The title of your charity organization эссе

помогите пожалуйста срочно!!!!
Choose ONE of the topics and write.
Topic 1:
You are a charitable volunteer in your city and always give a hand to those who are in need: clean the apartments of the disabled people; bring food to animal refuges to feed homeless animals; organise campaigns to raise money and collect toys and clothes for the local orphanages. Your new idea is to write a formal letter to the local mayor to ask him/her for any help he/she can provide to help your charity organisation. Include in your letter the following information:
• The title of your charity organisation;
• What you have done/are doing already;
• How you would like the mayor to help your charity organisation.

Use appropriate style and examples in your letter.

Topic 2:
You are working in an organisation that protects the environment in your country; clean the streets; preserve national reservations; organise campaigns to raise money to preserve endangered animals (e.g., Saiga, snow leopard, flamingo, etc.) Your new idea is to write a formal letter to the local mayor to ask him/her for any help he/she can provide to help your organisation, Include in your letter the following information:
• The current environmental problems;
• What your suggestions are for solving this problem;
• How you would like the mayor to help you / your organisation.

Use appropriate style and examples in your letter.​​


Choose ONE of the topics and write.

Topic 1: You are a charitable volunteer in your city and always give a hand to those who are in need: clean the apartments of the disabled people; bring food to animal refuges to feed homeless animals; organise campaigns to raise money and collect toys and clothes for the local orphanages. Your new idea is to write a formal letter to the local mayor to ask him/her for any help he/she can provide to help your charity organisation. Include in your letter the following information:

 The title of your charity organisation;

 What you have done/are doing already;

 How you would like the mayor to help your charity organisation.

Use appropriate style and examples in your letter.

Topic 2: You are working in an organisation that protects the environment in your country: clean the streets; preserve national reservations; organise campaigns to raise money to preserve endangered animals (e.g., Saiga, snow leopard, flamingo, etc.) Your new idea is to write a formal letter to the local mayor to ask him/her for any help he/she can provide to help your organisation. Include in your letter the following information:

 The current environmental problems;

 What your suggestions are for solving this problem;

 How you would like the mayor to help you / your organisation.

Use appropriate style and examples in your letter.


Представлено сочинение на английском языке Благотворительность/ Charity с переводом на русский язык.

Charity Благотворительность
Charity is quite popular nowadays. People have become more open and kind-hearted. On the whole, charity means voluntary giving of help to those who are in need. Charitable giving can include the act of giving money, goods, time, attention and kindness to the unfortunate. Most forms of charity mean providing basic items of necessity, such as food, water, clothing, shelter, healthcare and else. Благотворительность является довольно популярной в наши дни. Люди стали более открытыми и добрыми. В целом, благотворительность означает добровольное предоставление помощи тем, кто в ней нуждается. Благотворительные пожертвования могут включать в себя акт дарения денежных средств, товаров, времени, внимания и доброты к несчастному. Большинство форм благотворительности означают предоставление основных предметов необходимости, например, продуктов питания, воды, одежды, крова, здравоохранения и т.д.
There are so many charitable organizations in the world today. They allow people to donate either directly or online, through websites. Charitable organizations also include orphanages, food banks, religious institutes and hospitals for the poor. Donating things you don’t use anymore is one of the forms of charity. Not everyone is lucky enough to have lots of toys or warm clothes for winter. Sometimes people simply can’t find the job to earn enough money. Others are sick, disabled or elderly and can’t get around on their own. These are the cases when charity helps. В современном мире существует так много благотворительных организаций. Они позволяют людям жертвовать что-либо напрямую, либо в Интернете через вебсайты. К благотворительным организациям относятся детские дома, продовольственные банки, религиозные институты и больницы для бедных. Пожертвование вещи, которые вам больше не нужны, является одной из форм благотворительности. Не всем повезло иметь много игрушек или теплую одежду на зиму. Иногда люди просто не могут найти работу, чтобы заработать достаточно денег. Другие больны, являются инвалидами или пожилыми и не могут все делать сами. Это те случаи, когда благотворительность помогает.
If everyone made charity a part of their life and helped those who are in need, the world would become a better place to live. Mother Teresa once said: “To truly give charity, you must be free of selfishness!” And, it’s true. The acts of charity come in many different forms. It you have ever helped to plant a garden or gave your jar of coins to someone who needs it more than you, then you already know what charity is. Если бы все сделали благотворительность частью своей жизни и помогали бы тем, кто нуждается, то мир стал бы лучшим местом для жизни. Мать Тереза однажды сказала: «Чтобы по-настоящему творить благо, нужно быть свободными от эгоизма!» И это правда. Благотворительные акции имеют много различных форм. Если вы когда-либо помогли посадить огород или дали свою копилку с деньгами тому, кто нуждается в этом больше, то вы уже знаете, что такое благотворительность.
However, true charity doesn’t only mean giving out money and unwanted items to others. True charity starts with a kind word given by you to someone on a bad day, with a sincere smile and with love. Тем не менее, истинное милосердие означает не только отдачу денег и ненужных вещей другим людям. Истинная благотворительность начинается с доброго слова, сказанного вами куму-то в плохой день, с искренней улыбки и любви.


