The internet is the most useful invention in the world эссе

Представлено сочинение на английском языке Интернет — самое важное изобретение 20 века/ Internet Is The Most Important Invention Of The 20th Century с переводом на русский язык.

Internet Is The Most Important Invention Of The 20th Century Интернет — самое важное изобретение 20 века
After 1989 British scientist Tim Berners-Lee collected all the data created by many other scientists and invented the Internet that he called «World wide web» and our world has never been the same since. После того, как британский учёный Тим Бернерс-Ли в 1989 году подвёл многолетний итог работы многих учёных и изобрёл интернет, названный им «Всемирной паутиной», мир изменился.
Any person spends a lot of time in the Internet whether it’s for his entertainment or for different reasons. The main purposes of the use of the Internet can be divided into several groups: 1) Communication. There are a social media networks, forums, blogs. Any person can talk about different topics, discuss different things, news and solve problems. 2) Movies, music, books. You can download or watch (listen to, read) any movie, song or book. Besides, you can become a director, a writer or a musician yourself. Lots of people who are famous today first became famous in the Internet. 3) Connection. Right now there are lots of services and applications that help you to connect with people in any part of the world. This is, of course, normal electronic mails and applications like Skype, Whatsapp, Viber, Telegram and so on. 4) Business. You can mention Internet shops, different services and so on. 5) Entertainment. This is a huge platform that includes online games, entertaining websites and other things. В интернете человек проводит много времени, как с развлекательными целями, так и с другими задачами. Основные области применения интернета можно разделить на несколько групп: 1) Общение. Это социальные сети, форумы, блоги. В них человек может пообщаться на разные темы, обсудить какую-то проблему или новость. 2) Фильмы, музыка, книги. В интернете можно скачать или посмотреть (прослушать, прочитать) любой фильм, песню или книгу. Кроме этого, можно также самому стать режиссёром, писателем или музыкантом. Очень многие известные ныне люди, прославились в интернете. 3) Связь. Сейчас в интернете существует много сервисов и приложений для связи с другими людьми в любой точке земного шара. Это, конечно же, обычная электронная почта, а также такие приложения, как: скайп, вотсап, вайбер, телеграмм и другие. 4) Бизнес. К этому относятся интернет-магазины, различные услуги и многое другое. 5) Развлечения. Очень большая ниша, которая включает в себя онлайн-игры, развлекательные сайты и многое другое.
Right now over 4 billion people on our planet are using this great invention. Hundreds of millions of people are using it for work, the vast majority of companies are some kind of connected to the Internet. Even the richest businessmen in the world right now are the people who work online like Jeff Bezos, the head of company called Amazon, Bill Gates, the head of Microsoft, Mark Zuckerberg, the head of Facebook. В данный момент, уже более 4 миллиардов человек на нашей планете пользуются этим грандиозным изобретением. Сотни миллионов человек используют его для работы, подавляющее большинство фирм прямо или косвенно связаны с интернетом. Даже самыми богатыми людьми стали бизнесмены, напрямую связанные с интернетом, например Джефф Безос, глава компании «Амазон», Билл Гейтс, глава компании «Майкрософт» и Марк Цукерберг, глава компании «Фейсбук».
As you can see the Internet is the most important invention of the 20th century. Как видно из вышесказанного, интернет — это самое важное изобретение 20 века.

Nowadays, almost every home has access to the Internet. We use the Internet for various purposes: gaining necessary information, taking part in communities, and even making money.

In my opinion, modern life can hardly be imagined without the world-wide web. The Internet can be helpful to everybody, including students. Firstly, students can use the Internet for learning purposes. I suppose that it is the strongest reason why they should get access to the Internet. Thousands websites place a mass of good information at the disposal of any person interested in mathematics, chemistry, foreign languages, etc. Many school teachers create special resources for their students. Secondly, the Internet offers a wide range of leisure opportunities. You can get in touch with your friends and send them e-mail messages, picture-cards, photos. You can make new friends from the whole world. The Internet offers a wonderful solution to the problem of loneliness.

