The most influential russian inventions эссе егэ по английскому

Модераторы: JamesTheBond, mikka


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Helga1980 » 08 дек 2021, 21:09

Мои говорят, например, что главное различие это место, где люди отдыхают и вид отдыха, если тема ways of traveling/having part time jobs и кратко поясняем(inside/outside; package tour/camping)
В +/- нужно обязательно говорить +/- одной картинки и +/- второй (можно по два, но мои тогда не укладываются во время) . Лучше не объединять, так как тогда появляются косяки в виде, что что-то теряется и тогда получается +/- по к1. Преимущества и недостатки называем по деятельности и теме проекта (лично мои все пытаются сказать (+/- картинки, за что бывают биты🤣).
Не забудьте, что в 1 и 2 пункте нужно говорить как они подходят к проекту. Я использую в первом: наглядно показывает главную идею, во втором: противопоставляют…
В 4 пункте там будет написано о чем сказать, например, что бы ты выбрал, чем бы ты занялся и тд. Не знаю будет ли в этом году только would like или вариации как и раньше.


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Poppins2222 » 09 дек 2021, 14:01

Я бы добавила, что преимущества и недостатки написаны в плане. По-хорошему они должны подтверждать тему проекта. но иногда сформулировано коряво в некоторых заданиях, остаётся только додумывать смысл, отталкиваясь от темы.


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JU78 » 09 дек 2021, 17:47

Umnaya90 пишет: ↑26 ноя 2021, 19:04
в группе вк у Светланы предложение «I have a best friend” помечено как ошибочное

Prepare 2 (2nd edition) Workbook ex.5 p 5:

Put the words in the correct order to make questions.

3. friend/ best/ have/ got/ you / a ?


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Feona » 20 дек 2021, 14:33

Aksamitka пишет: ↑29 ноя 2021, 11:02
Вот я читаю эссе наши нового типа и думаю: какой же несусветный коллаж из абзацев! А ФИПИ все нравится. По мне, так аргументы за-против и контраргументы имели вид логичной стройности, а сейчас: графики, проблема и вывод сами по себе. Кто в лес, кто по дрова.

а я вот ну никак не могу связать данные таблицы с проблемой, вот прямо рука не идет, хотя и понимаю, что проблема не должна вытекать из таблицы. На кой тогда эта таблица??? Каптурова привела пример эссе. в таблице -жанры, а проблема-что мало читают подростки. В чем связь???


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WorkingAnt » 21 дек 2021, 18:32

Feona, связи нет. Это попытка скомбинировать описание графика с эссе «на тему». Мда, та еще задачка.


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JU78 » 21 дек 2021, 23:14

Число стобалльников ЕГЭ по английскому языку в 2021 г. значительно увеличилось и составило 131 человек (в 2020 г. – 33; в 2019 г. – 90 человек). Увеличение доли стобалльников можно объяснить тем, что сознательные, мотивированные обучающиеся поняли, как овладевать иностранным языком в сложных условиях второго года пандемии.

Мои сознательные и мотивированные поняли, как хорошо на дистанте, можно ничем не овладевать и прекрасно себя чувствовать. Собственно более-менее сильным остался только язык, а куда с ним одним сунешься. Многие теперь расхлёбывают, еле собрали себя в кучу, чтобы хоть куда-то поступать, хотя первоначально намечали почти топовые вузы. Но у ФИПИ, конечно, другие данные.


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JU78 » 22 дек 2021, 00:06

Feona пишет: ↑20 дек 2021, 14:33В чем связь???

Судя по метод рекомендациям ФИПИ сего года, её быть не должно: От участника экзамена требуется: проанализировать информацию, представленную в виде таблицы или диаграммы, по определенной теме проектной работы; вербализовать эту информацию, описав основные тенденции и проведя уместные сравнения; обрисовать одну-две проблемы, которые могут возникнуть в этой сфере, и предложить пути их решения, а также в заключении кратко выразить свое мнение по предложенной теме.

Этакая лёгкая шизофазия.


Сообщения: 1617
Зарегистрирован: 30 июл 2018, 13:05
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Helga1980 » 09 янв 2022, 17:10

Коллеги, кто-нибудь купил новую Вербицкую? А то у меня возникли вопросы в спикинге. И ещё такой вопрос pay attention когда используется без предлога перед дополнением. Перерыла весь интернет, упоминаний об этом нет. Думаю, что опечатка, но вдруг просто эта информация прошла мимо меня.


Сообщения: 74
Зарегистрирован: 01 мар 2018, 15:36
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liana » 10 янв 2022, 10:12

На ютьюбе уже прошлись по этому сборнику, как могли. Короче, впечатление такое, что составляли его студенты в качестве зачета по предмету, но «на безрыбье и рак рыба».
Сижу, читаю темы эссе. Одна из них — you are doing a project on the most influential Russian inventions. Radio — нет вопросов. Ну ладно, Сикорский (изобретатель вертолета) был хотя бы из Киева, пусть будет Russian invention. Но television это ведь американец, кажись, изобрел. Powdered milk тоже где-то оттуда. Хорошо хоть Зетландия при этом не упоминается.