  1. Charity
  2. Сочинение на тему «Благотворительность» на английском языке с переводом на русский язык
  3. Charity
  4. Благотворительность
  6. В помощь школьнику и студенту!
  7. Сочинение на английском языке Благотворительность/ Charity с переводом на русский язык


Сочинение на тему «Благотворительность» на английском языке с переводом на русский язык



Sometimes different difficulties happen. Often people have no opportunity to solve these problems by themselves. In this case they can apply to charitable organisations for a help. Such organisations are aimed to help people who need such help.

Иногда возникают разные трудности. Часто люди не имеют возможности самостоятельно решить эти проблемы. В этом случае они могут обратиться за помощью в благотворительные организации. Такие организации призваны помочь людям, которые нуждаются в такой помощи.

Why do people work for charitable causes? The main reason why people do it is just the readiness to do good and to help other people. Many people understand how important to be the part of the society and the world we live in. They understand that what they do can be the great help for somebody.

Почему люди занимаются благотворительностью? Главная причина, по которой люди делают это – желание делать добро и помогать другим людям. Многие люди понимают, насколько важно быть частью общества и мира, в котором мы живем. Они понимают, что то, что они делают, может быть большой помощью для кого-то.

Charity can have different forms. It can be long-term when it does not depend on particular events or situations, for example, the work of different charitable funds aimed to help people who have some diseases or help students who need to go to some country to gain experience at particular university of that country. Some charitable organisations are established for a short term, for example, to help people who have sufferred from some natural disaster. Charitable organisations can be established by the government, local authorities or even a particular person.

Благотворительность может иметь разные формы. Она может быть долгосрочной, когда не зависит от конкретных событий или ситуаций, например, работа различных благотворительных фондов, направленных на помощь людям, имеющим некоторые заболевания, или помощь учащимся, которым необходимо поехать в другую страну, чтобы получить опыт в конкретном университете этой страны. Некоторые благотворительные организации создаются на короткий срок, например, чтобы помочь людям, пострадавшим от стихийного бедствия. Благотворительные организации могут быть созданы правительством, местными властями или даже отдельным человеком.

What can be done for charitable causes? Of course, people can donate something to charity. Money is one of the most common donation. It is also possible to donate clothes, food and different things. One more way to work for charitable causes is to improve environmental conditions or to transfer the knowledge.

Что можно сделать в благотворительных целях? Конечно, люди могут пожертвовать что-то на благотворительность. Деньги – одна из самых распространенных форм пожертвования. Также возможно передать одежду, еду и разные вещи. Еще один способ – улучшение окружающих условий или передача знаний.