Notwithstanding the advantages, the Internet implies serious risks. I think that dating websites pose a real risk to the teenagers. On the one hand, dating websites give you a chance to find a friend who you have much in common with. On the other hand, your new friend may turn out not to be a person you’d like to communicate with. What is more, it is quite possible that your new friend is a criminal. Such contacts may be very dangerous to you. Another grave disadvantage of the Internet is the presence of much information that can hurt your psyche and even body. I mean pornography, publication of possible ways of suicide or buying and taking drugs.

In my opinion, the quality of information must be one of the top national priorities. It is necessary to pass laws to prevent harmful information from spreading. Much needs to be done to enforce the laws. Internet providers should have a concern in the quality of information being transmitted through their channels.

To sum it up, modern people are in great need of the Internet. But strong measures must be taken to protect them from bad information. If such measures are taken, the Internet will be safe.

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Essay by   •  March 11, 2012  •  Essay  •  876 Words (4 Pages)  •  3,146 Views

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I believe that the most useful invention to come along during my lifetime is the internet. There is nothing else that has changed our lives in so many ways. When I try to describe to my children what it was like before the internet, I might as well be talking about a time before electricity or cars. The internet has changed how we communicate, how we shop, and even how we date. Most importantly, it has changed how we get our information and how fast we get it. This has changed not only the dissemination of news and information but also education.

The internet has made communication easy and inexpensive in many different ways. Email is like mail but is instantaneous to anyone with an email account in the world, and requires no stamp. I remember when we used to joke about having video phones like on the cartoon The Jetsons. It is no longer science fiction because of the program Skype which lets two people with internet connections and video cameras talk face to face. I can call my brother in Moscow, Russia for free, and I get to see my little one-year old nephew between our yearly visits. He might actually recognize me the next time he sees me.

One of the biggest pastimes on the internet is social networking like Facebook and MySpace. It is a whole new way for people to make friends and keep in touch with old ones. It is a big boon with kids and teenagers but it has also caught on with adults. I was slow to join in, but I finally made a Facebook page after my divorce when I needed some friendship. I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly I was back in touch with high school and college friends. It was even the medium for mending a broken friendship that I missed very badly. Quite a few legitimate dating sites have sprung up as well, such as EHarmony which promises to match you with someone compatible after you take an exhaustive questionnaire. I have not tried one personally, but I do have a friend who met her husband of six years that way.

The most important effect of the internet, I believe, is the access to so much information. If I am at the grocery store and want to know how to cook spaghetti squash, for instance, all I have to do is pull out my cell phone and go on the internet and Google a recipe for spaghetti squash. I instantly have my ingredients and instructions. When I was in High School, in the seventies, if I had to write a term paper it was much more trouble than my kids can imagine. I would go to the Vanderbilt University Library, which is huge, to do my research. First I would have to look through the card catalog for books and then traipse through the stacks to find the books. After finding the books, I would have to look through each one to find something useful. Oh, and I wasn’t allowed to take the books home so had to Xerox everything. Magazines or «periodicals» as they were called were found on

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(2012, 03). The Internet — the Most Useful New Invention. Retrieved 03, 2012, from

«The Internet — the Most Useful New Invention» 03 2012. 2012. 03 2012 <>.

«The Internet — the Most Useful New Invention.», 03 2012. Web. 03 2012. <>.

«The Internet — the Most Useful New Invention.» 03, 2012. Accessed 03, 2012.

The Internet is the most useful invention in the world

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It is an undeniable fact that the Internet plays an important role in our live. Some people think that this invention is the most helpful people have ever created in the world while others think differently.

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✅ 55 сочинений по литературе от эксперта

✅ Подготовка к ЕГЭ по литературе для ленивых

Наверное, проще согласиться с высказываем о том, что Интернет — важнейшее изобретение, чем искать какое-то более важное изобретение. В октябре 2017 года на экзаменах IELTS некоторых кандидатов просили писать эссе на эту тему. Нет ничего проще писать про Интернет. А вам?

Итак, чтобы заполнить чем-то Essay body 1 и 2, нужно найти ДВЕ причины, почему Интернет — важнейшее изобретение.

Читайте как можно больше тем эссе и примеров к ним, чтобы обогащать свой язык новыми грамматическими и лексическими конструкциями, пополнять свой запас аргументов и узнавать что-то новое из разных сфер жизни.