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Aksamitka » 10 янв 2022, 11:57

liana пишет: ↑10 янв 2022, 10:12
Но television это ведь американец, кажись, изобрел.


Первый патент на используемые до сегодняшнего дня технологии электронного телевидения получил профессор Петербургского технологического института Борис Розинг, … 0%BA%D0%B0

Вообще, конечно, неправильно говорить, что кто-то один изобрел. Как и во многих областях открытий, над задачами работали несколько групп/человек в разных уголках мира, независимо друг от друга, открывая что-то по-отдельности, а потом кто-то это все смог во едино сложить и получить новый результат, и иногда даже успевал опередить другого и запатентовать изобретение.


Сообщения: 74
Зарегистрирован: 01 мар 2018, 15:36
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liana » 11 янв 2022, 09:45

Aksamitka пишет: ↑10 янв 2022, 11:57
Вообще, конечно, неправильно говорить, что кто-то один изобрел. Как и во многих областях открытий, над задачами работали несколько групп/человек в разных уголках мира, независимо друг от друга, открывая что-то по-отдельности, а потом кто-то это все смог во едино сложить и получить новый результат, и иногда даже успевал опередить другого и запатентовать изобретение.

Попов ведь, кажется, не запантетовал радио, потому если мы добавим television, то придется убрать radio. Короче, в экзаменационных работах такой двоякости не должно быть в принципе.


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Пружина » 11 янв 2022, 21:36


увеличение доли стобалльников можно объяснить тем, что сознательные и мотивированные репетиторы поняли, как научить сдавать ЕГЭ в сложных условиях второго года пандемии.

Что ж вы так спохватились и формат быстро перекраиваете? Вас не устраивает количество «сознательных и мотивированных учащихся»? Вот прямо нравится мне наше богоспасаемое образование, сил нет.


Сообщения: 788
Зарегистрирован: 21 ноя 2018, 00:53
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JU78 » 12 янв 2022, 19:50

Под этими видео ссылки на полезные файлы.

PS. Видео смотреть не призываю. Но ссылки мне пригодились.


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JU78 » 12 янв 2022, 20:43

Из метод рекомендаций 2022 про задание 4 УЧ:
В этом задании просматривается преемственность с заданиями 3 и 4 действующей модели ЕГЭ, но введение темы проектной работы и привязка описания фотографий к ней позволят избежать примитивизма, к которому часто сводится выполнение нынешних заданий. К сожалению, в настоящее время при оценивании выполнения задания 3 эксперты, опасаясь апелляций, часто закрывают глаза на шаблонность ответов, особенно по двум последним пунктам плана: почему вы храните фото в своем альбоме и почему вы решили показать его другу. Возникают комические ситуации: разработчики заданий подбирают нестандартные, разнообразные фото (например, на фото люди занимаются домашними делами: моют посуду, делают уборку и т.п.), а в ответе звучит: «Это был лучший момент в моей жизни, и я хочу разделить его с тобой»).

А зачем делать, хранить и тем более показывать друзьям фото, на котором люди занимаются домашними делами? Абсурд и порождает комичное.

Аватара пользователя


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Juliemiracle » 12 янв 2022, 20:47

JU78 пишет: ↑12 янв 2022, 20:43
А зачем делать, хранить и тем более показывать друзьям фото, на котором люди занимаются домашними делами?

В современном мире это как раз неудивительно. Мне кажется, некоторые в своих инстах каждый свой и чужой чих документируют, не то что уборку. Просто коммент тогда нужен другой.


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JU78 » 12 янв 2022, 20:50

Juliemiracle, да, наверное, вы правы. Я просто далека от этого, даже уже какие-то интересные места и моменты не всегда фотографирую. Перешла в режим, когда были пленки по 24 и 36 кадров.


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JU78 » 12 янв 2022, 20:52

«Хочется надеяться, что новый формат позволит уйти от заученных фраз и «топиковости», которыми сейчас «страдают» задания 3 и 4 устной части из-за «натаскивания». Формулировка задания будет ясно показывать экзаменуемым требования к его выполнению, необходимость конкретики и связанных с темой проекта рассуждений, а критерии оценивания позволят экспертам объективно оценивать его как задание высокого уровня сложности, предъявляющее высокие требования и к коммуникативной, и к когнитивной сторонам его выполнения. Задание 4 устной части перспективной модели КИМ становится более практико-ориентированным, более коммуникативным и индивидуализированным и дает меньше возможностей для «натаскивания».

То-то, я смотрю, никак не натаскивается, а оказывается эти душки-зяблики всё продумали.


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Пружина » 12 янв 2022, 21:04

С другой стороны, уж лучше пусть будут какие-то четкие абрисы этой самой натаскиваемости. Черт с ним, с настоящим языком, его мы выучим вне подготовки к ЕГЭ. А если вот эти вот «высокие требования и к коммуникативной, и к когнитивной сторонам» начнут манной кашей по тарелке размазывать — легче будет застрелиться. Я и так каждый раз пытаюсь постичь дзен, когда к ЕГЭ готовлю…


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JU78 » 12 янв 2022, 21:53

В общем, я в очередной раз насладилась метод рекомендациями. Сходила по ссылке, данной в этом документе, на ютуб канал Рособрнадзора…мне вот врач рекомендовал совсем отказаться от спиртного на время, и вот сейчас главное не сорваться. У меня это всё вызывает страшную-престрашную идиосинкразию.


