in many different roles, reinventing your career and your goals as often as every five years. Some people find that fact unsettling, even frightening. Others find it exciting.

The bottom line is that you start working as early as 20 and could still be working at 70, or later. That’s 50 years of totally unstructured career time. 50! Take a moment to consider how much time that really is, how much time you will spend muddling along and figuring things out for yourself.

How to Cope

  • Be patient. The first thing you need to do is accept the fact that working life plays out much more slowly than school life. There are fewer changes, and they can be quite far apart. This is normal.
  • Be yourself. Stop comparing your career path to those of your friends, your peers, and especially your parents. You are none of those people; you are you. It doesn’t matter if you’re in the exact same job as someone else. Your life, your work, your career is a completely unique thing of your own creation. It will play out at its own rate, in its own way. Focus on yourself, and let others take care of themselves.
  • Be flexible. There is no way to predict what sorts of challenges or opportunities will arise for you, personally. Just being in the right room at the right moment could mean the difference between getting an exciting new assignment, or suddenly (and unpleasantly) realizing that you want to find a new job, or a new career path. Pay attention to the big picture, and remain open to the possibilities that present themselves.

Want something more concrete? Here are two examples from my own life:

  • I went to college to become an aerospace engineer, and left with a BA in English Literature. I have no idea whether one is any better than the other. I only know that I graduated with the skills and knowledge to support myself and my family in a career I enjoy, which is really all that matters.
  • I took a job as an executive assistant. It was just supposed to be a way to pay the bills until I found a “really good” job, but I discovered a way to turn it into a “really good” job and spent the next six years publishing books and journals as an editor and artist for that same company.

Take the time to reassess what you are doing and your reasons for doing it. Where do you think your career is going, and why? Are you happy with where you are and your apparent progress along your career path?

School taught you to follow a plan. But in life, and at work, no plan survives first contact with reality. The ability to adapt (and a sense of humor) will take you farther than any plan.

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School does not prepare students for the world of work РКЗ 2 бала
There is a growing opinion that school does not get
children ready for the (their) working life. Some
people, however, argue that it is not so.
School does not make children be ready
Students get ready / are ready
Введение +


Мнение автора +
I personally believe that school plays a significant role in preparing
students for the professional world +. Firstly, that is the place where
students get access to various sources of knowledge, broaden their
horizon and mindset which they will need for career-making +.
Secondly, logical and critical skills gained at school will be essential
for young people at work if they want to overcome challenges and
think independently (+) Finally, school is a key factor in children’s
socializing, it enhances their soft skills like leadership, networking
and conflict resolution(+). Each of these talents (какие именно
таланты перечислены выше? Только навыки ) are indispensable
in today’s job market (логика these )(-) .
Professional career/professional life
To broaden mindset такого сочетания скорее всего не
The key factor


Мнение оппонента + However, some people disagree and claim that
students do not get prepared for the real world of work
because of the school rules (+). They believe that at
school children are forced to obey teachers and are
not allowed to have a different opinion (-) . As a
result,(school) graduates lack confidence and are not
ready to make their own decisions это можно
написать и о периоде в школе – нет связи с
работой) .
Как школьные правила мешают в будущем в
Аргументы неточные – можно отнести к проблеме в


Опровержение +
I am afraid I cannot agree with this idea (какую
именно идею вы представлена в этом параграфе)
In my opinion, teaching to follow the rules does not
mean teaching blind obedience, but to show respect
to others, so it cannot hinder students’ development.
Желательно в каждом параграфе показать для
работы (the world of work)


In conclusion, I think that school is the perfect place
to get students well-equipped for the world of work
because of the knowledge and a great number of vital
skills it gives.

People have different opinions about students’ willingness to work. Personally, I agree with the statement that school does not prepare students for the world of work. Firstly, school does not help us with finding passion while we want to discover our talents. Then it is really hard to make a decision who we want to be. School should show us some professions to give us knowledge of what we can choose.