Эссе ниже я написал за 30 минут — это моя оригинальная работа, а не скопированное из Интернета эссе.

Тема эссе Writing Task 2 (была на официальных экзаменах IELTS в октябре 2017 года):

Some people say that the Internet is the most important invention. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your reasons and examples.

План эссе:

Introduction – перефразируем тему и покажем структуру эссе

Essay body 1
Topic sentence: Причина 1 — Интернет сделал революцию в доступе к информации, а именно:
(1) помогает в самообразовании и общей росте интеллектуального уровня населения.
(2) дал свободу выбора того, что человек хочет изучать и познавать.

Essay body 2
Topic sentence: Причина 2 — Интернет объединил мир, а именно:
(1) средства коммуникации значительно упростились, и, таким образом, стираются границы между странами
(2) Интернет — один из компонентов глобализации, потому что является важным экономическим и политическим инструментом.

Итог: еще раз подчеркнем, что интернет произвел мировую революцию в образовании, общении и экономике.

Готовое эссе:

Among many inventions that the human kind has made throughout its history, the Internet seems to be the most remarkable for some people. From my perspective, the Internet can indeed be considered as one of the major intellectual breakthroughs that has influenced people’s lives in numerous aspects. The following paragraphs will outline the key reasons why the Internet is such an important invention.

First and foremost, one can hardly deny that the Internet revolutionized the access to information. On the one hand, the worldwide web has quickly grown in popularity because it provides countless opportunities to engage in direct and indirect self-education and, as a result, vastly contributes to the intellectual level improvement for the population of the world. Another notable factor showing the Internet’s educational nature is that it has constituted the freedom of choice in the knowledge areas that people are looking to master.

At the same time, it is also worth mentioning that the Internet has united the world in general. To illustrate this, contemporary electronic methods of communication have made this process extremely efficient regardless of distance and thus it removes boundaries between cultures and nations. Moreover, the Internet is generally regarded as one of the main elements of globalization because it has converted into an essential economic and political instrument that makes the world more closely connected than ever before.

In a nutshell, the Internet is undoubtedly a major invention made by the mankind because it has brought changes in so many facets of people’s lives. Its primary contribution to the improvement of educational sphere, interpersonal communication and even global economy has laid the base for elevating living standards for billions of people.

11 sentences
278 words

А теперь несколько фраз из этого эссе, которые вы можете выучить и начать использовать в своей английской речи:

From my perspective – на мой взгляд

one of the major intellectual breakthroughs – один из главных интеллектуальных прорывов

in numerous aspects – в многочисленных аспектах

paragraphs will outline the key reasons – абзацы обрисуют (кратко расскажут) о ключевых причинах

First and foremost – в первую очередь

it has constituted the freedom of choice – он утвердил свободу выбора

regardless of distance – несмотря на расстояние

has laid the base for – заложил основу для / стал основой для

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Nowadays, almost every home has access to the Internet. We use the Internet for various purposes: gaining necessary information, taking part in communities, and even making money.

In my opinion, modern life can hardly be imagined without the world-wide web. The Internet can be helpful to everybody, including students. Firstly, students can use the Internet for learning purposes. I suppose that it is the strongest reason why they should get access to the Internet. Thousands websites place a mass of good information at the disposal of any person interested in mathematics, chemistry, foreign languages, etc. Many school teachers create special resources for their students. Secondly, the Internet offers a wide range of leisure opportunities. You can get in touch with your friends and send them e-mail messages, picture-cards, photos. You can make new friends from the whole world. The Internet offers a wonderful solution to the problem of loneliness.

Notwithstanding the advantages, the Internet implies serious risks. I think that dating websites pose a real risk to the teenagers. On the one hand, dating websites give you a chance to find a friend who you have much in common with. On the other hand, your new friend may turn out not to be a person you’d like to communicate with. What is more, it is quite possible that your new friend is a criminal. Such contacts may be very dangerous to you. Another grave disadvantage of the Internet is the presence of much information that can hurt your psyche and even body. I mean pornography, publication of possible ways of suicide or buying and taking drugs.

In my opinion, the quality of information must be one of the top national priorities. It is necessary to pass laws to prevent harmful information from spreading. Much needs to be done to enforce the laws. Internet providers should have a concern in the quality of information being transmitted through their channels.