Сообщения: 27
Зарегистрирован: 01 сен 2021, 11:51
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Comandante_che » 14 янв 2022, 12:06

Коллеги, а появилось что-то еще по письменной работе? Какие-то рекомендации новые?
Одна моя Ученица отлично пишет проблему и ее решение и хочется уже прийти к какому-то шаблонному варианту по основной части


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Зарегистрирован: 25 апр 2018, 15:25
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Feona » 14 янв 2022, 16:29

А кто-нибудь брал сборники Гаджиевой 2022 письменная и устная часть? Стоящая вещь?


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Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 13:53
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Aksamitka » 14 янв 2022, 18:23

Дайте, пожалуйста, какой-нибудь очень сложный вариант заданий ЕГЭ чтение и аудирование. Очень нужно обломать крылья одному товарищу, у которого корона все не падает.
Может, отдельные задания вам попадались, может, в сборнике каком-нибудь есть.

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Russian inventors have contributed generously to the development of global scientific thought. Many of their inventions have literally transformed the world, enabling us to enjoy such blessings of civilisation as aircraft, cars, computers and television. RIR presents a dozen of such revolutionary innovations that have become an integral part of modern existence.

Caterpillar tracks, track assembly

In 1837, Russian army captain Dmitry Zagryazhsky came up with drawings of a caterpillar drive and applied to the Ministry of Finance for a patent for his invention of a “carriage with a flat chain mechanical caterpillar”. He was granted a patent but his invention did not interest manufacturers at that time and the patent was annulled in 1839. Much later, in 1877, Russian peasant and self-taught inventor Fyodor Blinov completed Zagryazhsky’s unfinshed task and created a wagon that moved on caterpillars. This invention gave the green light to production of tractors and, subsequently, of tanks.

Electrically-powered railway wagons

The invention of an electrically-powered railway wagon was a precondition for the transport revolution that spurred the development of towns and industrial centres. It all started in 1874-1876, when Fyodor Pirotsky conducted a slew of experiments on transmitting electricity over a distance, with one rail serving as a direct conductor and the other, as a reverse conductor. An electric motor, located one kilometre from the power source, worked. A few years later, he conducted an experiment at a railway spur near Sestroretsk. There were 40 people in the wagon. The first electrified tram line was opened as late as 1881 in a Berlin suburb on the basis of designs by the Russian inventor

Videotape recorder

Alexander Poniatoff (Poniatov), a student of the founding father of Russian aviation Nikolay Zhukovsky, started the Ampex company in the United States and worked there in the 1950s. The company succeeded in producing the first quality video signal recorder. Ampex kept its lead in the market for professional magnetic recording of video for half a century and global electronics giants had to use Poniatoff’s patents to produce home video equipment.


Alexander Popov, a professor of physics, announced the invention of a system for wireless communications at a lecture at St Petersburg University in April 1885 and displayed the world’s first radio set. He was unable to publish his work though because he worked for a military institution. Italian Guglielmo Marconi conducted similar experiments at about the same time – his article was published in 1897. Unlike Popov’s, Marconi’s invention was commercialised fast, so they still argue in the West over who invented radio first.


Igor Sikorsky was another Russian inventor whose potential was fully realized abroad. In 1910, he created the prototype of a rotor-driven device, which successfully got off the ground. In 1912, he created the first hydroplane in the world and then the first multiple-engine aircraft. After the 1917 Revolution in Russia, he had to emigrate to the US, where he established his own company, Sikorsky Aero Engineering Company, using a contribution from remarkable Russian composer Sergei Rachmaninoff. Sikorsky’s first experimental helicopter designed in the United States got off the ground in September 1939. The design of that machine, which has been considered a classic helicopter design for more than fifty years now, has been used for almost 95% helicopters built around the world. In 1942, Sikorsky created a two-seater helicopter. 

Solar cell

It is owing to discoveries by Russian physicist Alexander Stoletov that we enjoy television today. In the late 1880s, he produced a theoretical justification of photoelectric effect through a series of experiments. Photoelectric effect formed the basis for the production of solar cells, which are broadly used in practice now. Stoletov created the first solar cell based upon outer photoelectric effect and discovered the proportionality between the intensity of light and photo induced current.


You cannot have a power grid without transformers. Transformers were invented, built and put into operation by Russian electrical engineer Pavel Yablochkov and physicist Ivan Usagin. The solution that made it to history books as the “distribution of light” was produced by Yablochkov in the mid-1870s. The invention, which consisted of a transformer and condenser, was displayed in Paris and St Petersburg and, as early as 1882, the open-core transformer was patented in France by inventors Lucien Gaulard and Josiah Willard Gibbs.