В помощь школьнику и студенту!

Сочинение на английском языке Благотворительность/ Charity с переводом на русский язык

На английском языке. Charity
Charity is quite popular nowadays. People have become more open and kind-hearted. On the whole, charity means voluntary giving of help to those who are in need. Charitable giving can include the act of giving money, goods, time, attention and kindness to the unfortunate. Most forms of charity mean providing basic items of necessity, such as food, water, clothing, shelter, healthcare and else. There are so many charitable organizations in the world today. They allow people to donate either directly or online, through websites. Charitable organizations also include orphanages, food banks, religious institutes and hospitals for the poor. Donating things you don’t use anymore is one of the forms of charity. Not everyone is lucky enough to have lots of toys or warm clothes for winter. Sometimes people simply can’t find the job to earn enough money. Others are sick, disabled or elderly and can’t get around on their own. These are the cases when charity helps. If everyone made charity a part of their life and helped those who are in need, the world would become a better place to live. Mother Teresa once said: “To truly give charity, you must be free of selfishness!” And, it’s true. The acts of charity come in many different forms. It you have ever helped to plant a garden or gave your jar of coins to someone who needs it more than you, then you already know what charity is. However, true charity doesn’t only mean giving out money and unwanted items to others. True charity starts with a kind word given by you to someone on a bad day, with a sincere smile and with love.

Перевод на русский язык. Благотворительность
Благотворительность является довольно популярной в наши дни. Люди стали более открытыми и добрыми. В целом, благотворительность означает добровольное предоставление помощи тем, кто в ней нуждается. Благотворительные пожертвования могут включать в себя акт дарения денежных средств, товаров, времени, внимания и доброты к несчастному. Большинство форм благотворительности означают предоставление основных предметов необходимости, например, продуктов питания, воды, одежды, крова, здравоохранения и т.д. В современном мире существует так много благотворительных организаций. Они позволяют людям жертвовать что-либо напрямую, либо в Интернете через вебсайты. К благотворительным организациям относятся детские дома, продовольственные банки, религиозные институты и больницы для бедных. Пожертвование вещи, которые вам больше не нужны, является одной из форм благотворительности. Не всем повезло иметь много игрушек или теплую одежду на зиму. Иногда люди просто не могут найти работу, чтобы заработать достаточно денег. Другие больны, являются инвалидами или пожилыми и не могут все делать сами. Это те случаи, когда благотворительность помогает. Если бы все сделали благотворительность частью своей жизни и помогали бы тем, кто нуждается, то мир стал бы лучшим местом для жизни. Мать Тереза однажды сказала: «Чтобы по-настоящему творить благо, нужно быть свободными от эгоизма!» И это правда. Благотворительные акции имеют много различных форм. Если вы когда-либо помогли посадить огород или дали свою копилку с деньгами тому, кто нуждается в этом больше, то вы уже знаете, что такое благотворительность. Тем не менее, истинное милосердие означает не только отдачу денег и ненужных вещей другим людям. Истинная благотворительность начинается с доброго слова, сказанного вами куму-то в плохой день, с искренней улыбки и любви.


Table of Contents

  1. 🏆 Best Charity Topic Ideas & Essay Examples
  2. 💡 Interesting Topics to Write about Charity
  3. 📌 Simple & Easy Charity Essay Titles
  4. 👍 Good Essay Topics on Charity
  5. 💯 Free Charity Essay Topic Generator

🏆 Best Charity Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. Catholic Charities and Their Relevance

    Traverso asserts that the difference between the rich and the poor in terms of economy has continued to expand over the last years with the rift between the middle and rich stretching even further.

  2. Credit Control and Charity Research of the RTE Organization

    First, the underlying principle behind the filing requirement for the RTE Charity is, identify the advantages and disadvantages of renting a room to offer education courses to the society and to build their own structure.

  3. “Hope of Children” Charity Organization Operations

    In addition, developing countries experience wars weakening the countries’ economy thus unable to provide for the basic needs of the less privileged in the society.