To sum it up, modern people are in great need of the Internet. But strong measures must be taken to protect them from bad information. If such measures are taken, the Internet will be safe.

Английский язык с репетиторами онлайн

Теперь Вы можете обучаться английскому языку самостоятельно, пользуясь бесплатными ресурсами нашего образовательного сайта, а также выбрать себе подходящего репетитора у нашего партнера и заниматься в школе TutorOnline:

It goes without saing that people have diffrent opinions about the Internet. Some of them claim that the Word Wide Web is the most impotant invention in history, while others do not agree with this statement.

From my point of view, the Internet is the essentional part of people’s lives. There are some several simple reasons for it, indeed. Firstly, communicathion between people is significant and the Internet has replaced the need to write letters. Nowadays we have a lot of social networking sites and apps. Furthemore, we can not only write to each other but also chat by video calls. For instance, What’s app, Skype, Facetime applications are very popular nowadays. Secondly, the Internet has also become critical to buying items. For example, food and clothes can be ordered on e-shops.

Thirdly. the Internet has brought a revolutionary change in education. We can get any information which we need to find.

On the other hand, it is believed that the Internet is not a major invention in our lives. Conversely, with the appearance of the Word Wile Web people’s health gets worse. It is unhealthy for our eyesight if we surf the Net very often. In addition to it we lead a sedentaru lifestyle, which will affect old ages.

Nevertheless, in our contemporary world we have a lot of items which can protect from these diseases. City dwellers lead a sportive life. They attend gums and fitness clubs.

All in all, I want to say that the Internet is the best discovery in civilization. It helps to work, study or entertain.

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Здесь Вы можете ознакомиться и скачать Many people think that the computer is one of the most useful inventions of the 20th century..

Если материал и наш сайт сочинений Вам понравились — поделитесь им с друзьями с помощью социальных кнопок!

A lot of people have no doubt that the computer has improved our lives. But others believe that computers are overrated. So, let us speculate about that and decide who is right.

To begin with, nowadays almost every person uses his personal computer every day. In my opinion, computers are helping people and making their life easier. The computer can reduce people’s working load.

Firstly, we can study easily on a computer. Secondly, there is a lot of useful information on the Internet. And finally, people like to play computer games to reduce thier stress level. Teenagers cannot imagine thier lifes without this kind of rest.

Nonetheless, some people claim that compurers might really dangerous. For example, there can be difficulties in using a computer. These problems can lead to loss of important or personal information. Moreover, lots of teenagers prefer not no go out with thier friends and stay at home talking to each other using a computer.

Personally, I cannot agree with my opponents. Поступаете в 2019 году? Наша команда поможет с экономить Ваше время и нервы: подберем направления и вузы (по Вашим предпочтениям и рекомендациям экспертов);оформим заявления (Вам останется только подписать);подадим заявления в вузы России (онлайн, электронной почтой, курьером);мониторим конкурсные списки (автоматизируем отслеживание и анализ Ваших позиций);подскажем когда и куда подать оригинал (оценим шансы и определим оптимальный вариант).Доверьте рутину профессионалам – подробнее.

Computers are really important in our lives. We must use therm propertly and then there will be no danger. In addition to this, there are a lot of ways to improve one’s intellect. For example, educational games, cartoons or programmes. It is really easy to find this kind of content on the Internet. Everyone can broaden his or her outlook by using a computer.

To sum up, I would like to say thet computers have lots of advantages. They are really helpful and useful. They have become a very important part of people’s life. Nowadays it is a quite necessary invention. However, I am sure that people will upgrade personal computers in the future.

A) Сопоставьте слова/фразы в столбце A со словами/фразами в столбце B.

B) Поставьте верное слово.

6 — tell Стивену шесть лет, и он уже может сказать время.
7 — look Я не помню номер телефона Джона наизусть; я должен на него взглянуть.
8 — edit Конечно, я могу помочь вам отредактировать ваше заявление.
9 — keep Мой муж создал файл в Excel, где мы ведем учет денег, которые мы тратим каждый месяц.
10 — do Почему вы не проводите некоторые исследования в Интернете, чтобы найти больше информации для своего эссе?