Although cultured milk products appeared centuries ago, it was Russian scientist Mechnikov who first theorised their positive impact on longevity. Back in 1910, he suggested that, in order to live longer, a person should consume fermented milk products, which reduce putrefactive processes in the intestines. Mechnikov proved that Bulgaria had the biggest percentage of long-livers – and it is in Bulgaria that yoghurt is believed to have been born, because ancient Thrace was the first country to ever mix milk with ferments. 


Vladimir Zworykin was another Russian engineer whose inventions debuted in the United States. He came up with the main invention of the 20th century – electronic television. He applied for a television patent in the US in 1923. Six years later, he developed the kinescope, a high-vacuum television receiver tube, and two years later, he created the first transmitting device, which he called an iconoscope.

Petrol cracking

You cannot imagine living in the modern world without a car but no car would be possible without petrol. Cracking is a process that allows petrol to be produced from heavy or high-boiling factions of oil and it is owing to cracking that we can produce the enormous amounts of petrol modern cars consume. Cracking allows up to 70% of crude oil to be turned into petrol, while standard distillation methods provide 10% to 20%. The cracking method was invented by Russian engineer Vladimir Shukhov, who also created the first industrial cracking unit in 1891.

Synthetic rubber

It’s hard to envisage modern economy without synthetic rubber.Man-made rubber is mostly used to make tyres for vehicles, aircraft and bicycles. Artificial rubber is also used in making seals, insulation, medical devices and in many other areas. Synthetic rubbers are also indispensable for producing solid rocket propellants. The first commercially viable artificial rubber was polybutadiene resin, synthesised by the method developed by Russian chemist Sergei Lebedev. He obtained the first specimens of synthetic rubber in 1910. His book “Research in polymerisation of by-ethylene hydrocarbons”, printed in 1913, provided the foundations for commercial artificial rubber synthesis.

Grain harvester

Andrei Vlasenko ran an estate in Tver province. In 1868, he invented the world’s first grain harvester, which he called a “reaper-thrasher”. It was mostly wooden and was powered by three horses. The machine had a capacity of twenty 19th century peasants. Vlasenko built two machines, powered by two horses each and driven by a single operator, which worked on the landowner’s fields in Tver province for many years. Only a decade later, American newspapers delivered breaking news about a thrasher built in California – newsmen called it a “combine harvester”. The first American harvester was similar to Vlasenko’s machine in terms of its operating principle, but was powered by 24 mules and driven by seven operators.

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Выберите только ОДНО из двух предложенных заданий (38.1 или 38.2). Укажите его номер и выполните согласно данному плану. В ответе на задание 38 числительные пишите цифрами.

38.1 Imagine that you are doing a project on what factors influence career choice of the teenagers in Zetland. You have found some data on the subject  — the results of the opinion polls (see the table below).

Comment on the data in the table and give your opinion on the subject of the project.

Factors of influence Number of respondents (%)
Parental pressure 40
School influence 21
Friends’ persuasion 17
Media (TV, Internet, social networks) 13
Other role model 9

Write 200−250 words.

Use the following plan:

— make an opening statement on the subject of the project;

— select and report 2−3 facts;

— make 1−2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments;

— outline a problem that can arise with choosing a future career and suggest a way of solving it;

— conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on who can help you most to choose a future career.

38.2 Imagine that you are doing a project on the greatest inventions in the past decade. You have found some data on the subject  — the results оf the opinion polls (see the pie chart below).

Comment on the data in the diagram and give your opinion on the subject of the project.

The greatest inventions in the past decade

Write 200−250 words.

Use the following plan:

— make an opening statement on the subject of the project;

— select and report 2−3 facts;

— make 1−2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments;

— outline a problem that one can face using inventions and suggest a way of solving it;

— conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on the role of inventions in human life.

Вербицкая М.В., 2019 год
verbitckaya2019 10 
Вербицкая М.В.

Space exploration was the greatest achievement of the 20th century <<<< всё сочинение

Пара: yes – no

Синонимы: research / Space / integrate / exist / toward

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linking words 1

мнение In my opinion space research is one of the most important accomplishments humans have ever done.

1. утверждение First of all, space exploration has integrated a lot of new technologies into our lives. пример For example, everybody uses satellite televisionGPS navigators or weather broadcasts nowadays. It is all only possible because people flew into space and sent their satellites there. 2.утверждение Secondly, it has given us understanding that we are not alone and there must be other planets where humans can live. пример For instance, it is a scientific fact that one day our planet will not exist anymore and people will have to find another place to live. Moving toward this goal, gives people a chance to survive as a species.

Read by George William Dole

School classmates make the best friends <<<< всё сочинение

Пара: yes – no

Синонимы: friends at school / impression / betrayal / prove / advantage over / 

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linking words 1

мнение In my opinion school friendship is the strongest one.

1. утверждение First of all, people that met at schools make the deepest impressions in one’s memory. пример For example, school friends are those with whom one goes through first relationships like: friendshipbetrayallove and so on. 2. утверждение Secondlytime proves school friendship and schoolmates have advantages over others, like university or job friends. пример For instance, one can be called a real friend only if he or she remains as a friend in difficult situations. There is a saying, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”

Read by George William Dole

Young people should follow in their parents’ footsteps when choosing a profession <<<< всё сочинение

Пара: yes – no

Синонимы: major / copy / interested in / poor worker / live up / end up 

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linking words 1

мнение In my opinion children should not follow their parents major.