  4. Why People Should Donate Time, Money, Energy to a Particular Organization, Charity, or Cause

    Its vision is to have a world that is free from Alzheimer’s disease.”The Alzheimer’s Association is the leading, global voluntary health organization in Alzheimer’s care and support, and the largest private, nonprofit funder of Alzheimer’s […]

  5. Claims of the Third World – Bound Charities

    This is exactly the reason why, as of today, it is not only mentally inadequate individuals who may seriously believe in the sheer beneficence of Third World-bound charities, but very often the high-ranking representatives of […]

  6. Blood Donation as a Charitable Activity for Society

    We call it the black age where human miserably fought the worst wars of the human history, taken of vast land just for the cause of creating dominance on the map of the earth or […]

  7. Charity Softball and Cultural Festival

    While the main event in the festival will be the softball tournament, the organizers of the charity softball and cultural festival hope to raise funds through several ways.

  8. When the Time to Grow into a Professional Comes: Trying out as a Volunteer in a Charity Shop. Experience and Lessons Learned

    History and background, intentions and hopes It the help of the SMART framework, the experience at the North London Hospice is going to be assessed.

  9. Relationship between Charity, Duty, and Morality

    The author’s argument is that it is necessary for the society to change its way of responding to the problems of needy people.

  10. Communication Challenges of the Charity in Management

    This is why if the organization wants to overcome challenges in virtual teams, it is necessary to take into consideration the style of work of each partner and unite each other properly.

  11. Evolution of Charitable Self-Guidelines in Europe

    In the article, the author routinely emphasizes that these self-regulations were emergent and rose quickly overwhelming the compliance of the existing public rules.

  12. Enterprise Social Networks: A Study of Charity Corporation

    In order to build the basis for the need to develop and improve the advertising and marketing in social networks for a charity organization, it is essential to provide an evaluation of social networking in […]

  13. Blessed Are Those Who Believe in the Lord: Catholic Charities, Investigated and Analyzed

    To start with, the organization’s mission is ” rooted in the challenge of the Gospel: to serve with dignity and respect persons who are poor or marginalized; to advocate on behalf of the most vulnerable; […]

  14. Charity Organization “Hope for the Nations” Analysis

    It is also necessary to mention that it is easy to find information on the history of the organization. Though, the most important is information on the projects and the ways to donate.

  15. Corporate Philanthropy and Social Responsibility

    The concept of corporate philanthropy evolved as a response to the threat anti-corporate campaigns pose to companies’ license to operate. The idea of corporate philanthropy is, however, a contradiction considering that companies are legally bound […]

  16. Corporate Philanthropy and Business Sustainability

    It may also be targeting the environment in which the organization operates through the improvement of the natural resources of the area that the organization operates in.primarily, corporate philanthropy can be undertaken through various means, […]

  17. Generating Income for Charitable Organizations: New Venture

    Concept The Create Happiness Organization will be aimed at signing an agreement with the Red Cross and creating the premises for the Create Happiness and the Red Cross, as well as its equivalent in the […]

  18. Database Management Systems in Charities

    In conclusion, the research will identify issues associated with the use of database management systems in charities as well as churches and effective ways to handle these problems.

  19. Online Auction for Charity

    With respect to our project, new, expensive, prestigious, and the first cars in the UAE will enter the live auction to be auctioned to the highest bidder.

  20. Charity Race Event Organization

    Due to the rise in the number of needy students in need of funding to raise their school fee, I have proposed that we organize a five-kilometer race for life event for the school that […]

  21. Social Issues: Charitable Donations

    These factors include awareness of the need to contribute, solicitation, selflessness, cost of the benefit, status in the society, and personal values.