С) Выберите правильный ответ, A, В или C.

11 — A considering Джеймс рассматривает карьеру архитектора.
12 — A go Отец в армии, поэтому семья постоянно в пути.
13 — B than У меня нет гаджетов, кроме моего MP3-плеера.
14 — C jammed Посмотрите на принтер; бумага снова помята.
15 — C fully Отключите телефон; батарея полностью заряжена.

D) Подчеркните верное слово.

16 — learn Я люблю иностранные языки и обычно учусь очень быстро.
17 — problem Моя цифровая камера не делает никаких снимков, и я не могу увидеть, в чем проблема.
18 — freak Джордж — фанат техно; у него так много гаджетов, и он всегда покупает больше.
19 — discovered Колумб открыл Америку в 15 веке.
20 — reason Он очень устал; вот почему он так себя ведет.
21 — told Он сказал мне спросить учителя.

E) Используйте слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом, вместе с суффиксами -ise, -en или префиксом en-, чтобы сформировать подходящие глаголы для завершения предложений.

22 — shorten Ты должна укоротить эту юбку; она слишком длинная для тебя.
23 — memorise Его мать помогла ему запомнить его таблицу умножения.
24 — endanger К сожалению, люди сделали много вещей, чтобы поставить под угрозу свое будущее на этой планете.
25 — visualise Если вы хотите похудеть, вы должны визуализировать себя худым, видеть себя в одежде меньшего размера.
26 — encourage Учитель должен поощрять своих учеников; таким образом они всегда будут учиться.
27 — lengthen Я думаю, что твои брюки немного малы для тебя; почему ты их немного не удлиняешь?

F) Вставьте в пропуски said или told.

28 — said Она сказала нам, что ужин готов.
29 — told Кто сказал тебе, что ты можешь рыться в моих вещах?
30 — told Мой отец сказал мне, что он купит мне MP3-плеер на мой день рождения.
31 — said По телевизору сказали, что цены на компьютеры скоро снизятся.

G) Превратите приведенные ниже предложения в косвенную речь.

32 — Mary said she had bought a new printer the day before.
33 — John said that he was writing an essay at the time.
34 — Ian told John to turn off the computer.
35 — Paula asked if/whether she could use my digital camera.
36 — Tony asked me what brand name laptop I had bought.
37 — Rita asked me when I would go shopping.

H) Выберите верный ответ A, B или C.

38 — C whose Это моя подруга Мэри, чей отец врач.
39 — B up Она сама воспитывала своих детей.
40 — B on Будь тише! Разве ты не видишь, что я разговариваю по телефону?
41 — A about Новый учитель математики привел к значительным изменениям в преподавании математики.
42 — A out of Лифт снова вышел из строя!

G) Превратите приведенные ниже предложения в косвенную речь.

32 — Mary said she had bought a new printer the day before.
33 — John said that he was writing an essay at the time.
34 — Ian told John to turn off the computer.
35 — Paula asked if/whether she could use my digital camera.
36 — Tony asked me what brand name laptop I had bought.
37 — Rita asked me when I would go shopping.

I) Заполните второе предложение так, чтобы оно означало то же самое, что и первое. Используйте слово, выделенное жирным шрифтом. Используйте от двух до пяти слов.

43 — Luke, whose wife is Nina is 35 years old.
44 — My camera, which only cost £200 takes, brilliant pictures.
45 — Richie told me not to close the document.
46 — Jason asked me what my plans were for that night.
47 — Mike told me that my TV was broken.

J) Обведите правильный ответ.

48 — b Let me have a look at it.
A: Кажется, проблема с моей цифровой камерой.
Б: Позвольте взглянуть на него.

49 — b Yes, of course.
A: Как ты думаешь, ты бы могла дать мне руку на минуту?
Б: Да, конечно.

50 — b Let me see if we have one in stock.
A: Можно ли обменять его на другой?
B: Дайте мне посмотреть, есть ли у нас в наличии.

52 — a Yes, just a moment, please.
A: Будет ли вообще возможно получить замену?
Б: Да, на минутку, пожалуйста.

K) Прочитайте текст и сопоставьте пункты A-G с пробелами 53-58. Есть один, который вам не нужен. Напишите свои ответы в таблице ниже.