1. утверждение First of all, children can have different interests than their parents. пример For example, parents might be doctors but their children are interested in program writing. There is no use in forcing them to follow their parents’ path since they will not be happy to cure patients. 2. утверждение Secondly, having a profession that a person does not like is going to make him a poor workerпример For instance, work usually takes a great part of peoples’ life and it is impossible to do something good for a long time if a person does not like it. 

Moreover, living up to s omeone else’s dream never ends up well.

Read by George William Dole

The most important thing in life is work <<<< всё сочинение

Пара: Work-family 

Синонимы: job / valuable / possession / live on / interact socially / rival / self-esteem

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linking words 1

мнение In my opinion job is the most valuable possession one can have.

1. утверждение First of all, work pays people money that they can live on. пример For example, in order to buy food, pay the bills or go to have a rest people need money. 2. утверждение Secondly, work is a place where people interact sociallyпример For instance, going to work one meets other people with whom they communicate and have friendly or rival relationship. 

Moreover, work is a place where people can achieve some results that they need for self-esteem.

Read by George William Dole

Sport unites people <<<< всё сочинение

Пара: Yes — no 

Синонимы: connect / communicate / communication / exercise / interaction / hobby / declare / exception 

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мнение In my opinion sport connects people. 

1. утверждение First of all, when a person does sport he or she has to communicate with other people and communication usually unites. пример For example, people go to a gym and exercise with people who like physical activity. After such interaction they become friends or if they were friends, their friendship become deeper. 2. утверждение Secondly, as a rule hobbies unite people. For instance, there are a lot of clubs that gather people with the same interests. They even declare that our main purpose is to unite people and sport is not an exception. 

Read by George William Dole

The most important thing in life is family <<<< всё сочинение

Пара: family — work 

Синонимы: family member / valuable / support / to be surrounded by / lonely / 

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мнение In my opinion family is the most important thing in life.

1. утверждение First of all, family can support a person in times of trouble. пример For example,  if one has some problems, family members are the first ones who will come to help. 2. утверждение Secondlyhaving a family is a part of human natureпример For instance, people need to be surrounded by those who really love them and family members are those who love each other without any reason. 

Moreover, without a family a person feels lonely.

Read by George William Dole

There are more disadvantages than advantages in living in a big city <<<< всё сочинение

Пара: Advantages- disadvantages 

Синонимы: pros and cones / dwell / entertainment / sights / gadgets / stylish / so on / spread out / a brand new / come out 

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linking words 1

мнение In my opinion living in big cities is exciting. 

1. утверждение First of all, big cities can offer a person a lot of opportunities for entertainmentпример For example, there are many theaters, museums and interesting sights to see. 2. утверждение Secondly, all new technological or fashion things like computers, gadgets, stylish clothes, and so on first come to big cities and then spread out to towns and villages. пример For instance, it is impossible to by a brand new gadget right after it comes out if one lives in a small town. 

Moreover, people also earn more money in megapolises so they can have more possibilities.

Read by George William Dole

Social media interaction is important for modern teenagers <<<< всё сочинение

Пара: important – is not important 

Синонимы: chat / social life / teens / youth / account / integrative part / interaction / dependence 

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linking words 1

мнение In my opinion communication in social networks is important for modern youth.

1. утверждение First of all, social medias have become a part of modern lifenowadays.  пример For example, it is difficult to imagine a teen who would not have an account in Vk, Odnoklasniki, Fb or Instagram. 2. утверждение Secondly, communication is an integral part of human life. пример For instance, it is a scientific fact that humans cannot live without interaction with each other. In our time of digital technologies, traditional communication was widen by digital forms of social nets. 

Moreover, some teenagers even got social net dependence and had psychological troubles when they were separated from the Internet.

Read by George William Dole

The best holidays and festivals are those with specific traditions for celebrating. <<<< всё сочинение

Пара: yes – no 

Синонимы: celebration / feasts / events / certain / exciting / significance / meaning / throughout / connection / since time immemorial / ancient

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linking words 1

мнение In my opinion traditional holidays and festivals are really exciting to celebrate. 

1. утверждение First of all, a holiday that has some roots has proved its significance and meaning throughout time. пример For example, a holiday called Maslenica has been celebrated for hundreds of years and people always do it with great pleasure. 2. утверждение Secondly, traditional festivals have special connotation that makes people remember their historyпример For example, Ivana Kupala festival is celebrated since time immemorial and reminds Russians of an ancient tradition of honoring summer solstice. It unites them with each other and nature and gives those who celebrate it a hope that their wishes will be granted. 

Read by George William Dole

The most important thing in life is love <<<< всё сочинение

Пара: love – money 

Синонимы: valuable / possession / inspire / humanity / nobele / forgiving 

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linking words 1

мнение In my opinion love is indeed the most important possession one can have.