  22. The Ronald McDonald Charity House Company Analysis

    The charity center exists in most of the states within the US and other 58 countries across the world. Connecticut chapter The Connecticut chapter is one of the largest among other chapters of the Ronald […]

  23. Chinese American Community Philanthropy Activities

    Among numerous organizations aimed at organizing different kind of activities for the members of Chinese American community, Chinese American Community Foundation is the one that stands out of the rest. Analysis of the events organized […]

  24. “1 Million Women” Charitable Organisation: Promotion Strategy

    Inspiration for the project arises from of 1Million Women being and organization and a movement that is already causing change in climate change matters, an area that many people do not know and would like […]

  25. Charity Fashion Show: Project Management

    In this project, we will be seeking to achieve some of the preparations in advance. Time is of the essence in this project and the way we react to it will influence our success.

💡 Interesting Topics to Write about Charity

  1. US Charities in Haiti After the 2010 Earthquake

    This paper aims to explore the overall implications of the earthquake and the response to it, as well as to provide an examination of the actions of three U.S.-based NGOs, which contributed to the restoration […]

  2. Corruption in Charity Organizations

    However, certain rich people avoid paying taxes by giving lots of money to charities in the form of donations. The main reason why some people donate to charities is so that they can win the […]

  3. John Winthrop’s Model of Christian Charity

    A Model of Christian Charity is a short sermon that was written to summarize and arrange the ideas relevant to living in the Puritan colony, which wanted to be successful in the ‘new world’.

  4. An Effective Usage of the Internet

    The purpose of this instructional guide is to provide the charity organization’s board with the real-life examples of effective usage of Internet with the aim of achieving the objectives set by the members.

  5. Catholic Charities of Eastern Virginia

    The possibility of arranging a personalized schedule is discussed by the Chief Executive Officer, the Supervisor, and the particular employee. The decision of closing may be made by the CEO in the case of extreme […]

  6. Canadian Animal Welfare and Role in the Charity

    Canada’s government and the justice system must oversee the welfare of pets, livestock, and performance animals equally to ensure an ethical approach to animal rights protection.

  7. Students’ Charitable Initiatives and Warm-Glow Theory

    The research question will be ‘Interrogating the place that the warm glow theory has in the charitable initiatives of university students?’ The understanding of some social acts has been whopping trepidation to a number of […]

  8. Efforts to Raise Money for Charity

    However, the point is that charity is supposed to be for a simple act of giving and not expecting any returns from it.

  9. Students’ Charity and Warm Glow-Giving Theory

    In this research, we will attempt to interrogate the place that the warm glow theory has in the charitable initiatives of university students as suggested by Manzini and Mariotti.

  10. Children at Risk Charity Organisation’s Marketing Plan

    In the process, the areas such as the development of brand identity, the analysis of potential population segments and their needs, and the promotion of effective communication will be considered.

  11. Philanthropy: Approaches of Nonprofit Organizations

    It is viewed that there is difference in perception and priorities of charity and voluntary work among generations of those born in the 1960s and 70s, and those born in the late 1970s through the […]

  12. Lineages and Charitable Work in Chinese History

    As Cao Xueqin noted in a book “The story of the Stone”, the traditional lineage and order of subordination was held even among the servants and the maids.

  13. Philanthropy Among Young People: Empirical Methods

    This remains true even as the country struggles through the third year of fallout from the collapse of the sub-prime mortgage market and, many economists warn, the already in frank recession.

  14. Charity Commission’s Policy Analysis

    It is possible to single out three sets of regulations: the system of charity regulations, the system of financial regulations and the system of organizational regulations.

  15. Charity Begins at Home: Benefits of Being Non-Profit

    With regard to non-profits, the stakeholder group constitutes of donors and the recipients. In addition, donors ensure of only funding non-profits that are more likely to abide by the rules and regulations that government such […]

  16. Charitable Organizations: Mission and Functions

    To avoid donating money to the organization having the reputation of the kind, it is necessary to take a brief look at such charities as British Diabetic Association and British Institute of Learning Disabilities, as […]

  17. Charitable Agency Project: Sourcing Donations

    Another idea we can also consider is approaching the rental firms around the city and talking to them about the possibility of having them work with us in developing a clothes rental discount voucher for […]

  18. Effective Charity: Satisfying Main Social and Universal Requirements

    Charity can become the tool by the means of which the society satisfies the main social and universal requirements more and more.