People have different opinions about students’ willingness to work. Personally, I agree with the statement that school does not prepare students for the world of work.
Firstly, school does not help us with finding passion while we want to discover our talents. Then it is really hard to make a decision who we want to be. School should show us some professions to give us knowledge of what we can choose.
Even graduate from a university does not guarantee us employment in our occupation. We can help ourselves by some kind of seniorities because it gives us experience which is very valued for potential employers.
We are educated out of creativity and it precludes doing new things world expect. We need to obey a list of answers so school teaches us only how to pass an exam instead of learning us how to stand out from the crowd on the labour market.
School says that mistake is the worst thing we can do so we are frighten of being wrong and as a result it is hard to be original and extraordinary. In the same time we do not know how to work in a group or how to be a group leader which seems to be easy but in practice we need to possess some skills to do our best.
It is really hard for me to say if school does or does not prepare us for the world of work because I am still a student. However for the meantime nothing can prepare us better that simply work, where we can continue learning new things.

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Are teenagers today prepared for life after school? Or are American students too coddled? Windsor High School student Aliezah Hulett ponders these questions in her TED-Ed Club talk, “Preparing Students for the Real World.” During the talk, she advocates for schools to teach more real-life skills to their students, including a basic understanding of the metric system and a more realistic approach to sex education. Read on for an interview with Aliezah about the gap between what we learn in school vs. what we need in later life.

There’s a lot of discussion about modern youth being supposedly less ready for adulthood than their parents’ generation. Do you think that today’s teenagers are less prepared for the real world than ever before? If so, why?

Teenagers today are the perfect example of what can happen if parents never challenge their children to go above and beyond. They hand everything to their kids. It used to be that you’d be extremely privileged if you got to use your parents’ old beatup car once you turned sixteen. If you wanted something else, you would get a job and pay for it yourself because it was triggering a sense of responsibility. Nowadays, I see 16-year-olds with trucks and Priuses straight off the lot. This causes teenagers to be less prepared for the real world than ever before. A large chunk of this is due to parents coddling their children. According to this interesting article from The Guardian, “more than a quarter of 20 to 34 year olds are still living with their parents according to new statistics — the highest proportion since 1996.”

Do schools have a responsibility to fill in the gaps when parents don’t educate their children about basics? 

The school system and parents should be working together to raise educated students. Schools should be accountable for instructing students to be knowledgeable about the world around them, even when the parents slack off. It should be a joint effort between parent and educator to train the next generation of children to be independent and prepared for what’s ahead.

Some educators might be concerned that teaching lessons around more real-world subject matter would take time away from traditional topics like calculus or Shakespeare. Do you see value in traditional topics?

Traditional topics such as calculus and Shakespeare should not be neglected, but teachers should be able to ask their class, “Now, how can we use this lesson outside of the classroom?” Every class should be able to draw out a moral that students can leave with daily. For example, a possible moral for Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet could be to not be swept up in emotions and carry out such rash actions.

Right now, do you think most of your peers are capable of handling life after high school and college?

If my peers were to be thrown into the real world, I don’t think that they would know how to handle themselves. There’s a sense of responsibility and maturity that come from having a job. When someone puts their head down to achieve their goals by themselves, as an independent adult, their outcome will reflect what they learned in both high school and college. These include how to sew a button or how to use a plunger!

You spoke about the need for a pragmatic approach to sex education in schools. How would you respond to those who say students shouldn’t be learning about sex at all in school?

Those who think that teenagers shouldn’t be taught about sex in school are trying to shield children from learning about the outside world. In high school, college, and the many years after, sex is a real thing. I agree that abstinence is the only way to fully prevent teen pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases among youth, but what happens when they do decide to have sex? The answer is that they could end up getting pregnant and spreading STDs because they may not know how to properly address these types of situations. This is in no way promoting sex, but instead teaching tomorrow’s future about the truth, and what may arise in their future. By providing students with knowledge of how to properly go about the physical and mental components of sex, we are raising educated adolescents.

If you had the opportunity to design a school from the ground up, how might its classes be different from classes in existing schools?

If I got to design my own school, the classes that students would take would be based on two main components: what students are interested in, and what students will need for their lives after graduating. Sometimes, there are classes that we don’t necessarily like but are required to take because they teach things that are needed out there in the real world, or provide a better basis for the rest of a child’s learning career. However, it is proven that when a child is enjoying the class, they are more likely to absorb the information. If there is a particular subject or teaching style that a student likes, that’s information to act on.

More than 10,000 students are now sharing and presenting their ideas in TED-Ed Clubs around the world. Interested in starting a TED-Ed Club at your school? Find out more.

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