53 — G
54 — С
55 — E
56 — A
57 — В
58 — D

L) Сопоставьте выступающих 1-6 с утверждениями A-G. Используйте утверждения только один раз; есть тот, который вам не нужен.

Speaker 1 — E Говорящий использует технологии на работе.
Speaker 2 — F Говорящий впечатлен новым гаджетом.
Speaker 3 — B Работа говорящего заключается в ремонте электронного оборудования.
Speaker 4 — G Говорящий считает, что технологии развиваются слишком быстро.
Speaker 5 — D Говорящий рассматривает возможность покупки нового гаджета.
Speaker 6 — C У говорящего технологическая проблема.

M) Ваш учитель попросил вас написать статью с изложением вашего мнения по поводу следующего утверждения: Интернет — самое важное изобретение 20-го века.
Напишите свою статью (120-180 слов).

The Internet is the most important invention of the 20th century.
The Internet is the most important invention of the 20th century. Many years ago, no one could ever imagine that such a thing as the Internet would be invented. Now, life without the Internet for most people is unimaginable. In my opinion, every invention has its time, and the Internet is the greatest invention of ours. The Internet has brought an enormous change in education. We can get any information which we need to find. We use Internet at home for personal purpose and at office for professional needs.
To sum up, the Internet is the best invention of the twentieth century. It’s just amazing, since with this great tool we communicate with each other, we have a plenty of information and we get it conveniently than ever before. Yet it has some bad effects but, if we use correctly this great invention, we will see the horizon of opportunities. Finally, the Internet is the greatest invention of all times, that is what I have to say.

Интернет является самым важным изобретением 20-го века. Много лет назад никто и представить себе не мог, что будет изобретена такая вещь, как интернет. Сейчас жизнь без интернета для большинства людей невообразима. На мой взгляд, каждое изобретение имеет свое время, а интернет-величайшее наше изобретение. Интернет внес огромные изменения в систему образования. Мы можем получить любую информацию, которую нам нужно найти. Мы используем Интернет дома для личных целей и в офисе для профессиональных нужд.
Короче говоря, Интернет-лучшее изобретение двадцатого века. Это просто удивительно, так как с помощью этого замечательного инструмента мы общаемся друг с другом, у нас есть много информации, и мы получаем ее удобно, чем когда-либо прежде. Но он имеет некоторые побочные эффекты, но, если мы будем правильно использовать это великое изобретение, мы увидим горизонт возможностей. Наконец, интернет-величайшее изобретение всех времен, вот что я хочу сказать.

Информация по ГДЗ: Сочинение на тему The Internet is the most important invention of the 20th century на английском, spotlight 10 test booklet, перевод текста Thanks to new technology, going to school these days can be a pleasant experience.

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Some people say that the internet provides people with a lot of valuable information. Others think access to so much information creates problems. Which view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

In the modern society, internet is considered as one of the most important invention in the past 100 hundreds years. The internet offers us an access to vast of information, and makes our life much more convenient than before. But we should notice the huge volume of information also makes some trouble in our life.

First, the information we can get increased too fast, and most of the information is not useful for the individual person. For instance, I bought a newspaper, because I want to know what happed around us. But the newspaper was full of stories about foreign country.

What’s more, it’s a big difficulty for us to find what we need in such a huge volume of information. The search engine provider Google, become one of the biggest company in the world. It means people get troubles to find the information they need. Even with the help of new tools, when we typed the keywords, the computer will find billions information in a few seconds. Most people are confused about what should they do next.

In addition, so many entertainments on the internet may distract our mind, make people couldn’t focus on what they should do. The process that I try to find a paper on internet is a notable example for that. My classmates asked me to help him find a paper. I opened the chrome browser and the mailbox reminded me that I need to pay the bill for a ticket. So I turned to pay the bill, after that, I was attracted by an advertisement of a game. I opened the link and played for two hours. Suddenly, I remembered that I forget to find the paper I need. I had read a lot of books about how to be focus, but when I sited in front of the computer, I can’t control myself to browser many meaningless information. I felt angrier than worry about the internet and myself.

In a word, too much information causes a lot of troubles for ordinary people. It wastes people’s time and energy.

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