  19. Welfare and Charity in Society

    Even though that there is plenty of evidence as to the fact that biological factors play a very important role, within a context of defining people’s social status, the very thought that citizens’ racial affiliation […]

  20. Charity Health Care Organization: Training Expatriates

    Before the expatriates are posted from the headquarters to the division where they are to carry out their job duties, there is need to carry out an elaborate training program for the expatriates so that […]

  21. Qatar: Foreign Policy and Charity in Niger

    The study analyses the application of the results of the work of two authors – Amartrya Sen and Mark Duffield – dedicated to the reasons and the ways of solving of the humanitarian catastrophes in […]

  22. Charitable Appeal From Two Points of View

    The concept of a charity appeal is traditionally viewed as one of the opportunities that must be provided to vulnerable groups in a democratic state as the means of providing them with the opportunity to […]

  23. Duty of Obedience in Charitable Organizations Evolution

    The main objective of duty of obedience is to ensure and maintain that the performance of the trustee in so far as the usage of trust funds are concerned, are in line with the objectives […]

  24. International Marketing: Corporate Philanthropy

    The management styles in the world vary in many ways that are characterized by the individualism or collectivism indexes and Power Distance Index.

  25. Football Fundraising Charity Project

    As for the first one, namely the establishment of the tournament, it is planned to gain profit from selling tickets to see the match.

  26. Emirian Football Fundraising Charity’s Fund-Raising Project

    Therefore, the project charter for the Emirian Football Fundraising charity project will cover the scope of the goals and the people that will be involved in meeting the project milestones.

  27. Business Charitable Contributions for Tax Purposes

    For instance, the way a tax is imposed for a sole proprietor is different for a partner in a partnership business.

📌 Simple & Easy Charity Essay Titles

  1. The Use of Irony in Eudora Welty’s Story A Visit to Charity
  2. The Role of Charity Organizations in Helping the Homeless
  3. Which Charity Credit Cards Are Worthy Of Your Support
  4. World Vision Is A Christian Charity Organization
  5. Reputation, Altruism, and the Benefits of Seller Charity in an Online Marketplace
  6. The Reasons Why Christians Might Give to Charity
  7. The Charity of the Poor Contrasted with Greed of the Rich
  8. Nineteenth Century Views on Charity as Depicted in Charlotte Bronte’s Life and Novel, Jane Eyre
  9. The Disability Rights Movement: from Charity to Confrontation
  10. Subsidizing Charitable Contributions in the Field: Evidence from a Non-Secular Charity
  11. The Messages in A Visit Of Charity and Old Mrs Chundle
  12. The Charitable Bonds of the Spanish Empire: the Casa De Contratación as an Institution of Charity
  13. The Mystery of the Charity of Charles Péguy Analysis
  14. What Fraud Is And Go More Into Depth About What Charity
  15. The Misconstrued Definition That Society Holds for Charity in Herman Melville’s Bartleby
  16. South Carolina Lions Charity Services
  17. The Scarlet Letter & A Model Of Christian Charity
  18. The American Dream and Charity: Carnegie and Emerson’s
  19. Old Values in The Sovereignty and Goodness of God by Mary Rowlandson and A Model of Christian Charity by John Winthrop
  20. The Relationships Between Christianity And Charity
  21. Understanding Catholic Charities USA and the Relation Between Church and Charity
  22. The Negotiation Experience Of A Charity Hockey Pool At Work
  23. Working For The Binghamton Tennis Charity
  24. Why Giving Money to a Charity is a Great Idea