1.утверждение First of all, love can inspire people to do great things. пример For example, when a person is in love he or she becomes very creative and wants to do something important for humanity. 2. утверждение Secondly, love fills people’s life with a lot of positive emotionsпример For instance, they want to get swept awaysing with rapture and dance like a dervish

Moreover, love makes people noble and more forgiving.

Read by George William Dole

The Internet is the biggest evil of our time <<<< всё сочинение

Пара: evel – benefit 

Синонимы: the greatest / benefit / evil / in touch / no matter / as if they were / share / 

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linking words 1

мнение In my opinion the Internet is a great invention that brings far more benefit than evil. 

1.утверждение First of all, one can be constantly in touch with their friends no matter where they are. пример For example, a person can call their friends who are in Australia, using iP connection, and talk as if they were near. 2. утверждение Secondly, it allows a person to share not only texts but pictures, songs and videos. пример For instance, one takes a lot of photos and videos and just shares the access to their friends who can use everything without the photos or videos being sent. 

Moreover, the Internet allows people to get answers right way, which is important in our age of technologies and development. 

Read by George William Dole

The most important thing in life is health <<<< всё сочинение

Пара: health – family 

Синонимы: possession / focus on / get rid of / torture / achieve / poor health / conditions 

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linking words 1

мнение In my opinion health is the biggest possession one can have. 

1. утверждение First of all, bad health makes a person focus on pain but not on his or her goals that is really unpleasant.  пример For example, usually sick people forget about everything they can enjoy but think only about getting rid of the pain that tortures them. 2. утверждение Secondly, being sick a person cannot achieve what they want in their life. пример For instance, he or she wants to travel and see new countries but their poor health conditions do not allow them to do it.

Read by George William Dole

It is the government’s responsibility to protect the environment <<<< всё сочинение

Пара: government — people

Синонимы: take care / nature / job / mainly /substantial / labor force / violation / set a law / restrict / pay a fine / force 

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linking words 1

мнение In my opinion it is mainly government’s job to protect nature. 

1. утверждение First of all, protection of the environment requires substantial amount of money and labor force to manage the protection properly. пример For example, in order to build a garbage utilization plant one should spend a lot of money and government has to find it. 2. утверждение Secondly, government can control pollution violations by setting some special laws that restrict companies to produce harmful products. пример For instance, if a plant makes something that poisons nature, it will be forced to pay a big fine.

Read by George William Dole

Technical progress is always harmful for the environment <<<< всё сочинение

Пара: Harmful- harmless 

Синонимы: destructive / nature / harmless / run on / forbid / unfriendly / dump 

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linking words 1

мнение In my opinion technical progress in not always destructive for nature. 

1.утверждение First of all, technical progress has become more harmless nowadays. примерFor example, the modern cars can run on electricity, which means they do not pollute environment at all. 2. утверждение Secondly, governments of different countries have made special laws that forbid using toxic or environmentally unfriendly productions. пример For instance, if a plant dumps more waste than allowed, it gets huge fines. 

Read by George William Dole

Science is the first thing to be financed in the modern world <<<< всё сочинение

Пара: science- health care

Синонимы: financially supported / sponsoring / middle ages / development / suitable / eventually / 

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linking words 1

мнение In my opinion financing of science should be the main priority for any government. 

1.утверждение First of all, with advancing of science the duration of people’s life has increased. пример For example, people lived about 30 years in the middle ages, whereas now they live about 80. 2. утверждение Secondly, science gives people some possibilities that they could hardly think of beforeпример For instance, now people travel to space and learn a lot about the Earth and other planets. Development of science will one day give humans an opportunity to change our planet for a one that is more suitable for living since eventually our planet will come to an end.  

Read by George William Dole

Public libraries are becoming less popular and they will soon disappear <<<< всё сочинение

Пара: yes – no

Синонимы: existence / substitute / digital form / space / contain / searching / 

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linking words 1

мнение In my opinion public libraries will cease their existence in the near future. 

1.утверждение First of all, people read printed books less nowadays and they are being substituted by  iBooks quickly. пример For example, if a person can read everything from home in digital form there is no need to go to a library. 2. утверждение Secondly, to keep books in a digital form is more useful since they take much less spaceпример For instance, one iBook can contain 1000 or even more printed books. 

Moreoversearching in digital form is much faster. One should remember just a few words to find a place where they were written. 

Read by George William Dole

Traveling abroad helps to understand your own country <<<< всё сочинение

Пара: helps – doesn’t help

Синонимы: broaden mind / compare / comparison / variety / improvement / there is room / 

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linking words 1

мнение In my opinion people who travel abroad know their country better.

1. утверждение First of all, it is a scientific fact that the principle of understanding is generally based on comparisonпример For example, if a person sees one type of a road in his or her country and has nothing to compare it with, such people cannot create an objective opinion about the quality of their roads. 2. утверждение Secondly, traveling broadens one’s mind, which means a person has more information about different kinds of countries, laws, religions, types of government and so on. пример For instance, knowing other traditions, people can find the place of their own country in the variety of other cultures. Only then they can decide if they have the best traditions or government management or there is room for improvement.

Read by George William Dole

You can have only one true friend <<<< всё сочинение

Пара: one friend – many friends

Синонимы: a friend indeed / real friend / sacrifice / for the sake of / times of trouble  / no matter / overeat / put on 

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linking words 1

мнение In my opinion a person can have a lot of real friends. 

1. утверждение First of all, true friend is not a special number, it is more a principle, an ability to sacrifice himself for the sake of a friend. пример For example, a true friend is always ready to help when their friend is in times of trouble. There is a saying, “a friend in need is a friend indeed”. 2.утверждение Secondly, a true friend can tell a person the truth no matter how hard it might sound. пример For instance, a friend overeats and puts on weight fast. It would be comfortable for a friend to say nothing, but a real friend will say what he or she thinks about the situation. 

Read by George William Dole

Mass media influences teenagers’ minds. <<<< всё сочинение

Пара: influences- doesn’t influence 

Синонимы: impacts / consciousness / controls / particular / certain / experience / mistakenly /

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linking words 1

мнение In my opinion mass media has a major impact on young minds.

1.утверждение First of all, television, radio and other media sources present information in a particular wayпример For example, there is always a statement and then a few examples. It is an effective way of giving any information and teenagers’ minds believe it, even if it is wrong and false. 2. утверждение Secondly, mass media has other tools such as videointerviews. пример For instance, they ask particular people about their opinion, sometimes manipulating by choosing certain interviewees. Everything they broadcast looks logical and obvious to teenagers, who often do not have enough experience and might mistakenly take their opinion as the truth.

Read by George William Dole

Robots in peoples’ life. <<<< всё сочинение

Пара: influence people’s lives – do not influence 

Синонимы: ITM / important part / routine / withdraw / exact / artificial intelligence / impressive / mall / 

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linking words 1

мнение In my opinion robots have become a part of people’s lives, they are everywhere.

1. утверждение First of all, robots help us with our daily routine. For example, if we withdraw money from an ATM machine, it is a robot that gives us the exact amount of money we ordered. 2. утверждение Secondly, people have been working on developing an artificial intelligence for a long time and their success is impressive. пример For instance, there are robots that look like people, consulting customers and giving them a tour around shopping malls. 

Moreover, in search system Google the robot called Siri can answers almost any question people ask.

Read by George William Dole


Contributions by Russian Inventors

The development of global scientific thought has been influenced by Russian inventors who have greatly contributed much to the world. Some of these inventions have literally transformed the world, some of them are debatable about who where the real inventors. What is known is all of us that we have been able to enjoy these blessings of civilization no matter who these men where. They have been things like aircraft, cars, computers and television and much, much more. In the western world we have come to believe some these contributions came from the US. But researching this has revealed that the east may have been the real contributors. Enjoy the reading and share your thoughts once done.


1. The first Radio

Alexander Popov, a professor of physics, announced the invention of a system for wireless communications at a lecture to the Russian Physical and Chemical Society at St Petersburg University on May 7, 1895 and displayed the world’s first radio set. He was unable to publish his work though because he worked for a military institution. Italian Guglielmo Marconi conducted similar experiments at about the same time – his article was published in 1897. Unlike Popov’s, Marconi’s invention was commercialized fast, so they still argue in the West over who invented radio first. No matter who was the real inventor this is truly a remarkable achievement of humanity and an indispensable feature of present-day life.


2. The First Television

This is another of the hotly debated inventions between is claimed by both Philo Farsworth and Vladimir Zworykin. Zworykin was another Russian pioneer whose inventions debuted in the United States. He came up with the main invention of the 20th century – electronic television. He applied for a television patent in the US in late 1925 or early 1926 and not 1923 a popular belief is held. Six years later, he developed the kinescope, a high-vacuum television receiver tube, and two years later, he created the first transmitting device, which he called an iconoscope. Either way this is another modern convenience that the world would be very different without.


3. Petroleum Cracking

Ir cannot even be imagined in the modern world living without a car. Today cars wouldn’t be possible without petroleum. The process of Cracking allows petroleum to be produced from heavy or high-boiling factions of oil. It is owing to process of cracking that we have the enormous amounts of petrol that modern cars consume. Cracking allows up to 70% of crude oil to be turned into petrol (gasoline), while standard distillation methods provide 10% to 20%. This cracking method was invented by Russian engineer Vladimir Shukhov, who also created the first industrial cracking unit in 1891. His patent (Shukhov cracking process – patent of Russian empire No. 12926 from November 27, 1891) on cracking was used to invalidate Standard Oil‘s patents (Burton process – Patent of USA No. 1,049,667 on January 7, 1913) on oil refineries. In 1937 the Shukhov cracking process was superseded by catalytic cracking. It is still in use today to produce diesel.


4. Synthetic rubber

In our modern economy it’s hard to imagine the world without synthetic rubber. Man-made rubber is mostly used to make tires for vehicles, aircraft and bicycles but it is also used in making seals, insulation, medical devices as well as many other areas. Synthetic rubber is also indispensable when producing solid rocket propellants. The first practical artificial rubber commercially was polybutadiene resin, synthesized by the method developed by Russian chemist Sergei Lebedev. He invented the first specimens of synthetic rubber in 1910. His book “Research in polymerisation of by-ethylene hydrocarbons”, printed in 1913, provided the foundations for commercial artificial rubber synthesis.