👍 Good Essay Topics on Charity

  1. What Should a Billionaire Give and What Should You: Peter Singer’s Views on Charity
  2. The Sisters of Charity and their Service in the Civil War
  3. Natural Disasters and Governmental Aid: Is there a Charity Hazard
  4. Public Funding of Charities and Competitive Charity Selection
  5. Increasing Awareness For Charity Fundraising Programs
  6. The Social Role of Not-for-Profit Organizations: Hospital Provision of Charity Care
  7. The Impact of Government Funded Initiatives on Charity Revenues
  8. Raising Revenues for Charity: Auctions versus Lotteries
  9. The Use of Language and the Theme of Charity and Open-Mindness in Cyprus Avenue, a Short Story by Lucy Caldwell
  10. The Values Of The Sisters Of Charity Of Cincinnati
  11. How To Have A Successful Charity Fund Raising Event
  12. Outlining Of the Catholic Teachings on Wealth, Poverty and Charity
  13. Puritans In John Winthrop’s A Model Of Christian Charity
  14. Rhetorical Analysis Model of Christian Charity
  15. The Supply of Charity Services by Nonprofit Hospitals: Motives and Market Structure
  16. The Charity Commission – Politicised And Politicising
  17. The Gift of Charity and Love as Taught in the Bible
  18. Moral Obligations about Charity views of Peter Singer and John Arthur
  19. International Charity Under Asymmetric Information
  20. The Life, Charity Work, and Monopoly of John Davison Rockefeller
  21. Understanding Thrift Store and the Salvation Army Thrift Store and Its Aim in Raising Funds for Charity
  22. Techniques the Charity Adverts Cartoon and Cribs Use to Get Their Audience’s Attention
  23. Why Do Corporations Give to Charity
  24. Write A Formal Essay Which Analyses How The Wwf Leaflet Persuades Its Audience To Donate To The Charity

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Презентация на тему «Благотворительная организация».


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Слайд 1


Слайд 2

H.E.L.P When I grow up, I will establish the charity organization “H.E.L.P.”. This name is abbreviation ,and it means Help Elderly Lonely People. It is also is a slogan of my organization. I hope that many people and probably my classmates will volunteer me. I will try to find people who will donate money and things like clothes and food.

Слайд 3

We will organize charity concerts for lonely people. We will perform dances, sing songs , and do some tricks. I know that elderly people like reading. That ’ s why we will collect second hand books and give books them.

Слайд 4

We will visit them at homes and we will help them about the house. Some volunteers will do shopping for them and some volunteers will entertain them. For example they will play chess or at least talk with them.

Слайд 5

I hope that my organization will be useful , helpful and important for elderly and lonely people.

For several years I want to start a charitable organization aimed at helping and supporting orphans. I find it difficult to realize that there are children whom nobody loves.

I will call my organization «true love.»  This title will show that there are people who are not indifferent to the fate of orphans.  We will collect the funds and invest them in the repair of the shelter.  We will buy all the necessary things to keep children alive. We will definitely arrange a full medical examination and pay for the treatment of those in need.  We plan to visit the children every week and give them nice gifts.  Our actions give children hope for a good life.

I really want to make orphans happy and encourage other people to pay attention to the children from the orphanage.

Перевод: я несколько лет хочу начать благотворительную организацию направленную на оказание помощи и поддержки сиротам. мне трудно осознавать что есть дети которых никто не любит.

я назову свою организацию «настоящая любовь».  это название покажет что есть люди которым не безразлична судьба сирот.  мы соберем денежные средства и инвестируем их в ремонт приюта.  мы купим все необходимые вещи для поддержания жизни детей.  обязательно организуем полный медицинский осмотр и оплатим лечение нуждающимся.  мы планируем навещать детей каждую неделю и делать им приятные подарки.  наши действия дадут детям надежду на хорошую жизнь.

я очень хочу сделать сирот счастливыми и побуждаю других людей проявить внимание к детям из приюта.

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