5. The Helicopter

Igor Sikorsky was another Russian inventor whose potential was fully realized abroad. In 1910, he created the prototype of a rotor-driven device, which successfully got off the ground. In 1912, he created the first hydroplane in the world and then the first multiple-engine aircraft. After the 1917 Revolution in Russia, he had to emigrate to the US, where he established his own company, Sikorsky Aero Engineering Company, using a contribution from remarkable Russian composer Sergei Rachmaninoff. Sikorsky’s first experimental helicopter designed in the United States got off the ground in September 1939. The design of that machine, which has been considered a classic helicopter design for more than fifty years now, has been used for almost 95% helicopters built around the world. In 1942, Sikorsky created a two-seater helicopter.


6. Electrical Transformer

You cannot have a power grid without transformers. Transformers were invented, built and put into operation by Russian electrical engineer Pavel Yablochkov and physicist Ivan Usagin. The solution that made it to history books as the “distribution of light” was produced by Yablochkov in the mid-1870s. The invention, which consisted of a transformer and condenser, was displayed in Paris and St Petersburg and, as early as 1882, the open-core transformer was patented in France by inventors Lucien Gaulard and Josiah Willard Gibbs.


7. The first Solar Cell

indexIt is owing to discoveries by world renowned Russian physicist Alexander Stoletov that we enjoy television today. In the late 1880s, he produced a theoretical justification of photoelectric effect through a series of experiments. Photoelectric effect formed the basis for the production of solar cells, which are broadly used in practice now. Stoletov created the first solar cell based upon outer photoelectric effect and discovered the proportionality between the intensity of light and photo induced current.


8. First electrically powered railway Trams

220px-PirotskyFyodor Pirotsky’s invention of an electrically powered railway Trams was the beginning of the transport revolution that contributed to the development of towns and industrial centers. Fyodor Pirotsky conducted a slew of experiments that started in 1874-1876, on the transmitting of electricity over long distances, with one rail serving as a direct conductor and the other, as a reverse conductor. An electric motor, located one kilometer from the power source, worked. A few years later, he conducted an experiment at a railway spur near the Sestroretsk line in St. Petersburg, Russia. Some historians claim that the result of his work brought the first electric tram to the world. The first real electrified tram line was opened as late as 1881 in a Berlin suburb on the based on designs by the Russian inventor.


9. First Caterpillar tracks, track assembly

image001In 1837, Russian army captain Dmitry Zagryazhsky came up with drawings of a caterpillar drive and applied to the Ministry of Finance for a patent for his invention of a “carriage with a flat chain mechanical caterpillar”. He was granted a patent but his invention did not interest manufacturers at that time and the patent was annulled in 1839. It wouldn’t be til later that a Russian by the name of , Fyodor Blinov, would create a tracked vehicle called “wagon That moved on endless rails” (caterpillars). This design lacked self-propulsion and was pulled by horses. Blinov received a patent for his “wagon” in 1878. From 1881 to 1888 he developed a steam-powered caterpillar-tractor. This self-propelled crawler was successfully tested and featured at a farmers’ exhibition in 1896.

video tape recorder

10. The Videotape recorder

This last inventor is a little dearer to the heart since he was born in Tatarstan, Russia. He emigrated from Russia to China, where he worked for the Shanghai Power Company until he emigrated to the United States in 1927. He founded, in 1944, the Ampex company, using his initials, A.M.P., plus “ex” for “excellence” to create the name. Poniatoff secured his place in the history of magnetic recording twice during his long life. The first break-through occurred in 1947 when Ampex was down to eight employees in a post-World War I1 recession introduced the first practical magnetic audio recorder in the United States. The technical milestone helped launch a multi-billion dollar industry and set Ampex’s future course of development. That was followed by introduction of the first practical videotape recorder in 1956, an invention that revolutionized the television broadcast industry and gave Ampex a world-wide reputation for technical innovation.

 Imagine that you are doing a project on the most translated Russian literary works. You have collected some data on the subject. Comment on the data in the diagram and give your  opinion on the subject of the project.-The most translated Russian literary works:To…(O wonderous moment!)-200Crime and Punishment-170Chekhov’s short stories-92Anna Karenina-41The Master and Margarita-38
…outline a problem that can arise with translating literary works and suggest a way of solving it
conclude by giving your  opinion on the role of literature  in our life.

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Nowadays many books that have become the cultural heritage of the country have got extensively popular with foreigners because of the translation into different languages of the world. While doing a project on the most translated Russian literary works, I found a diagram containing some relevant data that I am going to comment on.

According to the diagram, «O wondrous moment!» is translated to 200 different languages, what is considered the largest number. «Crime and Punishment» is second only to «O wondrous moment!» in number of languages with 170 of already translated into ones.

The data analysis reveals that Chekov`s short stories were translated into 92 language

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